Chapter 20

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I don't own the picture.

Leni walked through the halls and took note of every hallway and room so she could easily walk around on her own. Though she knew that it would only happen if she behaved and obeyed every order given even if it meant tearing those Louds apart. Ugh. She can't believe that she used to be one of them and how often they took advantage of her....well, the weakened version of her. That version was so stupid and naive to the point where she could easily be manipulated into following the orders of the others. 

"Leni...before we begin your training, I wish to know what you think about your family?" Blair asked.

"If it's about Lincoln, Lucy and Lily...I love them with all of my heart. I wish to make up for my mistakes and help them whenever they need it." Leni said.

"And the others?" Naruko asked.

"I despise them with all of my heart. They took advantage of my former form and used their words to turn me against my brother. Plus they always made Lincoln the scapegoat whenever anything goes wrong. I always hated it yet they would say that he deserves whatever happens to him." Leni said.

"I see. Anyway...Leni, you will be stationed at the training hall with other new recruits. We will be personally helping you with your training in order for you to be our eyes and ears inside the Loud's house." Blair said.

"Communication would be difficult considering the numerous cameras located inside the household. Not to mention the fact that Lynn Junior will use my absence as an excuse to keep a close eye on me. Though with the help of the spy located near them...I could tell you about any plans they would make." Leni said.

"Nice way to look around the main issue. Anyway, do you wish to see how one of our earlier prisoners has been doing?" Naruko asked.

"Yes. I need to see an example of some of the actions required to help our mistress rule humanity. However, some of the mortals could be useful for us in the long run...though I wish to hear our mistresses opinions of the matter before deciding who to save and who to execute." Leni said. The duo nodded and lead Leni to a meeting room, a couple of meters before they got to the training hall. There she could see an familiar figure walking towards their target.

Speaking of which, Bebe walked through the halls with her tools sharpened to have some fun with her so called sister. She was weak and was trying to hold on despite everything that has occurred to her. A foolish option that would only serve to bring more pain to her.

"Hm...I wonder how long it will take to make her scream." Bebe said before gaining a crazed look on her face. A look that was fascinating for Leni to see considering the torture that has been inflicted on her. It was a look of someone who was getting payback for the injustices that were cast upon her and eventually, she would get her just deserts.

Back with the Louds, they were still looking for Leni who managed to disappear after a walk through town. They were devastated especially Lori who declined her invitation to join her on the walk. Though the same can't be said for Lynn who was still saying that she was a traitor. 

"Maybe we should ask Carol for help?" Lori asked.

"That could work, but doesn't she hate us for what we have done to Lincoln." Luan said.

"It doesn't matter. Right now, we need to find our sister and stop Lynn from destroying our family relationship once again." Lori said. Lynn looked at her older sister with a glare when she said that. Destroy the family relationship? She hasn't done anything like that especially after that badluck got knocked out of their lives. Speaking of bad luck, she wondered if he somehow cursed the family...though she quickly shook that thought out of her head. Things may be a bit bad right now, but everything will work out in the end...right?

Unaware of the spy watching with disappointment on their face while wondering when they're done training Leni. Things won't get better for the Louds or anyone for that matter cause in the coming years.....

A massacre will come to destroy them all.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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