34. Stuck On You

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Hi everyone! I've been winning many awards lately with this book. Every award I have participated in, I've always won first place in teen fiction!!
This is all thanks to you guys, my amazing readers for voting, commenting, sharing and loving this book so much😍😍



Two days later, on a Friday after all the classes were over, me, Elliot, Madelaine, Skylar, Vici and Will packed some luggage and took the nearby bus to the mountains. The bus stopped by a forest that we were currently hiking through. It was Madelaine's idea to go camping for the weekend. Everyone agreed to it and I must admit it sounded fun. We could all take a break from school for three days and enjoy some free time together.

I was walking alongside Elliot. We were a little behind the others, because my knees still occasionally ached of sudden pain after the night I slipped and fell several times on the path to school when I woke up by a nightmare that triggered and frightened me.

Elliot secretly kept his steps slow to match them with mine on purpose and it made me smile to myself. He cared so much...about me.

He was wearing jeans and a maroon red hoodie and carried a backpack on his shoulder. His eyes were focused on the ground and his expression showed that he was deep in thought. He was worried.

Even though Elliot was super excited to go camping, because it was his first time, he was hesitant with leaving Lucy by herself. After the incident where she cut her wrist, Elliot had been super overprotective of her. I didn't blame him though. His mom meant a lot to him and I knew he would break if something wrong happened to her. He would break in a way that would make it impossible to put his pieces back together. And I really didn't want that.

Staring ahead and ignoring the brief pain in my knees, I moved my hand closer to Elliot's and gently interlaced our pinkies with each other. His skin made my whole body tingle. Elliot's surprised gaze snapped to our pinkies before they met my eyes. He couldn't hide the flush appearing on his cheeks and I smiled.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pouting.

Elliot chuckled and I mentally patted my shoulder of succeeding to cheer him up a bit.

"Yeah, just a little worried about mom," he admitted.

"Hey, she'll be okay. She's surrounded by good people. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about," I assured. "And anyway, if you're going to worry like this the whole weekend, then it will be no fun for you."

Elliot sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right.

He stole another glance at our linked pinkies and smirked after lifting his gaze back to me. "Cute move, my cute little idiot."

I rolled my eyes and Elliot grinned. It looked to be a beautiful day. The sky was bright blue, covered in clouds and the sun was shining brightly.

"You know when I was kid, I thought the clouds were marshmallows," I said, bluntly.

Elliot glanced at me, a wide grin crossing his face. "That is even more embarrassing than naming your pink pillow pinkie," he confessed, laughing.

"Thanks, kitty lover," I snapped. That shut him up and the tip of his ears flushed red.

"Well, that kitty was really cute, okay? You can't deny that," he said after a brief moment of silence.

It was cute, but what was cuter than the kitten was Elliot's affection towards it. He would cherish his kitten like his soulmate if he got one.

"Are you okay?" He asked, gently.

I used to scold Elliot for asking me that question, but he never listened. At the same time, it felt good to once in a while be asked that question. Especially if I could say no. I wanted to say yes, but a yes to that question didn't exist in my life anymore.

"I don't really know," I said, dropping my gaze on the ground, my knees briefly buckling.

Elliot's pinkie finger tightened around mine and I continued, "that nightmare...it still haunts me and whenever it does, I'm not able breathe."

Elliot listens carefully with his gaze glued on me as we walk, our slow steps matching each other's. "I'm glad Vici is with us. I've been...happier since she came to our school. It's nice to have her close so I can look after her and she seems pretty happy at the school as well."

Elliot's nodded in agreement. "Yeah, true." I glanced at Vici who was walking next to Madelaine, laughing of something she said. A bright smile was plastered on her face and it warmed my insides. She looked happy.

I smiled, but it suddenly vanished when my knees ached of immense pain. An agonizing hiss escaped my mouth and I stopped in my tracks, my pinkie slipping off Elliot's. Elliot was quick to snap before me, hands gripping my shoulder and leaning down to match my eye level.

"What's wrong?!" Vici shouted behind Elliot's shoulder. They were quick to surround us with worried expressions. I cringed of the pain, my hands gripping Elliot's arm to keep myself steady on my shaky legs.

"I think it's her injured knees," Elliot replied before pulling my bag that suddenly felt heavy off my shoulder.

