Chapter 2

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~boy's POV~

Y/N was standing in the doorway, but her eyes were pitch black with red mixed in.

"I fucking love AC/DC," she stated and put her hands on her hips.

The boys and Nichole's mouths gaped open, trying to comprehend what they were seeing. Dean's mouth just kept opening and closing like a fish.
"Miss me guys," Y/N taunted while swinging her hips and walking in more.
She cocked her head, "did I leave you speechless!! Ooh, I did!!
Sam felt that something was off (besides from her being a demon)
     "Ooh, Sammy boy!! You are the smart one that she always thinks about," Y/N smirked and widened her eyes dramatically.
      "Yes, I said she. Y/N isn't home right now......well, I guess she is, but she is in a dark corner of her mind. I'm in control now, her demon side," then her smirk widened.
      "And I'm new and improved and ready to stay," the she paused, "actually, I mean SLAY!"
Then she jumped at Nichole and tackled her and tried to stab her with a knife. Dean and Sam jumped into action and pulled Y/N off of Nichole. Nichole had a gash by her eye, but other than that she was fine.

Then Cas popped in and stated in his gravelly voice," I have a location for where Y/N is, she is here."

     "No shit Cas," Sam roared as he tried to subdue her.

Dean was trying to help Sam, but she threw him off and he flew into one of the twin beds and smashed it.

Cas's eyes glowed bright blue and he wrapped his arms around Y/N  and she bellowed a feral scream, then she collapsed.

-Y/N's POV dream-

There is a bald, 50 year old man in front of me.  He made a deal 15 years ago for his dream wife and has been evading demons for 5 years. This obviosly pissed of f the demons, amd they sent me  to collect . His name is Daniel  Whitesmith, he has burns and stab wounds all over his body and I cut off 3 fingers. My instructions were to make him go more painfully than a hellhound. I am almost done and he is begging for his life and saying that he has kids.

I laugh and stab him through the left eye, but not enough to kill him.

Calvin pops in and calmly states, "he is done you can kill him now."

I nod and swiftly cut his throat. I wipe my hands on my shirt and  teleport back to Hell.

He used to be one of my favorite teachers in middle school. he had a crush on the Latin teacher and he was always chasing after her. It was kinda sad, but he was always nice to me. Then I arrived back at my room and I started crying.

'This is why I'm in charge, I'm stronger than you are and I don't  cry when something gets personal. You are worthless amd Sam, Nichole, Cas, but most of all Dean, must be very  happy that you are gone. He could never love someone like you," she thought.

She said somethig like this every day, and after awhile, I started to believe it.

-your POV-

I slowly opened my eyes and I quickly had to shut them again because of the bright lights, I stayed slumped, so they thought I was still asleep . While, I had my eyes closed the second time, footsteps came into the room and I heard voices that were arguing.

     "She is still out," someone commented grimly, "it's been 2 days."

     "When I read her mind, I saw what she has been doing, she has gone through a great deal of emotional trauma. I also sensed another being in her mind, it felt like a demon, but I also felt a human presence too," another voice announced.

After the last comment, I bolted up. I was tied to a chair, there was a devil's trap above me and Sam, Dean, Cas, and Nichole stopped talking to look at me.

     "I have blocked the demon for a few hours, but she will be back," Cas said.

I sighed in relief and layed back down, "where am I, this doesn't look like Bobby's house." then I added," what have you guys been doing?"

Sam answered, "we found a Men of Letters bunker and you are completely safe here."

Then, Dean gave me a look, "you have had a demon in your head for 4 months, tortured innosent people, had Cas forcefuly knock out your inner demon who has taken control of you, and you want to know how we have been?"

I started to laugh, but then remembered that I tried to attack Nichole. I shot up again and asked, "Nichole, are you o-"

She cut me off by holding up her hand and simply stating, "it wasn't you. It was the demon inside you."

I looked down again, " why do you even care about me? I'm a failure at being a hunter, and I let you get hurt by demons. I'm a burden to you all and I'm not worth it. I just get the people around me killed."

-Cas's POV-

We all gave each other a look and I said into Sam, Dean, and Nichole's head, when Y/N had the demon inside her, she told Y/N that she was useless, a failure, and that we didn't acually like her. The demon mentally abused her, and Y/N believes it. She isn't the same Y/N from before. The demon broke her.

Dean stared to tear up, Sam and Nichole just looked down. Y/N didn't deserve what happened to her, the demon completely destroyed Y/N's faith in all of us. But worse, in herself. I'm not sure how we will be able to fix this, fix her.

-your POV-

Everyone has been quiet for a while, and I cleared my throat to bring everyone back. Dean gave them a look and jerked his head to the door.

Nichole got it and said, " we are going to get you food." Then she pulled Sam and Cas's arms and dragged them out the door.

-Dean's POV-

As I looked at Y/N, she looked frail and beaten. She had heavy black bags under her eyes, her Y/H/C Y/H/L hair was a rats nest, and she just looked tired. My heart broke, I wonder if she meant what she said before Calvin took her. She slowly raised her head and smiled, but it looked sad and forced. I had to look away and blink rapidly for the years to go away.
"Ya know, I meant what I said before Dean," she said timidly.
I'll finally tell her how I feel.
"Dean I lov-" but she stopped and stared screaming and thrashing around in the chair.

Just as Sam, Cas, amd Nichole came back in, she slowly raised her head, and her eyes were pitch black again.

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