Chapter One: When Heaven shines, Hell screams

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Location: XYZ Dimension

"This is Obelisk force one requesting backup!"

"This is Obelisk force four requesting backup!"

"Command please respond where dropping like flies out here!"


"Yes yes I hear you, what is it? Where is your location!"

"Aster sir! It's a nightmare where located at the heart of heartland! B-but please send reinforcements quickly! First squad is almost gone!"

"Soldier! Calm down! I'm already sending Obelisk squad five and seven, over one hundred more men or on there way, now please calm yourself and tell me what is the problem!"

"S-sir! It's the demon duelist!"

The one they referred to as Aster froze... Why of all the people to appear... It was those two!

"Keep up the assault! We cannot allow them to find out outpost! I'm contacting the Tyler sisters, and all Elite operatives in your area! Just hold the like until reinforcements arrive!"

"O-ok command-"


The sound of a wall shattering was heard, the com line suddenly shut off making the commander worried as all he could hear was the muffled screaming, and the sounds of men fighting.

He crossed his fingers as his soldiers behind looked on in worry, they've never seen their commander this stressed before...


The static it stopped...

And he made the most of it.



A woman's voice, not belonging to any of his men shined threw the Vail of static, he flinched... Chaos draw that could only mean...

'Shit! It's Bela!'

"I activate the spell card rank up magic the Seventh one! And with its power you all will be sent to the depths of hell!"

Some like of static electricity begins a perforate through the communication system, however before Aster could ask anything the device exploded in his face, sending him skidding back.

Thankfully his clothing/protective under armor absorbed most of the blast, however the flames had singed his hands, making him grunt in pain.

"I want every available Obelisk blue we have on station to head towards that last transmission, hopefully they stall long enough for us to be able to finally put them down!"

"B-but sir... Calling back our forces will give the rebels the ability to-"

"ENOUGH!!" Aster slammed his fist into the wall next to him as he glared at the soldier who dares question his orders. "DONT YOU SEE IT! This has been going on for way too long! We should have taken them as bigger threats and now look at what happened! Over 500 Obelisk Blue having beaten by both of them! That totals to over 1000 of our men put out of commission! They have proven to be a greater threat then the forces at that duel school, the rebels, and even the like of Kite Tenjo! The man who's single-handedly been pushing back our very advances is nothing to them! They aren't humans there demons! And it's time we sent them back to hell where they belong! Now gather up every man in this base, and surrounding area, call back the scouting parties, get the damn Tyler sisters on the coms and move out! Where going Demon hunting today!"




The three Soldiers ran out the room and into the base, word traveled around quickly as there mission was clear.

They would battle the Demons and hopefully push them out of the XYZ Dimension, or card them, one of the two will happen!

It must!


"Go! Number 107 Galaxy eyes tachyon Dragon! Destroy the last of theses filth! With tachyon spiral burst!!"

The soldiers looking upon this attack dropped to there knees as there life points reduced to zero and they where sent flying, however the now standing demon looked down and smirked.

She cast out her right hand that had her duel disk and from it red energy roots spread out, infecting there duel disk and causing them to slowly break until they completely disintegrated.

They screamed as there arm was broken permanently, as was the punishment of losing to the Barian Queen.

"Tch, have fun groveling in the dirt, filth."

She turned and talked away, as another figure approached.

"Sister, you done?"

"Ya, Just took out my 73rd obelisk blue. Brings my total up to 679 of them I've beaten. How about you?"

"Hmph, I've gotten 670."

"Hehehe" she smirked playfully at her brother. "Looks like I'm winning. Though if you didn't draw it out so much, you could have gotten more wins."

"I do it to remind them of all the mistakes in their life they've made up to that point of dueling me. You however just do it way too quickly, how are they supposed to know fear if you beat them and only two turns?"

"I show them how worthless they are, how there combos are carbon copies of the other, and how much they need to improve Well not that they would be able to, sense there never able to duel again."

"Hm, I see, looks like we both have our own means of dealing with them."

"Indeed, now how about We move, this base wasn't much, but they where able to send word for reinforcements, it would be best if we didn't allow the ants to swarm us."

"Right, you mean like those two there?"

Bela looked over and saw two female figures walking towards them, great, she knew those two.

"Well if it isn't the Tyler sisters, how can we be of help to you all?"

