Chapter 2

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We see (Y/N) sleeping peacefully in his bed soft snore escaping his mouth every once in a while. However, his sleep was soon interrupted when a pale white hand was seen being placed on his cheek. He was then softly being shaked awake.

???: (Y/N) .......Wakey wakey

Softly muttering to himself his eyes slowly opened. Once they opened, they began adjusting to the light around. He soon sees a pale white skin girl with short black hair, and blue lips. She also wore a strange pink hat with eyes.

(Y/N): *tiredly* Sonia? What are you doing here?

The girl now known as Sonia just giggles at his question.

Sonia: Well to answer that question, you promised that we'd go shopping today with me and Beepu

(Y/N): And when did I promise this?

Sonia: Well, how about the time during our last mission, and there was also during our recon mission. Oh, and also how about-

(Y/N): Alright you've made your point, just let me get dressed and we'll go

Smiling triumphantly Sonia walks out the room, leaving the descendant of the Hero Of Heroes to get dressed. Sighing to himself, he soon gets up and begins getting dressed.

(Y/N): I swear, that girl is gonna be the death of me one day

Cutting we now see (Y/N), Sonia and Beepu down in Union City. Beepu and Sonia were walking ahead of (Y/N) talking, while (Y/N) walking behind them caring a couple of bags from shops that they had already visited. He was seen wearing a different outfit than his usual hoodie and shorts combo. He wore a black, green and white closed jacket with a black shirt underneath. He also wore black pants with black, white and green shoes.

(Y/N): *thoughts* How many more shops are they gonna want to visit? I already got like ten bags

Letting out a small sigh he looks up at the two ahead of him and smiles.

(Y/N): *thoughts * Though, I'm glad to have friends like them now, after all the shit Union put me through. Hell, I'd probably call them family now. Speaking of which, I wonder how my actual family is doing, I mean I have been gone for a while now. I wonder how they're doi-

His train of thought was cut off by the sound of sirens. Looking up he sees an armored vehicle with the white fang symbol on it quickly drive by, followed by multiple police cars. Him, Beepu and Sonia looked at where the vehicles had gone for a second before (Y/N) turned to the two of them.

(Y/N): Sonia, stay here with Beepu. I'm gonna go after them

Sonia looked at him for a second before sighing.

Sonia: Alright, just be careful, okay?

Beepu: Yeah, you better not get hurt bro

(Y/N) smiled before giving them a thumbs up. Then running to where the vehicles had gone, activating the Ultratrix along the way. Flipping through his aliens quickly he soon lands on the one he was looking for. Smiling, as he slams down the dial with a green flash of light enveloping him. Once the light died down in his place was a adult sized green grasshopper like creature known as Crashhopper.

Crashhopper: Alright, let's go!!

Crouching down for a second, he then jumped incredibly high into the air landing on top a building. Going from there he jumped to building after building following the vehicles. Soon he jumped down from a building landing right on top of the white fang's vehicle, denting it slightly and making a small thud noise catching the white fang members inside the vehicle attention. Looking out they were met with the sight of Crashhopper terrifying them. One of them brought out their gun and began firing at him, only for him to dodge out of the way. He continued to dodge more shots from the White Fang member's gun, before he jumped to the side of the vehicle and using his leg strength, he kicked it off the road and into the side of a building. The hood of the vehicle now produced smoke, as the members within the vehicle emptied out and began opening fire on him, only for him to continue dodging out of the way of their shots. The police soon caught up, and once the White Fang Members see this, they turn their fire onto them. Another green flash surrounded Crashhopper, after a large number of bones erupted from the ground in front of the police blocking the bullets. Once the flash died down around Crashhopper revealing a short skeleton like creature standing in his place. He wore a black, white and green jacket, along with black basketball shorts. This was Skelekinesis.

Smiling Skelekinesis raised his hand at the White Fang Members sending multiple bones at them. They tried to shoot them down only for the bullets to bounce off them harmlessly. The bones soon struck some of the members knocking them out, while others dodged out of the way. One of them rushed at Skelekinesis and tried to strike him only for him to dodge out of the way, then retaliating by sending a bone up from the ground striking him in the jaw knocking him out as well. He then sends another wave of bones were sent at the remaining White Fang Members. They quickly dodged out of the way, only for one to be telekinetically grabbed by Skelekinesis and slammed into the wall before a cage made of bones surrounded him trapping him. The other one tried to open fire on him again but was stopped upon seeing a dragon like skull being summoned. With it firing a beam of energy straight at them, soon making contact and exploding, knocking them out. Looking at his work Skelekinesis lets out a small sigh, before a green flash surrounded him, with it soon dying down revealing (Y/N) to be back in his normal form.

