Chapter Two Knights Vs Demon

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*Three days sense the Sakaki siblings arrived to standard*

Quite a bit has happened in the time since they arrived.

They watched as Yuya won his battle with the sledgehammer and performed his first ever Pendulum Summon.

They watched from afar as he battled his way through the struggles of not being able to use the power of the pendulum summon, trying to make it his own style.

Lastly, they witnessed his duel with the LEO Corporation Elite, Sylvio Sawatari, a hotshot who thinks his hot shit is actually a freaking second-hand embarrassment.

Currently, though, they are witnessing the end of their rematch. The jackass Sawatari had kidnapped the three children of Your Show dueling school in order to force Yuya into getting into a duel with him, and to make matters worse, he stole his pendulum cards in order to use them against him.

However, Yuya, much to their surprise, Has seemed to have grown a lot more skilled in his dueling sense since they last saw him, being able to best Sawatari even though he was using his own cards against him, making Bela a little happy at their brother's progression towards forming his own duel style, while Shizaku was contemplating murder because Sawatari had made Yuzu upset.

But it was over; Sawatari was taken away, and they returned to the duel school, which is where the two siblings decided to head off next.

*Present Day*

Currently Yuya was talking with Sora, a new guy to the school and we'll apparently his new student, but outside the school two individuals walked straight in.

They wondered the halls until they were able to hear Yuya and this new kid, they went into a silent hallway that allowed them to spy on the duo.

It seemed like they're brother was definitely putting up one hell of a fight, However what annoyed them both, Bela more so, was that their brother wasn't using any special summoning style along with pendulum summoning.

With all the monsters he's able to summon he would be easily able to XYZ summon or hell maybe even fusion summon, if he had a polymerization, shit synchro summoning wouldn't be off the table either. Just get yourself a tuner monster, then you summon it out with the non tunner monster because pendulum summoning let's you summon multiple monsters. And boom you're able to tune together to form a synchro monster.

But would really got them was when Odd-Eyes was destroyed.

Yuya became... Well disheartened. He began to spiral into a heavy sense of worry that caused Bela to snicker.

So she began to move, catching Shizaku attention as he saw her going to the control room where the head of the dual school was currently stationed.

Bela not knowing the meaning of subtlety Spartan kicked the door down scaring the shit out of the head of the school, who turned around only to see Bela standing there.

Skip Boyle, the man who ran the school was frozen in place, like he's seen a ghost.

Skip: B-bela! W-what are you doing here? A-actually didn't you say you'd never come here? W-wait have you reconsidered joining the Shco-

Bela: hella no, I'm not becoming a freaking dueltainer, that's Yuya's dream, not mine.

Skip was a little disheartened at her words, however he could sense the venom in her words when she said "Dueltainer", with his many years on the earth he could easily tell she still held venom towards there shared father, Yūshō Sakaki, who was The one who kick started the whole dueling entertainment business.

Skip tried to be there for Bela when she and her family had to go through the loss of their father, but it never worked, Yuya picked up their father's mental, Shizaku became distant and Bela... She was hit the worst, and grew to despise the notion of Dueltaining because of the negative impact it landed on their household. And her childhood.

So he kept his mouth shut, as he stepped out the way, and she took the microphone.


The entirety of the school fell back on their asses when her voice ripped over the intercoms.

Sora was confused, but Yuya held widened eyes as he looked up towards where the microphone would be held at.

Yuya: S-sis!?

Bela: ya it's me, I'm back from my trip and this is what I'm introduced to? Seriously? THIS IS WHAT I SEE?

Yuya held his head down, as Sora looked towards the voice.

Sora: geez harsh much?

Bela: Yuya, honestly but I'm seeing right now disappoints me. You know why?

Yuya:..... N-no

Bela: oh my god your so stupid sometimes. ITS BECAUSE YOUR STRONGER THAN THIS NIMROD!

Yuzu, Gong, Tate, Frederick, and Allie where all taken aback at this.

Yuya: me... Strong?

Bela: yes Yuya! That's what I'm freaking saying! After all You discovered a whole new summoning method, have dealt with some of the demons of your past, and even though I may despise Dueltaining, are willing to run headfirst into what caused us the biggest tragedy of our lives and attempt to surpass our Father in YOUR own way! That takes a level of conviction and courage that most people in this world can't even fathom possessing! Look down at your life points. And tell me something do you still got some!

Yuya: Y-ya!

Bela: then pick your ass up! So what if you're dragon is destroyed! It doesn't mean you instantly lose the duel! No that only happens when your life points hit zero! So you know what you do until then? You fight! You duel! You poor your heart and your soul into this! Because that's what it means to pick up a damn duel disk! Now duel! Fight! Show this sweet tooth little smurf what you can actually do! FIGHT YUYA! FIGHT FOR YOUR FREAKING DREAM IF THAT'S WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO!! Just don't give up! Never give up! Giving up equals defeat! hesitation equals defeat! You are not a loser! You will never be a loser! so long as you always and I mean always! DUEL FOR YOUR DREAM!

The speech had invigorated the young Entertainment dualist, who smiled, he stood up his form strong and His will even stronger, the rest of the school looks towards the room that contain the sister of Yuya and where touched.

They knew the Rocky foundation that's the two of them had, how distant and spread apart they truly were, but Bela was his voice in the darkness, And she has now just helped to pool him out of the pits of his own insecurity. And shove him back into the light.

Gong, Yuya's rival and childhood friend was the most touched, knowing the words she carried where the very force that move the dueling world itself. And he smirked.

Gong: I the man Gongenzaka, believe that her words just gave Yuya the motivation to finally win this duel.

The children screamed in agreement as Yuzu nodded as well, honestly happy that she arrived when she did. But couldn't also help when she spotted Shizaku chilling in the hallway observing their brother.

Skip had tears coming down his eyes.

Skip: What a hot blooded speech!!

Bela just rolled her eyes as she walked away, This battle is her brothers, She gave him the push Now all he needed to do was win.

And he did.

But as he ran out of the room trying to find his sister, she was gone.

Yuya looked down at the floor, he clenched his hand but also smiled.

Yuya: Thanks sis... But I wish you were here... I would like to have been able to see you again...

Gong: Yuya.

He turned to hee his friend standing there.

Gong: I the man Gongenzaka, believe that Bela will return, in do time. You know how she is.

Yuya: ya... It's just I wish I could talk to those two again, they haven't be home in months, I wonder what they've been doing all this time.

