Chapter Three Bait And Trap

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???: and that's the last bit of footage before the shockwave destroyed the hidden cameras in that area sir... I hope this is acceptable.

???: it is, we now have video evidence of the twins exsitence.

???: what now? Are you going to approach them?

???: Hmmm.....

The man in the chair looked at the video, he observed the Duelist Bela Sakaki in her duel against the masked Duelist, the same individual who had thrashed Sawatari and a deep sense of unease came to his gut.

Her duel energy held alot of malice within, a deep sense of rage and sinister might was etched within the depths of her art, it reminded him of fusion. And he had believed she was of the fusion dimension, but no...

There was something more, the readings where off the charts.

Her Dragon, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, that dark was filled to the brim with powerful duel energy, so much so it was picked up by there scanners almost immediately, however when she XYZ summoned, (which was a whole different matter all together) that card. Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord, it caused a crash.

He's never heard of anyone possessing that much power, let alone such an arsenal for destruction along thr lines of her. Every monster she summoned, every beast it was miraculous. A miracle made real...

Especially when Cipher X Dragon came to.

A rank ten monster.... A creature of legend in this dimension. Although he could control such a card, his D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex couldn't compare to this powerhouse of a Dragon, and with the ease she could summon him, with another opponents monster none the less and only requiring said opponents monster. It made him wonder what else she has up her sleeve.

???: what should we do President?

???: Observe for now, if the Leo institute tries to bring them both in now, will have a disaster on our hands. But if at all possible get eye contact on the last Sakaki, Shizaku Sakaki.

???: if I may ask, why him? Compared to his sister and brother Shizaku Sakaki hasn't been a major "player" in a sense, wouldn't it be best to only observe Yuya and Bela?

???: no, Shizaku Sakaki is just as important to the future of our dimension as his siblings, not to mention, *he looks at his bio*, there is something off about him. Unlike Bela who hides her true intent with a mask that only cracks during a duel she found "Enjoyable" as shown with the Masked Duelist, of Yuto as he calls himself now. Or Yuya who radiants a purely positive aura that seems to heal those around him. Shizaku Sakaki is different he isn't as malicious as his sister, nor is he as good and innocent as his brother Yuya, instead he is an observer, a quiet watcher but also a sadist that enjoys watching his opponent get angered or suffer under his control style duel. However that's what we can gain under only duel records, after there disappearance last year, it seems there showing more of who they truly are as Duelist now. So monitor him as well, if any duel between those three happen, report it.

???: As you wish president.

The man in the suit walked out as the man in the chair sighed and leaned back.

???: Shizaku Sakaki... Bela Sakaki... Yuya Sakaki... One pure of heart, one vengeful, and one that is Sinister, they share such difference, and yet it's that difference they share makes them similar and conjoined at a level i cannot for tell. Maybe it's the world's way of sharing the pain the Sakaki family has suffered, maybe a darker force was behind there birth, or maybe.... No I can't let speculations like these drive my focus, as of now I need to keep an eye on them."

However before that man could continue the door to his office opened making him look up.

There a woman in a well tailored business outfit stood before him, her piercing eyes narrowed up on the man who now stood up fully for you to see him.

The man who had been speaking prior was that of an older male teen, probably around 19, with dark gray and light gray hair, a red scarf that seem to defy gravity, and a plain outfit consisting of a pale blue shirt and white jeans.

The other was the woman in question who could be seen.

???: Greetings mother.

???: Ah, Renji good to see you again. Now I have questions to ask regarding some rumors I've heard.

The man now identified as Renji nod his head.

Renji: speak away.

???: I've heard that there is a new summoning method, One that isn't connected to either of the already existing methods such as fusion synchro or XYZ summoning.

Renji: That is correct, now come sit down mother. You're going to want to see this well sitting.

The mother obliged taking a seat, she watched as her son called down the projector as a video was played.

It showed Yuya performing his first pendulum summon using stargazer and timegazer magician, The act had the woman stunned for words.

???: Tell me where did these cards come from?

Renji: we're looking into the matter, However what I've discovered will personally make you interested in this case even more dear mother.

???: alright, What have you discovered?

Renji: The first person to ever perform this summoning, is a student of a cut row duel school, his name is Yuya Sakaki. He's 14 of age and has participated in many duels however He does not possess and over 60% win rate. And despite his win rate showing that he may be what many would consider an average duelist, I assure you he's not. Because his father is Yusho Sakaki, the very man who disappeared all those years ago.

???... *Stunned* This boy, Who many would consider only average in skill is not only connected to the missing champion, and also the two unknown Duelist of this world, but is also the creator of this summoning technique?

Renji: That is exactly what I am saying,  However to prove all of this I have something that we can do. One that will reveal more light on Yuya, and also hopefully draw in his sibling to reveal more of themselves.

???: they've made another return?

Renji: correct, take a look.

Showing once again another video upon the projector the chairwoman was left speechless at the power Bela Sakaki commanded, she glanced over at her son who's hand was clenched tightly, as she could understand his frustration.

Renji was brought up from birth to be a prodigy, although he never underestimated his opponents or thought of himself as any better He holds pride in his skill and talents, and yet... This girl was on another level... Actually no it wouldn't be fair calling it a "level" More like an entire plane of existence.

