37. Sick & Twisted hellholes

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I had never seen aunt Bella as angry as she was when she scolded Elliot and Brady. Her face was flaming red. After ordering everyone to head to class, she told Elliot and Brady to come to her office after they had been at the infirmary to treat their wounds. 

Brady was in the room next door, the school's nurse treating his wounds while Elliot had his own personal nurse. I held his blood covered hands in mine, using a piece of soft cotton to wipe the blood off his bruised fingers.

"I...I'm sorry," Elliot whispered, tightly. My head jerked up, my gaze snapping to his darkened face. He look sorrowed.

"I hate the guy I used to be. The guy who was reckless, stupid, careless and always picked fights with other guys. I hate that guy. I never meant to turn into him again. I just...," he trailed off, sighing.

"You just lost it," I assumed, raising my brows while looking at him.

For a brief moment, he sat still and stared at me. I wore a soft expression, my hazel eyes looking calmly into his brown. He nodded. "Yeah."

After I had rolled a white bandage around both of his hands, I raised my gaze to his face, using another piece of cotton to wipe the blood off the little cuts on his face and the small wound on his forehead. He smiled and tucked a strand of loose hair from my braid behind my ear. It caused me to smile.

"Tell me what happened. Everything," I said, my smile disappearing.

"Rachel," he began.

"No. Tell me," I commanded with a serious expression.

He sighed before I started retelling everything that happened in the room. "They said you were sleeping with every good looking guy in the school. You were doing it according to some list a few girls made, ranking the hottest guys here. First name on the list was Will. They said you had slept with him. The second name was mine. You were going to sleep with me soon. The third name was Jackson. A guy who sits next to you in physics. They said you were talking quite cheerfully with him today so they assumed he would be next. Brady said that you turned out to be a slut and I just got really angry and pushed him against the lockers."

Slut. I swallowed hard, my heart stinging. Elliot was angry again. His jaw was clenched, his admiring brown eyes darkened.

"And then he started saying that I was scared I'll be a virgin the rest of my life if I never got a chance with you, because I wasn't one of those guys who slept with girls everyday. And Mads and Sky wouldn't give me chance. He called them...freaky fags," he muttered, spitting out the last two words with difficulty. "And then I just lost it. I started punching him and he did the same. We broke into a fight."

Elliot got his revenge for Brady calling me a slut. And I got my revenge for calling my friends for freaky fags. But I knew Elliot was hiding something. I just knew.

"What else?" I asked after I put a small bandaged on his forehead.

Elliot furrowed his brows. "What?"

"There's more. I know it is. There's something you're hiding. Tell me," I demanded, sternly.

For a brief moment, Elliot sat in silence, gazing at me with a frown. And then it was this guilt across his face that made my heart pound of fear against my chest.

"Brady. He um, he told his friends that you killed your dad. You accidentally shot him instead of the man that broke in to your house."

My heart stopped beating. The world around me faded in the background and time stopped for a moment.

"W-What? H-How? How did he find out?"

Elliot's head fell of...shame. "Remember, I...I told Will, Mads and Sky in the library the night before I was going to leave this school. You overheard our conversation. He must've overheard it too."

I rapidly stood up and took a few shaky steps back. Elliot's gaze snapped to me and he gently stood up as well, looking at me with a guilty frown.

"That was your past. That was your secret. Your dark past that completely destroyed you. It was your story. Not mine. I had no right to...to share it with anyone. I just wanted to tell them because I didn't want to leave you alone after I left. I'm sorry," he said, immense guilt plaguing his face.

Sighing, I shook my head. "It's okay. I know you never meant to share my story like that with anyone. Don't apologize. It's fine," I assured, pressing out a faint smile.

"Then why is your face so pale?" Elliot asked, taking a step closer to me with a frown fluttering upon his lips.

"Brady has told his friends. The word will spread among each and every student in the school. And it won't be long before everyone will look at me as a murderer," I whispered, tightening my fists.

Lately, people had stopped looking away when I walked through the corridors. Their faces didn't turn pale anymore of fear. I was not longer a threat to them, but a princess. Not the same princess I used to be, but at least a princess. That was enough for me, but it wouldn't be long before they would start looking at me as a murderer.

"You are not a murderer. It was an accident. You didn't shoot him on purpose," Elliot tried to assure me with a calm and easy voice.


