Prologue Part 2

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It was just a normal day for Edd, Matt, and Tom. Yes, the usual 'normal' would be considered absolute fucking chaos to someone like me or you, but to them? Just another Saturday afternoon. But today was a normal, normal day.

Tom was face down in the carpet of Edd's flat. Edd was on the couch, a can of cola in hand as always, watching the newest installment of the 'Return of the Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell' series. Matt was in the kitchen, supposed to be doing the dishes, but instead choosing to fawn over his reflection in the back of Gregory the Frying Pan.

"Guys, it's been forever since we've had a proper adventure. Let's do something!" Tom yells, bored out his skull.

Matt puts Gregory down and enters the living room, exchanging a look with Edd.

"Well, what do you propose? We've done just about everything that England has to offer." Edd points out, taking a swig of his soda.

"Oh, I've got an idea! There's this place in the U.S. called (Random place bc I'm lazy) and I've been been wanting to go there for a long time!" Matt exclaims, stars in his eyes from the excitement.

Tom pulls out his phone and enters the town's name into the search engine. He reads through some stuff about the place and grunts his approval.

"There's supposed to be some kind of festival going on there soon and supposedly real super villains live there. Not just shitty ones like Eduardo." Tom adds that last bit to possibly entice Edd into agreeing because, as much as he likes the guy, he doesn't want to hang out with just Matt for a while.

Luckily, Edd's light up and he stands, grinning from ear to ear.

"Guys, we're going to (Random Place)! Let's get packing!" He yells, running into his bedroom.

"I'll get the montage music." Tom grumbles.

With that, the three men run off to their separate flats and throw necessary supplies into suitcases. Not even ten minute later, Matt is pulling his two friends into a can set to take them to the airport. At one point, Edd's bag meows and Ringo pops out, settling himself on his owner's lap with a purr.

"What? It's not like I'm gonna leave him there without a sitter or something." Edd argues, stroking his cat behind the ears.

The rest of the ride goes without a hitch and so does the boarding. Unsurprisingly, the specific flight company that Edd chose to use allows pets onboard with their owners. The flight itself takes quite a few hours, so Tom messes around with his Game Boy, Matt starts primping himself in his mirror, and Edd sketches in his art book.

When they finally land, the boys hightail it to a hotel and collapse. Edd's stomach growls, reminding him that he didn't accept the snacks that were offered to him on the plane. Oh, well, might as well eat now.

"Guys, I'm going for some food. You coming with?" He asks, standing and stretching, a few of his joints popping.

Matt is immediately by his side while Tom seems to forcing himself off of the bed. After about five minutes of watching the black-eyed male struggle to stand, Edd sighs and pulls him up. Finally, they set off in search of a resturant, settling on a fast food place just for a quick bite. After eating and paying, they decide to wander around town for a little while to see what this place has to offer.

About half hour leads them to find that the festival that is taking place is kinda like a mix of Halloween and Day of the Dead. Lots of spooky costumes and candy, but with an important purpose which no one would tell the three friends.

"Hey, guys! I see an ice cream shop! Let's go get some!" Edd exclaims after a little more walking around.

The group detours over to a crosswalk and wait for the sign to change. A male in a black hoodie stands in front of them. Matt looks him up and down, feeling somewhere in his soul that he's seen that person before. The guy turns around and his eyes widen slightly when he notices Matt. The light changes and the male in front of them practically ran across the road while the three stroll over. The ice cream parlor comes onto view leading to Edd running over like a small child, Tom yelling for him to wait up, and Matt to bring up the rear.

The ginger throws a look over his shoulder and sees the stranger looking at him again. From what Matt could see in the quick second before the guy turned back, he's heavily scarred and his silver eyes seem so familiar. Matt curses at himself for using that memory eraser gun before ducking into the shop after his friends.

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