The ability to XYZ summon with only one monster, and nonetheless that being your opponent's monster is something unorthodox and highly advanced, and yet she could just... Do that, It's almost as if she's playing a higher more advanced version of the game that every dualist of this world has access to.

She had power beyond there wildest dreams. And yet, they can't make sense of her, weather or not she's evil, whether or not she's good, it was a blank and that is what was the most infuriating.

Remembering that her son proposed a plan She decided to hear him out, After learning about the incident with Sawatari The chairwoman knew exactly what she needed to do.

She would lure out Yuya and view his pendulum summoning prowess while also preparing a cage to hopefully catch themselves a demon and while they were at it.

All to do now was to get everything in place and let it all fall together.

*The next day With Bela and Shizaku*

Currently waking up the two siblings of Yuya looked around there room Bela had for them, they wordlessly stood up and headed for the bathroom with Bela shoving her brother out the way as she made it there to take the first shower.

Shizaku just sighed knowing this was the norm and just waited.

He pulled out his phone as he looked online, nothing of importance had appeared except for this newest message about the Leo institute wanting to explain there dueling curriculum, and to do that they would be going after Pendulum summoning.

Shizaku narrowed his eyes, what the hell where they trying to pull? pendulum summoning was Yuya's thing, although Bela knew pendulum summoning would soon fall into the hands of the inhabitants of this dimension, this was far to sudden.

Looks like Renji was looking for a new weapon, and Pendulum summoning would be his new ace in the hole.

Looking at the door to the restroom he sighed, walking back over he knocked on the door.

Shizaku: Hey sis.

Bela: ya.

Shizaku; We got a massive problem on our hands....

Bela: that being?

Shizaku: I think Leo institute is going to try and absorb the Yūshō Duel School, there's an announcement that the president of the institute wished to have Pendulum summoning in its curriculum. So most likely Yuya's going to be in a pinch.

Bela:..... Why should it concern us? This is Yuya's battle...

Shizaku: I get that and believe me I'd be fine with he handled it, but if he duels Renji you know what's going to happen.

Bela: ya hell finally grow up.

Shizaku: no sis, we both know that, instead Leo Institute will take over the only good thing our father has set in stone.

Bela:.... Why the fuck should I, or you care what that man set in stone? We where set in stone, and yet look at us. Why should we fight for a damn duel school that was founded by the man who ruined our lives?

Shizaku:...... I don't know....

Bela:..... You know bro, you such at lying.

Shizaku: H-ha?

The door slid open revealing Bela in her cloths as she slide her duel disk onto her wrist.

Bela: your concerned for Yuzu, aren't you.

Shizaku quickly averted his gaze.

Bela chuckled at this.

Bela: your worried this will hurt her father and friends and I turn hurt her. So you want to try and fight to prevent her from being sad or angry. Isn't that right.

Shizaku with nothing more to hide just nod his head. And Bela just rolled her eyes.

Bela: For being the chosen of malice itself you sure have a heart on you. More then I can say for myself.

Shizaku: ya, I guess I do....

Bela: *rolls her eyes* if there's anything I can say, maybe you'll make a better husband then our father when he was with mom.

Shizaku: *raises eyebrow* Maybe? The hell do you mean by that?

Bela: *smirks* oh? You should know, unless your 110 present serious about being a good husband for Yuzu when you both reach the right age.

Shizaku:.... Ya, your right. And I'm going to do that, she deserves the best.

Bela: and if that doesn't happen?

Shizaku:... Then I was happy to have had her compassion and help when we wondered threw our darkest days.

Bela:.... Well that got depressing, sorry for bringing it up to ya.

Shizaku: no it's fine, it has to be mentioned or else I may wonder into a fantasy that may never come true. Confusion reality with fiction is a dangerous thing, life is not a fairy tale, as such I shouldn't dream of it as such. I just need to make the most of it while in the present.

Bela: *claps her hands* wow, that was a beautiful speak. Now only if Yuya could learn this maybe he wouldn't be an annoying little shit. But I digress, after all its dangerous to confuse reality with fiction and we both know that babied brat isn't going to grow up any time soon. Not until reality hits him in the face. But come on.

Shizaku: huh? To where?

Bela: Isn't it obvious. Your concerned about Yuzu. So I figured we could break into the Leo Institute and observe the Yūshō Duel School gang and the Leo Institute make head way and you can intervene if anything doesn't go your way.

Shizaku: And what about you.

Bela: me? Oh I couldn't give a damn about that school or this entire thing. Me and by babys only care about strong Duelist which only Renji interest us. Besides that we don't have as strong of an emotional attachment to this school like you do, so we'll just watch.

Shizaku just nod, and with it a portal appeared behind him.

Shizaku: Bela... I haven't even got a chance to clean myself. At least let me get a shower and brush my teeth.

He looked at Bela who quickly darted her eyes away as she whistled.

Bela: yaaaa be my guessssst....

Shizaku: And I'm the eager one.

Bela: Shut up.

Shizaku just laughed as he went in to clean himself.

Bela waited outside and when all was settled they went threw as they arrived at the location they would need to be at.

Leo Institute

Bela: Well, let's go. Maybe you'll be able to help your future Girlfriend soon enough.

Shizaku: just shut up Bela.

With a laugh they went inside.