First to appear was the one sister with silver hair, she had a more lenient chill expression, acting as if she would win with no problems, however what caught Bela and Shizaku attention the most, was the almost sadistic smirk up on her face.

Second was a more serious one, with blond hair and eyes so narrowed it was like she was trying to look into there souls.

"Well sis if it isn't the Demon Duelist, isn't this great right, we can like totally take them out and definitely be rewarded, don't ya think so?" The silver one spoke, the confident she had made Shizaku smirk, but cause Bela to narrow her eyes dangerously at her.

"Grace, enough. We're currently standing in front of the most dangerous enemies dual academy has ever faced, You need to show more caution with your words, however yes, I do believe so, if we can win."

"Oh Gloria your being to worried~. Trust me we got this."

"Yes, I guess we do."

They both smiled as they brought there duel disk up.

"Now let's duel!"

Bela and Shizaku just looked at each other before looking at them.

"You want us to duel you both? Together?" Asked the male.

"Of course."

Bela smirked.

"Alright, will Duel you, but don't complain when your arm and disk gets turned to dust."

The sisters shivered slightly at the threat, 100% knowing that is an actual possibility.

"Bela, Don't scare them too much, after all, I want to add my own part into their nightmare."

"Yeah yeah whatever bro, Just get that damn dual disc activated."

"Very well."

"Duel!" Both siblings shouted.

Bela: 4000 x5
Shizaku: 4000 x5
Grace: 4000 x5
Gloria: 4000 x5

Gloria: I'll go first!

{When it's a duel I'ma have them talk like this, makes it way easier}

Gloria: since there's no monsters currently on the field I'll activate the spell card quiet life!

Quiet life

Card type: Spell
Type: continuous

Effect: Activate this card if you control no monsters. Neither player can Special Summon during the turn they Normal Summoned/Set, also neither player can Normal Summon/Set during the turn they Special Summoned.

Gloria: Thanks to this spell I will be seriously slowing down this duel, not like you two opposed to it.

Bela: *shrugs her shoulders* be my guess like I could give a shit. How about you brother?

Shizaku: *looks at his hand*.... Be my guest.

Gloria: perfect then, then I guess next I'll activate the spell card polymerization!


Card type: Spell
Type: Normal

Effect: Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials.

Gloria: With this I will fuse Amazoness Queen, and Amazoness sword woman!

The two cards appeared as did the power of polymerization, as a swirling vortex appeared behind both cards sucking them in.

Gloria: Now the warriors of the jungle will combine together into one! And harness the untamed power of the jungle itself! I Fusion Summon! Amazoness Empress!

Amazoness Empress

Card type: Monster
Type: [warrior/fusion/effect]
Level: 8


"Amazoness Queen" 1 "Amazoness" monster

"Amazoness" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. If an "Amazoness" monster you control attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

ATK / 2800   DEF / 2400

Gloria: Then I'll end my turn with a face down card.

Shizaku: I'm up.

Bela: ohhh I wanted to go next...

Shizaku:.... *Glances at her* and not give me a turn?

Bela: *chuckles* of course.

Grace: how about you like, come on already, honestly it doesn't matter who goes first.

Gloria: Grace! Don't antagonize them!

Grace: oh please Gloria, it'll be fine.

Shizaku: I wouldn't be too sure about that, if she went first you would both be done for. Now I drawl!

Hand: 5 -> 6

Shizaku: Now then, that pesky spell is annoying, I'm getting rid of it, I activate Mystical Space Typhoon.

Mystical Space Typhoon

Card type: spell
Type: Quick Play Spell

Effect: Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.

Hand: 6 -> 5

Shizaku: and I'll target your Quiet life.

The card exploded as the mighty twister hit it making her click her teeth.

Shizaku: next I'm going to active from my hand Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon.

Red Eyes Black Meteor Dragon

Card type: Monster
Type: Dragon/Effect
Level: 6

Effect: You can send 1 Level 5 or higher Normal Monster from your hand or Deck to the GY; Special Summon this card from your hand, then increase its Level by 1. During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the GY: You can banish this card from your GY; add 1 "Red-Eyes Fusion" from your Deck or GY to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon" once per turn.

Attack: 2000        Defense: 2000

Shizaku: with its effect I can send one level five or higher Normal monster from my deck to my grave yard, to special summon this card, and I'll send my Dark Magician to my grave.

The dark magician was dispensed into the graveyard as this card appeared.

