Chapter 21

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I don't own the pictures used.

Britaina sat down while drinking some tea with an old friend of sorts. She was a contact for hire who basically lived for the thrill of battle...well for those who interested her and kept her entertained.

"Hm, it's nice to see you again." The voice said.

"The same could be said to you...Dahlia." Britaina said.  

"It's been so long since you visited me. Though I'm not surprised considering how you have to rule your expanding kingdom." Dahlia said.

"I'm also making plans to take over the human world so I was thinking...." Britaina started to say before Dahlia continued.

"I accept. Anyway, it's thanks to you that I can continue to find some fun after the destruction of the last place my girls and I were in. Though...I hope that most would live up to my challenge and not bore me like some of those fools." Dahlia said with a sigh. 

"Understandable. Some mortals these days are more pathetic than anything, but some may see reason...well, after some torture and changes of course. I even managed to bag one of those Louds that I was going to destroy later in the invasion." Britaina said.

"Interesting...though I sense that she wasn't much of a challenge to take down." Dahlia said.

"The poor dear didn't have any fighting experience or defense techniques when she was captured. Which is why I tasked Naruko and Blair to transform her and train her. Speaking of which...she may be watching the results of the eldest Loud's former boyfriend's breakdown." Britaina said.

"Can we watch as well, I love to see girls who get destroyed into mindless husks only to mold into loyal followers." Dahlia said. Britaina nodded and cast a spell to see what was happening. At the same time, Bebe was listening to any signs that her so called sister was still stuck in the cafeteria. Luckily, she was, but that didn't mean that she'll stay in there forever. 

"Hm...I should set a trap to draw her out." She uttered before an idea came into her head. It seemed foolproof, but she wanted to be sure that Ronnie Anne wouldn't have an easy exit. So she decided to pose as her old naive self and have the children "capture" her at a classroom that has could be blocked off by all sides.  

Shaking her head, she quickly got to work on making the trap perfect. Though she did instruct one of the children to poison her with one of that person's creations. She was crazy and seemed more like a snake than anything else, but she knew her craft. 

"This is going to be so fun." Bebe said with a smirk. As this was going on, Lynn Junior was walking around while trying to understand why no one is taking her seriously. Leni did run away. She know she why is she being punished for saying the truth? Even now, the others are either glaring at her, insulting her or ignoring her. A small part of her may think what she did was too far, but who knows what happened to her. Groaning, Lynn turned on her side to sleep while never noticing a bat staring at her from the window. Eventually, the bat flew away back to it's handler.

" seems like things have really gone down hill thanks in part due to Leni's kidnapping. Though most of it came from Lynn's mouth." The spy said.

"The sporty girl who thinks good luck is needed to win a game?" Isana said.

"Yep. It's really embarrassing and it's obvious that the parents didn't try to stop it. They were always like that yet they frequently blamed things on their son." The spy said.

"What parents of the year. Anyway, do you have another target or recruit in mind?" Isana said.

"Well, the mistress told us to leave the Louds alone for now since she didn't want them to get suspicious. As for recruits, it says that we need to get Sid Chang, Adelaide Chang, and Meg Griffin." The spy said.

"Why does she want to recruit them?" Isana said.

"Who knows? Revenge, maybe? Besides we are trying to take over this world and we need all of the help that we can get." The spy said.

"Understandable, though I have to ask...if we would be able to cause some trouble for the Louds?" Isana said.

"What do you mean?" The spy asked as Isana smirked. At the same time, Ronnie Anne was slowly crawling in the vents while listening for any children around her. So far, it seemed clear and she was slowly getting close to a safe point. Until she heard something that made her blood run cold:

Help! Someone save me!

It sounded like Bobby who must've also been trapped down here alongside with her. She couldn't just leave him there so with a heavy heart, she turned around and slowly crawled to save her brother. Unaware that this would be a mistake.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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