*Meanwhile within the Leo Institute*

Things are not progressing all to smoothingly within the Yuya gangs favor.

Currently against the top of the Leo Institute they had one win, thanks to Yuya vs Hokuto Shijima Leo Institute XYZ specialist, one lost. Thanks to Yuzu vs Masumi Kotsu Leo Institute fusion specialist, and a drawl between the man Gong and Leo's Synchro Specialist Yaiba Todo.

So to recap one win, one lost, one draw, This wasn't what was needed in order for them to break away from the challenge set my the chairwoman of Leo Institute and now they where faced with a dilemma.

The next Challenge was Renji, a man who's skill most likely for exceeded any of them within that room, as they looked around Yuya was ready, he looked upon his deck and then Renji. He tried to think happily but instead felt a great sadness when his mind drifted to his rifted siblings, his smile filtered. And Renji could see that, his eyes narrowed as he stood tall, his mind unaffected by such things.

But as Yuya prepared to declare his battle, the door slammed open.

A man in a black suit and red tie walked within. Upon his wrist a sinister Duel Disk rested.

Yuya: Shizaku! B-bro what are you doing here?!

The rest of the gand looked baffled as well, however Shizaku eyes set on Renji as he walked passed Yuya wordlessly, but his stride was all he needed to see, as it spoke a thousand words.

Gong: No way, is Shizaku actually-

Yuya: ya gong... He's actually here to help.

His voice was filled with hope, with him maybe they could actually win, the children cheered as the rest of the Leo Institute students scoffed, sure he has a scary reputation, but this man was nothing compared to Renji.

Or so they thought.

However with the two they now stood face to face, Duel Disk at the ready as they stared into one another eyes.

Renji: I thought that this duel school was not a concern for you and your sister, Shizaku.

Shizaku: it's not, But you went ahead and hurt one of the only people I actually care for in this world, in this dimensions. So, I'm going to make you pay for it.

Renji had his eyes narrow at the word dimensions.

Renji: I see, You are aware of the larger picture.

Shizaku: More than you can ever know.

The exchange left many of the students within looking upon friends and colleagues trying to understand their hidden riddles.

Renji: No matter, Are you here to duel me?

Shizaku: Yes I am. Now let us begin.

Renji: As you wish. Activate the action field.

The world came to life as both Renji and Shizaku jumped away they stared intensely as their disk came to life.

Shizaku: Now-

Renji: Let's-

Shizaku/Renji: DUEL!

Renji: 4000 x5
Shizaku: 4000 x5

Renji: Now would you like to go first? Or shall I?

Shizaku: how about you go first.

Renji: hm, interesting, why would you have me go first? From your style of dueling it seems as though you are a control style Duelist, wouldn't you want the advantage of going first?

Shizaku: true, normally I am a control style Duelist. However There are sides to me that your little cameras and systems can't pick up. So I don't give a damn if I go first or second, Because as of now I'm not here to torment you. I'm here to destroy you, Now go first.

Renji: I see. *Pushes up glasses* then I shall take my move.

Turn one

Renji: to begin I will activate three spell cards. The first, is dark contract with the gate.

Dark contract with the gate

Card Type: Spell

Type: continuous

Effect: Once per turn, during your Standby Phases: Take 1000 damage. Once per turn: You can add 1 Level 4 or lower "D/D" monster from your Deck to your hand.

Renji: for taking 1,000 points of damage at the beginning of my next turn, and the turn after that, I can add one level four or lower D/D monster from my deck to my hand.

Shizaku: hm, Take a little bit of damage and gain something you need. Not bad.

Renji: why thank you. Now I'll continue. What its effect I will be adding my D/D monster, Now allow me to introduce you to D/D Cerberus.

He held the card out before Shizaku, Who didn't look impress.

On the ground everyone was wondering what D/D stood for until Sora pointed out that they stand for different dimension. Which left everyone else even more confused.

However Shizaku chuckled at this, This was about to be a battle between to forces of different dimensions.

Renji: And now for my second, That would be the exact same dark contract I had played previously.

A second version of Dark contract with the gate appeared.

Renji: although I'll take 2,000 damage I will be grabbing another D/D monster for my deck to my hand, And I will be taking is D/D Lilith.

Shizaku: cool.

Renji just glanced at him.

Renji: You don't share the same reaction as them, Is me taking 2000 damage My next turn something that excites you?

Shizaku: cut the shit We both know you have something to deal with it. Or else there be no way you would be playing these cards.

Renji; hm, we'll have to see if your intuition is correct. Now onto my next action, I will play dark contract with the swamp king.

Dark Contract with the swamp king

Card type: Spell

Type: continuous

Effect: Once per turn, during your Standby Phases: Take 1000 damage. Once per turn, you can Fusion Summon 1 Fiend-Type Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials.

Shizaku: *raises eyebrow* 3000 damage. Yeah you definitely have something to counter that.

Renji: you'll just have to wait and see, now then my contract's ability is now, with it I can fusion Summon without having to use a fusion card.

Shizaku nodded his head at this.

Renji: watch now as with my Dark contract I fused together D/D Cerberus, and D/D Lilith together, to Fusion Summon! D/D/D Flame King Genghis!