Gloria: hm, not so fast! I acted with the trap card Amazoness Hall!

Amazoness Hall

Card type: Trap
Type: continuous

Effect: anytime your opponent's special summons a monster, gain life points equal to its attack points

Gloria: with this trap card we will gain LifePoints equal to your special monsters attack points, So thanks for the 2000.

Gloria: 4000 -> 6000
Grace: 4000 -> 6000

Grace: indeed, thanks like for-realsies.

At there comments Shizaku just snickered.

Shizaku: ya, You're definitely going to need the life points, especially when it's Bela's turn. Now I'm going to continue.

Hand: 5 -> 4

Shizaku: Next I'll play my Magicians Rod

Magicians Rod

Card type: Monster
Type: Spellcaster/effect
Level: 3

Effect: When this card is Normal Summoned: You can add 1 Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand, that mentions "Dark Magician". During your opponent's turn, if you activate a Spell/Trap Card or effect while this card is in your GY (except during the Damage Step): You can Tribute 1 Spellcaster monster; add this card to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Magician's Rod" once per turn.

ATK / 1600   DEF / 100

Hand: 4 -> 3

Shizaku: with its effect I'm going to add a spell card that mentions Dark Magician. That's being the spell card, dark magical circle.

Hand: 3 -> 4

Dark magical circle

Card type: spell
Type: continuous

Effect: When this card is activated: Look at the top 3 cards of your Deck, then you can reveal 1 of them that is "Dark Magician" or a Spell/Trap that mentions "Dark Magician", and add it to your hand, also place the remaining cards on top of your Deck in any order. If "Dark Magician" is Normal or Special Summoned to your field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 card your opponent controls; banish it. You can only use each effect of "Dark Magical Circle" once per turn.

Shizaku: now with this card I shall activate it.

Hand: 4 -> 3

Shizaku: with its effect I can look at the top three cards of my deck, And if any of them are Dark magician or mentions dark magician, I may add it to my hand, and with its effect I will add the Field spell magician salvation!

Hand: 3 -> 4

Magicians Salvation

Card type: Spell
Type: Field Spell

Effect: When this card is activated: You can Set 1 "Eternal Soul" directly from your Deck. If you Normal or Special Summon "Dark Magician" or "Dark Magician Girl" (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 of those monsters; Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" or "Dark Magician Girl" from your GY, with a different name than that monster. You can only use this effect of "Magician's Salvation" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Magician's Salvation" per turn.

Shizaku: next I'll activate this card.

The entire field changed to that of a world of magic, with various magical circles appearing in the sky.

Hand: 4 -> 3

Shizaku: now I will set an Eternal Soul directly from my deck to the field.

He set the card.

Shizaku: but I'm not done, because I will activate the monster card Timaeus the United Dragon from my hand!

Timaeus the United Dragon

Card type: monster
Type: Dragon/effect
Level: eight

Effect: You can send 1 Spellcaster monster, or 1 Spell/Trap that mentions "Dark Magician", from your hand or face-up field to the GY; Special Summon this card from your hand. During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as material, including a Spellcaster monster. You can only use each effect of "Timaeus the United Dragon" once per turn.

Attack: 2800       Defense: 1800

Shizaku: by sending away one spellcaster monster, or speller trap that mentions Dark Magician I can special summons this card. I'll send my Dark Magician girl to the graveyard two special summon this card!

His dragon appeared beside his magicians rod.

Hand: 3 -> 2

Gloria: However due to you special summonsing again, We can even more life points.

Gloria: 6000 - 8800
Grace: 6000 -> 8800

Shizaku: cool, anyways I'm activating his effect. I can Fusion summon one card for my extra deck with this card, treating it as a fusion summon.

Gloria/Grace: Wait! You use fusion!?

Shizaku: *deadpan* yes, Now shut up and watch. Together with my second copy of Dark Magician within my hand.

The two rose up as the vortex appeared behind them.

Shizaku: now the fury of the Dragon and the knowledge of the mage will form together to create a new found creature of grand power! I fusion summon! Dark Magician the Dragon Knight!

Hand: 2 -> 1

Dark Magician the Dragon Knight

Card type: Monster
Type: Dragon / Fusion / Effect
Level: eight


"Dark Magician" + 1 Dragon monster
This card's name becomes "Dark Magician" while on the field or in the GY. Your opponent cannot target Spells/Traps you control with card effects, also they cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

Attack: 3000                Defense:2500

Gloria: again our life points will rise.