Yuzu: Well that's for them to tell us, Yuya, As for now we should be thankful they showed up at least.

There to his right was Yuzu another one of his childhood friends.

Yuya: ya, I guess you're right Yuzu, though I wished I could have dueled them again, I want to show them how strong I've gotten!

Gong: Now that's the spirit Yuya, And I believe that will happen eventually, however You have a new student.

Yuya chuckled at this as he went over to Sora who was up against the wall.

It seemed like things had brightened up quite a bit over here... However...


Bela: were we followed?

Shizaku: no.

Bela: did you disable the cameras?

Shizaku: They won't notice a thing.

Bela: and how about-

Shizaku: yes, Yes and yes, we're fine.

Bela: Good, Reiji has been a pain in our sides, He's tripled the amount of cameras throughout the entire city. It's almost impossible to move through the streets without seeing one.

Shizaku: Well what do you expect honestly? We are in enigma to him and the entire corporation he runs main goal is to gear up and take on the fusion dimension, so present where him. We appear out of literally thin air, have energy readings that makes his strongest fusion, synchro and XYZ reading small as hell in comparison. Not to mention are major connections to our disappeared father. Who still has a search out for him from the Authorities, and oh ya connected to the same person who's created pendulum summoning. That's also our brother. And oh ya sis, If you haven't remembered all those years ago when his father still ran the corporation, you overloaded the servers and completely fried all data about us 10 years ago. It's no wonder he's trying to catch us, most likely to interrogate us or to bring us into his little lancer group. After all if he has any connections to any of the other dimensions, He's going to know quickly what we've done in the XYZ dimension.

Bela: And that will be handled swiftly and efficiently brother, As for now I would rather not have to deal with his... Shenanigans for now, However I can already tell if that's going to be extraordinarily difficult to do so.

Shizaku looked at his sister while they stood on top of a building overlooking the city.

Shizaku; You wanted to Duel Yuya, didn't you?

Bela: Yes, I did. I wanted to see how far he came, But it's not that far, I can see that now... He's still... Naive, ignorant of what he has, I could see it in his eyes when he used Pendulum summoning, he's afraid this technique of his will be shared to the wider world... And like a child is trying to keep it to himself as much as possible.

Shizaku: wouldn't you do the same If XYZ evolution and Chaos change evolution was made publicly known?

Bela: there's a difference between pendulum summing a power form and handed to him from another, and a power granted to me when I surpassed the ruler of the Brian world, this world will never know the power of numbers, or Chaos Change or any of that. But they will evolve to learn pendulum summoning, and Yuya refuses to accept that, furthermore he remains ignorant of other summoning methods sticking as closely to our fathers dueling philosophy as humanly possible, he's not learning anything, he's just trying to imitate our father and using pendulum summoning as the only additional layer of nuance. That is what irritates me the most.

Shizaku: And what do you suspect we do? You know we can't do anything, Renji would track us down extraordinarily fast if we do, and then we would have to deal with Leo institute, And I'd rather not have to explain what happened to us all those years ago. And how we ended up like this.

Bela:.... Yes, I guess your right. Tomorrow morning though Yuya will come looking for us, I'll decide then and there if I want to Duel him.

Shizaku:.... Very well, Now can we head back as much as I like standing on top of a skyscraper like a vigilante, it's also boring and there's nothing here to do.

Bela: *roles her eyes* fine, let's go.

A portal was open and they were gone.

*The next day*

Bela was currently walking around the city with her hood up, and a baraclava to cover the lower half of her face, overall people thought of her as some kind of gang leader, or something like that, but she paid them no mind. Instead she was more concerned about why the hell Yuzu, was following after Sawatari's henchman.

Rolling her eyes she followed, she knew what would happen if anything happened to her, Shizaku would catch a body, so she tagged her, following closely behind to where she wouldn't be found out and close enough to keep up.

Overall she found her going into an abandoned Warehouse where Sawatari was being given his food, Yuzu confronted him however before anything could escalate another made themselves know.

A masked that covered there face, and with hair that could make any rock punk band jealous he stood in front of Yuzu with a protective arm in front of her.

Bela: well Shizaku would skin him if he saw this.

She sat back and just watched this unfold, the Dumbass decided to push his luck and that resulted in a duel breaking out between the two of them. 

Sawatari: Duel!

Mystery Duelist:  Duel!

Sawatari LP: 4000 x5

Mystery Duelist LP: 4000 x5

Mystery Duelist: Ill go first.

the Mystery individual looked down upon his hand and nod, while his opposites response.... 

Sawatari: *Cocky attitude* By all means.

Mystery Duelist: *pays him no mind* I'll set all five cards face down.

Sawatari and Yuzu looked a little... Shocked, probably expecting some monster summons or like... Anything else, but nope bro set everything faced face.

(Careful friends... I smell Eldlich)

Mystery Duelist: I end my turn.

Mystery Duelist LP: 4000 x0

Sawatari: ahahaha.. ahahahahhaha! I love it, You show up all cool and mysterious and then play such a lame move.

Of course the dick rider's agreed, calling him lame and shit like that.

Sawatari: No wonder he has to wear a mask, after doing such a lame move It's no wonder why, your too much of an embarrassment. That's probably the reason why right? While you wear that hideous mask?

Mystery Duelist: hm, don't know, Guess the only reason you'll find out is if you beat me.

Sawatari growled at this, while Bela smirked.

Bela: lock line and sinker, looks like the amateur is about to get his ass whooped.

Sawatari: fine, But first I think I'll take advantage of your face down spell or trap cards. *Raises up monster card* After all since you have two or more, I can special summon this chillin villain straight from my hand! Introducing Escher the Frost vassal

Escher the Frost vassal

Card Type: Monster
Type: aqua / effect
Level: 4

Effect: If your opponent controls 2 or more cards in their Spell & Trap Zone, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

ATK / 800   DEF / 1000

Sawatari: However he won't be staying long because now I tribute this card in order to summon, Mobius the frost monarch.

Mobius the frost monarch

Card type: monster
Type: aqua/effect
Level: 6

Effect: When this card is Tribute Summoned: You can target up to 2 Spell/Trap Cards on the field; destroy those targets.

ATK / 2400   DEF / 1000

Once more Sawatari's underlings began to applaud his "amazing summon" and "overwhelming skill" or whatever, honestly Bela was just rolling her eyes at every sentence. She really wanted to shut them up.

Sawatari: Now because of Mobius's effect I can destroy two spell and trap cards you control, So I think I'll freeze out two of yours.