Almost frightened by my sudden raised voice filled with immense anger, Elliot took a few steps back, creating a distance between us.

"The whole school is going to look at me as the girl who shot her own dad. I can't live with that. You and I both know that," I snapped, breathlessly.

Why was I angry? I didn't want to be angry. I hated this anger. I hated the demons in my mind.

"Hey, we can sort this out. Talk to your aunt Bella. I'm sure she'll never let Brady and his friends spread this secret. It was a secret kept from the world and it always will be. Your aunt Bella could never let you down on that. I'm sure of it," Elliot assured, softly.

He outstretched his bandaged hand to mine and gently interlaced our fingers. He smiled, warming my insides.

"Everything is going to be okay."

I exhaled a deep breath and slightly smiled before nodding.

"Come here." He closed the space between us with a hug, his arms wrapping soothingly around me. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pressed my forehead to his chest and we stood like this long enough for my ears to capture his heart beating to a solacing tune and his scent of happiness radiating over to me.


After paying Mrs Wilson a visit along with Brady who I barely could look at without anger flaring within me, I entered my dorm room where I dropped myself in my bed.

Brady and I got a punishment, of course. Cleaning up the whole cafeteria and the kitchen after breakfast, lunch and dinner for a whole week.

I could handle that. I just had to try my best to not lose my temper every time I met Brady's gaze. He was a piece of shit that reminded of the guys at my former high school. The ones who bullied me. Agonizing memories of that time were buried somewhere deep down within my mind, hoping they would never return. Especially the bullying in junior year. The sick nicknames they gave me and the rest...

That time reminded of how weak I was. I hated that time of my life and I never wanted to go through it again.

Pushing the thoughts aside, I sighed and closed my eyes. The nurse let me stay in my dorm today. I was still feeling quite dizzy after Brady head butted me. And my wound, which I still hadn't informed anyone about, ached so badly that it felt like someone was still punching it over and over again...till I couldn't breathe.

Suddenly, I felt guilt brood over my chest. It wasn't my story to tell. It was Rachel's. I had no right to share it with anyone. And I shared it in a library? A place that was occupied with people both day and night. How could I be so stupid? How?!

"Elliot, I've been looking everywhere for you. Isabelle informed me about the fight. I didn't find you in the infirmary so I came here...," mom trailed off as she stepped inside my dorm with a panicked expression that turned into a worried one.

"Oh my God, Elliot! Are you okay, dear?!" She gasped, quickly making her way towards me and quickly sitting down on the edge of the bed, facing me.

"Mom, relax. I'm okay. I promise. I just have a small headache. That's all. The nurse gave me some painkillers for it," I said, glancing at the nightstand next to my bed where I put the painkillers.

Mom didn't look convinced when her gaze swept across the small bandage on my forehead and my bandaged hands. I bet I looked paler than a ghost. However, the pain in my old wound was slowly reducing.

Concern and disappointment dominated across her face. The glow on her face was gone. She placed her hand on my cheek and just like that every dreadful thought faded.

"You promised no more fights. What happened?" She asked, frowning.

Shit. I saddened mom. I disappointed her. I never wanted that.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pick a fight. I just...he called Rachel a," I paused, my jaw clenching. "A slut."

"Instead of punching him, you could've handled the situation in a completely different way. I know what he said was wrong, put picking a fight with him was wrong too. Fighting doesn't solve anything. You know that," she said, sternly.

She was right. Fighting never solved anything. It made things worse. After picking fights with the guys who used to bully me, the bullying just got worse. The fights never lessened the bullying. They only created fear and sympathy in everyone towards me.

"I'm sorry, mom. I'm so sorry. I'll never do it again. I promise," I swore, wholeheartedly.

"Just...think before you act, okay?" She stroked my cheek with a small smile on her lips.

I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Do you need anything?"

I opened and eye and smiled before sitting up in my bed so I could properly face her. "Just a hug."

Mom grinned, her green eyes sparkling as the sunlight mirrored in them. She wrapped her arms around me and I wrapped mine around hers. Mom's warmth radiated over to me, causing my mind to be put in ease.

"Mr Louis is a great man," I blurted out, bluntly.

Mom froze in my embrace.

"Elliot, I,-"

"No, it's okay," I cut her off, gently stroking her back.