D/D/D Flame King Genghis

Card type: monster
Type: fiend/effect/fusion
Level: 6

Effect: If another "D/D" monster(s) is Special Summoned to your field, while you control this face-up card (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 "D/D" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "D/D/D Flame King Genghis" once per turn. If this card is destroyed by battle, or if this card in its owner's possession is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: You can target 1 "Dark Contract" card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.

ATK / 2000   DEF / 1500

Shizaku: hm, somewhat impressive fusion summon.

Renji: thank you, However I will place two cards face down and end my turn. You're up.

Shizaku: I know that, so At the start of my turn, I Draw!

Turn two

Shizaku: 4000 x6
Declan: 4000 x0

Shizaku: Now then since I control no monsters on the field I can special summon from my hand corrupt wicked disciple!

Corrupt Wicked disciple

Card type: monster
Type: fiend/effect
Level: 4

Effect: When you control no monsters you can special summon this card from your hand to the field, if this card is normal or special summoned add one "Wicked" monster, Spell, or trap from your deck to your hand. You can only use the effect of Corrupt Wicked disciple once per turn.

ATK / 2100  DEF / 1800

{Fan made card but I hope you guys like}

Shizaku hand: 6 -> 5

Renji and everyone else stood confused, as this corrupt looking fiendish Ra's disciple Now stood before them.

Renji: So this is the other side of your deck, I see, though I wonder how it would stand up against the different dimension demons.

Shizaku: tch, you'll learn soon enough that demons aren't the most terrifying thing in this universe. Now with his effect I can add one Wicked monster or speller trap card from my deck to my hand, and with it, I shall add the Wicked Dreadroot from my deck to my hand!

Shizaku hand: 5 -> 6

The card ejected from his deck, and Renji felt his legs lock up in fear, looking down he noticed his legs shiver lightly, as the rest of the room could feel it.

Something was a mist, the temperature in the room had dropped by several degrees, making all nervous What the hell he just added to his hand.

Shizaku: But I'm not done! I will normal summon my magicians rod.

Shizaku hand: 6 -> 5

Magician's Rod

Card type: monster
Type: spellcaster/effect
Level: 4

Effect: When this card is Normal Summoned: You can add 1 Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand, that mentions "Dark Magician". During your opponent's turn, if you activate a Spell/Trap Card or effect while this card is in your GY (except during the Damage Step): You can Tribute 1 Spellcaster monster; add this card to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Magician's Rod" once per turn.

Atk: 1600     Def: 100

Shizaku: With its effect i will add my Dark Magical Circle from my deck to my hand.

Shizaku hand: 5 --> 6

Shizaku: I will then activate my Dark magical Circle.

Shizaku hand: 6 --> 5

Dark Magical Circle

Card type: Spell

type: Continuous

Effect: When this card is activated: Look at the top 3 cards of your Deck, then you can reveal 1 of them that is "Dark Magician" or a Spell/Trap that mentions "Dark Magician", and add it to your hand, also place the remaining cards on top of your Deck in any order. If "Dark Magician" is Normal or Special Summoned to your field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 card your opponent controls; banish it. You can only use each effect of "Dark Magical Circle" once per turn.

Shizaku: With its activated effect i am permitted to look at the top three cards of my deck and if it is dark magician or a spell or trap that mentions the dark magician, i can add it to my hand. If not i can put the cards in any order i desire. Now lets see what i have.

he looked at his three cards and had a blank face, he showed no emotion in order to get Renji info, but he was pleased.

Shizaku: I will arrange them now in the order i desire.

the cards shifted into the position he desired. 

Renji: So none of the cards where for the dark magician, good to know.

Shizaku: Sure but you have no idea what i stacked, now then ill continue by playing the spell card pot of greed.

Shizaku hand: 5 --> 4

Pot of greed

Card type: spell

type: normal

effect: Draw two cards

Shizaku hand: 4 --> 6

Shizaku: now Will activate from my hand the card Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon

Shizaku hand: 6 --> 5

Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon

Card type: Monster

type: Dragon/effect

level: 6

Effect: You can send 1 Level 5 or higher Normal Monster from your hand or Deck to the GY; Special Summon this card from your hand, then increase its Level by 1. During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the GY: You can banish this card from your GY; add 1 "Red-Eyes Fusion" from your Deck or GY to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon" once per turn.

atk: 2000   def: 2000

Shizaku: Ill send my Dark magician from my deck to my grave yard to special summon this card.

His dragon appeared beside him.

Shizaku: Next ill activate Magicians' soul 

Magicians' soul 

Card type: Monster

type; Spellcaster/effect

level: 1 

effect: You can send up to 2 Spells/Traps from your hand and/or field to the GY; draw that many cards. If this card is in your hand: You can send 1 Level 6 or higher Spellcaster monster from your Deck to the GY, then activate 1 of these effects;

● Special Summon this card.
● Send this card to the GY, then, you can Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" or 1 "Dark Magician Girl" from your GY.
You can only use each effect of "Magicians' Souls" once per turn.

Shizaku: By sending one level Six or higher spellcaster from my deck to the grave, which in this case will be my second copy of Dark Magician, i can activate one of its effects. I can either special summon this card, or by sending it to the graveyard i can special summon one Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl from my graveyard, and so ill send it away for its second effect.

 Shizaku hand: 5 --> 4

Shizaku: so from the grave rise my faithful companion, Dark Magician!

the Magician of legend appeared beside him.

