The CEO: Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Sebastian Taylor

My smile widened as Georgia glowed to life.

"Stop where you are," boomed Georgia.

Alex looked back at me with fear in his eyes as a large man charged the stage with a gun in his hand.

A millisecond later, Georgia flashed a blinding light and emitted a fine spray aimed at the man with the weapon. "The police have been notified. Do not move," Georgia said, her voice carrying across the silent crowd.

"There he goes," I whispered to myself as he hit the cement with a sickening thud.

Cameras flashed as Centurion Industries security guards rushed the motionless attacker. His gun was quickly confiscated and handcuffs were slapped on his wrists.

As the cameras continued to record Georgia and the fallen aggressor, I stepped up to the stage and cleared my throat. "As you can see, Georgia is present and aware in all situations."

People in the crowd cheered.

"Once installed, Georgia will keep your families, friends, and neighbors safe. Gone are the days where you have to worry about home invasions and violence in your neighborhoods. Gone are the days of criminals getting away before the police are able to arrest them."

People clapped and cheered.


The audience went wild. Several people began chanting, "GEORGIA! GEORGIA! GEORGIA!"

I looked over at Alex who stood with his jaw agape.

"Come on," I mouthed, motioning for him to come over. "This is your moment." I whispered into his ear as I threw my arm around his shoulder. "Enjoy it!"


A year had passed since the press conference. While Georgia was met with some criticism, the majority of the public stood behind the new safety device.

We had interviews with Newsweek, Time, and all of the major news outlets. Sharing the strides Georgia had already made in some of the toughest neighborhoods in New York City, Detroit, Washington D.C., and St. Louis, quickly brought politicians on board. In addition to being in every public housing building in the city, we had installed several hundred up and down some of the most exclusive streets in the city. Even the President approved one to be installed at the front steps of the White House.

We had done it. All of the hard word had paid off.

I looked down at my calendar and grinned. Today's date had a large red circle around it. Today we would install the millionth Georgia in New York City at the New York Stock Exchange.

"Rosa, buzz Alex, please," I asked my secretary through the open office door.

"Yes, Mr. Taylor."

"Hey, Sebastian," said Alex. "Is it time?"

"It sure is," I responded. "You ready?"

"Definitely," he replied. "Meet you in the lobby?"

"I'll see you down there in five minutes."


"Bourbon?" I asked Alex as the black limo pulled away from the curb.

"Just a small one," he said, pressing his hands together.

I smiled. "Nervous?"

He cocked his head to the side. "Eh, I wouldn't say nervous. But, it isn't every day the President thanks you in front of thousands of people for your invention."

"Millions," I said with wink. "Don't forget about the TV reporters."

Alex slung back the bourbon and closed his eyes.

"Don't worry," I chuckled as I refilled his glass. "Everything is going to go according to plan."

A few moments later, the limo came to a stop in front of the iconic New York Stock Exchange building.

"You ready?" I asked as the driver opened up the door.

"Let's do this," said Alex with confidence in his voice.

I fell a few steps behind the man who had the brilliant idea.

"Hey, Alex! I forgot my phone. I'll catch up with you in just a moment."

He looked over his shoulder and nodded.

I felt a bit guilty as I watched him walk toward the building with the millionth Georgia in hand. He had done so much for the company and as a tribute for his slain family.

Don't get soft now, I thought to myself.

"Mr. Taylor?" the driver said with confusion in his voice. "Did you forget something?"

"Yes, I need to go back to the office."

I slid into the backseat and pulled my phone out of my suit pocket as the drive pulled away from the curb.

I opened an app on my phone, took a deep breath, and waited to get back to the office.

As I pushed through the massive doors at Centurion Industries, I looked around the solid structure. Don't fail me now.

A few moments later, I took a seat in the large leather chair in my office and turned to look out the floor to ceiling windows.

"Thank you, Georgia," I whispered as I pressed a small red button on the screen of my phone.

Seconds later, fire and smoke filled the New York City skyline as continuous explosions brought down building after building.

I unlocked the bottom drawer to my mahogany desk and retrieved a non-descript cell phone.

A few moments later it vibrated softly. I pressed the green button on the screen and cleared my throat. "It's done. Georgia has been activated."



What did you think of chapter three? Did you see that ending coming?

I'm super excited to hear what you think!


Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

P.S. All votes and comments are greatly appreciated!

P.S.S. If you're loving THE DENTIST AND OTHER SHORT TERRIFYING TALES, be sure to add this book to your library and/or reading list! :)

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