A massive ice blizzard hit the mysterious duelists right and left most back row cards, destroying them instantly by encasing them in ice.

Sawatari: But I'm not done, actually I'm nowhere near done, Because unfortunately for you I'm just getting started. Next I activate the spell card tribute carnival.

Tribute Carnival

Card Type: Spell
Type: normal

Effect: If you Tribute Summon a monster this turn, you can Tribute Summon 1 monster in addition to your Normal Summon/Set. (You can only gain this effect once per turn.)

Sawatari: Now see for yourself how fun this carnival is, Because I will tribute Mobius the frost monarch, farewell. And now rise Mobius the mega monarch.

Mobius The Mega Monarch

Card type: Monster
Type: aqua/effect
Level: 8

Effect: You can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 1 Tribute Summoned monster. When this card is Tribute Summoned: You can target up to 3 Spell/Trap Cards on the field; destroy those targets. If this card was Tribute Summoned by Tributing a WATER monster, add this additional effect.
● Your opponent cannot activate the targeted cards in response to this effect’s activation.

ATK / 2800   DEF / 1000

Sawatari: I know what you're thinking, shouldn't I have had tribute summoned to monsters? To bring out someone as powerful and majestic as mega monarch?

Bela: no, no I wasn't Because it's probably and its effect that you can do it, also you're annoying and I don't care.

Sawatari: Nope because my frost monarch tribute summoned itself He was able to handle the job all by himself.

Once more the dick riding henchmen wooed in his favor.

Sawatari: And now things are going to get worse for you, Because Mobius the mega monarchs effect activates. When successfully summoned I can select up to three spell or trap cards, and destroy them. And because of my glorious monarch second effect any attempted activating those cards will be for not, Because you can't activate them!

Once more a powerful blizzard ripped through the entirety of the warehouse making everyone shiver or cover their face to prevent themselves from being blown away By the wave, while Bela.... Just stood there with her arms crossed not even bothering to brace herself, This was a light breeze compared to what she's usually goes through.

However a very noticeable thing was seen by said demon, That was it was actually cold, meaning the monsters were more real. Even though this wasn't an action duel.

Bela: hmmm, So you're the one who's doing this aren't you mystery man, I wonder does your dual disk have a special property that lets you make monsters real without the need of an arc system? Or Are you special like me and my brother?

Sawatari: No then what have you learned? Because those precious life points are about to be paid for your present rashness for challenging someone as great as I. Maybe next time let Yuzu fight her own battles.

Yuzu kind of agreed with Sawatari, But I was also because she too was blind to his true intentions, while Bela who was watching from the shadows, wasn't. He stood too confidently to have this be any sort of problem.

Sawatari: Now then Mobius attack Mr mystery over here. Maybe then he'll see my point.

Mobius the mega monarchs ice spikes grew larger as they summoned fourth a blizzard, everyone was concerned, except for the two actual skill duelist currently in the room, with the attack now making headway straight towards mystery Man.

Mystery Duelist: I activate the spell card phantom nights of shadow vale from my graveyard!

Phantom nights of Shadow Vale

Card Type: Spell
Type: normal

Effect: Target 1 face-up monster on the field; it gains 300 DEF. When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack while this card is in your Graveyard: You can Special Summon, from your Graveyard, as many copies of "The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil" as possible as Normal Monsters (Warrior-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 300). (These cards are also still Spell Cards.) If Summoned this way, banish them when they are sent to the Graveyard.

The action Got everyone in a twist because they weren't expecting him to have a graveyard effect on his spell card.

The henchman, Yuzu and Sawatari all collectively tumbled and gasped... While Bela just rolled her eyes.

Bela: how in the actual hell did these individuals not know that he had something like this plan? Can they not read body language? He clearly wasn't nervous so he had to have had a plan... Okay what am I even talking about these people have less than room temperature IQ, except for Yuzu, but even still like... How dumb are they?

Mystery Duelist: with three of these cards graveyard effect, all triggering simultaneously, their effects activate. I can summon three monsters to the field.

He summoned forth three phantom knight of veil tokens. All them being level 4, warrior Monsters with 300 defense points.

Sawatari: doesn't matter! Mobius the mega monarch smash that first Shadow Vale! Go! Sleek spike smash!

The veil was obliterated by the much higher attack monarch.

Mystery Duelist: Because of it effect whenever a shadow veil is destroyed it does not go to the graveyard, it is banished instead.

Sawatari: And that's what's going to happen to all of them here soon but I won't rush, I'll set one card face down and end my turn.

Sawatari LP: 4000 x0

Bela: oh my god thank you He finally shut up!

Mystery Duelist: very well I draw!

Hand: 5 -> 6

Mystery Duelist: Now then to teach you a truth that sometimes there are better ways to judge an individual instead of just seeing their face. You can learn quite a bit more by seeing the passion of their play.

Bela: ohhh~ finally taking the ropes are you?

Sawatari: passion of their play?

The henchman laughed at what he said. Asking why one would speak in such a way.

Mystery Duelist: Because I'll understand dueling in a way you'll never know, someone who duels for more than just themselves. But enough, I overlay my two level four phantom knights to build the overlay network!!

Sawatari: what!?

Yuzu: wh-whats going to happen?!

Mystery Duelist: From the pitch-black darkness. Rise up against the foolish oppression, Fang of Rebellion! Descend now! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!

The overlay vortex had a spiraling storm of energy ripped through the entirety of the abandoned Warehouse, the groups inside trembled as a Dragon bearing the power of the overlay network came forth behind the mystery Duelist.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon

Card Type: Monster
Type: XYZ / Dragon / Effect
Rank: 4

Effect: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Level 5 or higher monster your opponent controls; its ATK becomes half its current ATK, and if it does, this card gains that lost ATK. These changes last until the End Phase.

ATK / 2500   DEF / 2000

Literally everyone was impressed considering that apparently to them "only the top of Leo institute can perform XYZ summon", However Sawatari was still confident saying how The XYZ monster He summoned was essentially weaker than Mobius As a result it was pointless for him to summon it.

Bela At this point got fed up, And she made her presents known.

Bela: By the gods you are completely insufferable you filth of a duelist.

Sawatari, Yuzu, the mystery Duelist in the henchman turned and froze...

Bela Sakaki, sister of Yuya and world renowned Duelist stood before them.

However for our mystery man upon seeing their Ruby eye'd individual he felt his blood freeze.

Sawatari: there's something you want to say?