Shizaku: And because of Dark Magician being summoned my Dark Magical Circle effect will activate, with its effect i can target one card on the field and banish it.

Renji: what!?

Yuya: that means that bro can banish Renji's monster and go for an all out attack!

Sora: no i don't think so Yuya, has going to target his Back row.

Gong: Why would Shizaku do that?

Sora: Renji's strength so far has been his backrow, his spells and possibly traps are more dangerous then his monster and he has two unknowns set back, safer to hit those then the monster. 

The group froze realizing the truth behind his words, it was true his spells had powerful effects but it came at a cost, and he was a pro, meaning he had a chance of counting his own cards downsides. Best to remove that.

Shizaku: Ill target the spell or trap to the rightest side of you.

a magical circle appeared below it as it was flashed into the void.

Renji: Impressive, cards that can banish are a rarity, and target banishing even more so. But i wonder... How did you acquire such cards. Leo Institute have never printed such cards, so maybe... You got them threw other means?

Shizaku just narrowed his eyes.

Shizaku: I think ill continue thank you very much. With my Dark magical Circles effect resolved, ill activate from my hand Timaeus the United Dragon.

Timaeus the United Dragon

Card type: Monster

type: Dragon/Effect

level: 8

Effect: You can send 1 Spellcaster monster, or 1 Spell/Trap that mentions "Dark Magician", from your hand or face-up field to the GY; Special Summon this card from your hand. During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as material, including a Spellcaster monster. You can only use each effect of "Timaeus the United Dragon" once per turn.

Atk: 2800      Def: 1800

Shizaku: Now Renji you think that your the only one who can do advanced summon Please, observe in your hubris what i can do. Because with this dragons effect i can send one spellcaster monster, or a spell/trap card that mentions Dark Magician from my hand or faced up on the field to the grave, doing so allows me to special summon this card. So by sending away my Dark Magician Girl from my hand i can Special Summon this card.

Shizaku's Hand: 4 --> 2

His Dragon appeared to his left as it looked upon the red eyes monster, and Dark Magician, as they did the same and gave each other a nod.

Renji: Now where is this Advanced summon you spoke of?

Shizaku: oh ya, lets get to your damnation, you see Timaeus the United Dragon is a better version of that Dark Contract Dark you have, because with its effect i can Fusion summon using monsters of the field to do so. And no, it doesn't have to include this card, its any so long as i meet the requirements for it.

Everyone gasped as they hadn't known he could fusion summon, and this took Renji by surprise because he was convinced that no other person in this Dimension has learned how to do alternate fusion summoning but lo and behold before him one of the twin demons had proved him wrong. 

Shizaku: Now then i will fuse together my Dark Magician and my Red Eyes Black Meteor Dragon together!

Timaeus Roared as the two flew up into the air as a violent flash accrued as both spellcaster and dragon joined as one within the now spiraling fusion vortex.

Shizaku: Wizard of Ebony Scales, rise forth from the depths with the wisdom of the forbidden in hand to serve the wicked ones. Piercing red eyes that now the end, destroy all in your path. Come forth! Level Eight, Magician of Blackened Calamity! Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon!

Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon

Card Type: Monster

type: Fusion/effect/Spellcaster

Level: 8

Effect: "Dark Magician" + "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" or 1 Dragon Effect Monster

Cannot be destroyed by card effects. Neither player can target this card with card effects. During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's original ATK. You can use this effect a number of times per turn up to the number of Normal Monsters used as Fusion Material for this card. Once per turn, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card, and if you do that, this card gains 1000 ATK.

Atk: 3000    Def: 2500

Yuya: Wh-what is that!

Gong: I-i've never seen such a monster!

Sora: (Who the hell are theses guys! that thing is stronger then Yuri's monster!)

Yuzu: Shizaku.... I see... Thank you....

Renji: Impressive, as expected of you, Shizaku of the Twin Demons.


the rest of the one lookers just looked around confused.

Renji: Your skil-

Shizaku: I Activate my Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon Effect, because i used only one non-effect monster rather then two non-effect monsters, i can only destroy one monster you control, So i target your D/D/D Flame King Genghis. And note when your monster is destroyed by this effect, you take damage equal to its attack points.

Renji; What!

Gong: YA! that means Renji will lose 2000 lp!



while the yuya gang cheered him on Renji jumped up, and grabbed an action card having no other choice. 

Renji: I activate the Action card Invisibility! 

Action Card Invisibility

Card type: Spell

Type: Action Card

Effect: Target 1 you control; this turn, it cannot be targeted by your opponent's , also it is unaffected by other card effects.

Renji: With this-

Shizaku: No, I activate my Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon quick effect, whenever you activate an effect, i can discard one card and negate its effect, doing so my card gains 1000 attack points.

 Shizaku's hand: 2 --> 1

The Action Card Renji had exploded into pieces.  As he saw the Wizard get more powerful as a crimson Aura surrounded it.

Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon Atk: 3000 ---> 4000

Shizaku: Now to try again, I target your D/D/D Flame King Genghis with my Red-eyes Dark Dragoons effect.

Renji looked as the Wizard raised its hand as he looked for means of dealing with this card, and saw another action card next to his foot. Picking it up it was the Action card Acceleration.

Renji: Ill activate the Action card Acceleration.