"It's really new to me," she whispered like a child. I could tell she was anxious and even scared. 

Sometimes, my mom acted like a child. The 15 year old child she used to be still lived in her, a ghost haunting her. It never faded, because that child never got the chance to fully be a child. It never got the chance to grow up to become an adult. It was forced to become an adult. All because of one shitty monster.

"I know and I understand," I assured. "Are you scared?"

Still in my embrace, mom nodded. "Yes."

"It's going to be okay. You're going to be happy," I whispered, confidently.

I really hoped those words wouldn't turn into a lie.

"I hope so. I'm...I'm sorry for not telling you. I'm still trying to figure out what's happening myself. These...feelings are new. Very new," she admitted, exhaling a shaky breath.

"Don't apologize, mom. It's fine. Really. I understand."

"So you're not upset?

"Never," I promised.


"Yeah, mom?"

"I love you so much," she whispered, pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

I genuinely smiled, my arms tightening around her as it was my turn to press my lips to her scalp. "I love you too."

We were interrupted by a knock on the door and drew back from each other, glancing at Skylar who opened the door and peeked inside. By the look on her face, it seemed as if she was dying to share some extremely important news. 

When her ocean blue eyes landed on us, Skylar quickly shot us an apologetic look. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?"

"No, it's okay, dear. Come on in," mom said, standing up with a polite smile stitched on her face. "I have a meeting with the other teachers so I should get going. Talk to Skylar and then get some rest, okay?" She kissed my forehead and I nodded as she left the room.

As soon as mom stepped out of the room and the door shut behind her, Skylar rapidly glanced at me. "You are in love with Rachel."


"You. Are. In. Love. With. Rachel," she repeated, this time pronouncing every word clearly and carefully.

"If I remember correctly, your words to Brady were "my Rachel". And anyway, I've noticed the way you look at her," she giggled as she sat down next to me.

Shit. Did I really say that out loud? Did I say that at all?

Shit. I did.

And with that, I started my defense speech. "No, I didn't. You must've misheard or something. I didn't say anything like that. I don't like Rachel. I admit that I have a tiny crush on her, but that's it. Nothing more."

"Firstly, I didn't mishear anything. You said "my Rachel". Secondly, are you sure? Because it definitely seems as if this tiny crush has developed into love," Skylar said grinning.

"You love her. Get that into your confused mind," she added.

Suddenly, I was hit with realization. I was in love with Rachel. My cute little idiot. My redhead snake. My...Rachel. I loved her.

Fuck! I loved her.

Why was it suddenly so warm in here?

I rapidly got up, my gaze snapping to Skylar who was smirking. "Shit. I am in love with her," I confessed, immensely shocked as I ran my hands through my messy hair.

Skylar nodded. "Yeah. Shit. What are you going to do now?"

"I have no idea."

I quickly sat down next to her again, taking her hands in mind, looking at her with a desperate expression, I almost pleaded, "just...don't tell anyone. Please?"

"Don't worry. I won't," she assured, smiling.

"And by everyone, that includes Mads," I said, strictly.

"What? Why?!" She whined like a child.

Raising a brow, I shot her a warning scowl. "Sky, promise me."

Sky dropped her arms of exasperation and rolled her eyes. "Fine! I won't. I promise."

I exhaled a relieved breath.

"When are you going to tell Rachel?" She asked, suddenly excited.

I didn't want the brightness painted on Skylar's face to disappear, but my reply did so, because I simply couldn't tell Rachel. Telling Rachel that I was in love with her wasn't an option.

"I...I can't."

"What?! Why?!"

"Rachel isn't in the right mental state to love herself. How would she be able to return my feelings. How can she love someone else when she's not able to love herself?"

"Elliot,-" I cut her off by shaking my head. "No. Every time she looks herself in the mirror, she calls herself a monster," I said, suddenly feeling saddened.

I really wanted Rachel, but I couldn't have her. The demons in her mind were pulling her strings and prevented it to ever be an us.

"And anyway," I swallowed hard before continuing. "She said she'll only stay till graduation. She'll be gone in two months."

It was hard to believe that it had already been four months since Rachel and I met. Four months and I fell for her. I fell for her so hard.

"Yeah, but maybe she'll change her mind. I mean, she's really happy nowadays. Especially since Vici joined Kingstone academy," she said with a smile.