Bela: ya just one question, did your mother drop you when you were a child for you to have lost this many brain cells? Because you seriously think that that dragon isn't going to change this duel around? Like come on I know common sense is a little above your IQ level but surely you must have been able to put two and two together or in this case 4 and 4 together and realize what's going to happen right? You do remember that XYZ Monsters can use their effects so long as they have overlay units? Mystery man why don't you show this dude what you're dragon can do.

Mystery Duelist: with pleasure, I activate Dark rebellion XYZ Dragon special effect! By detaching one overlay unit I can target one monster that's level 5 or higher and have its attack points for this turn! Go power siphoner!

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon OLU: 2 -> 1

Mobius The Mega Monarch attack: 2800 -> 1400

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon attack: 2500 -> 3900

Sawatari: S-so what! I can still survive whatever attack you throw at me!

Bela: dumbass, he didn't say it was once per turn.

Sawatari: HUH!?

Mystery Duelist: indeed Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon do it once more!

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon OLU: 1 -> 0

Mobius The Mega Monarch attack: 1400 -> 700

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon attack: 3900 -> 4600

Yuzu: 4600!?

Sawatari: I can't believe this!

Bela:.... Y'all Get surprised at 4,600 attack? Those are working numbers....

Mystery Duelist: now Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon attack Mobius the Mega Monarch with Mauling Mandible Charge!

The dragon flew into the air and rushed him with the spike on the chin digging into the ground, before rushing up delivering an upper slash to the weakened monarch, causing it to explode and taking the arrogant duelist life points with it.

Sawatari LP: 4000 -> 100

And with the attack connecting the entire freaking warehouse exploded, Just like in an actual action duel, which proved to answered Bela's question about whether or not this individual was special.

Bela: huh, felt like an actual shockwave from that dragon's attack, looks like theses Monsters and actions are real, how interesting.

Sawatari However started laughing.

Long story short He activated a trap card code ice rage, He targets a monster on the field in deals damage equal to its attack points, He targeted the mysterious man's XYZ Dragon attempting to take him out with 4,600 points of burn damage instead he activated a spell card from his grave called, phantom knights spear.

Phantom Knights Spear

Card Type: Spell card
Type: continuous

Effect: During either player's turn, when your opponent activates a Trap effect that targets a monster(s) you control: You can inflict 100 damage to your opponent. During either player's turn, when your opponent activates a Trap Card: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it, and if you do that, inflict 100 damage to your opponent.

Mystery Duelist: You're effect is negated, And you take 100 points of damage.

Sawatari: WHAT!? W-AIT! NOOOOOO!

The Spear flew forward cutting his clothing a little and sending him flying but his henchman were able to catch him and they were able to take him away.

At this point Bela simply laid her hand on Yuzu and gestured her head in a motion to tell her to get out, She looked worried at her but when she saw her narrow her eyes at her she knew better than the question her and she ran off.

Leaving the demon and the mystery XYZ user all alone.

Bela: Now then, now that we got the entire warehouse to ourselves. Tell me something, who are you actually?

Mystery Duelist:.....

Bela: aren't you going to answer me?

Mystery Duelist:.... You're her aren't you?

Bela: come again?

At this point the mystery man took off his goggles and disguise, revealing his real face to the girl which made Bela shocked at what she saw.

The individual she was standing in front of had the exact goddamn face as Yuya, However he had dark purple and black hair looked like a goth edgy schoolboy, ans oh ya could XYZ summon.

Bela: Okay what the hell are you playing at? Are you my long lost brother or what?

Mystery Duelist: come again?

Bela: You have the exact same face as our brother, Yuya, So who did our father hook up with? Actually now that I think about it... You look around the same age as me, Yuya, and Shizaku, so either that man has been too timing our mom or the universe is playing a sick joke with making a XYZ Remnant counterpart of my brother.

Upon her mentioning the XYZ dimension the once mask Duelist paused.

Mystery Duelist: how do you know I was from the XYZ dimension?

Bela: You use XYZ summoning and oh ya was much more powerful than any XYZ summoned from this world, news flash buddy You're in standard, people here consider XYZ Fusion and synchro summoning to be extreme rarities are impossibilities to master, You casually pulling off an XYZ summon of a dragon that blew up the entire warehouse with one attack is a telltale sign that you're from the XYZ dimension and a very powerful XYZ user at that. Now talk what's your name? Because you're not my brother, And you're glaring at me as if I'm some kind of threat.

Mystery Duelist:..... My name is Yuto, And as you already confirmed I am indeed from the XYZ dimension. However I cannot tell you anymore until I know that you are not a threat to us. After all you are the woman that they call the Terror Of Heartland.

Bela: Who the hell is they? You're making no sense Yuto, But you know what since you're itching for a fight I'll gladly give you one. But here are the terms If I win you tell me everything you know about me and my brother and you keep it hush hush. But if I win I'll tell you everything about me and I'll keep this situation hush hush. How does that sound?

Yuto:...... *Thinks lonely and carefully* sure, I will accept these conditions.

Bela: Wonderful, Now then shall we? *Activates duel disc*

Yuto: *activates Duel Disk* yes, let's.

Bela/Yuto: DUEL!

Yuto LP: 4000 x5
Bela LP: 4000 x5

Yuto: I'll go first! And with it I will set a trap!

Hand: 6 -> 5

Yuto: However this trap has a special property! As you were about to see, I activate The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine!

The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine

Card Type: Trap
Type: normal

Effect: Special Summon this card in Defense Position as a Normal Monster (Warrior/DARK/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 300). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If you have no Traps in your GY, you can activate this card the turn it was Set. You can only activate 1 "The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine" per turn.

A small armored soul appeared With its level being four and Defense 300, which is why he had it in defense position since it had zero attack.

Yuto: now I will activate The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots! If I control a phantom night monster I can special summon this card!

The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots

Card type: Monster
Type: Warrior / effect
Level: 3

Effect: If you control a "The Phantom Knights" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots" once per turn this way. You can banish this card from your GY; add 1 "Phantom Knights" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots" once per turn.

Attack: 200     Defense: 1200

Hand: 5 -> 4

Yuto: But I'm not finished! Next I'll activate The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves! Because of his special effect since a phantom knights monster is special summit I can special summon this card as well!

The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves

Card Type: Monster
Type: Warrior/effect
Level: 3

Effect: If a "The Phantom Knights" monster(s) is Special Summoned to your field (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand, then you can increase the Level of this card by 1. You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster from your hand, except "The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves", then you can increase its Level by 1. You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves" once per turn.