Grace: seriously what are you doing just generously giving us a life points or something like that?

Grace: 8800 -> 11,800
Gloria: 8800 -> 11,800

Shizaku: just keep talking like that and you'll find out, but with this I shall end my turn.

Grace: huh, guess I'm up but whatevs, I draw!

Hand: 5 -> 6

Grace: looks like I drew the right cards sis, so just like my sis I'll activate the spell card polymerization!


Card type: Spell
Type: Normal

Effect: Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials.

Grace: And with this, I'm totally going to fuse together Amazoness Tiger and Amazoness Spy!

They appears behind her as they disappeared into the newly opened poly vortex.

Grace: Get set for some Paws, Claws and like roarin' roars! I fusion summon! Amazoness Pet Liger

Amazoness Pet Liger

Card Type: Monster
Type: Beast / Fusion / effect
Level: 7

Effect: If this card attacks, this card gains 500 ATK during the Damage Step only. When an opponent's monster declares an attack, except on this card, you can negate the attack. If an "Amazoness" monster you control attacks an opponent's monster, after damage calculation: You can target 1 monster your opponent controls; it loses 800 ATK.

ATK / 2500   DEF / 2400

Grace: Now then Liger attack that magicians rod!

Shizaku: yeah not happening, did you forget about my set trap? I activate Eternal Soul.

Eternal Soul

Card type: Trap
Type: continuous trap

Effect: Every "Dark Magician" in your Monster Zone is unaffected by your opponent's card effects. If this face-up card leaves the field: Destroy all monsters you control. You can only use the following effect of "Eternal Soul" once per turn. You can activate 1 of these effects;
●Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" from your hand or GY.
●Add 1 "Dark Magic Attack" or "Thousand Knives" from your Deck to your hand.

Shizaku: I'll activate its first effect I'll special summon one dark magician from my graveyard onto the field.

Dark Magician

Card type: Monster
Type: Normal

Effect: None

ATK / 2500   DEF / 2100

Shizaku: Now two things are going to trigger, My field spell magician's Salvation will activate whenever a dark magician is normal or special summoned, I can target said card and I'm able to special summon dark magician girl, from my grave. And since she's currently in my graveyard she'll come right beside her teacher.

Beside him the iconic dual monster girl appeared, The Dark Magician Girl.

Dark Magician Girl

Card Type: Monster
Type: Effect / Spellcaster
Level: 6

Effect: gain 300 attack for every Dark Magician or magician of Black Chaos and the graveyard's

ATK / 2000   DEF / 1700

Shizaku: currently one dark magician sit inside of the grave, So her attack points increased by 300.

Dark Magician Girl attack: 2000 -> 2300.

Grace: not like it matters! Just because you summoned those two monsters doesn't mean anything, if anything we get more life points.

Grace: 11,800 + 4800= 16,600
Gloria: 11,800 + 4800= 16,600

Shizaku: cool, anyways dark magical circles effect will activate. Because I Summoned The Dark Magician this turn, I can banish a card on the field, bye-bye Liger.

Gloria: wait! Amazoness Empress protects all Amazon cards from Destruction by Battle or card effect!

Shizaku: I'm not destroying it, I'm just sending it to the banish zone, This isn't destruction it's Target banishing, not target destruction, So bye-bye.

Graces newly summoned fusion Monster was ripped into the abyss by a magical circle appearing below it.

Gloria and Grace look at that shocked beyond belief, This dude had the ability to basically banish any card on their field so long as he just summons dark magicians... Which means that next turn, on Bela's turn... He can just summon his second copy and Banish Amazoness Empress...

Gloria: this isn't good... From what we've heard of her she specializes in FTK strategies... Shit this is bad!

Grace: ok so like This is totally going off the deep end now, But seriously how is that even fair? Oh I forgot demons ya, Of course they won't play fair. Alright, You may have been able to stop Liger But you haven't stopped Empress! Go! Attack his Rod!

Empress leaped into the air and slashes the rod, creating a shock wave that slammed into Shizaku, but bro didn't even flinch.

Shizaku: 4000 -> 2800
Bela: 4000 -> 2800

Grace: hm, So much for unbeatable demons, You still take damage just like the rest of us.