It was true. Rachel had indeed been very happy since Vici had arrived. But how long would that happiness last? Vici wasn't going to stay long either. She would eventually end her life and Rachel won't hesitate to join her.

Her next words left me speechless, "Elliot, you have to fight for her. That's what love is about. Fighting for the one you love."

"Okay, I will, but Sky, I don't think she,-" I was cut off by another knock on the door. We both rapidly shut up when Rachel opened the door, stepping inside with math books in her hand.

Weirded out by our astonished expressions, her gaze flickered between me and Skylar. "Um, is everything okay?"

"Nothing!" We both exclaimed in unison.

"O-kay," she said, furrowing her brows.

"I should get going. See you guys later." Skylar causally walked past us, but stopped by the door. She glanced behind her shoulder and smirked when she met my gaze. "Bye, lover bo-,"

"BYE, SKY!" I quickly shouted over her voice, my heart pounding.

"You two are weird," Rachel mumbled, making her way to my bed and dropping herself on it, landing on her back.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so...odd?" She studied my face, flustered.

She was cute when she was confused.


I shook my head, trying to hide the redness appearing on my cheeks. "No. It's nothing. I'm just tired."

"Are you okay?"

She was cuter when she was worried...about me.


What the hell was I thinking? These thoughts needed to stop or else I would fail at hiding my feelings. I couldn't risk that.

"Yeah, I'm fine I just have a headache. Is it okay if you could just sit here and study by yourself while I sleep for a few hours. I promise I'll help you study when I wake up again," I said as I sat down next to her sprawled figure.

"Sure. You enjoy you beauty sleep while I enjoy myself with some advanced algebra. Did I mention I despise math?" She put on a fake smile while exhaustingly sitting up and opening her math book.

"Every time you open that book," I mumbled. Rachel and I glanced at each other before cracking a laugh.

"I'm just going to change out of this uniform. Start studying," I commanded before grabbing a grey t-shirt and blue sweatpants from my closet.

Exasperated, Rachel groaned before shooting me a murderous glare, earning an amused grin from me. I stepped inside the bathroom and shut the bathroom door behind me.

Closing my eyes, I leaned against the door, exhaling deeply. My heart was beating incredibly fast in my chest. Mom was right all along. I really was in love with Rachel. I really was.

I wish she could stay. Stay after graduation. Stay forever. Only four months of knowing her and a single day without her seemed pointless. I think I wanted more time with her. More time to fall even more in love with her, hoping one day she might feel the same way. But most importantly, I wished my love for her would prevent her death wish to come true.

After changing, I stepped out of the bathroom, feeling quite lightheaded. That bastard really had to head butt me. As an extremely painful headache kicked in and my head started throbbing painfully, edges of my vision turned blurry as I staggered towards my bed. Rachel got to me first though.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concern clouding her face. She placed her hands on my shoulders, keeping me balanced on my feet.

"I'm so dead," I chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist while burying my face in her hair. Her scent of sweet strawberries was my cure at the moment.

"Yeah. You do look like a zombie," she admitted, patting my back. Her touch left goosebumps on my skin.

"I know you always think I'm hot. Even when I look like a zombie," I said with a crooked smile.

"Yeah, okay, shut up. Did the nurse give you any painkillers?" She questioned while helping me sit down on my bed.

I nodded, pointing at the nightstand. Rachel fished out a pill from the small pillbox and grabbed a battle of water before sitting down and putting the pill in my mouth. Afterwards, she opened the water bottle and moved the edge of the bottle to my mouth, helping me take a few sips. The pill rushed down my throat along with the water and I lied down, my head resting on my comfy pillow.

Rachel crawled over to my other side to her abandoned math books before grabbing a blanket and covering my body up to my waist with it. And then she looking at me with a softened expression.

"Do you need anything else?"

"Could you kiss the pain away?" I ask, pouting with big puppy eyes.

Rachel's eyes widened, jaw briefly dropping. "What? No, I'm not going to,-"

"I sang you a bed time song not long ago. Remember, twinkle, twinkle little star,-" I started to sing, but Rachel cut me off.

"Okay, stop. Yeah, I remember, but I never agreed to it. Anyway you were the worst singer," she said, folding her arms across her chest, trying a frustrated expression.

I grinned. I know she loved it. I could read Rachel like an open book.