Action Card Acceleration

Card type: spell

type: Action card

Effect: When a Card or Effect is activated that would inflict damage to you: make that effect damage to you 0

Renji: my monster will be destroyed but i take no damage.

his  D/D/D Flame King Genghis was destroyed.

Shizaku: Then ill just attack you with all my monsters, Red-eyes Dark Dragoon, Timaeus, Corrupt Wicked Disciple and Magician's Rod attack Renji Directly. End this duel.

Renji: Not so fast, ill activate the action card Big Escape.

Action Card Big Escape

Card type: Spell

type: Action card

Effect: End the Battle Phase

Seeing This Shizaku scoffed. 

Shizaku: Ill end my turn.

Turn Three

Renji: As per my contracts, i take 3000 points of damage.

Renji LP: 4000 --> 1000

Renji: However with the start of this turn i draw!

Renji's Hand: 0 --> 1

Renji: I will activate Card of Sanctity

Card of Sanctity

Card Type: Spell

type: Normal

Effect: Both players draw until they have six cards in hand.

Renji looked upon Shizaku Expecting him to negate the effect with his Red-eyes Dark Dragoon but to hiss surprise, any everyone else's, he waved his hand in a "Go ahead" motion.

Renji: Why would you not negate the effect? you can win, i have no more cards in hand and you prevented my plan, why allow me to have a fresh hand?

Shizaku: because i want to watch you try and overcome what's before you, so go ahead, make my day.

Renji:... Very Well, I draw six cards!

Renji's hand: 0 --> 6

Shizaku's hand: 1 ---> 6

Renji: I will admit you are a powerful duelist, but know i will not have the same mercy as you.

Shizaku: You think this is mercy? Please, i said i would destroy you, not OTK you. I'm just enjoying myself. So please, keep the high and mighty shit away, because its not a good look on you.

Renji: Very well, but allow me to show you a power that transcends Fusion, XYZ and Synchro! 

Shizaku: wait- hold up you have-

Renji: I set the Pendulum scale with D/D Savant Galilei and D/D Savant Kepler!

Renji's hand: 6 ---> 4

he set the cards upon the duel disk as it red the scale.

Renji: Just like Yuya i possess the ability to Pendulum summon! and now with the scale set i can Pendulum Summon monsters who's levels range from level 2 threw nine! The energy of the universe swings between the lines of the light and the darkness! I shall now harness the power of this eternal oscillation! I Pendulum summon! Come forth! The three Immortal Kings who rule over all! My triple D/D/D Doom King Armageddon! And Silent king D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok!

 D/D/D Doom King Armageddon

Card type: Monster

type: Pendulum/Fiend/effect 

level: 8

Pendulum scale: 4

Pendulum effect: Once per turn: You can target 1 "D/D" monster you control; it gains 800 ATK until the end of this turn (even if this card leaves the field).

effect: If a monster you control leaves the field: This card gains ATK equal to that monster's original ATK  until the end of this

ATK: 3000   Def: 1000


D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok

Card Type: Monster

Type: Pendulum/ fiend/ effect 

level: 8

Pendulum scale: 5

Pendulum Effect: If you Special Summon a "D/D" monster(s), except during the Damage Step: You can target 1 "D/D" monster in your Graveyard; any battle damage your opponent takes becomes halved for the rest of this turn, also Special Summon that monster, and if you do, take 1000 damage. You can only use this effect of "D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok" once per turn.

Effect: If this card is Normal or special summoned : You can target 1 "D/D/D" monster in your graveyard;  Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok" Once per turn. Once per turn: You can tribute  1 other "D/D" monster you control, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it.

ATK: 2200 Def: 300

Renji: Now with my Kings i shall use one of my D/D/D Doom King Armageddon and my D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok to build the overly network!

the gateway appeared and both his abyss king and D/D/D Doom King Armageddon went within.

Renji: King who lies in the deepest realm of the dimension, rise from your iron throne and claim dominion over all who stand in the wake of your dynasty! Come Forth! Rank Eight! D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga!

D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga

Card type: Monster 

type: XYZ/Fiend/Effect

Rank: 8

Effect:  2 level  8 "D/D Monsters"

This cards effect cannot be negated. After this card is Xyz Summoned, for the rest of this turn, other cards your opponent control and their effects cannot be activated on the field. Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; destroy all Spells and Traps on the field. You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 "Dark Contract" Spell/Trap in your GY; Set that target.

ATK: 3500 DEF: 3000

Renji: Thanks to his effect all cards you control are negated and his effect cannot be negated. 

Shizaku: Well ok then.

A blast of purple energy ripped threw the field making his monsters stager back. As Red-eyes Dark Dragoon lost its Aura as its attack returned to normal.

Red-eyes Dark Dragoon Attack: 4000 ---> 3000

Renji: Now i shall activate his effect, by detaching one XYZ material all spell and trap cards on the field are destroyed, meaning all my contracts go, and so does your dark magical circle.

They where all destroyed as the king brought his staff down making them all disappear. 

Renji: Now i shall move into the battle phase and attack your Red-eyes Dark Dragoon with D/D/D Doom King Armageddon!

Shizaku: shit! why are you crashing!?

Renji: *Smirks* you'll see. 

