Chapter 1

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Lightning struck all around Union City, showing many destroyed buildings, Atlas ships and terrain. Many Union Academy Individuals, students, heroes, hunters and supernatural stood bruised and exhausted in front of a terrifying.

It stared down at them electricity coursed around it's body.

Ruby: I-It's so strong

Shoto: How the hell are we suppose to do anything to it, no matter how hard we attack it it just shrugs off our attacks

Kiba: This isn't good not one bit, we'll die if this keeps up

Issei: I ain't dying, not to a thing like this

Asia: Issei wait!

Not listening to anyone's shouts for him to stop, Issei launched at forward at the creature while going into balance breaker. He fires out a dragon shot at the creature only for it to raise it's hand blocking the blast. Than charging up a plasma ball in it's before firing it at Issei, it consuming him and dragging him down to the ground exploding on impact leaving a battered and bloody Issei.

Rias and Her Peerage: ISSEI!!

Before they could do anything a humming noise was heard coming from the monster. Electricity rapidly coursed around the creature with it's Strange tentacle wings starting to stand up with the electricity traveled up them. The clouds charged with electricity, with a lightning bolt soon falling from the sky about to strike Union directly, but was stopped when a green barrier appeared around them blocking it. Confused Union looked around until a voice was heard above.

???: Well it's a surprise seeing the "great" Union Academy having this much trouble

Looking up they see a boy with white hair and green eyes.

He floated down in front of them with the shield soon dropping as well.

Bakugou: Who the hell are you!?

White hair boy: Someone who just saved your asses, now sit back and watch how it's done

With that the boy flew up and fired a green laser at the creature's eyes causing it to stumble back a bit covering it's eyes in pain. It soon recovers and let out a inraged roar at the boy swiping at him with it's claw, only to find the boy phasing right through it. Union looks on shocked and some even furious.

Momo: He phased right through it's attack, almost like a ghost

Bakugou: He's making us look like chumps, that bastard

Back over with the white hair boy charged up another blast in his hand only this time blue in color. Firing it at the creature, with it raising it's arm to block it but finds it's arm being incased in ice upon it making contact. The boy smirked at this before looking up slightly. The creature roared and swung it's now ice covered claw at the boy but was stopped when a beam made contact with it, completely shattering it. Letting out another roar of pain the creature stepping back holding it's now missing claw. Looking to where the blast had came from, they see a robot who's hand was a blaster.

Ironwood: A-A robot?

Penny stared at the robot almost entranced by them. The robot switched it's blaster into a regular hand, before bringing out launchers from it's back firing off multiple missiles at the creature causing it to stumble back more and more before it soon trips over a downed Atlas ships. Taking the opportunity the Robot and the white hair boy flew around the downed creature and began peppering it with blast some even showing visible cracks on it's body. It soon got back up and letting out another roar of rage, swinging at the two only to miss from them dodging out of the way of it. It was about to swing again, but was stopped when a something giant came in out of nowhere and drop kicked the creature sending it into multiple of the destroyed buildings. Looking at new giant, all of Union looked on terrified and amazed.

(Not mine)

Giant: You're in big trouble now pal, Way Big trouble!!!

With that the giant rushed at the creature who was now getting up and delivered a hard punch to it's jaw. Following up with a stiff knee to it's chest and then a axe handle to the back of it's head. As this went on all of Union looked on awestruck.

Izuku: W-Who is that, he's just as big as Mountain Lady. No he's even bigger!

Blake: That power, I can feel it just from witnessing his attacks

Ozpin: That symbol on his chest, it can't be....

Back over to the fight the creature growls and swung it's claw at the giant, that he immediately stopped by catching it and than slamming his knee into the creature's jaw and ending it with an uppercut sending it flying. It soon made contact with the ground resulting in a small crater, seconds later it stood back up slowly and groggy. It lets out another enraged roar as electricity coursed around it with it's tendrils standing up straight again. The clouds above the giant began to swirl with electricity. The giant looked up at the clouds for a second before smiling.

Giant: Heh, Idiot...

Seconds later a giant lightning bolt shot down from the sky heading right towards the giant. Before it made contact however and green flash surrounded the giant. Once the flash dissipated, the bolt looked to be being absorbed by something. Now standing in the giants place was a adult sized black creature that had long tendrils coming from it that had plugs at the ends of them.

(Again not mine)

The plugs on the new creature's head stood up and were absorbing the bolt. All the while he had a shit eating grin. Everyone again stared at him shocked and surprised.

Idia: He can transform too!?

Weiss: Amazing

Nezu: That power really is....but how he's been gone for years

The plug creature soon fully absorbed the bolt and reeled his hands back charging a ball of plasma in between his hands. Smirking as the ball grew, electricity coursed and spurt all around it.

Plug Creature: What goes around, comes around pal

He than thrust his hands forward launching a large beam of plasma straight at the creature. The creature tried to block it but the beam pireced through it's arms and it's chest. The beam slowly began to grow, with blood dripping from the creature's mouth. Seconds later the beam stopped with the creature dropping its arms revealing the giant hole in its chest. Swaying back and forth slowly before falling over with a loud and audible thud, the creature was now dead. The plug creature smirked at this and crossed his arms. Everyone else stood in completely shock and amazement while the Robot and the white hair boy flew down to him.