(Y/N): Heh, all in a day's work

Turning he was about to walk back and meet up with Sonia and Beepu but, stopped when he heard a voice that really grated on his ears.

???: And where do you think you're going?

Sighing, (Y/N) turned back around and was met with Rias and her peerage. Now slightly irritated by their presents he turned and faced them.

(Y/N): Okay, period head what do you want?

Issei: Hey don't talk to bucho like that!

(Y/N): Sorry, was I talking to the beta male? No, so shut up

Issei growled at (Y/N) and was about to attack him but, was stopped by Rias putting her arm up. Issei begrudgingly backed down.

Rias: Now then, to the matter at hand. (Y/N) you will be coming back to Union with us, and you will also be joining my peerage

(Y/N): Yeah no, not happening

After saying this Rias gave him a small glare.

Rias: I don't think you understand, you don't have a choice. So, you will be coming with us, now

(Y/N) just let's out a small scoff and activated the Ultratrix cycling through his aliens. He soon lands on an alien making him smile.

Rias: You're gonna be a part of my peerage one way or another (Y/N). So just come quietly and no one will get hurt

(Y/N): And in response I ask this............What's your favorite animal?

They all look at him confused.

(Y/N): Cause mines, an ELEPHANT!!!

He slams down the dial causing him to be enveloped by another green flash. Seconds later the flash died down and large bipedal muscular elephant creature was seen standing there. This was Trilumphant.

He then let's out a roar.

(Play 10-12 seconds)

Trilumphant: Let's dance 

Rias growls at him before bringing her hand up with all her peerage getting ready to fight.

Rias: Take him down

With that Kiba and Xenovia both rushed at Trilumphant prepared to slash him with their swords. In response Trilumphant rushed towards them as well, blocking their blades with his tough skin. He then swatted Xenovia away and punched Kiba in the chest hard sending him flying back. Though Trilumphant then brought up his trunk and began inhaling creating a vacuum effect that soon sucked up the knocked back Kiba. Kiba came flying back towards Trilumphant and was soon caught by his trunk, then being slammed into the ground multiple times before being knocked out. He drops the now unconscious and looks over to Xenovia and sees her slowly getting back up getting into a stance to fight him. Though a long blue tongue then came and wrapped around her throat choking her slightly. She was then slammed into the wall hard knocking her out and after was dropped with the tongue retracting. Looking to where the tongue retracts to, Trilumphant sees Sonia standing there glaring at the devils.

Trilumphant: Sonia, what are you doing here? Where's Beepu?

Sonia: Don't worry I sent her back to the Comet Observatory, I came over here because I thought you might use some help with the White Fang. And I see you didn't need help with them, but maybe you need help with these punks

She harshened her glare on the devils.

Sonia: You dumbasses aren't taking (Y/N)! And I'm gonna make sure of it!

Rias: Fine then, looks like I'm getting two new pieces then

Trilumphant lets out another roar and rushed towards Rias but was soon stopped when a blast of electricity encompassed him electrocuting him. Looking to where the blast came from, he sees Akeno looking at him with a sadistic smile while she licked her lips.

Akeno: Ara Ara, (Y/N) even with that tough skin of yours you're still not immune to me. Now then let me hear your screams, just like old times

Trilumphant looked at Akeno for a second before a smile spread across his face. A green flash then surrounded him, and as soon as the flash died down the electricity was seen being absorbed. Looking to what was absorbing it, Akeno sees a small black and white creature known as Buzzshock absorbing her electricity.

She looked on surprised and confused, as Buzzshock laughed.

Buzzshock: Heh heh, thanks for the meal, I was feeling a bit peckish. Now then......

Electricity charged all around him.

Buzzshock: Let's give you a taste of your own medicine!!!

