Chapter 3

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In an underground hideout, hidden away from any hero or military group we see multiple men dressed in thug like clothing walking around and moving crates filled with guns, drugs or other various things. This was the base of the criminal organization known as the Black Dragon.

We see some of them were inspecting some of the guns that they had procured.

BDM1: Damn, some of this stuff is such high grades

BDM2: You can say that again, I'm pretty sure some of this stuff is Atlas Elite grade weaponry. I wonder how the boss got his hands on this stuff

BDM3: I think I got an idea how. You know those two brats that we had kidnapped?

BDM1: Yeah, what about them?

BDM3: I heard the boss talking to General Ironwood, about trading those two in turn for this stuff

BDM2: What would the General of Atlas want those brats for?

BDM3: Don't know, but apparently the general said there was something special about them and I guess he wants to experiment on them or something

BDM2: Hey if he's gonna be taking them then thank God those brats are annoying. Especially that blue hair one with their constant crying

As the three continued to talk and inspect the guns the wall near the entrance was suddenly blasted open causing some to stumble from surprise and others to look to the explosion. From the new hole through the smoke jumped out a black and white figure with water tanks on his shoulders. This was (Y/N) in his alien form known as Overflow.

Then a man with short blonde hair rushed through the hole and stood next to Overflow. This was Leon S. Kennedy a member of (Y/N)'s team.

Leon brought out a pistol pointing it towards the Black Dragon Members.

Leon: Well, I have to say it was pretty smart hiding your base underground but that was only going to keep you safe for so long

Overflow: Yeah, now then will you all come peacefully or are we gonna have to beat some sense into all of you

None of them did anything for a couple of seconds before they all grabbed any weapon that was nearby. In response Overflow and Leon both sighed.

Leon: Guess that answers that

Overflow: Why do they always pick the hard way?

Overflow fired a blast of pressurized water at a ground of the Black Dragon Members sending them back and knocking them down. Quickly taking off into the air using his water jets afterwards. Following suit Leon rushed down at them, all the while dodging gun fire. Upon making it to the one of them he kicked them in the stomach and then shot them in the knee incapacitating them. He caught another one's punch, then arm baring them punching them in the face afterwards. Over with Overflow, he creates two whips made of water and begins attacking the Black Dragon Members, sending them into the walls. One of the members tried to strike him from behind with the butt of their gun, only for it to be cut in half by a blade of water the Overflow made. He then shot another blast of water into their stomach sending them back and knocking them out. Overflow was about to continue deeper into the building but stopped when he heard a gunshot and a scream behind him. Turning around he sees a Black Dragon Member on the ground holding their bleeding shoulder. Looking to Leon, he sees him holding his gun with its barrel smoking. Smirking Leon walked over besides him.

Leon: Hmph, you really need to learn to watch your six

Overflow: Heh, well that's why I have a friend like you

Leon chuckles at this.

Overflow: Now come on, we still got some Black Dragon butts to kick

With that he was about to head deeper into the hideout, only to be struck by a man curled up into a ball hurling at him knocking him down. Leon was about to see if he was okay but was hit rapidly from all sides by a purple blur. He was knocked down as well next to Overflow.

???: Well, isn't this a surprise

Looking up they see a man with part of his face being cybernetic, he also had a cybernetic implant in his chest. This was the leader of the Black Dragons Kano.

The purple blur soon stopped next to Kano revealing a man wearing a mask. He also had two hook swords on his back. This was another member of the Black Dragons known as Kabal.

Kano: Well, I wasn't expecting to have not only an ex-member of the military, but the descendent of one of the biggest heroes of all of history. What pleasure do we have of gaining your attention today?

Overflow and Leon pick themselves up and glare at the two.

Overflow: Well, other than your illegal weapon smuggling, drug runs, and all of your countless property damages. I'd say what caught our attention was your little conversation with Ironwood. So, let's just cut to the chase hand over the kids and me and my friend won't beat your faces into bloody pulps

Kano: Heh Ha, and what makes you think we're gonna do that?

Overflow just sighed as a green flash surrounded him. When the flash died down it revealed an alien with glowing bone arms. This was Nightslasher.

Nightslasher: Looks like it's going to be the hard way again then

The two groups got into positions ready to fight. They then launched at each other, with Nightslasher taking on Kano and Leon taking on Kabal. Nightslasher created two energy blades from his arms and slashed at Kano, that he narrowly avoided. Kano threw a knife at him that he dodged only to be hit by Kano's Kanoball, sending him sliding back. Leon shot a couple of times at Kabal only for them to be deflected by Kabal's hook blades, to which he then rushed at Leon at high speeds and began blitz all around him striking him from multiple angles. Leon was soon knocked down earning a grunt.

Leon: He's so damn fast. I need to slow him down somehow. And I think I got the perfect thing

Leon soon gets back up and pulls out his shotgun, the Striker.