"Well, if you aren't going to kiss the pain away then I'll go to sleep. Just continue studying," I said, purposely sighing of disappointment as I slowly closed my eyes.

My heart sunk when she still didn't kiss me. Rachel wouldn't do that. I didn't want to hope, because there was simply no hope to find in a depressed girl who's death wish was crawling upon her fingertips.

My head still throbbing, I slowly started to drift off to sleep. Rachel's lips were suddenly on my forehead and my heart did a quick back flip. Surprisingly, the pain reduced. She drew back and I heard her pick up her pencil as she started to scribble numbers in her notebook. Subconsciously, I smiled. "Rachel?"

Even with eyes closed, I could feel her glance at me with pink cheeks.

"Thanks for taking care of me."

"Thanks for giving and taking a punch for me."


Every punch was like something broke inside of me. Every amused laugh made it hard to breathe. Every ounce of spit hitting my face made it hard to prevent the tears to roll down my cheeks. Every bad word from their mouths made it hard to raise my chin and look them in the eye.

An agonized scream, escaped my mouth as my eyes ripped open along with my body violently jolting up. My heart was about to explode in my chest and I found myself soaked in sweat. Rachel's hand flew to my mouth, stopping my screaming.

"You're going to wake up the whole school," she said, astonished with a hint of panic across her face.

When she noticed I was breathing extremely heavily, cold sweat was running down my forehead, tears were rolling down my cheeks and horror was painted on my face, Rachel gasped loudly.

"Hey, hey, hey, Elliot," she hurriedly said, gripping my shoulders so our yes met. "It's okay. It was just a nightmare. Calm down."

Despite her attempt to comfort me with soothing words, I rapidly shook my head and pulled the blanket off me before quickly sprinting out of my dorm.

"Elliot, wait!" Rachel panicked voice faded behind me as my quick pace increased the distance between us in a blink.

I ran and ran and ran through the school corridor with no idea where I was headed. My mind was about to explode of agonizingly dreadful thoughts as memories of the past came rushing back. Voices, their voices screamed in my head, but they were all hallow.

My heart thundered against my chest and I was about to let out a scream, but suddenly felt someone grab my arm and pull me towards them, into an empty classroom. I crashed into a skinny body, her dark, apple red hair visible in the dim light from the big windows.

Panting and weeping, I tried to push her away, but she pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. Eventually, we sunk down on the floor, my back leaned against the wall while Rachel sat still in the space between my outstretched legs, hugging me extremely tightly.

"Calm down. It's okay. It's okay. Just breathe," she whispered.

I bet she could feel my heart thunder against her chest, because I could definitely feel hers. While her face was buried against my shoulder and my in her hair, every inch of me was shaking. My trembling fingers clung to the fabric of her t-shirt as I quietly sobbed.

"It's okay. It's okay. Just breathe," she continued, running her fingers gently through my hair. Her breath was warm in my ear and her voice was soft, light, gentle and easy, causing my heart to slowly calm down.

We sat like this for a while. Maybe a half an hour, just holding on to each other. Rachel didn't move nor did I. We just...breathed.

My sudden unexpected words caused her to lean back just enough so she could face me. "I was bullied."

"What?" She whispered in disbelief. Her hazel eyes were still filled with so much worry.

After inhaling deeply, I shared a story I hadn't shared with a single living soul. "At my former high school, I was bullied. The whole school knew I was poor and born by rape. In junior year the school's popular boys held me back after school everyday, spit at me, laughed at me, punched me over and over again till I could barely breathe and...and called me a side effect of sluts and a bunch of other bad names. And I just stood there and tolerated all of it. I did nothing."

Regret was painful like daggers in my heart.

"They stopped in the last semester of this school year when I was still a student there. But they continued with the shitty names and said things to me that made me angry and I started to pick fights with them. They never stopped bullying me though. Fighting with them only made it worse," I added.

"Elliot." Rachel was frowning, her face completely pale.

"So that's how you got that wound on your stomach. I'm sorry I never asked. I figured you didn't want to talk about it." I nodded, quietly.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For being so fucking weak," I sobbed, slamming my bandaged fist against the floor, a painful hiss escaping my mouth.