Shizaku saw an action card, he jumped to grab it and made it, it was the action card evasion, but upon playing it, it shattered.

Renji: D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga negates all cards you play for this turn! now my king destroy red-eyes dark Dragoon! 

His card was destroyed as a shockwave rocked the room, Shizaku was pushed but now as he looked his eyes narrowed as he saw that his Remaining D/D/D Doom king Armageddon was now more powerful.

Renji: Whenever a card i control leaves the field my king can absorb its fallen comrades attack points and add it to his own, and sense my D/D/D Doom king Armageddon had 3000 attack points my king gains 3000 attack points!

 D/D/D Doom king Armageddon attack: 3000 ---> 6000

Renji: Now my remaining D/D/D Doom King Armageddon attack Red-eyes Dark Magician!

The king fired a beam that blasted the wizards to pieces. and took a big chunk of life points. 

Shizaku's LP: 4000 ---> 1000

Renji: And now D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga attack magicians rod and end this duel!

Shizaku: ahahahha Nope! Action card Battle Change! 

Action Card Battle Change

Card Type: Spell

Type: Action 

Effect: During your opponent's Battle Phase: Apply this effect  for the rest of this Turn. Once per opponent's Monster, when an opponent's monster declares an attack, you can change the attack target  to 1 monster you control.

Shizaku: You King will attack my Dragon instead!

His attack went to the united dragon as Shizaku looked upon him and sighed.

Shizaku: sorry friend. 

His dragon exploded and his LP dropped.

Shizaku's LP: 1000 ---> 300

Renji looked upon this and sighed.

Renji: I end my turn. And because of this D/D/D Doom King Armageddon's attack returns to normal.

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon attack: 6000 ---> 3000

Renji: 1000 x0

Shizaku: 300 x6

Shizaku: My turn i DRAW!

Shizaku's hand 6 --> 7

Shizaku: Now lets get this started! I Normal summon Wicked Witch from my hand to the field!

Wicked Witch

Card type: Monster

type: fiend/effect/tuner

level: 4

Effect: If you control no monsters you can special summon this card. When this card is normal or special summoned, you can special summon one level four or lower fiend or spellcaster type monster from your deck. You can only use the effect of Wicked Witch Once per turn.

ATK: 1100  Def; 1500

Shizaku's hand: 7 --> 6

Shizaku: And now her effect activates! And from my deck I will add the field spell Temple of the wicked to my hand!

Shizaku's hand: 6 ---> 7

Shizaku: But that's not all! I'll activate my Temple of the wicked!

Shizaku's hand: 7 --> 6 

Temple of the wicked

Card Type: Spell

type: field

Effect: When this card is activated add one "Wicked" card from you deck, graveyard or banished zone to your hand. You can use the following effects of "Temple of the Wicked" Once per turn.

*Special summon as many wicked tokens as you have fiend type monsters in your graveyard (level 4, effect/fiend, attack 1000/def: 1000)

*If you control a monster who's original name is the "Wicked Creator", "Wicked Dreadroot", "Wicked Eraser", or "Wicked Avatar". Draw two Add Cards during the Draw phase.

if this card would be destroyed by any effect that would make it leave the field. Tribute one fiend or divine monster to prevent its destruction.

Shizaku: With its activated effect ill add my Wicked Avatar from my deck to my hand.

Shizaku's hand: 6 ---> 7

Shizaku: But enough of this! because i Build the Overlay network with my Corrupt Wicked Disciple. And my Wicked Witch to XYZ SUMMON!

The black gateway to chaos opened!

Shizaku: Fiend who's faith is rewarded with wickedness, march forth in the name of you belief and give praise to those who watch from purgatory. I XYZ SUMMON! Rank 4! Follower of evil! Wicked Apostle!

Wicked Apostle

Card type: monster

type: XYZ/Fiend/effect

Rank: 4

Effect: 2 level 4 fiend type monsters

When This card is XYZ summon, you can special Summon a "Wicked" Monster from your hand to the field ignoring its summoning condition. While this card remains on the field all other fiend and divine type cards cannot be attacked, or targeted by effects. If this card is used as a tribute summon it is counted as three tributes. You can only use the effects of Wicked Apostle Once per turn.

ATK: 3000 DEF: 3000

Shizaku: And with his effect, upon being summoned i can Special summon from my hand a "Wicked" Monster from my hand ignoring its summoning condition. SO from my hand i will summon the lord of dread!

The Apostle put its hands together as it let out a demonic prayer.

Shizaku: O Wicked god who lies in the heart of dread i summon you before those who dare stand before your wicked evils! Descend dark one who's presence robs hope and punish all with your divine evil! COME FORTH WICKED GOD DREADROOT!

Wicked Dreadroot

Card Type: Monster

Type; Divine-Fiend/Effect 

Level: 10

effect: This card requires three tributes to be normal summoned, Cannot be effected by spell, or trap cards, cannot be effected by monster effects except for those who's type are "Divine-Beast" or "Divine-Fiend", cannot be tributed, cannot be effected by any effect that would make it leave the field. Control of this card cannot be switched. While this card remains on the field, all face-up monster cards have there attack points cut in half. 

ATK: 4000 DEF: 4000

Shizaku: Because of his effect all monsters attack points are cut in half.