Attack: 1200       Defense: 600

Hand: 4 -> 3

Bela: oh? You have two level threes, You going to XYZ summon now?

Yuto: huh, not yet. I normal summon The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm.

The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm

Card Type: monster
Type: Warrior / effect
Level: 4

Effect: If a "Phantom Knights" card(s) is sent to your GY: This card gains 500 ATK. You can banish this card from your GY; during the End Phase of this turn, add 1 "Phantom Knights" card from your GY to your hand. You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm" once per turn.

Hand: 3 -> 2

Yuto: now I'll overlay my The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots and my The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves to XYZ summon!

The gateway to the overlay network appeared and the two monsters he summoned where pulled inside.

Yuto: Soul of the Knights who fall on the battlefield. Now revive, become the light that rend the darknss! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 3! Phantom Knights Break Sword!

Before Bela a flaming armored knight riding an armored horse appeared.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword

Card Type: Monster
Type: XYZ / effect / warrior
Rank: 3

Effect: If this card leaves the field while it has Xyz Material: You can Special Summon all the monsters that were attached to this card as Xyz Materials, but their Levels become 4.

ATK / 2000   DEF / 1000

Yuto: however I'm not done! I overlay my The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine and my The Phantom Knights of Shade to build the overlay network!

Once more the miraculous XYZ gate opened.

Yuto: rusted knight of the far realms, rise from more from your shallow grave to face the tyranny of the oppressors! I XYZ summon! Rank four! The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche!

(Put your damn pitchforks down people I know it's a link monster but I'm treating it as a rank for XYZ monster in this universe okay, okay cool.)

The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche

Card type: Monster
Type: XYZ / Effect / warrior
Effect: During your Main Phase: You can send 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster from your Deck to the GY, then Set 1 "Phantom Knights" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck to your Spell & Trap Zone. If a DARK Xyz Monster(s) is Special Summoned to a zone(s) while this monster is on the field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it. You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche" once per turn. Cannot be used as Link Material

Attack: 2100     Defense: 0

Yuto: with The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche being Summon his effect activates! I can send one Phantom knight monster from my deck to my grave! In order to set a Phantom night spell or trap directly to my field. To do this I will have my The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales be sent to the grave.

The card appeared and he put it in his graveyard.

Yuto: to be able to set a card face down.

A face down card appeared.

Yuto: With this, I'll set two cards face down and end my turn.

Hand: 2 -> 0

Yuto LP: 4000

Turn: 2

Bela: alright I draw!

Hand: 5 -> 6

Bela: seeing how You dueled last time, I know better then to simply let you have who's back row cards of your stay there. So I'll activate the magic card Galaxy cyclone!

Galaxy cyclone

Card type: Spell
Type: Normal

Effect: Target 1 Set Spell/Trap on the field; destroy it. During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the GY: You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 face-up Spell/Trap on the field; destroy it. You can only use this effect of "Galaxy Cyclone" once per turn.

Hand: 6 -> 5

Bela: I'll target your rightmost spell or trap card.

The cyclone hit it revealing it to be fog blade, destroying it.

Bela: judging by your reaction that was an important card?

Yuto said nothing.

Bela: I see, Well I guess I'll start with this. I will activate Galaxy soldier from my hand!

Galaxy Soldier

Card type: Monster
Type: Effect / machine
Level: 5

Effect: You can send 1 other LIGHT monster from your hand to the GY; Special Summon this card from your hand in Defense Position. When this card is Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Galaxy" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Galaxy Soldier" once per turn.

Attack: 2000    Defense: 0

Bela: With this effect I can send one other light monster from my hand to the graveyard to special summon this card, Which is exactly what I will do. I'll send my photon jumper to the grave!

Photon Jumper

Card Type: Monster
Type: warrior / effect
Level: 4

Effect: When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can activate this effect; skip your next Battle Phase, also Special Summon this card from your hand, then end this Battle Phase. If this card is sent to the GY: You can add 1 "Photon" or "Galaxy" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Photon Jumper" once per turn.

Hand: 5 -> 3

Bela: Now then let the chain of events begin, both of their effects will activate! Galaxy soldier will summon in defense position!

The mechanical warrior appeared beside her.

Bela: And upon doing so I will be able to add one Galaxy monster from my deck to my hand, And I will add Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon from my deck to my hand!

Yuto: *eyes Widened* H-how do you have that card!?

Bela: Photon? I've always had them, I've had him since I was six. Now enough of that! Because my dragon gets added to my hand!

Hand: 3 -> 4

Bela: And let's not forget about photon jumper because it was sent to the graveyard, I'm able to add one Photon or Galaxy Spell a trap card from my deck to my hand! And I know exactly the target.

Hand: 4 - > 5

Bela: Next I'll activate the newly added spell card! Behold Galaxy hundred!

Galaxy Hundred

Card type: Spell
Type: continuous

Effect: When this card is activated: You can send 1 "Photon" or "Galaxy" card from your Deck to the GY. If "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" is Special Summoned to your field (except during the Damage Step): You can look at your opponent's Extra Deck, then you can apply 1 of these effects.
●Banish 1 monster from it.
●Special Summon 1 "Number" monster from it to your field.
You can only use this effect of "Galaxy Hundred" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Galaxy Hundred" per turn.

Hand: 5 -> 4

Bela: I'll activate its effect! Upon being activated I can send one photon or galaxy monster from my deck to my graveyard. And I'll choose to send my Photon Emperor to my graveyard! Which causes his special effect to trigger!

Photon Emperor

Card type: Monster
Type: Warrior / effect
Level: 8

Effect: If this card is sent to the GY, except from the field, while another "Photon" or "Galaxy" monster is on your field or in your GY: You can Special Summon this card in Defense Position. You can only use this effect of "Photon Emperor" once per turn. After you Normal or Special Summon this card, you can Normal Summon 1 LIGHT monster during your Main Phase this turn, in addition to your Normal Summon/Set. (You can only gain this effect once per turn.)

Attack: 2800   Defense: 1000

Bela: Because he was sent to the graveyard except for being on the field, And since I also control a galaxy monster in the form of Galaxy soldier, He rises from the graveyard in defense position to serve me! But that's not all He gives me an additional normal summon for any light type monster.

Yuto: impressive.