"It's not a long way left. Only a few more minutes and then we're there. Elliot, could you carry her on your back?" Madelaine asked.

Elliot nodded and Will and Vici took our bags before he turned to me. We exchanged a nod and he turned around, letting me jump up on his back, my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. I exhaled a deep breath and Vici reached her hand up to place it on my shoulder. She looked at me, worriedly. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and pressed out a weak smile. She wasn't fully convinced, but nodded anyway. They started to walk again and Elliot lingered a few feet behind them with me on his back. His hands stayed tucked under my knees to hold them around his waist and I rested my chin on his shoulder, periodically exhaling gentle breaths. The more he walked, the more peaceful did I feel with the warm spring breeze touching my face.

Elliot grinned. "You having fun up there?"

"I feel like a monkey glued to a banana tree," I muttered, trying to conceal the comfort I found up here, so close to him.

Elliot cracked a joyful laugh and I smiled to myself before resting my head on his shoulder. I inhaled his scent of happiness that made me smile of calmness. I forgot all about the demons in my mind and my injured knees. And just for a moment, the war in my head was exchanged with peace. A type of peace I had longed for ever since the day I started to look at myself as disgusting monster.


When we reached the camping spot, two tents were already set up in the centre of the spot. The whole camping spot was at the edge off a cliff, surrounded by tall trees on both sides, the sun shining high up in the lively sky. The sunlight was strong, but it was quiet windy up here and I could feel the sudden cold breeze tug at my ears. Shivers crawled down my spine and I felt cold in my jeans and a red fleece. Subconsciously, I leaned closer onto Elliot's back, letting his warmth radiate over to me.

"I think someone has taken this camping spot," Madelaine assumed, looking at the two tents along with the rest of us.

"This is the best place to camp. Maybe we could ask the people here to share? Perhaps they won't mind. Plus they only have two tents so they might not be many," Skylar said, hope glimmering in her ocean eyes.

Skylar had her arms wrapped around her torso, fists holding on to the fabric of her pink sweater. Noticing she was cold, Madelaine tugged her girlfriend closer to her, stroking her back. Smiling, Skylar leaned into her, letting out an exhilarating breath.

"Sky's right. It doesn't hurt to ask. I'm sure whoever's camping here won't mind," Will agreed.

Will and I hadn't talked alone after our ending date on the school roof. However, things were working good between us and I was happy that we still cared for each other like we used to. Additionally, I was glad we could talk without it being any sort of awkwardness between us. I knew Will wasn't fully over me, nor was I. It was hard to to move on from your first love. Nobody could deny that. But I knew Will would find someone special. Someone he would love way more than he loved me. Someone he could have a happily ever after with.

There was no happily ever after with me. Every person who got too close to me would never get a happy ending with me. I was drowning. Drowning in my own absurd misery of loud wars, scary demons, violent and echoing gunshots, agonizing nightmares and the murderer Rachel stuck inside of me.

It was crazy how my thoughts went from thinking about to Will to my depressed condition. I squeezed my eyes shut, my fists tightening.

No. Today - this weekend I wanted to be happy. I wanted to be the old Rachel. I wanted to dig her out of her grave in my tired soul and bring her to life. For my friends, for Vici and for Elliot. Especially, Elliot. My city light.

"Rachel?" Elliot's soft voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I blinked twice only to see that the others had left us alone while they started to check out the place, looking for the ones we hopefully could share this beautiful and comfortable spot with for the weekend.

Noticing I had lifted my head from his shoulder, Elliot gently put me down before turning around and closing his fingers around my arms, afraid I might lose by balance. "Hey, what is it?" He asked, frowning.

I shrugged as I met his worried gaze. "I just...want to be happy this weekend," I said with a tiny voice.

Elliot smiled. "This goal called "this weekend" sounds a bit too much. Day by day is not a good start. Let's take it minute by minute. Be happy this minute and then focus on the next minute later. Or we can even take it second by second if you prefer that," he paused, his eyes exploring my face for an answer.

I chuckled, nodding. "I think I'll try minute by minute."

Elliot put on a satisfied smile, but it fell when I stared at the ground and sighed.

"What is it?" His voice was more gentle and careful this time.

I scoffed, blinking the tears in my eyes. "Be happy minute by minute. I have to focus on being happy. That's so stupid. I'm so stupid," I spat, disgusted by myself.