He fired his own beam of electricity at Akeno zapping her. She let out pained screams as this level of pain was something she was not use to. Koneko tried to run up and attack Buzzshock from behind but was stopped when Sonia jumped in front of her and used Yaksha's arms to wrap up and immobilized her. She was then slammed into the ground and thrown away into a wall. Standing back up shakily she glared at Sonia, who just smirked at her making a come at me motion. Koneko gritted her teeth and rushed at Sonia, sending multiple punches at her. Sonia dodged out of the way of them and soon sidestepped her. She then sent her tongue out and wrapped it around Koneko's ankle. Then using it to trip her up, causing her face to slam into the ground. After that Sonia then whipped her head to the side quickly sending Koneko into a nearby wall, while also earning a loud audible crack from her as well. A silent scream escaped her as she soon pasted out from the pain. Back over with Buzzshock and Akeno, he was still zapping her. That severity of the zapping was soon shown as some parts of her skin blacken, showing burn marks. He soon stopped with her dropping to the ground unconscious. A chuckle escaped his lips and he then dodged out of the way of a blast. Looking to where it came from, he then dodged out of the way of a punch. Then seeing Issei in his balance breaker.

Buzzshock: Heh heh heh, too slow bitch boy!

Issei: Shut up and stop moving!!

Buzzshock continued to dodge Issei's attacks. Before he began to blitz Issei all around his body striking multiple parts of his body. Issei tried to fire another blast at him, only for Buzzshock to swerve around him and zap him in the back. Issei fell to a knee, as Buzzshock went in front of him. Buzzshock looked at Issei for a second, before a crazy grin spread across his face. A green flash surrounded him and once it died down in Buzzshock's place was a small fairy like creature known as Pesky Dust.

Issei looked at him for a second before laughing.

Issei: Really?! And what is that useless thing supposed to do?!

Pesky Dust: *coo* Oh don't worry, you're about to find out *brrri*

He then unleashes some dust onto Issei, with it soon completely enveloping his vision. Soon the dust disappeared from his vision and Issei found himself on a bed in what looked to be a room from a love hotel. Getting up he looked around the room confused.

Issei: Where am I? Was I dreaming the entire time? Hey isn't this one of those love hotels?

A perverted grin then spread across his face.

Issei: Oh, I bet it was the girls who brought me here while I was sleeping. Oh, I can't wait!!

He then heard the door to the room opening, causing him to turn giving a closed eye smile.

Issei: Hey girls, why didn't you guys tell me? I mean you could have asked if you wanted to have some fu-

He opened his and immediately froze upon seeing who was at the door.


Pico: Hello Issei, are you ready to have some fun?

Before Issei could do or say anything, chain suddenly came from the bed and immediately grabbed Issei. They then locked him down on the bed, not allowing him to move. Pico slowly made their way over to him, stripping the whole way there. All the while Issei was thrashing trying to break from the chains.

Issei: No! Get the hell away from me!!!

Before we could see anything explicit, we then go back into the real word. We see Issei laying on the ground asleep, with drool coming from his mouth and his crotch now being wet. Pesky Dust looked down at him giggling mischievously. 

Pesky Dust: *chirp* Sweet dreams Issei *purr*

He laughed to himself for a second before dodging a ball of energy. Looking to where it came from, he sees Rias glaring at him while charging her P.O.D.

Rias: How dare you do that to my pawn!

Pesky Dust: *coo* Seriously you really like to baby him huh *chirp*

Rias: Shut up, I'm going to make you pay!! You and your friend are going to be apart of my peerage no matter what

She began firing multiple blast at Pesky Dust, with him dodging around them with ease. He soon flies high above, and another green flash surrounds him, with him soon landing in front of Rias, now as large yellow creature with tentacles all over his face. This was Toepick.

Rias then felt an immense fear wash over her as she stared at Toepick. She backed up slowly as he approached her.

Toepick: What's the matter? Are you perhaps......scared?

The tentacles around his face soon unraveled, revealing his true face to Rias. Once she had taken a glimpsed at his face, her skin soon turned completely pale with her eyes rolling to the back of her head. She pasted out shortly after. Toepick looked down at, while the tentacles rewrapped around his face. He then turned his gazed to Asia and Gasper who were shaking while looking at him. Letting out a small snort he turns and began making his way back to Sonia, while turning back to his regular form.

Sonia: And what about them?

(Y/N): Don't bother, it's not like they can do much on their own

Sonia just nodded, while they were teleported back to the Comet Observatory. Unknown to them however someone was watching the fight from a nearby alleyway. It was a girl with long blue hair that tied into two pigtails. She looked on surprise and with some tears in her eyes.

Girl: Was that? It had to be him.......I need to go tell the family, I found him!

With that the girl runs off, while saying one last thing to herself.

Girl: Was that really you.......Bro?

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