Bela: thank you but you'll find this even more impressive, I activate the spell card Photon sanctuary!
Photon sanctuary

Card Type: Spell
Type: Normal

Effect: Special Summon 2 "Photon Tokens" (Thunder/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 2000/DEF 0) in Defense Position. These Tokens cannot attack or be used as Synchro Material. You cannot Summon other monsters the turn you activate this card, except LIGHT monsters.

Hand: 4 -> 3

The two tokens appeared on her side of the field.

Bela: yup! However now by using the special ability of my Galaxy eyes photon Dragon I tribute both of these tokens to special summon my dragon! Descend now! Glorious Dragon of the Galaxy! Spread your wings and rise with the wrath of your nova heart! I special summon! GALAXY-EYES PHOTON DRAGON!

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon

Card type: Monster
Type: Effect / Dragon
Level: Eight

Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 2 monsters you control with 2000 or more ATK. If this card battles an opponent's monster: You can banish this card and that monster, and if the other monster was an Xyz Monster, send all Xyz Materials from that monster to the Graveyard. The monsters banished by this effect are Special Summoned at the end of the Battle Phase, and this card gains 500 ATK for each Xyz Material sent to the Graveyard with this effect.

ATK / 3000   DEF / 2500

Hand: 3 -> 2

Yuto: quite the dragon you have.

Bela: I'm glad you can appreciate his beauty However you should know that there's a reason why summoned him, You see now the secondary effect of galaxy hundred activates! Because I special summoned my Galaxy eyes photon Dragon I can look into your extra deck and banish one of your monsters!

Yuto: WHAT?! Such a powerful effect actually exist!

Bela: hm, One of the many perks of not being a human you're able to wield power such as this! Now show me your extra deck.

She walked up to him as he begrudgingly showed it off.

Bela: *smirks deviously* I'll choose to banish your Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon.

Yuto: damnit, I'm sorry old friend.

He placed his card within the banished zone as he glared at her.

Bela: Don't glare at me just yet, We haven't even gotten started. Because now I will activate the Spell card Galaxy expedition!

Galaxy expedition

Card Type: Spell
Type: Normal

Effect: If you control a Level 5 or higher "Photon" or "Galaxy" monster: Special Summon 1 Level 5 or higher "Photon" or "Galaxy" monster from your Deck in Defense Position. You can only activate 1 "Galaxy Expedition" per turn.

Hand: 2 -> 1

Bela: Because I control a level 5 or higher photon or galaxy monster I can special some in one level five or higher photon or galaxy monster from my deck in defense position, So with this I will summon this! Now appear! Dazzling Dragon of the nebula's above, appear like the force of a dying star and rend all before asunder! Appear! Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon!

Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon
Card Type: Monster
Type: Effect / Dragon
Level: eight

Effect: If you control a "Galaxy-Eyes" monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand in Defense Position. If this card is detached from an Xyz Monster to activate that monster's effect: You can take 1 "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" from your hand or Deck, and either Special Summon it, or attach it to an Xyz Monster you control as material, then if you activated this effect during the Battle Phase, double the ATK of all "Number" Xyz Monsters you control. You can only use each effect of "Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon" once per turn.

Attack: 3000       Defense: 2500

Yuto: *eyes Widened* three level Eights....

Bela: ya, I know what you're thinking, And I totally will! I build the overly network and I will overlay my Photon Emperor with my Galaxy eyes after glow dragon!

The black and gold vortex appeared before her.

Bela: Appear! Dazzling Lord of the high Galaxy! Equipped your spear and armor and prepare yourself for war! Descend now! I XYZ Summon! Rank Eight! Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord!!

Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord

Card Type: Monster
Type: XYZ / Warrior / effect
Rank: eight

Effect: Cannot be destroyed in battle except by other "number" monsters, If this card has a "Photon" card as material, it cannot be destroyed by card effects. You can only use each of the following effects of "Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord" once per turn.
•When an opponent's monster activates its effect (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; negate that monster's effect, and if the detached material was a "Galaxy" card, destroy that card.
•During your opponent's turn (Quick Effect): You can take 1 "Photon" or "Galaxy" card from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or attach it to this card as material.

Attack: 2500    Defense: 3000

Bela: So with him on the field I think I'll go ahead and attack! Galaxy eyes photon Dragon attack The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche! With Photon stream of destruction!

The dragon fired a blast of energy that tore through the air, but Yuto didn't back down.

Yuto: I activate the trap card! The Phantom knights wings!

Card Type: Trap
Type: Normal

Effect: If a monster you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect: That monster is not destroyed, also it gains 500 ATK.

Yuto: this gives The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche 500 additional attack points!

The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche attack: 2100 -> 2600

Yuto: and prevents it from being destroyed by battle!

Bela: might be so, but You still take damage.

The shockwave of the Dragons attack hit Yuto skating him back.

Yuto LP: 4000 -> 3600

Bela: And don't forget about my number 90, attack The Phantom Knights of Break Sword! Attack with piercing galactic thrust!

The monsters eyes glowed a deep galactic shine as it's spear pierced through the knight's horse and itself killing them both.

Yuto: aghhhh!

Yuto LP: 3600 -> 3100

Yuto: upon his destruction The Phantom Knights of Break Sword effect activa-

Bela: Nope we are not doing this! Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord effect activates!

Yuto: Wait it has an effect it can activate?!

Bela: yup, whenever my opponent activates a monster effect I can detach one overlay unit to negate the activation, and I'll detach Galaxy eyes afterglow Dragon! However by doing so Galaxy eyes after Glow Dragons affect activates! When it's detached from an XYZ monster, I can special some in a galaxy eyes after glow dragon from my deck to the field or attach it as an XYZ material, And by doing so they attack points of all my number monsters double!

Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord attack points: 2500 -> 5000

Yuto: 5000!?

Bela: And since After-Glows effect activated, I'll special summon from my deck, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon one more!

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon

Card type: Monster
Type: Effect / Dragon
Level: Eight

Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 2 monsters you control with 2000 or more ATK. If this card battles an opponent's monster: You can banish this card and that monster, and if the other monster was an Xyz Monster, send all Xyz Materials from that monster to the Graveyard. The monsters banished by this effect are Special Summoned at the end of the Battle Phase, and this card gains 500 ATK for each Xyz Material sent to the Graveyard with this effect.

ATK / 3000   DEF / 2500

Bela: And remember we're still in the battle phase! So attack my newly summoned Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! Attack The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche with Photon stream of Destruction!

Yuto: not so fast! I activate my trap card Phantom knight sword!

Phantom Knights' Sword

Card type: Trap
Type: continuous

Effect: Activate this card by targeting 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster you control; it gains 800 ATK, also if that target would be destroyed by battle, you can send this card to the Graveyard instead. When that target leaves the field, destroy this card.