"Hey, stop it. Look at me," Elliot demanded, strictly. He cupped my cheeks and forced my gaze to meet his. He looked angry. "You're depressed. We can't deny that. To be happy isn't supposed to be easy for you. So taking it minute by minute is not stupid. You are not stupid, okay?"

Hesitant, I stared at Elliot for sometime. Eventually, Elliot's strict expression sharpened and I reluctantly nodded. A single nod was all that took to soften Elliot's expression and earn a proud smile from him. He leaned his forehead on mine and we exhaled a deep breath together, eye closed. We stood like this for some time, enjoying the presence of each other and embracing the soothing silence, the cold, yet soft breeze slowly dancing past us. 

Suddenly, Vici coughed, leading me and Elliot to quickly pull apart. She smiled, apologetically. "Sorry to interrupt, but just wanted to tell you guys that we're heading into those woods. They might be in there somewhere collecting firewood," she informed.

Her hair was up in a ponytail and excitement made her face light up. She was so happy today. I wanted to be happy too. I was going to be happy. So I did. Without warning, I threw my arms around Vici, hugging her tightly. Vici was startled, a surprised chuckle escaping her mouth.

"This weekend is going to be so much fun," I confessed as I received a thrilled nod from Vici. After drawing back, we exchanged another smile and headed to the woods along with Elliot.

We spent sometime in the woods, searching for the people who we wanted to share the camping spot with. The others were busy looking while I kneeled down to tie my shoelaces. It was then something hard and round hit my head. My hand flew to my scalp and I instantly got up while a pained groan left my mouth. Wondering what hit me and where it came from, my eyes scanned the area. I turned around and raised my brows.

A girl who looked to be the same age me, stood in front of me. She was skinny, dressed in black jeans and a white sweater of wool that was in contrast to her black, thick, long, wavy hair resting in front of her right shoulder, falling all the way down to her waist. She had thin, but beautiful features, a tiny nose above her plump lips and her black small eyes in a bigger contrast to her white skin with a small hint of paleness.

"I'm so sorry. D-did I hurt you?" She almost stuttered, worriedly. Her voice was gentle almost as if she had never dared to raise it.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine," I assured, offering a polite smile to calm down the nervousness and guilt creased across her baby face.

"Are you camping here with someone? We saw two tents back at the camping spot where we were going to camp," I said.

"Oh, um yes. I've come here with my friends," she replied. I could tell she was slightly nervous, her...scarred fingers on her left hand nervously tapping against the surface of the football in her hands.

"Me and my friends," I paused, gesturing to my friends who eventually took my side. "We've come to camp here as well. Could we talk to you and your friends and maybe agree on sharing the spot?"

She bit her plump bottom lip. "Um, yes. Sure."

"Great. I'm Rachel," I said, extending my hand, which she carefully shook. I tried not to look at the dark scars circled around the fingers of her left hand.

"My name is Hannah," she said, shyly, but quietly as we all smiled to her. Maybe she wasn't the most talkative person among her friends.

"Hannah, did you find...," a deep, male voice trailed off at the same his quick steps did when his gaze stopped on us. He was tall with a broad frame and approached us. He wore jeans and a grey hoodie, the writing on his chest matching his glossy black hair. He had extremely handsome features, flawless jaw and cheekbones. His eyes with long lashes were a mix of blue and gray.  They complimented his creamy skinned face and the small smile on his face.

He was familiar. So familiar. Before I could think through it properly of where I had seen him before, Madelaine solved the mystery for me. "You're Brandon Blackwell," She assumed more than she asked.

He glanced at Madelaine standing next to me as realization slowly spread across his face. "Madelaine? Madelaine Watson? I think our parents were partners in some project not long ago."

"Probably," she said, shortly.

Brandon Blackwell was the only child of the famous billionaire couple, Sophia and Alexander Blackwell. Madelaine was the one who first told me about them two years ago. I never expected to be face to face with their son on a camping spot in the mountains. 

Two more teenagers approached us with confused expression. One of them was a slim girl with the body of a model. She was gorgeous with hazel eyes almost the same shade as Madelaine's. Short, but straight brown hair framed her tanned skinned face and she smiled brightly as she fell in line next to Hannah. She was wearing the same sweater as her, only in grey.