Shizaku: hm You call this damage? Please I've seen ticks deal more damage but congrats you did a little damage, want a cookie?

Grace: ghh! Don't you dare start with any of that! I'll set two cards face down and end my turn.

Bela: great! I'm starting to go to sleep with how boring you are, now let's go! I DRAW!

Hand: 5->6

Bela: Now let's have some fun! Sense I control no monsters I can special summon photon Thrasher from my hand to the field!

Photon Thrasher

Card type: Monster
Type: Warrior/effect
Level: 4

Effect: If you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). If you control another monster, this card cannot attack.

ATK / 2100   DEF / 0

6 -> 5

Gloria: because you special summoned we gain life points

Grace: 16,600 -> 18,700
Gloria: 16,600 -> 18,700

Bela: well, enough of that shit, I activate the quick play spell Galaxy Cyclone!

Hand: 5 -> 4

Galaxy Cyclone

Card type: spell
Type: Normal

Effect: Target 1 Set Spell/Trap on the field; destroy it. During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the GY: You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 face-up Spell/Trap on the field; destroy it. You can only use this effect of "Galaxy Cyclone" once per turn.

Amazoness Hall was destroyed, making the sisters a little more worried.

Bela: now I'ma activate Pot of greed!

Hand: 4 -> 3

Pot of Greed

Card type: Spell
Type: normal

Effect: lets you draw two cards

Hand: 3 -> 5

Bela: Now then, since I control a photon monster I'm able to special summon this card, appear! Photon Vanisher!

Hand: 5 -> 4

Photon Vanisher

Card type: Monster
Type: Effect / warrior
Level: 4

Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) while you control a "Photon" or "Galaxy" monster. Cannot attack the turn it is Special Summoned. You can only Special Summon "Photon Vanisher(s)" once per turn. If this card is Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" from your Deck to your hand. An Xyz Monster that was Summoned using this card on the field as material gains this effect.
●Banish any monster destroyed by battle with this card.

Attack: 2000   Defense: 0

Bela: now with his effect I'm able to add my glorious Dragon to my hand! Now come to Mama Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!

She added it to her hand.

Hand: 4 -> 5

Bela: now then, I think it's time that I destroy you two. Soooo I WILL OVERLY MY THRASHER AND VANISHER TO BUILD THE OVERLAY NETWORK!!

Gloria: Crap!

Grace: shit sis! She's like totally about to cause a disaster!

Bela: damn right! Now appear! Dragon of the Starliege! Come down from heaven to serve the bringer of hell! I XYZ Summon! Rank four, Starliege Photon Blast Dragon! In defense position of course.

Starliege Photon Blast Dragon

Card Type: Monster
Type: XYZ / Dragon / effect
Rank: 4


2 Level 4 monsters
If this card is Xyz Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Photon" monster from your hand. While this Xyz Summoned monster is on the field, your opponent cannot target monsters you control with 2000 or more ATK with card effects, also they cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. Once per opponent's turn (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 of your "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" that is banished or in your GY; Special Summon it.

Bela: now with his on summon effect I will summon my dragon! Descend now! Glorious Dragon of the Galaxy! Spread your wings and rise with the wrath of your nova heart! I special summon! GALAXY-EYES PHOTON DRAGON!

Hand: 5 -> 4

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon

Card type: Monster
Type: Effect / Dragon
Level: Eight

Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 2 monsters you control with 2000 or more ATK. If this card battles an opponent's monster: You can banish this card and that monster, and if the other monster was an Xyz Monster, send all Xyz Materials from that monster to the Graveyard. The monsters banished by this effect are Special Summoned at the end of the Battle Phase, and this card gains 500 ATK for each Xyz Material sent to the Graveyard with this effect.

ATK / 3000   DEF / 2500

Gloria: oh gods...

Grace: Hey ahh sis, did you just get an eminent feeling of dread just now?

Gloria: *looks at the dragon then at the smirking woman* I did.

Bela: oh? OH!? What's this im hearing? Cowering in fear of my dragon already? I see, I SEE! It's wise of you to do so! Because this is just the beginning! Oh yes! ITS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!

A dense black and red aura covered her body as she glares at them with a crimson hate that burned threw there souls.

Bela: Because I activate from my hand Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon effect! And with its special effect. Because I control a Galaxy eyes monster I can special sum in this card in defense position! Now appear! Dazzling Dragon of the nebula's above, appear like the force of a dying star and rend all before asunder! Appear! Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon!

