Chapter 22

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1. This has violence

2. Don't read if you like Ronnie Anne (I'm serious!)

Now back to the story:

Ronnie Anne slowly crawled her way through the vents while stopping when she heard footsteps or giggles. She needed to find her brother and save him before any of those demons tear him apart. Eventually, she came to an empty classroom where she spotted Bobby tied to the teacher's chair. After taking some time to see if any of those kids were around...she slowly opened the vent and jumped down. 

"Bobby!" She said causing her brother to look at her. He seemed okay, but had some splashes of blood on his clothes, but weirdly....he had no injuries with them. Something wasn't right, but before she could think about it more...her brother spoke to her.

"Nie Nie, I'm so glad to see you. Those kids kept me trapped in this room and..." Bobby started to say before Ronnie Anne interrupted.

"Bobby, be quiet. You'll never know when those kids will be back." She said as she slowly started to untie her brother. As she did so, she replayed those words in her head. Why would the kids only tie her brother up? They tortured her when they saw her and even had the nerve to play that awful song while doing so. Each time, those two devilish women would bring her back to full health while letting them do it again. So why didn't they do the same to Bobby?

These questions still plagued her when she finally untied her brother. As the duo quietly walked out of the room, Ronnie Anne noticed how quiet the building was. There was no giggling or was only her and her brother. 

"Bobby...How did you get here? No offense, but I thought I was the only one in here." Ronnie Anne asked. Bobby stayed silent for a while before he spoke again.

"My, my jailers brought me here in order to break my spirit. I was being too difficult for them to break." Bobby said. Ronnie Anne raised her eyebrow to the weird way that her brother said that sentence...was he about to say my master? 

"I see." Ronnie Anne said as they reached the school entrance. When she started to open the door, she felt a strong grip on her right wrist. Looking back, she saw her brother with his hair covering his eyes with an unnerving smile on his face.

"Why are you trying to leave?" Bobby asked. 

"Cause we don't know if those demons will come back so I suggest that you let go and..." Ronnie Anne started to say before he started to laugh. 

"I don't think so. They want to have more fun with you." Bobby said. Hearing this, Ronnie Anne tried to pull her wrist with no success which only caused him to laugh more.

"Bobby...why are you..." Ronnie Anne started to say before her brother spoke again.

"You have always been difficult to control Nie Nie. Always getting into trouble and never listening to what mom and I had to say. I expected that I would always have to bail you out of trouble, but thanks to this wonderful chance...I can finally get things my way." Bobby said. Those words hit Ronnie Anne's heart deeply. Was this really what her brother thought? This feeling only got worse as her brother continued to speak.

"When we arrived here, I tried to stay strong...but over time, I broke. I saw that you will never see me as anything, but a doormat that you can easily step over." Bobby said.

"That's not..." Ronnie Anne started to say before her brother spoke again.

"LIAR! You never cared about me so why would I care about you?" Bobby said as his form started to change. Her brother slowly transformed into a female with cold eyes staring at her face. 

"Listen Bobby, I never betrayed you. They're just trying to break us apart." Ronnie Anne said before her sister snarled.

"Bobby is dead. He died knowing this sister never truly loved him. From now on, Bebe stood in his place. The only difference between would forgive you instantly as for I..." Bebe said before taking a syringe out of her pocket. 

"I will  never forgive you for treating me like a fool. Get ready, dear "sister" cause you're about to experience something that will surely make you obey our new master. Whether you want to or not." Bebe said as she plunged the syringe in Ronnie Anne's neck. As she fell on the floor, she looked up and saw Bebe looking at her malice and thought:

I shouldn't have left you alone.

Before falling unconscious and being taken to a special place just for her.

At the same time, the groups watching looked on with glee on their faces cause it's time to see Bebe's revenge.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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