Chapter 1

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~your POV~

It has been 4 months since I've been tortured by Calvin. I learned how to control my powers, and I can change my eyes black, but it has red mixed in.

Calvin is giving me more and more pressure to go and use my powers for Hell's benefit. I'm not a murderer. I missed Nichole and Sam, and the love of my life Dean. But I have an escape plan.

Calvin came to my room, "you are ready. I have a list of people we need eliminated."
I nodded my head, "I am ready to comply."

Calvin transported me to Hell and dumped me on the floor. He grinned wickedly at me, and chains appeared and I was chained to the wall in seconds.
"Will you work for the king willingly?" he asked, close to my face.
I spat at him. Calvin slapped me and I saw stars.
"I didn't think that you would," Calvin smirked, " so, I found an alternate way to.........convince you."
A table with various jars, objects, and a big bowl appeared out of nowhere, and Calvin started mixing together ingredients. "My mother was a witch, and I was a 300 year-old warlock before I got turned into a demon. I was very good at black magic. I made a deal to become more powerful, much like your mother, but my price, instead of a child, I would become a demon." He stopped mixing for a second and looked at me, then continued. "I have perfected a way to make sure that people do what I want without argument. You will be my personal assassin." T He started to chant something in a different language, "Ut mihi imperium voco super deos interiore et sui ipsius punire si audire contempsit In.Da mihi potestatem, et daemonium control interior." Then, bowl lit up a bright red, and let out a plume of black smoke. I whimpered, "don't,  just leave me alone."

Calvin clicked his tongue and shook his head.
"My little pet, you have no say in what is about to happen," Calvin laughed.
He picked up the bowl and poured the foul red liquid into a cup. Then, he walked over to me and pressed the cup to my lips, "drink," he ordered. I shook my head and pressed my lips closed. He pinched my nose shut, and after a few seconds, I had to open my mouth to breath. He poured the liquid down my throat, and it tasted like sweaty gym socks and mint. I was forced to swallow, then the room started spinning and my skin felt too tight. I blacked out a couple of times, but I felt no different.
'Huh, he must have perfected it for humans, not half-demons.' I thought. Then a foreign sensation came into my mind and I realized it was another being. It shoved me into a corner of my mind and took full control. 'He must have perfected it for full demons and not half ones. He took control of my demon half, but not my human one,' I thought. He looked me over, then asked, "are you ready to comply and follow without question?"
I involuntarily raised my head slowly and answered, "I am ready to comply, master."

~your POV~

He made me torture and kill innocent people. I thought the spell had no effect on me, but it controls my demon half. The spell is supposed to make the master all powerful over the soldier. I killed women, children, men, and I couldn't do anything to stop myself. I was put into a corner and had no control. I take out Hell's enemies, I became the head executioner and torturer.

I sit in my bed and face the wall, trying not to see the faces of the people I have killed. The demon inside me laughed. 'Oh poor Y/N! Little girl, trapped in her own body and forced to kill. Is it any different from what you used to do?' She thought.
I slammed against the cage that she put me in 'yes you bitch, I wasn't killing innocent people, I was killing monsters' I thought angrily.
She huffed and put me farther away into my own mind.

I spent the next few days without an assignment, then Calvin comes in and simply states, "you have a new mark."

~boys POV~

Team Free Will have been trying to find Y/N for 4 months. Dean and Nichole are drinking themselves to sleep every night, and Sam has been doing research 24/7 to try to find her. For the first 2 months, Dean has had a one-night stand every night to try to get over her.

~Sam's POV~

I'm worried about Dean and Nichole. Nichole barely speaks anymore, and drinks herself to oblivion. Dean, well is Dean, and copes with drinking and women. Then he stopped with the one-night stands, I think he really loved-LOVES- Y/N.
I have searched every book, every spell, and called all of our connections. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

~Nichole's POV~

My best friend is gone. Y/N was my only friend, I can't even look Sam or Dean in the eye and see the pity in their eyes. I want to talk to Sam so badly, but I don't want to hear the comforting words, or face the reality that Y/N is gone. I can't and I won't. Dean is killing himself with alcohol. Then the women started, he brought one to the room every night. I knew- KNOW- Y/N's crush on Dean, so one night I just snapped. I yelled at him that Y/N loves him and that when she comes back, she will be pissed. Then he slammed his hand on the table and yelled in my face that he loves her too. Then he stalked over to the door, threw it open and stomped to a bar. I haven't heard him bring a woman back since. That was a month ago.

~Dean's POV~

I have been trying so hard to forget Y/N, that I push down all of my feelings. She is the only woman I ever had feelings for like this, not Cassie, not Lisa, only Y/N. It's easier to bury them, then when Nichole called me out on the one-nights, I snapped. I love Y/N and I tried to forget her with women, but it backfired and I just miss her more now. She was the only women I ever let into my heart, besides from Lisa, and that didn't end up well.

~boy's POV~

The boys and Nichole were minding their own business in the hotel room, when suddenly the door was blown off its hinges, a woman with Y/H/C    Y/H/L stepped through.

     "I'm back," then her eyes dissolved into blackness," in black."

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