Hand: 4 -> 3

Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon

Card Type: Monster
Type: Effect / Dragon
Level: eight

Effect: If you control a "Galaxy-Eyes" monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand in Defense Position. If this card is detached from an Xyz Monster to activate that monster's effect: You can take 1 "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" from your hand or Deck, and either Special Summon it, or attach it to an Xyz Monster you control as material, then if you activated this effect during the Battle Phase, double the ATK of all "Number" Xyz Monsters you control. You can only use each effect of "Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon" once per turn.

Attack: 3000       Defense: 2500

Her glowing dragon appears beside her already mighty photon Dragon, causing the two sisters to feel that bottomless pit form once more.

Bela: Now you know what happens when I have two monster of the same level, right? Ya that's right I can overlay them! And I shall! I'LL BUILD THE OVERLAY NETWORK ONCE MORE!!

A massive swirling black gold and blue vortex appeared before her, as her dragons roared and flew into the newfound power before her.

Bela: now appear! Galaxy shining in the darkness, Embody the demon of revenge and become my very servant! Xyz Summon! Descend! Rank 8! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon

Card Type: Monster
Type: XYZ / effect / dragon
Rank: 8

Effect: Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; take control of it until the End Phase. While you control that monster by this effect, its name becomes "Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon", its ATK becomes the same as this card's, it cannot attack directly, and its effects are negated.

ATK / 3000   DEF / 2500

Her mighty dragon appeared behind her as Shizaku looked at the two before rolling his eyes.

Shizaku: You know she isn't done right?

Grace: what?

Gloria: theres more!?

Bela: INDEED! Because I will show you all a power that no other XYZ user could ever hope to master! With my Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon! I will Evolve him! GO! XYZ EVOLUTION!

Grace: How is that possible!

Gloria: How can one XYZ Summon without multiple monsters?!

Shizaku: ..... There you go again showing off.


Galaxy Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon

Card type: Monster
Type: XYZ / Effect / Dragon
Effect: You can also Xyz Summon this card by Tributing a "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" you control that is equipped with 2 Equip Spell Cards and using those Equip Spell Cards as the Xyz Materials. If you control no other monsters: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy that target. At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card has battled and used Xyz Materials this turn: You can attach any number of Equip Cards equipped to this card to it as Xyz Materials. When your opponent activates a card effect: You can detach all Xyz Materials from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish both that opponent's monster and this card. At the end of this turn, return any monsters banished by this effect to the field.

Attack: 4000   Defense: 3500

The pressure was immense, the power of the first demon duelist was overwhelming there sense of reality, as the massive armored beast floated behind her, they where sure now that they where in for trouble however with it only having 4,000 attack points They could survive, they-

Bela: I have a question, Do you truly think I am done with my turn? That this is all I will summon?

Both sisters nod... Slowly... Hoping that was the case.

But Bela just laughed at them.

Bela: foolish! It's just-

*Play this*


Gloria/Grace: *shaken* AGAIN!

Shizaku: *a little nervous* hold up are you seriously bringing him out?

Bela: hehehe SIT BACK AND WATCH! I rebuild the overlay network with my Galaxy Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon!

The Overlay network appeared before her once more but instead of it's normal black golden blue, The Golden Blue was killed off as a deep crimson took over, signaling a sinister summon.

Bela: I call upon a monster born from darkness, a force so destructive, that every breath it takes causes black holes to manifest. Come forth, from the darkest parts of the galaxy, lost in mystery. APPEAR NUMBER 95 GALAXY-EYES DARK MATTER DRAGON!!

Card Type:Monster
Type: XYZ / Effect / Dragon
Rank: 9

Effect: Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters, can also Xyz Summon this card by using a "Galaxy-Eyes" Xyz Monster you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) Cannot be used as an Xyz Material for an Xyz Summon. When this card is Xyz Summoned: It gains ATK equal to the ATK(s) of the monster(s) used as its Xyz Materials. When this card is Special Summoned: You can banish any number of Dragon-Type monsters from your Deck; your opponent banishes an equal number of monsters from their Deck. If this card battles, before damage calculation: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; this card can make a second attack in a row. When this card battles an opponent's monster: You can banish both the opponent's monster and this card.

Attack: 0  Defense: 0

Grace and Gloria fell to there knees, as the embodiment of darkness towered over the surrounding buildings and looked down upon them.

