Actual Teaser for Chapter 2: The Second Mission and Taken Hostage

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This is the actual teaser for Chapter 2. Warning: Chapter 2 has mild violence so PG 13 only folks.

Aaron's POV

"Aaron! I can't believe we're going to the elf kingdom today for our mission!" Yako yelled, excited as she ran into my room and jumped onto my bed.

"Yea yea yea. Now get off! I need to get ready for the mission!" I pushed Yako off and Yako pouted like a kid.

"Meanie!" Yako yelled and I chuckled good-naturally as I changed my clothes. 

All I thought was that after the mission everything was going to be fine, but I never knew things would go downhill from here.

"Lucas! Watch out!" I yelled as Lucas, who was the shopkeeper and man I trusted, got hit by one of the assailants with a wooden bat and was dragged into one of the rooms of the shop. I turned to look and find the attacker but he was hidden from my side. Suddenly, I heard Yako call out to me.

"Aaron!" I turned around but was too late as the other assailant covered my mouth and nose with a cloth and I slowly lose consciousness as I smelled a slight perfume smell on the cloth. Before I completely passed out, I saw blurry images of hands on me and heard blurry sounds of someone yelling my name repeatedly.

I didn't know about anything.

"Give me the pendant!" One of the men said while the other men tied me up to a chair in the torture room. (ps: the kidnappers did not gag Aaron.)

"What?" I asked and everyone gasped.

"Give me the goddamned Pendant of Light!" The man shouted and I stared at the man, wondering what was the thing the man was saying.

"What in the land beyond is the Pendant of Light? And, I don't even have it." The other man all looked at me with surprised faces because they never thought that I never heard of the Pendant of Light.

"Well, until you tell me where it is, I'll let you stay in this dungeon." The man said and my face paled a fraction. I pleaded with the man but he did not budge and told the others to follow him and they all left the dungeon leaving me alone.

Why did everything always turn wrong for me? I did not even want to be here, I did not want to be captured but here I was, still stuck in a situation like I was in before.

I closed my eyes wearily as memories started flashing before my eyes. I saw myself when I was younger, holding a pretend gun and starting to poke a girl with a stick. I saw myself having this mischievous grin and look in my eye that I yearned to have for so long but never have because I was broken. Then, everything was broken and shattered into glass.

Then, the memory slowly changed. I saw myself being tortured in the dungeon of Xurenth's headquarters.

"Aaron. Tell me that everything was done wrongly." The man said and I shook my head weakly. The man nodded to the younger male beside him and the younger male hit me with the leather whip again. I held in my scream as the younger male did that because I did not want them to hear that I was in pain.

"Scream for mercy! Scream Aaron! Yell at me that you did wrongly and I'll let you go!" The man said but I did not relent and he hit me again, this time more painfully. I held back my scream again until the man got bored of me and told the younger male to untie my hands. The younger male did so and I slid to the ground, as limp as a rag doll.

"Beg me for mercy and I will spare you." I glared definitely at the man and spit blood at him with all my might. The man immediately got angry and told the younger male not to get me food for the next day and everything once again turned into shattered glass.

I woke up to find the man was already in front of me and was holding a whip in his hand. 

"Tell me, where is the Pendant of Light?"I looked at him in the face and shrug.

"As I told you, I don't know." The man whipped me on my back and I bit my lip to prevent me screaming out.

"Tell me where is the Pendant of Light!" I glared at him.

"As I had mentioned before, I don't know!" The man's face ignited in fury and he hit me harder than before. I screamed in pain and he smirked. The man kept on asking me and I kept on denying it; and, the man whipped me on my back harder and harsher than before until my back was red and raw and he stopped.

"You'd better tell me where is the Pendant of Light before I kill you. Plus, don't try to get out, you'll be shocked if you do try to get out and I'm telling you, the shocks hurt like hell." He left the room and I was in the room alone, wandering into the deepest, darkest part of my nightmares and before I slept, I saw a man in front of me.

"Do you still say you want to live now, Aaron?" He inched close to me. "Or do you want to reject me, like last time?" I glanced to the ground and he smirked.

"I know what you are thinking because," He lifted my head gently with his hand. "I'm you." 

That's right. I never wanted this life, never wanted to be this man who was broken. I wanted to be like the me in the past, happy without any worry in the world.

I wanna be me but......

Who am I? Even more, what am I? Is that the reason why I always get misfortune? Because I was born? 

I just want to be free.

"Aaron!" I heard a sudden sound and saw Yako holding her hand out to me and I reached out to take it but her image faded to mist like she wasn't there in the first place.

I want to be dead. I never want to survive. No one loves me.

And this, guys, is the real teaser for Chapter 2. As you see, this chapter is going to be violent a bit (or maybe not a bit) so people who are 13 and above (but not those who are 18 and above), please get your guardian's permission before you proceed to continue reading this chapter but, well, trigger warning so be warned.  I'll see you soon. Bye.

                                                           -Angeline Chin Rue Ying

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