Yuto: That means The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche attack will rise by 800!

The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche attack: 2100 -> 2900

Bela: But you'll still take damage!

Yuto: But at least my monster won't be destroyed! Ah!!

Yuto LP: 3100 -> 3000

Bela: hm, All right looks like I'll end my turn with a face down. Your turn.

Bela LP: 4000

Hand: 1 -> 0

Turn: 3

Yuto: I draw!!

Hand: 0 -> 1

Yuto: *looks at the drawled card and smirks* I activate! Phantom Knights supply run!

{This is a made card by me}

Phantom Knights Supply Run

Card type: Spell
Type: Normal

Effect: Target one dark Phantom Knight XYZ monster you control, detach as many materials from it as possible and draw that many cards.

Yuto: With this I will draw two more cards!

Hand: 0 -> 2

Yuto: And I got what I needed! I activate! The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch!

The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch

Card Type: Spell
Type: normal

Effect: Target 1 face-up Xyz Monster you control; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 monster that is 1 Rank higher than that target, by using that target as the Xyz Material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon. Xyz Materials attached to it also become Xyz Materials on the Summoned monster.) If this effect was activated by targeting a "The Phantom Knights" Xyz Monster or "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon" you control: You can attach it to the Summoned monster as an Xyz Material. During your Standby Phase, if you control the Xyz Monster Special Summoned by this effect: You can target that Xyz Monster; attach this card from your Graveyard to that monster as Xyz Material.

Bela: Oh? Rank of magic huh! Let's see what you can do with that!

Yuto: GLADLY! I'll target my The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche and rank it up into an XYZ monster That's one rank higher! I WILL RANK UP MAGIC XYZ SUMMON!!

The fabulous XYZ gateway open allowing for the summoning to take place.

Yuto: Dragon a ferocious rebellion! Spread your blackened wings and challenge all those who oppose the innocent! Dragon of purest Rebellion who blood boils for the battle ahead! Take flight into the sky now! I XYZ SUMMON! RANK FIVE! ARC REBELLION XYZ DRAGON!

Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon

Card Type: Monster
Type: Effect / XYZ / Dragon
Rank: 5

Effect: This Xyz Summoned card cannot be destroyed by card effects. Nor can its affects be negated. You can detach 1 material from this card; this card gains ATK equal to the total original ATK of all other monsters on the field, then, if this card has a DARK Xyz Monster as material, negate the effects of all other face-up monsters on the field. After this effect resolves, you cannot declare attacks with other monsters for the rest of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon" once per turn.

Attack: 3000       Defense: 2500

Bela smirked sensing the powerful presence radiating off of Yutos dragon.

Yuto: But I'm not finished! Far from it! I activate Phantom Knights restless grave!

{Another made up card by me}

Phantom Knights restless grave

Card type: Spell
Type: Quick-play

Effect: Target one Phantom knight, or XYZ Dragon in your graveyard or banish zone and add it as an XYZ material of an XYZ monster you currently control.

Yuto: with this card I will add Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon onto Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon! And then I will activate the ability of Arc Dragon!

Bela: No you won't! I activate the effect of number 90 once more! By using his last overlay unit which is photon Emperor, I can negate your monsters effect!

Yuto: My monsters effect can't be negated!

Bela: what!?

Number 90s energy wave was canceled by Arc Rebellion who's roar sent it flying away.

Bela: Tch, Well because photon Emperor was sent to the graveyard while not on the field It returns onto the field, but in defense position.

The Emperor appeared beside Galaxy soldier who rested in defense mode.

Yuto: Now my dragon's effect will go through! By discarding The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche his effect will trigger! My monster gains the original attack points of all cards currently on the field! And good luck activating effects since I have a dark XYZ monster as it's material no face-up monster effects can activate!

Bela: oh~ interesting!

Yuto: You may call it interesting I call this dueling! Now behold!

Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon attack: 3000 + 3000 + 3000 + 3000 + 2000 + 2800 + 2500 = 19,300

Bela: *whistles* damn, almost has as much as 95s base attack.


Bela: ya Ahhhh no, I don't feel like being punched into the shadow realm. I activate the trap card counter gate.

Counter Gate

Card type: trap
Type: normal

Effect: When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack: Negate the attack, and if you do, draw 1 card, then if it is a monster, immediately after this effect resolves, you can Normal Summon it in face-up Attack Position.

Yuto: What!?

Bela: I negate your attack, And I also get to draw a card, If That card I draw also happens to be a monster card I can normal summon it face up in attack mode, So I draw.

Hand: 0 -> 1

Yuto: damnit, alright, I end my turn.

Turn four

Bela: Great to hear, I draw!

Hand: 1 -> 2

Bela: looks like your arc dragon kept all of its 19,000 attack huh.

Yuto: Yes it has.

Bela: hmm, a shame looks like I'm going to have to get over all that attack points.

Yuto: *alarmed* how are you possibly going to do that?

Bela:.... *Deadpan expression* how do you think? XYZ summons, duh, Now then let's begin! With the dragons I currently have on the field I'll build the overlay network! And overlay my Galaxy eyes photon Dragon with my photon Emperor once more!

The gateway opened before her.

Bela: Now appear! Galaxy shining in the darkness, Embody the demon of revenge and become my very servant! Xyz Summon! Descend! Rank 8! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon

Card Type: Monster
Type: XYZ / effect / dragon
Rank: 8

Effect: Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; take control of it until the End Phase. While you control that monster by this effect, its name becomes "Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon", its ATK becomes the same as this card's, it cannot attack directly, and its effects are negated.

ATK / 3000   DEF / 2500

Bela: Now with its special ability I'll be taking your monster!

Yuto: what! You wouldn't dare!

Bela: Bitch I've dared god and Won! Watch me dare you! I detach one overlay unit to activate Galaxy eye cipher Dragon special ability! Go cipher stream of seduction!

The wings of the Dragon produced a powerful light that drew Arc Dragon over to her side of the field as an outline of Cipher Dragon consumed it.

Bela: Now your monster has turned into a cipher dragon like mine. However I can risk this card going back to your field So I think I'm going to... Make use of it.

Yuto: *glares at her* What do you mean by that?

Bela: I'll take this newly acquired cipher Dragon made from arc Dragon, and I'll XYZ evolve it into a higher being!

Yuto: You're using my monster to XYZ summon when it's only just one monster!

