The Director: Chapter One

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The Director

Chapter One

Benjie Acda

"I got the part?" I slapped my hand over my mouth and did an impromptu celebratory dance in the middle of my living room.

"Yes, I can be there Friday. A week on location? Absolutely!" I ran to grab a pad of paper. "Yes, yes, I can meet you there. Five o'clock in the morning? Not a problem, I'll be there!"

My hands shook as I looked down at my phone. "Did that really just happen?" I whispered to myself.

I fell dramatically into the overstuffed couch.

"What did you do today, Benjie?" I asked myself in a mock interview.

"Oh, well you know, just scored a supporting role in Chez Martin's upcoming film. No big deal," I answered myself.

Picking up a pillow, I screamed into it.

I pinched my cheek. "This is it! This is really it! You finally made it!"

Thursday Night

"Yes, I have everything packed," I said looking down at two suitcases lined up by the door.

"No, don't worry," I tried said, trying to reassure my mother. It was difficult to do thousands of miles away from home. She and my father still lived in the Philippines.

"I'll call you as often as I can," I promised her. "I love you too."

Flopping down into bed, I plugged in my phone and triple checked my alarms. I had set five. There's no way I'm sleeping through the biggest opportunity of my life.


By the time the first alarm went off the next morning, I had already gotten up, showered and shaved.

"Come on, where are you?" I muttered as I waited outside for my Uber driver to show up.

A small green Prius pulled up a few moments later. I looked back at my apartment and grinned. Next time I see you, I'll be a movie star.


"Benjie, glad you made it," said the casting director with a smile.

"Thank you, Sasha" I said, handing my luggage to a man wearing black pants and a dark blue polo. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Excellent. Chez is really looking forward to meeting you," she added.

My cheeks burned. "It's going to be an honor working for him."

She lightly touched my shoulder and lowered her voice. "Filming on location with Chez is going to be unlike anything you've ever experienced before."

My eyebrow arched involuntarily.

"Trust me," she said with a wink.

Unable to keep eye contact, I dropped my gaze and looked toward the bus doors.

An awkward moment passed before Sasha cleared her throat, "You better hop on, you don't want us to leave without you."

Grateful for the dark morning, I nodded, hiding my flushed face and headed for the bus doors.

Before I made it up the third stair, the door slammed shut and the driver pulled forward.

My hands shot out in front of me, but before I could break my fall on the dirty floor of the bus, I felt a sharp pain across the base of my skull, and everything went black. 


Dearest Cliffhangers,

Eek! Not going to lie, I was in bed, trying to fall asleep, but suddenly this idea hit me like a lightning bolt. I had to get up, open up my laptop, and get writing! The ending is so epic, I can't even! 

Hope you're loving the first chapter! :) All votes and comments are always greatly appreciated! 


Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

P.S. This was me after I hopped around the bed like that cute little goat! :) LOL! DEANNNNNNN gifs for EVERYONE! :) :) 

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