The other one was a teenage guy who was tall and muscular with the body of an athlete, dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. His blonde hair reminded of Romeo's. Glowing as the sun reflected on it, a handful of it hung over his forehead and he briefly flipped his head back to push it away, letting his bright, pure blue eyes come to sight.

"Is everything okay?" The brunette asked, her gaze flickering between us.

"Yes, um, we're from the boarding school Kingstone academy. You might've heard about it," Madelaine replied, now doing the talking.

All four of them nodded. Kingstone academy was the best and famous boarding school in the country and consisted mostly of rich kids. "We're from Eastwood high. It's a few hours away from your boarding school," Brandon informed.

"So we had planned to camp at the same spot as you guys are camping in. We saw your tents so we came looking for you guys, hoping we could share the spot for the weekend?" She asked, suggestively.

They didn't seem to dislike the idea, because their faces lit up, smiling brightly to us.

"Of course we can share. That sounds a lot of fun," the brunette said, excitingly.

Brandon chuckled, nodding. "These are my friends. Liv and Matt and you seem to have already met Hannah and already know who I am."

My friends nodded. The Blackwell family was quite famous around the country and probably around the world. I saw their house in a magazine once. It looked like a castle just like Madelaine's.

"I'm Rachel. These are my friends, Madelaine, Will, Skylar, Victoria and Elliot," I said, introducing us all with a kind smile.

"Wow. That's a lot of names to remember," Matt spoke for the first time. We all chuckled in response.

"Why don't we help you guys set up your tents and then we can play football together?" Liv suggested, smiling cheerfully.

"Sounds great," Madelaine answered, the others agreeing.

I had a feeling this was going to be a fun day and I would definitely succeed on being happy minute by minute.


After setting up the tent, we played football, collected firewood and ate dinner together. Time flew by fast and before we even realized it, the sun had fallen out of the sky and the bright moon had taken its place.

I had picked up a few things about our new friends by now. Matt was the funny type. Constantly cracking jokes and annoying the shit out of Brandon along with making us all laugh. Liv was the outgoing and the cheerful one. She was already besties with Maddie, Sky and Vici. It was obvious that she and Matt were a couple. They exchanged a few lip locks and held hands sometimes.

Brandon was friendly and kind towards everyone. Being the son of a famous billionaire couple, he didn't show the richness and fame at all. It wasn't in his personality. That made him quite likable to everyone. Hannah was the shy one, but straightforward and so sweet. However, it was something about her that I couldn't quite put my finger on. She hid this type of fear behind her shyness. I wondered what caused that fear.

I didn't figure out that she and Brandon were a couple as quickly I discovered that Matt and Liv were one. They didn't show it physically, only held hands a few times, but the way they looked at each other was all that took to confirm their love for one another.

We were currently seated circled around the bonfire, grilling marshmallows, talking, laughing and sharing fun stories with each other. The atmosphere was soothing, making me forget all the bad and only think positive. Something I didn't do often anymore. So far, I had succeeded with being happy minute by minute.

"This is our first time camping here. Have you guys been here before?" Skylar asked. She was sitting in Maddie's lap, leaned back against her chest. Maddie was nibbling on a marshmallow while her other arm rested around her waist.

Our new friends weren't surprised of their sexuality, because they already knew. Madelaine, the Watson's couple one and only daughter was gay. That kind of news spread fast. They didn't mind at all though. It was hard to resist such an adorable couple.

"Yeah, this is actually our special camping spot. We come here often," Brandon replied to Skylar's question.

"Then you must have many awesome memories. Share your best memory each one of you have from here," Vici said, smiling, seated next to Will with her legs crossed.

Matt went first. "Playing football with Brandon. Otherwise, he doesn't even touch a football nor does he step into a football field."

"Why?" Will asked, blowing gently on his roasted marshmallow before taking a bite.

"He loves his guitar and Hannah way more," Matt answered, grinning.

Brandon just rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips and his cheeks flushing red. Even Hannah's cheeks turned pink next to Brandon. When it was her turn, Hannah's cheeks went from pink to a red shade as she said, "Brandon and I shared our first kiss here."

Her confession and her adorability made everyone go, "aww!" while Brandon rapidly glanced at his girlfriend, a genuine smile appearing on his face. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him before pecking her cheek, leading Hannah to giggle.