After he pulled it out, he shot at Kabal with him dodging out of the way and then rushing at Leon again. Leon this time ducked down and threw Kabal over his shoulder as he ran at him. And now with him in the air he fired at him sending him back from the force. Nightslasher fired a beam of energy at Kano hitting him directly in the chest making him fly back a couple of feet. He then rushed at Kano making some more energy blades slashing at him again, with Kano again narrowing dodging them. Back over with Leon and Kabal, Kabal managed to get back up and began dashing around Leon again only this time keeping at a safe distance and only attacking when he sees an opening. Leon watched carefully at Kabal's movement, and as soon as Kabal rushed at him and tried to slash at him with his swords, he countered it with his knife. Surprised Kabal tried to slash at him again only for Leon to keep countering it. Leon soon clashed with one of Kabal's hook sword and quickly twisted it out his hand disarming him of one of his blades. He then kicked Kabal in the side making him collapse to one knee. Before he could get up, Leon then stabbed him in the knee with his knife disabling that leg, while also earning a scream from Kabal.

Leon: Good luck running without that leg buddy

Back over with Nightslasher and Kano, we see Nightslasher slash at Kano with him ducking underneath it, then striking his arm causing Nightslasher to shriek. He stepped back holding his arm, allowing Kano to follow up with another Kanoball knocking Nightslasher down. He then fired a laser from his cybernetic eye at him causing a small explosion, with some dust getting kicked up as well. Kano chuckled to himself as he began walking up to where Nightslasher was.

Kano: Well then, I was expecting more from you mister "Hero". And you're supposed to be his descendant

He soon makes it to the cloud of dust.

Kano: You're really not all that cracked up. All you are, is a little brat trying to play he-

Kano was cut off by three quill like objects stabbing into his body. He soon fell over his body seemingly paralyzed. The dust around where Nightslasher was soon cleared revealing he had transformed into a new alien that looked kinda like a combination of a hedgehog and a squirrel. This was Quilltip.

Quilltip: Why is it always the villain monologue?

Leon: Tell me about it

They both look at the paralyzed Kano, with Quilltip turning back to (Y/N). Leon glared down at Kano while pointing his gun at his head.

Leon: Now then how about you tell us where those kids are

Kano: And why would I tell you that? Even if you threatened my life, if you killed me, you'd still be shit out of luck

Leon growled at him, with (Y/N) sighing. (Y/N) activated the Ultratrix and began cycling through his aliens.

(Y/N): And this is the third time today, jeez

He lands on the alien he was looking for and slammed it down a green flash surrounding him. After he transformed there floated a blue jellyfish like creature. This was AmpFibian.

After he transformed, he wrapped his tentacles around Kano, freaking out the paralyzed Black Dragon Leader.

Kano:  W-What the hell are you doing!?

AmpFibian: Oh, nothing much. Just taking a dive into your mind

A small electric current traveled through Kano's body up to his head. Kano's eye twitched a bit as the electricity circled and probed around his brain, before it traveled back up to AmpFibian. AmpFibian then let go of Kano and began to process all the information that he took from Kano, soon transforming back to his normal form looking to Leon.

(Y/N): I know where they are

Leon: I always forget that those aliens of yours are useful outside of combat as they are inside of combat. Anyways lead the way

(Y/N) nodded with him and Leon heading deeper into the hideout leaving the paralyzed Kano and injured Kabal there. They continue through the base passing other rooms filled with other guns, drugs or dust. They ran into some other Black Dragon Members on the way as well, but they were quickly dispatched. They soon make it to a room that door was locked.

(Y/N): This is the place, door's locked though

Leon: Leave this to me

Leon began knocking on different parts of the door with his ear up against it. He soon finds a part that sounded hallow. Smirking he backed up from the door and kicked the door in the part that was hallow knocking it off its hinges.

(Y/N): You gotta teach me how to do that

Leon: Sure Mr. Alien Watch

The two chuckled, before they walked into the room. The room was pretty dark with no windows, and not much were in there either. There room looked to be not in the best shape either, with cracks all along the wall and fallen pieces of concrete littering the ground. The two looked around a bit trying to see if anything or anyone were in there.

(Y/N): Hello anyone in here?

After saying that he quickly dodged under a piece of concrete being thrown at him.

Girl's voice: Stay back!!

Getting back up him and Leon look to where the voice came from seeing two girls huddled together in one of the corners of the room. One girl had short brown hair and was wearing a green baret. She had cat ears and two cat tails and was wearing a red drees that had mud and grime on it.

With them also was a girl with fox ears and tail. She was holding her tail while being huddled up with the girl.

The cat ear girl held another piece of concrete while she glared at the two.

Cat ear girl: Don't you dare come any closer

Leon: Look kid we're not going to hurt either of you. We're here to he-

Cat ear girl: Shut up!!!

She threw another piece of concrete at Leon that he avoided.

Leon: Kid!! We're trying to help you two! So how about you liste-

He stopped when (Y/N) placed his hand on his shoulder.

(Y/N): Leon, let's try not to yell at them they already seemed to be put through a lot

Leon sighs a bit.