Rachel quickly cupped my face in her hands, receiving a trembling sigh. But she looked dead serious, her voice firm. "No. You are not weak. Don't you dare say that. You are the strongest human being I've met. You really are. Those bullies are the weak ones. Insecurity and fear makes them hate on others. A bully is weak, not the victim."

For a long moment, I sat still and stared at Rachel. Her beautiful hazel eyes. Her beautiful rosy lips. Her beautiful red hair. Her beautiful voice. Her beautiful personality. Her beautiful nature. Everything about her was so beautiful. Forevermore beautiful.

Is this how it felt when you were in love? You simply just loved everything about them?

"I was bullied too."

My thoughts were crushed by Rachel's words like thunder to my ears. "What?"

Dropping her hands from my face, Rachel's face darkened as she nodded. Just by looking at her, I knew the bad memories were coming back to break her. To tear her apart just like they ripped me apart with that nightmare. I grabbed Rachel's hands, hoping those dreadful memories came to a halt, or better yet, disappeared back to where they were locked away.

"Who could bully you?" I asked, still letting her confession process properly through my mind.

"I could ask you the same thing," she admitted, earning a small smile to tug on the corner of my lips.

"Who could bully me, huh? Take a wild guess," she said.

I stared at her in silence for a few seconds before clenching my jaw, anger igniting with me. "Brady."

Rachel nodded. "Yep. In middle school. He used to mock me, threw things on me, locked me inside rooms and broke my crayons," she paused before smiling. "I loved my crayons. I had so many. I had every color and every shade."

Despite the fact that we were talking about our horrible pasts in an empty classroom filled with darkness, only the moon and stars looking out for us, we couldn't resist to hold back a chuckle.

"Why is this so shocking?" She asked in confusion after our brief laughs faded.

My reply was quicker than I thought it would be. "Because you're amazing. It's impossible to hate you. What is it to hate?"

Rachel blinked, truly taken aback. It took a moment before her expression warmed and her cheeks briefly flushed red.

"What a sick and twisted hellhole we live in," I sighed, my tired eyes briefly closing.

"Yeah. Maybe happiness isn't for everyone."

Snapping my eyes open, I rapidly gripped Rachel's shoulders, our eyes instantly meeting. "No. Happiness is for everyone. It's just hard to find happiness in the type of world we live in."

Blinking, Rachel stared at me. Suddenly, I noted she tilted her head down in her lap, staring at her empty palms.

"What is it? You look so sad," I asked, once again taking her hands mine. They were warm.

"I think I figured out what my problem is."

"Problem? You don't have a problem."

"I do, okay? I do have a problem. Before that day, my life was perfect. I lived in a perfect world. Perfect family, perfect friends, perfect boyfriend and perfect mental health. I had never faced any sorts of problems in my life. But after that day, it was like I woke up from a fairytale and faced reality. My parents died. My best friend was gay. My boyfriend left me when I needed him the most. I became depressed. I was called a slut today. I have never faced these types of issues in my life. It is so new to me so instead of facing them, I become selfish and get angry. And now I just hate everything about myself."

The last sentence hit me pretty hard. Her saddened expression made my heart drop and I frowned.

"This reality. You hate it don't you?" I asked, carefully

"Of course. Everyone wants to lead a perfect life. "

"Not everyone. It's okay to struggle. It's okay to have problems in life."

"So you are saying that you've never wished for a perfect life when you used to struggle while living in poverty and in that cycle?"

I shook my head. "No. I never wished for a perfect life. My life has always been perfect, because I've always had mom. As long has she is with me, my world will always be perfect."

She blinks up at me, tilting her head. "I don't understand."

"Every individual has their own definition of perfect. My mom's presence in my life is my definition of a perfect life."

"The point is, it's okay to struggle and have problems. That doesn't mean you don't have a perfect life," I added, smiling softly.

For a long moment, Rachel sat still and stared at me.

"Can I tell you something?" She then asked, looking at me with a hint of fascination in her eyes. That fascination kind of made her eyes radiate.

"You are so special and so...rare. I've never ever met someone like you."

I genuinely smiled and Rachel returned it. She rested her head against my chest and I buried my face in her hair. Our hearts were beating to the same rhythm and I closed my eyes, smiling.

I loved Rachel Adams. Kingstone academy's princess.


Elliot finally realized his feelings for Rachel! Did you like it?

Next chapter will be Vici's POV ☺️

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