Then it was Liv's turn. " I think my favorite memory would be playing truth or dare. We confess and do a lot of funny things. We should play it together tomorrow evening. It would be double the fun with you guys." Her voice was filled with excitement and we all nodded.

Eventually, everyone fell into their own conversations and I glanced at Elliot who was sitting beside me. I noticed he was staring at the fire, lost in his own thoughts. I could read the worry towards his mom easily on his face. I was happy and enjoying this night with my old and new friends. But that didn't mean I could just ignore the one guy who always found a way to make me stay one more day.

I looked around, hoping someone or something could help me cheer up my city light. Coincidentally, my gaze stopped on a guitar lying behind Brandon who was sitting next to me with Hannah.

"Hey, Brandon, could you help me with something?" I whispered, leaning closer to him so Elliot couldn't hear us.

Brandon looked at me with curiosity across his face. "Sure. What is it?"

"My city lig- I mean Elliot, is missing his mom. A lot. He's really important to me and I really want him to have fun this weekend, considering this is his first time camping. Could you help me cheer him up?" I asked, nodding at his guitar.

Brandon and Hannah smiled, a hint of excitement across their faces. "Of course," he replied. "Will you do the singing or?"

"Yes, don't worry about that. I'll handle it. I just need you to play the guitar for me," I informed.

After I told him which song I was going to sing, Brandon nodded and placed his guitar in his lap, starting to tune it. I got up on my feet, brushing off the dirt on my comfy, pink sweatpants. I grabbed a stick, using it as a mic and pushed my hair behind my shoulders before clearing my throat. Silence fell between us all, everyone's attention turning to me and curiosity appearing on their faces. Elliot was looking at me as well and the stick I was holding close to my mouth. He looked confused.

Elliot Waters was so going to pay for making me do this. I would take my revenge. One day.

I cleared my throat once more and when Brandon started to string his guitar, playing perfectly to the tune of the song I told him about, realization took the curiosity's place on everyone's faces and they cheered me on as I started to sing, "Ooh... Ooh... Yeah..., Okay maybe I'm shy, But usually I speak my mind. But by your side, I'm tongue tied," the words left my mouth with a tiny voice, but melodically. Amazed, Elliot's eyes widened as he sat frozen with his head tilted slightly to the side. 

"Sweaty palms, I turn red
You think I have no confidence
But I do, just not with you. Now... I'm singing all the words I'm scared to say. Yeah... So forgive me If I'm doing this all wrong I'm trying my best in this song to tell you
What can I do?
I'm stuck on you."

I took a brief a pause and everyone smiled of fascination and encouragement, my palms sweaty while Brandon continued to play his guitar and I eventually matched my words with his rhythm. "I'm hoping you feel what I do Cause I told Mom about you, I told her
What can I do?
I'm stuck on you
And like the night sticks to the moon...,Boy... I'm stuck on you. Ooh... Ooh... Yeah...," As I sang, I glanced back at Elliot who's expression remained the same. Amazed, astonished and so fascinated.

"Look at me, perfectionist
Yeah I'm a workaholic
But on my phone, I feel at home. I don't like rules
But make my bed
Floss to keep my teeth perfect
Yeah it's true, I got issues. So... I'm singing all the words I'm scared to say
Yeah...So forgive me. If I'm doing this all wrong. I'm trying my best in this song to tell you
What can I do?
I'm stuck on you," I continued to hold my gaze on Elliot as the words left my mouth, the stick close to my mouth suddenly feeling like a real mic . "I'm hoping you feel what I do
Cause I told Mom about you, I told her
What can I do?
I'm stuck on you
And like the night sticks to the moon.... Boy... I'm stuck on you. Ooh... Ooh... Yeah...I'm stuck on you...," I trailed off and so did Brandon's flawless guitar playing.

It was only a extremely brief moment of silence where Elliot and I stared at each other as if we were the only two people in the world before everyone loudly cheered and applauded for me.

Vici approached me first, embracing me into a warm hug. I was consumed by her scent. Marshmallows and cinnamon. "My little cherry, I didn't know you were that great of singer."

"Me neither," I whispered, wrapping my arms around her. I had sung that song in my bedroom so many times, but never before an audience. Everyone had their own voice, their own song and this was mine. My own little secret. It was something I kept to myself, but not anymore though.