Bela: Now because it is a fact he gains attack equal to every single monster used to XYZ summon him!

Number 95 Galaxy-Eyes dark matter dragon Attack: 3000 + 3000 + 3000 + 4000 = 13,000

Gloria: th-thirteen thousand A-Attack points....

Grace: w-what the hell are y-you! This sinister aura! Are you even human!

Bela: *smirks* nope! But like that matters! Now attack!! Number 95: Galaxy eyes dark matter dragon!

The dragon took a deep breath as a swirling black hole appeared before its mouth ready to fire a devastating beam.

Bela: However I activate his effect!! Before damage calculation I'm able to detach one of his overly units to make him be able to attack two times in one turn! In the overly unit I will use to activate this effect will be Galaxy eyes afterglow Dragon!

The embodiment of darkness devoured the orb as it shine with a sinister black light.

Bela: and now Galaxy eyes after glow's XYZ material effect activates! Whenever this card is detached from a XYZ monster, the attack points of all number monsters are doubled!! SO YOU KNOW THAT THAT MEANS RIGHT!!!

Number 95 Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon Attack 13,000 -> 26,000

Gloria: w-we lost....

Grace: we l-like totally d-did!

Bela: But you know what I feel like adding more salt to the wound! So I'll activate galactic terror!

Bela: 2800 -> 1400 x3
Shizaku: 2800 -> 1400 x1

(Card made by me)

Galactic terror

Card type: Spell
Type: quick play spell

Effect: pay half your life points target one Galaxy / photon of Number monster, and double its attack points.


Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon attack: 26,000 -> 52,000


With a roar that could shake the gods to there core the embodiment of pure destruction and darkness unleashed it's black ray upon the sisters, they didn't even get the chance to activate any effects, They were too scared to, They were hit by the beam and sent flying back dozens of meters away. As the beam sliced clean to the ground and causing a massive crater to form one that could be mistaken for a meteor.

Grace LP: 18,700 -> −33,300
Gloria LP: 18,700 -> −33,300

Shizaku looked at his sister before looking up at the embodiment of darkness, it respectfully bowed its head before roaring, as it went back into its card and into Bela's extra deck.

Shizaku: You seriously couldn't have dragged it out a little bit longer? You had to summon 95?

Bela: but bro! The filth touched you! I can let that indecency to our pride slide!

Shizaku: Bel, They only did 1,200 damage.

Bela: So what, I did a little damage back to them in return.

Shizaku:.... A little?

Bela: yes a little now come on let's go, *looks at her duel disk to see Yuya pendulum summon* seems like our brother has finally unlocked his little special ability.

Shizaku: *looks around* Guess there really is nothing else to do here thinking of which where the hell are those two?

Bela: The hell if I know. 95 probably through them to the other side of the city, If not that. Then there there existence was probably completely erased.

Shizaku: and here I thought that was my thing.

Bela: oh please, You're just able to do it easier because of those three.

Shizaku: *smirks* jealous?

Bela: ya! In your dream dweeb.

Shizaku just rolled his eyes as he gave her the all-clear.

To which with a crimson flash from her eyes a portal appeared before them, a swirling red gate that would lead them to standard.

They went threw and was greeted with the wonderful sun that shines in the sky.

Looking at the world around them, they smiled.

Looks like things were going to progress very, very, smoothly from now on.

Bela: I'm going to head back to the hotel, you make sure Renji It doesn't suspect anything, However he probably does already, So why not go hang out with Yuzu or something, and maybe say hi to our naive brother.

Shizaku: Will do.

He walked away as she left for the hotel, not realizing that the advanced that they set off in the XYZ dimension would not only inspire hope for those within it, but also drown the tyrannical force, in the abyss of doubt and terror.

It truly seems like the demons have fully shined today.

What was meant to be heavens shining day for them...

Turned to hells nightmare screams towards them.

And there you fucking have it ladies and God damn gentlemen!!


I promised you all and I f****** delivered and here soon I'm about to be cooking with a goddamn hellfire!!

None of that standard Yu-Gi-Oh stuff none of that standard goody two shoes stuff we're going to have dark compelling Duelist that are really going to flip Arc v on its head!

Stick with me my people because oh boy is this s*** about to get wild!!!

The kid gloves are off It's time to scrap!!

Word count: 6145

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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