Prologue Part 1

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Blackhat Inc, March 16th 2017, 12:44 p.m.:

It's been officially one year since the giant robot incident. I don't even regret what I did, though sometimes, I think I would enjoy their company more than what I keep-~-~-~

The rest of Blackhat's entry into his personal journal is cut off when a certain lizard hooded female manages to get into his office and swipe the leather-bound notebook.

"Oooh, Blackhat's got a diary? Let's see what he says!~" Dementia chirps as she thumbs through the journal.

Blackhat growls and stands, snatching the book back before shoving it into a locked drawer in his desk.

"Dementia! How many times have I told you to stay out of my office?! Get out and go help that idiot of a scientist make our next entry into the catalog!" He yells, slamming a fist down on his desk in anger.

He watches as Dementia pouts for a moment, but obliges, backing out of the room in a fashion similar to a wolf with its tail between its legs. He sighs before walking around his desk towards the small bedroom area in the corner of his office. He needs to get out of this manor. The other inhabitants were going to be the death of him.

"5.0.5, I'm going out. Don't bother looking for me if I'm not back by three o' clock." He says, sensing the presence of the blue bear behind him.

5.0.5 makes an adorable noise that confirms he heard his boss before leaving to continue cleaning the manor. After checking one last time that no one is around, Blackhat allows himself to relax. His magic flows off of him and disappears after pooling around his feet for a moment. He looks up and his full length mirror confirms his thoughts. He is Tord Larssin once more.

Pulling a black hoodie out the bottom of his wardrobe, Blac-- Er, Tord-- pulls it over his strange hairstyle and grins softly at his reflection. He almost looks normal. His robotic left arm is mostly hidden with only the shiny hand peering out, his blind eye is covered an eyepatch, and the scarring on his face is mostly faded, remaining only a little pink instead of the angry red it was last time he let his magic relax. He pulls himself away from the mirror and towards the window behind his desk.

He creaks it open and climbs out, careful not to set off any of the security measures he had Flug install a while ago. He sneaks off the grounds and pulls up his hood, knowing that the people in this town will just think he's angsty teen. His phone chirps in his pocket, so he fishes it out and smiles a small bit at the caller I.D. He clears his throat in order to return to his original accent. God bless the voice coach at the Red Army base because the voice he uses as Blackhat would be impossible if she weren't there.

"Hey, Pa. Hey, Dad." He says into the receiver after clicking the answer button, knowing that he would be put on speaker phone.

"Tordius! If I were still Red Leader, I would have you executed!" Tord's father, Pau, yells into the phone.

"Pa? What's wrong?"

"You had me and Pau so worried. You said you would call us sooner." Pat, his other father, calmly explains, probably glaring at his husband on the other side.

"Yes, I know, but I ran into some, ehhh... Complications with our newest experiment. 5.0.5 is a complete pacifist. He won't be of any use to the army."

"Listen, just hang in there. When you get that potion perfect, we'll be over there in a flash to get you."

"Yeah, Dad, I know. I'm the one who set up this mission anyways. You two should probably go though. You might be Co-Red Leaders in my place, but that doesn't mean you get to sit around and make out in my office all day."

Stunned silence on the other end of the line signals that Tord was right about his fathers doings. He snickers softly before adding a small something.

"And if I find any condoms in my paperwork again--"

"Okay, son, bye, love you!!!"

The phone goes dead and Tord laughs. He knows his fathers all too well. He shoves the device back in his pocket and presses a button on the crosswalk. As he waits for the sign to change for him to walk, the feeling of someone staring at him travels up his spine. He turns his head and gasps when he sees three familiar hoodies standing behind him. The purple hoodied narcissist named Matt seems to be the one who is staring at him. Tord quickly turns himself back around and attempts to look casual once more.

Why are they here?!

Tord's mind scream for answers, but he doesn't dare look back in fear of them recognizing him.

"So then he told me to lay off the cheese or the pool couldn't be filled." One of Tom's crazy stories could be heard as Tord is finally able to scurry across the street.

Edd, Tom, and Matt follow him, but luckily the two groups head in different directions. Tord turns back slightly to watch them enter an ice cream parlor with Matt complaining about how ice cream hurt his teeth. The ginger looks up again and the two male brief eye contact before Tord turns himself back around. He sighs and heads back towards the manor, deciding that almost being spotted by his old housemates was enough excitement for one day. As he reaches the gate, he pulls his magic back up, his Blackhat disguise ready.

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