As I drew back, Will and Madelaine smiled widely to me of fascination and proudness. The rest was equally amazed. I turned to Elliot and kneeled down before him. Dumbfounded, his sat still, gazing at me like a child with his head still slightly tilted to the side. I placed my hands on his shoulders, briefly shaking him to pull him out of the mesmerized trance he was stuck in. He blinked several times, but the astonishment never faded.

"I sang my secret, favorite song for you, which I would never dare to sing unless I was in my bedroom with all the windows and doors locked. Now can you at least cheer up?" I was almost begging.

Slowly, a smile appeared on Elliot's face. A smile that warmed my heart. "Okay," he whispered.

"Yes! Finally!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air, victoriously. Elliot chuckled and pulled me into a tight hug before I could do it. I smiled in his embrace and met Brandon's mixed eyes. "Thank you," I mouthed, silently. Brandon smiled in reply and so did Hannah next to him.

With a triumphant smile I sat down next to Elliot and grabbed a marshmallow. Just when I was about to shove it into my mouth, Elliot snatched it out of my mouth and stuffed it in his mouth, throwing me a sly grin.

"Hey! Shithead! That's mine!" I exclaimed, smacking his arm.

"Shithead? That's the sickest nickname ever," Matt laughed, amusingly.

Elliot grinned. "She's actually obligated to call me dear professor Elliot, considering I tutor her in every single subject. Sometimes she just forgets to be formal before me."

"Dear professor Elliot. That's so cute," Liv confessed, smiling.

"Hey! He forgets to be formal too. Calling me a redhead snake isn't quite formal either!" I snap, smacking him once more, good and hard. Elliot smacked me back.

"Redhead snake? That's like ten times better than shithead. Way to go, bro," Matt bumped his fist against Elliot's.

I huffed of annoyance and everyone burst out laughing. We started smacking each other like two childish idiots.

"Wow. You guys are one cute thing. You almost seem like an old married couple," Liv grinned, amusingly.

"That's what I said," Vici grinned.

"Yep, she's my cute little idiot," he says, patting my head as if I was his kitten.

"Stop patting me like I'm your pet," I growled, trying to push him away. Elliot ignored me and pulled me against his chest as he stroked my hair.

"I sing a song for him and this is how he repays me," I mutter, grumpily.

"Don't worry, guys, she's so enjoying this," Elliot assured, immense amusement echoing from his voice.

Everyone continued to laugh by the sight of us and we spent the rest of the time like this, talking, laughing, joking and eating grilled marshmallows while the tune of Brandon's guitar continued in the background.


In the middle of the night when everyone was fast asleep in their tents, I felt suffocated. I wasn't sure if it was because it was my first time sleeping in a sleeping bag or in a tent. At the same time, my wound was hurting. Whatever the cause could be, all I knew was that I wouldn't be able to sleep for one second in here.

Rolling my sleeping bag together, I glanced at Will who was fast asleep next to me. Very quietly, I crawled out of the tent and got up on my feet, hoping I could spent the night sleeping outside under the starry sky.

It was dark outside, but the bright moon and the stars illuminated the darkness and I looked around, looking for a comfy spot. My gaze stopped on the edge off the cliff where a baggy sleeping bag was rolled out and a figure was curled up inside it. The moon's light reflected on strands of red hair peeking out of the sleeping bag. I felt myself smiling and walked towards this redhead snake.

When I got closer and sat down next to her, I found Rachel lying on her back in her big sleeping bag that she looked so tiny in. She was drying on her hands. She hadn't done that in a long time. A very long time ago.

I gazed at the little moons, stars and suns on the backside of her hands. "Nice art," I said.

Rachel flinched, the pen slipping out of her hand as she quickly sat up, her eyes widened of sudden fear. However, I grabbed her hand, gently stroking my thumb over her warm skin.

"It's just me," I assured, softly.

It took a few seconds for Rachel to calm down from the mini heart attack she just had. "Elliot? What are you doing out here?" She asked, breathlessly.

I smiled. "I could ask you the same thing."

Rachel sighed. "I couldn't sleep. So I just thought that I could look at the stars for a while and draw a bit on my hands now that I have the chance. At least I thought I did. What about you?"

"I felt a bit suffocated in there. I thought I could try sleeping out here."