Leon: And what do you suggest we do, cause it looks like she'll keep throwing concrete at us

(Y/N): I got just the thing

He begins approaching them with the fox girl huddling back a bit more and the cat ear girl getting ready to throw another chunk of concrete at him.

Cat ear girl: S-Stay back or e-else

(Y/N): I'm not going to hurt you, I promise

He activates the Ultratrix causing the girls to tighten up scaried of what he might do. (Y/N) just smiled and pressed down on the dial, transforming. Once he had transformed there stood a small rabbit like creature that looked to be made out of lettuce. This was Rabbatch.

Rabbatch began jumping up and down excitedly, confusing the two girls.

Rabbatch: See there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm your friend! I'm your friend!

The two girls looked at Rabbatch hopping up and down not knowing what to do. That was until the fox girl came out from behind the other girl, shocking her. The fox girl carefully approached Rabbatch with him stopping his hopping. The fox girl took him into her arms, with Rabbatch smiling up at her.

Rabbatch: See, there's nothing to be afraid of-

He was cut off when the fox girl took a bite out of his ear, with him quickly jumping out of her arms. Sheepishly chuckling to himself.

Rabbatch: Well nice to see that you eat your greens

After saying this his ear quickly regenerated.

Rabbatch: Well, like I said before we're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help

Leon: We also heard that this gang's leader was about to trade you two to general Ironwood for some guns

Cat ear girl and Fox girl: Ironwood!?

The fox girl curled up into fetal position, while the cat ear girl looked on the verge of crying.

Cat ear girl and Fox girl: Please don't give us back to him

Both Leon and Rabbatch looked a bit shocked at this.

Rabbatch: What the hell did he do to you two?

They didn't answer.

Leon: Grrr, when I get my hands on him....

Rabbatch gave Leon a look that said not now. Then turning back to his normal form. He then picked up the fox girl, holding her close to him.

(Y/N): Don't worry, there's no way in hell that we'd give you two to him

The two look at him.

Cat ear girl: R-Really?

(Y/N): Really. Now then what are your names

The two looked at each other before looking back to (Y/N) and Leon.

Cat ear girl: I-I'm Chen

Fox girl: And I'm Senko

(Y/N) chuckles a bit.

(Y/N): Well, it's nice to meet you two. I'm (Y/N) and this is my friend Leon

Leon waves at them to them.

(Y/N): Now then lets get you two out of here okay

He holds his hand out to Chen, that she takes.

Chen: Where are we going?

(Y/N): To where me and Leon lives, trust me you two will like it I promise

Leon looks up upon hearing a noise.

Leon: looks like we got more company. We should be going, now

(Y/N) nods and looks back towards the girls

(Y/N): Hold on okay

Chen and Senko did what they were told and held onto (Y/N). With the four of them being transported back to the Comet Observatory. As soon as they had left multiple heroes and military personal arrived at the ravaged Black Dragon Hideout. The camera then zoomed out showing a news report.

Lisa: With the reports of the Black Dragon's multitude of crimes they committed, it is a pleasure to say that the Black Dragon's leader had been brought into custody. Though at first officials were unaware of who had discovered their hideout when many heroes and military could not, it was later found through going through their camera footage that it was same young man who had previously defeated the monster that was attacking Union City, (Y/N) Tennyson though he had already fled the scene once Heroes and the Military had arrived. We will keep you all updated on any more information that we learn. This is Lisa Lavender sighing out

Cutting from the news report we see the headmasters of Union looking on, with some of them scowling and other just looking on.

Nezu: It seems that Mr. Tennyson has been making more and more of a name for himself

Ozpin: If this keeps up the people will start to lose more and more trust in us

Sirzechs: I want that brat brought in now

The two looks towards Sirzechs.

Sirzechs: Not only is he making us all look like a joke, but he also had done something to Rias. She won't leave her room now and whenever try to talk to her she screams out until I can somehow calm her down

Nezu and Ozpin look at the fuming Sirzechs with concern. He turned to them with a fiery glare.

Sirzech: We're putting a bounty on him and his friends' heads

They look at him shocked for a second, before Ozpin nods in agreement.

Ozpin: Then so be it

Nezu however looked at his fellow headmasters in shock, before he looked down concern riddling his eyes.

Nezu: *Mr. Tennyson, I wish you luck*

In another house on the edge of Union City, we see a small family looking on at a TV having watched the news report as well. We see the girl who had seen (Y/N) before there looking on with happiness.

Girl: See I told you it was him

Another girl with short blue hair looked on surprise as well, along with a small seal like creature that she held.

Short blue hair girl: It really is him

Seal Creature: Pop pop

Next to her sat a blue hair boy who looked almost like a girl as well. He sat there staring at the TV in almost disbelief.

Blue hair boy: I can't believe it 

And the last was a woman with short blue hair as well looked at the TV with tears in her eyes.

Blue hair woman: It really is him, my baby boy

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