Steps Ahead

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After the interview with Ruby Rose, I quickly summoned the Ace Operatives to my office. This new threat managed to sneak into Atlas and steal two members of the Schnee family along with Penny. They clearly know what they are doing and have managed to stay two steps ahead of us. 

"James..." Ozpin began before I stopped him. He followed me back to my office along with Qrow, Winter and Glynda. 

"They were here, Ozpin. They managed to sneak their way into Atlas without any of us knowing a thing." I said.

"An example of how intelligent whoever is leading these creatures in the first place." Winter commented before the Ace Operatives arrived. 

"You called for us, General." Clover said.

"Yes. I know that you all heard about this new threat that has managed to destroy Vale." I said. The Ace Operatives nodded since the stories and rumors were being spread all over Remnant. 

"It's hard to believe that creatures that are able to ward off dust exists." Elm said.

"Surely they will fall to the might of our military." Harriet said.

"If we didn't learn that they somehow managed to sneak their way into Atlas then I would be thinking the same as you." I stated which shocked all of them minus Winter.

"What? They managed to sneak in?" Vine said.

"Yes. According to one of the surviving students of Beacon, a creature which an animal skull and in a purple cloak managed to kidnap Penny." Winter said.

"Seriously? Why didn't our security systems pick up on anything?" Marrow asked.

"Unfortunately, we suspect that they have been making moves right underneath our noses. Somehow they managed to hide themselves away while sneaking past our security. Which makes me think that Penny's kidnapping wasn't the first incident that occurred." I said.

"You think that Willow and Whitney Schnee were also kidnapped by them? For what purpose..." Clover said.

"We don't know at the moment, but whatever it is won't be good for us. Which is why, I think that we should be prepared for the situation at hand. While searching for information about their supposed Masters." I said.

"Wait, masters?" Marrow asked.

"The creatures are under command of forces that we clearly don't understand. So we need to be ready for anything that happens." I stated.

"So where do we start?" Harriet said. I was about to speak before Qrow opened his mouth much to our annoyance.

"Jimmy, I don't think that this will end well. I mean my nieces tried and failed to kill some of those creatures without success while my sister got captured. We should probably be prepared to leave while saving as many people that we can." Qrow said.

"You should have faith in the Ace Operatives. They won't let anything happen to the remaining civilians." I said.

"I suggest that you listen to Qrow's suggestion because if they already managed to sneak in and kidnap three important members of Atlas then they would surely do something else to give them the advantage." Ozpin said.

"Which is why Winter and I was look at the systems to see if anything out of the ordinary happened." I said causing him to sigh. I could tell that he was still uneasy about this entire situation, but  I have faith that we will be able to prevail. Besides, it's not like they managed to sneak their way into our day to day operations.

24 Hours Earlier


I sat in the throne room alone as my brothers were all busy with their own tasks. It was boring, but someone had to sit on the throne to take care of important matters. Speaking of important matters, the sounds of struggling caught my ears as my soldiers basically dragged two men into the throne room.

"Let go of us or...." One shouted before I started to speak.

"It's pretty funny that you thought that you would somehow escape out of here alive and in one piece." I said which brought their attention towards me. The outspoken one glared and started to shout.

"So you're the one who controls those monsters." He said with rage in his voice.

"Sigh...I am only one of many who controls our army. Besides we wish to get some destruction before finding the one who was promised." I stated. The other male then decided to speak to me with a slightly quieter voice.

"The one who was promised?" He said.

"Our fiancé. His foolish family decided to hide him from us, but after so much time...we decided to seek him out. Only for him to vanish again, but enough about two will be taken to our dungeon. Eventually, your fates will be decided by my brothers and I." I stated.

"Atlas will stop you." The louder one said which caused me to laugh.

"We have kept an eye on all of the kingdoms and saw how flawed your kingdom is. It was so flawed that we had no trouble breaking in and kidnapping some note worthy people." I said. 

"They will notice that we are gone." The quieter one said.

"I don't think that they will. After all..." I started to say before two people entered causing the two prisoner's eyes to widen in shock. It was almost laughable how quiet they both came when they saw two exact copies of themselves. 

They will never expect two of their Ace Operatives to betray them.

After saying this, the two prisoners were then dragged down to the dungeon. When their voices were finally gone, I quickly ordered some wine to celebrate another brilliant strategy from my brother. 

Soon, he will be right by our side as Remnant will be taken over by us. No matter who we have to squash to get our way.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋 

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