"It's probably because it's your first time," she assured.

"This is a nice spot to sleep though," I said, looking at the amazing view of the whole town before us. I bet if I looked more closely, I could see Kingstone academy from here.

"Yeah, but not the best place for suicidal people," she admitted, casually.

I tensed before instantly snapping my head sideways, staring at her with a lump in my throat. She had lied down, again on her back, but her gaze was still on me. I suddenly felt something tighten in my chest. Without warning, I got inside her sleeping bag, lying down next to her. Eyes widened of astonishment, her jaw slightly dropped.

"What the hell are you doing? Ever heard of personal space?!" She growled in a whispering tone.

I drew back from her as much as I could in the sleeping bag, creating as much distance as possible between us. "Better? Here's your personal space," I said, flatly.

Knowing I wouldn't be getting out, she huffed and grabbed her pen, continuing to draw blue art on her hands. I was lying in silence, staring at her and felt relieved that my wound wasn't hurting anymore. I couldn't risk causing any sort of doubt in Rachel's mind when it came to my wound.

As my gaze lingered on her, I couldn't help but to remember back to when she sang for several hours ago by the bonfire. She was so pretty when she stood up there in front of everyone, dressed in pink sweatpants and a white sweater that her red hair was in contrast to. Her beautiful hazel eyes that sparkled as the fire reflected in them were staring into mine as a small smile tugged on her lips. And her voice, I swear her voice was the most magical voice in the whole world. Saying that Rachel could sing like and angel was an understatement. Her voice was far too amazing than that.

And she sang to me. To me!

That tiny crush I had on Rachel. The one that was the size of a baby grape, was slowly growing.

"Rachel?" I asked, gently with my cheek resting on my elbow. She looked at me. "Thank you," I whispered, wholeheartedly.

"For what?" She questioned, gazing at me.

"Cheering me up. That was a really cute song you sang to me. And your voice is amazing," I admitted, the fascination lingering in my tone.

"You're welcome and thank you. The song kind of reminds me of you," she mumbled. I raised my brows and felt my cheeks flush red.

"Are you really worried about her? Like a lot?" She asked, putting the pen down and shifting her body so she was facing me.

I nodded. "I'm just...I'm scared she'll do something like....that again," I paused, the sight of her cut wrist clouding my vision. "I don't want to lose her. I can't let that happen,-" my voice cracked and I clenched my jaw.

"Hey, stop," she said, hastily placing her palm on my cheek, only to receive a trembling sigh. 

"Nothing will happen to her. I promise you that. She's happy at our school. You won't lose her. Stop thinking negative thoughts. They won't do you any good," she said, firmly. I sighed, slowly nodding.

"For a guy, you are too emotional," she admitted, withdrawing her hand from my cheek, leaving a sudden coldness to rush through me by the absence of her touch.

"I'm sorry, for not being strong. I'm working on it. Minute by minute," I murmured.

For a moment, Rachel stared stared at me with a softened expression. We laid in silence for a while. A type of silence everyone needed once in a while. A silence you found solace in.

"You know? I was thinking. We could try calling your mom from up here. There are probably not any network signals up here, but we could still give it a try," she suggested.

I stared at Rachel for a long moment before smiling. "You really can't rest for one damn second until you make everyone around you happy, can you?"

"And you really can't take a break from this suicide watch or always somehow manage to make me stay one more day for one damn second, can you?" She snapped, challengingly.

"What can I do, Rachel...Adams? I'm stuck on you," I confessed, grinning.

She literally giggled and I swear the world froze for a second. Just a second, but a beautiful second.

The giggle instantly faded and she shot me one of her deathly glares. "I get it. You are a winner at flirting. Now shut up and go to sleep."

Hope rose within me. "So I can stay?"

"Will you leave if I say you can't?" She raised her brows.

"You know me so well," I said, squishing her cheek. She smacked my hand away, staring at me with a furious expression.

Chuckling, I closed my eyes. Suddenly, my whole body froze when Rachel's pinkie interlaced with mine, the same way it did when we were on our way up here. Our hands rested closely to each in the space between us and I opened an eye to steal a glance at her. Her eyes were closed, but a shy smile lingered on her face.

And that shy smile was all that took to drift me off to blissful oblivion, Rachel's singing echoing in my ears like a soothing lullaby.


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