White hair boy: Nice job as always man

The Robot gave him a thumbs-up

Plug creature: Damn right, you two did a good job too. Now let's get going I'm hungry

The three were about to leave but was stopped when Awazia called out to them.

Awazia: Stop right there

The three turned and looked at him.

White hair boy: And what exactly do you want

Glynda then stepped up.

Glynda: You three will be coming with us, for not having a license to use your powers

The Plug Creature just scoffed at this.

Plug Creature: License to use our powers what a joke. Seeing how you all are right now I could easily fry you all like it was nothing

He made a ball of plasma in his hand and pointed at the two teachers scaring them. The White hair boy quickly pulled his hand down.

White hair boy: (Y/N) they're not worth it

Union than gained shocked expressions upon hearing this.

Union: (Y/N)!!!???

The Plug creature now known as (Y/N) glared down at the white hair boy.

(Y/N)?: Damn it Danny

The white hair boy now known as Danny raised his hands

Danny: S-Sorry

The Robot just faceplamed at them.

Nezu: Mr. Locke is that actually you?

Turning and looking at Union, he gives Danny one last glare.

(Y/N): Well now that the jiggs up yeah its me. But it's not Locke anymore-

A green flash surrounded him and once it died down it revealed the (Y/N) they knew standing there giving them a glare.

(Y/N): -it's Tennyson

Momo: Wait Tennyson as Ben Tennyson

(Y/N): *smirks* The very same

Bakugou: Why the hell do you have the same last name as him!?

(Y/N) smirked and chuckled to himself.

(Y/N): I think it's kinda obvious, how about you try thinking a bit

Most of the students of Union glared at the boy they once bullied, as the headmasters stared at him silent.

(Y/N): Give up, it's simply I'm the descendant of the Hero Of Heroes

Yang: It doesn't matter who you're the descendant of, you're still will always be a weakling

Ozpin: Miss Xiao-Long wait!!

Not listening she launches straight at (Y/N) reeling her fist back. In response he simply raised his hand looking to catch her fist. A green flash than enveloped him blinding Yang for a second, but she still launched her fist at him. She heard a metal thunk and felt her hand being held by something large. Looking up she was met with a large metal suit in the place of (Y/N).

(You get the gist)

(Y/N): You really need to start listening to people you know

Seconds later the hand holding Yang's fist began to heat up greatly. Earning pained screams from Yang. After what felt like minutes to everyone (Y/N) backhanded her sending her back over to Union, with her team quickly looking to see if she was okay. All the while (Y/N) laughed to himself transforming back to his human form.

Ironwood: Enough of this, Mr. Tennyson you and your friends are under arrest

(Y/N), Danny and the Robot looked at each other, before they laughed irritating Ironwood more.

Danny: Good luck with that, BrassCrotch

Ironwood was about to yell at them again but stopped when a beam of light shun down onto the three. Union looked up at the light as it grew more intense. Looking back to the three, they see (Y/N) give them one last gesture before the completely enveloped him and his friends.

And with that the three vanished leaving Union in the ruin section of the city. Cutting away from the city we see the three appear on a space station hovering above the planet.

(Y/N): Ah, home sweet home

Danny: Damn right

The Robot nodded before he began to shrink and revert to a smaller friendlier looking form.

Robot: Me go recharge

(Y/N): Alright let's, see ya later Robotboy

With that Robotboy walked off to another part of the space station.

Danny: I'm gonna go take a nap. See you later dude

(Y/N) just waved as Danny walked away too, leaving him there by himself. Letting out a small sigh he was about to head off and do his own thing too but stopped when he heard a voice behind him.

???: Well nice to see you're back

Looking behind him, he smiled when he saw a woman with long pale blonde hair standing there.

(Y/N): Yo Rosa. What can I say that thing stood no chance

Rosalina chuckled at this.

Rosalina: And yet you still took your time

He just chuckled sheepishly, while scratching the back of his head.

Rosalina: *chuckles* Well anyway I just came to tell you that she's waiting in your room for you and she not happy that you're making her wait so long

A shock look crosses (Y/N)'s face, before he quickly rushed down the station leaving a smiling Rosalina. A little while later he makes it to and room and opens the door.

(Y/N): Hey sorry I'm la-

He stopped when something small made impact with his stomach knocking him down to his rear. Looking down to what hit him he smiles upon seeing a small girl with cat ears hugging him.

(She is cinnamonroll and (Y/N) treats her as a little sister)

(Y/N): Hey Beepu, sorry I'm late

Beepu stopped hugging him and got up crossing her arms pouting at him.

Beepu: You better be, you promised we'd hang out today

(Y/N): I know, here how about we play some WII Sports

Stars appeared in her eyes.

Beepu: Really?

(Y/N): *nods* Really

Beepu: Yeah!!!

Smiling (Y/N) patts her on the head.

(Y/N): Alright you go get some snacks while I set it up

Beepu: Okay!!!

With that she ran out the room to get some snacks. Smiling to himself he quickly gets and begins setting up for him and Beepu's gaming session.

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