Magicians rod attack: 1600 --> 800

Wicked Witch attack: 1100 ---> 550

Wicked Apostle attack: 3000 ---> 1500

Renji, yuya, yuzu, sora, gong, the kids, the chairwoman and ever student present got to behold as this Gargantuan god rose up from the now shadow plagued floor below Shizaku. Renji felt his breath hitch, his eyes shook and his nerve froze, he was powerless, he looked as his kings attack fell before this demon's god.

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon attack: 3000 ---> 1500

D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga attack: 3500 ---> 1750

Shizaku: But I'm not done, because i tune my level four wicked witch, with my level four magicians rob to Synchro summon. 

Renji: You can also Synchro summon?

Shizaku: Indeed i can! Now behold!

His tuner broke down into green rings as four lights floated around his magicians rod as his turned to a even more transparent version of his current self. 

Shizaku: General who commands the forces of evil rise now and dominate all those Within your conquest. Servent of evil who leads the charge rise forth to serve your lord once more! Come forth! Level eight! Ebony Commander who wars with the gods! Commander Of Wickedness!

Commander of Wickedness

Card type: Monster

type: Synchro/fiend/effect

level: 8

Effect: One dark tuner plus one none tuner dark monster

When this Card is Synchro Summoned select on monster your opponent controls and shift its control to you as long as this card remains on the field. Once per turn if your opponet activates a monster effect (quick effect), negate the activation and take control of the monster. The card will not return to its original owners field as long as this card remains on the field. If this card would be destroyed by battle or card effect, tribute a monster this card has used its effect on to prevent its destruction. You can only use the effect of "Commander of Wickedness" once per turn.

ATK: 3500 DEF 2500

Shizaku: unfortunately my commanders attack is cut in half because of Wicked Dreadroot.

Commander of Wickedness Attack: 3500 ---> 1750

Shizaku: However upon being summon i can take control of one monster you control permanently so long as this card remains on the field, and so i pick your D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga, go, wicked subjugation. 

The commander sprung into action rushing the Different dimension demon king in chains as he dragged him back to Shizakus side of the field where he kneeled before the Wicked Dreadroot who nod allowing it to stand.

Shizaku: Now its about time to end this however i activate the spell card Wicked Roots

Shizaku's hand: 7 ---> 6

Wicked Roots

Card type: Spell
Type: continuous

Effect: When this card is activated: you can add "The Wicked Avatar", "The Wicked Dreadroot", or "The Wicked Eraser", OR Monster that specifically lists any of those cards in its text, from your Deck to your hand. Your monsters are unaffected by the effects of "The Wicked Deadroot" you control. Once per turn: You can discard 1 Monster, Special Summon 1 "Tellus Wing Token" (Fairy/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF o), also you cannot Special Summon non-Token Monsters for the rest of this turn, except from your hand. You can only activate 1 "Wicked Roots" per turn.

Shizaku: with it I will finally add my final wicked God to my hand, the Wicked Eraser.

Shizaku hand: 6 ---> 7

Shizaku: But that's about it, main reason why I activated it is because now all my monsters I control are no longer affected by Dreadroot So all monsters I control regain their original attack points.

Wicked Apostle attack: 1500 ---> 3000

Commander of wickedness: 1750 ---> 3500

D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga: 1750 ---> 3500

Shizaku: now then, Time to say goodbye Renji Akaba. Commander of strike down his last king, and Wicked Dreadroot will attack you directly. I know you'll have zero life points by the time my god's fist hits you, but It doesn't matter because you'll be feeling the impact of it. Now toodaloo.

As he said the Commander rushed him down cutting through his line of D/D/D Doom King Armageddon, He screamed as his life points dropped to zero but that want all, because while he was within freefall Dreadroot's massive fist slammed upon his body shooting him like a shotgun pellet directly into the ground. Making his crash upon the ground making a small crater.

Renji LP: 1000 ---> -6000

Shizaku stood with a satisfied smile, He looked down and saw there faces, and felt joy... But he kept it from consuming his smile as he walk down to Yuzu and offered her a hand.

Shizaku: Yuzu. You would mind walking with me?

She happily nod her head as they left. Despite the bewilderment of many.

Renji a few seconds later would stand up shaking off the impact as he looked at where the brother once stood, only to see that higher up Bela sat on once of the pipes.

He married his eye as he watched her vanish, making him more confused more then ever.

However a defeat was a defeat, and he called off his challenge with Yuya's gangs school, But this battle left you with more questions than answers.

Answers he was going to get in the future, Even if he get to duel them again.

And there You have it ladies and gentlemen, This news chapter is done I hope you won't enjoy it.

You got to see a little bit more into arguably the most mysterious person in this entire book Deck a little bit more And yes for your information all of those wicked cards we're a fan made by me and the wicked Gods have gotten serious upgrades befitting their status as gods.

Furthermore I want to address action cards look people I know the damn Yu-Gi-Oh community takes these things and I do too because they're a pain in the ass to use because there's so many of them however I am also not a pose of putting them into the book I will use them here and there but I will not try to consistently rely on them After all it just makes it stale and I don't like that.

Anyways moving on As is tradition if you all have any questions or concerns feel free to ask I will answer them to the best of my ability without spoiling the future and yeah take care of everyone.

Word count: 8630

DIO OUT!!!!!!

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