Bela: yup! Told you there were parks they're not being human! This is one of them! Go XYZ evolution!

The gateway manifested.

Bela: Dragon of radiant cipheric glory, spread your galactic wings over the nebula of your home and show why you serve the demon of hell! Go! I XYZ summon! Rank 10! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon!

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon

Card Type: Monster
Type: XYZ / Dragon / effect

Effect: Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon" by using a "Cipher Dragon" monster you control as material. (Transfer its materials to this card.) You can detach 2 materials from this card; your opponent cannot target LIGHT monsters you control with card effects, until the end of your opponent's turn. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: You can return 1 Rank 9 or lower Dragon Xyz Monster from your GY to the Extra Deck, then you can Special Summon that monster from your Extra Deck, by using this card you control as material. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon. Transfer this card's materials to the Summoned monster.)

Attack 4000   Defense: 3000

Yuto: n-no way, to not only be able to XYZ summon with only one monster but also to be able to do it with your opponent's monster... It's... Unheard of it's... Impossible! Tell me who are you truly! Are you with dual Academy Are you an enemy of heartland and the resistance!

Bela: Oh heavens no, absolutely not I'm not with those fusions scum Who the hell do you think I am? Look even I have limits I'm not going to murder an entire dimension for some stupid Utopia or whatever the hell they preach about. I do my own shit for my own agenda, And because I! feel like it. I am no pawn of fusion!

Yuto: *breaths a heavy sigh of relief* t-thats good... But I presume you're going to end this duel now?

Bela: yes, However Yuto, stand tall and stand proud, You are by far one of the best duelists I have ever faced. That is something to be proud of. You are an amazing XYZ duelist even when I took away your XYZ Dragon you found a way around it and persevered I just happen to draw into the one out. You truly have my respect.

Yuto was taken aback by someone who has such a dark characteristics surrounding them, A woman who has stated to be a walking disaster a living apocalypse and yet here she was smiling actually enjoying the duel, and praising him for his skills.

He found himself smiling back with her, despite him losing heavily in fact like not even scratching her damn life points, He felt a sense of pride swell within his soul.

He's earned the respect and the admiration of one of the two demons of heartland that was something to be proud of.

Yuto: thank you...

Bela: Bela, Bela Sakaki. Now how about I end this duel!

Yuto: *smiles* be my guest.


They all reared back, and fired their rays, direct impacting Yuto causing his life points to drop to zero.

The duel ended and with it Bela walks through the ruins of the abandoned warehouse over to her opponent and held her arm out offering him a hand.

He gladly took it and as he was lifted up she patted his back.

Bela: I deal, is a deal, come on spiky head Fess up Time for you to tell me everything.

Yuto:... Yes you're right You're clearly not an enemy of heartland or the resistance So I'll be glad to tell you about every-

???: BELA!!

???: SIS!!!!

???: Jesus Christ sis couldn't have not blown up the entire warehouse?

Bela turned her head as she saw her brother's, and Yuzu coming towards her, However once they were in range Yuzu 's bracelet shined and with it Yuto disappeared.

Bela and Shizaku quickly glance at each other not knowing what to make of that, However they look back at the other two as they had a little bit of a light chuckle at the two of them.

However that ended when Yuya sprinted forward throwing his arms around his sister and bringing her into a hug.

Yuya: where have you been sis! It's been months me and Mom were seriously worried about you!!

The Innocents in his voice caused the demon woman to pause momentarily. She quickly fixed up that mask of hers and put it on letting a kind-hearted smiles spread across her face.

Bela: Sorry for causing you concern, Yuya, But you know my travels take me all over the damn place.

Yuya: yeah they do! But Mom really does wish that you would contact more often.

Bela glared at the ground at the mention of their mother.

Bela: y-ya.... Maybe I'll try....

Yuya: ya!! And you know while we're catching up maybe you can tell me all about your awesome duels you went on!

Bela chuckled before nodding her head However as the group walked away they didn't notice a blue-haired individual spying on them from the ruins.

???: so that's Bela... She's the terror of heartland and the very woman who's single-handedly defeated over 670 of our obelisk blues huh, not to mention is the same girl that has Commander Astor not to mention is the same girl that has Commander Edo on his toes... She'll be a tricky one but I'll crush her in the end... However I don't know what to make of Shizaku he's...

The spy thought his spine shiver which caused him to take cover, peaking out from a crevice he saw Shizaku looking directly at the ruins. And looking.... Right... at.... him....

???: does he -

Yuzu: Shizaku! Come on we're going to be late!

Shizaku paused... Before turning around and walking up next to her.

Shizaku: Sorry for wasting time, Tell me where do you want to go I'll pay for what we need.

Yuzu: You're truly too kind.

Shizaku: for you I'd buy the moon.

Yuzu chuckled at his sweetness.

Bela: simp.

Shizaku flipped around immediately to glare at his sister who just raised her dual disk.

Bela: want to tussle?

Shizaku: say that again and we might.


Yuzu: ahahahah!

Looks like things were quite juvial as of now....

However in the future and that will not be such a thing.

There You have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed it.

When I told you guys I was cooking with hellfire I wasn't lying because I did our boy mother fucking YUTO some damn justice! Bro is an actual threat! And before y'all get on me for adding and custom cards or giving him Arc Rebellion I'ma need you all to shut the hell up and please vacate yourself outside of my writing confining presents because your attitude ain't going to slide here I will happily ban you.

It's not a surprise that people in this book are going to be getting special cards It's not just the MC's that are going to be powerful It's going to be everyone I take an interest in So yes that also includes Yuto, Because outside of you yeah he's like the second most important yu- boy And oh yeah the person whose character can absolutely work the best here. So who knows I may end up saving him or I may end up letting him get fused into yuya It honestly is up for debate as of now.

However just know that we are going to be skimming through the first season because as you can see we ended up on episode 7 and it's only been the second chapter so oh boy or we already beginning to fly However don't think I'm going to just be having my OC's bulldozed their way through every single freaking duel in the series because again Arc v is about the entire team and all that s*** so every person will have their major duel to define their character I'm not robbing people of their character growth if anything I'm giving them more of a reason to get there faster because if they don't the demons will take it.

Also warning in the future this s*** will get a lot darker and a lot easier Also these two will have very dark and dramatic backstories on top of them having connections to other parts of Yu-Gi-Oh franchise that do not correlise with Arc v in particular If you have a problem with transformations or other s*** like that please once again vacate the premise because you will not like the future. With this being said that wraps up this chapter!



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