Chapter 4

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In the Comet Observatory we see (Y/N) talking with Danny and Manny along with Manny's friend Frida, as Leon was just getting himself a drink.

(Y/N): I'm just saying anyone who puts pineapple on pizza should be shot

Danny: Yeah, I get that, but you can't knock something until you try it

(Y/N): Yeah, I did, and it sucked

Manny: You probably just had a bad chef then

Frida: Yup

Leon: What about anchovies  

They all look at him like he was crazy.

Leon: What? It's really good

They go back to what they were talking about until (Y/N) was suddenly tackled to the ground by two blurs. (Y/N) picks himself up and shakes his head a bit, while he hears his friends chuckle at him. He also hears two small giggles, looking down he sees both Chen and Senko hugging him while they were in the new cloths that they had bought them.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Hey Chen, Senko. How are you two doing?

Chen and Senko: We're doing great Big Bro!

(Y/N) again chuckled at this. Ever since they had saved them from the Black Dragon, they started seeing him as a big brother. And it even went surprisingly well with Beepu too seeing them as new little sisters. Speaking of Beepu she runs up to them as well.

Beepu: Hey Bro

(Y/N): Hey Beepu, how are you

Beepu: I'm doing great bro, though these two couldn't stay in one place

She points to the two who were still hugging him. He chuckled while petting the two's heads.

(Y/N): Yeah, I can see that. You guys hungry? How about I make you guys something

All three of them perked up at this.

Beepu, Chen and Senko: YES!!!

(Y/N): Alright, go sit down while I get to it

They all nod and head off to wait for him. (Y/N) smiled at this and got up about to head over to the kitchen to cook.

Danny: You really are a big bro to them

(Y/N): What jealous

Danny: Says who?

He shakes his head and begins to head over but stopped when the base began to shake. They all look around wondering what was happening while also trying not to fall. The base soon stopped shaking and everyone looked around wondering what had happened.

(Y/N): Is everyone okay?

Danny: I've been better but yeah, I'm good 

Manny: Same here

Leon: I've been through worst

Frida: Yeah, but what was that?

???: That would be us sorry

Looking to where the voice came from, they see a man in an almost completely green uniform. He also had a strange ring on his index finger. This was the Green Lantern.

The next to him was a man in a red costume with a lightning bolt on it. This was the flash.

There was also a man who was mostly cybernetic besides a part of his face. And also, a man wearing a suit that resembled a bat.

(Y/N) simply sighed at them, then glaring at them.

(Y/N): Great, now we got you guys. What do you want? We're kinda busy

Green Lantern: Well, you see that's the thing. We're here to well, let's just say-

Batman: We are bringing everyone this station in. You all are under arrest

Green Lantern looked at the cape crusade with a face that simply said "really", before he shrugged and looked back to the group.

Green Lantern: Yeah that, so all of just come quietly and none of you get hurt. Your vigilantism is over on the order of Union

(Y/N): Not happening, unlike all those fakes that call themselves heroes we're actually making a difference. Do any of you know how many criminal organizations they let run around as long as they make them look good. Do you even know what the hell that bastard that calls himself a general has done to two little girls that we saved?

Everyone looked at him as he continued on with his fuming protest.

(Y/N): And what exactly have you all done? You all call yourselves the Justice League and yet you all follow orders from those bastards too. So, tell me who exactly are the real heroes here?

The Justice League looked at him not saying anything. That was until Green Lantern blasted (Y/N) with his ring sending him through the nearby wall. All of (Y/N)'s friends looked on shocked and with concern for their friend.

Danny: (Y/N)!!

Green Lantern: Don't bother worrying about him, you'll all be in the same situation soon

Before they could do anything however a green flash came from the hole that (Y/N) was sent into. Seconds later a fireball shot through the hole at Green Lantern, with him quickly blocking it by manifesting a shield. Looking to the hole we see a plant like figure step out from the hole, fire ignited in his hands. This was another one of (Y/N)'s transformations known as Swampfire.

  Swampfire: You've made a big mistake there pal

He then launched at Green Lantern, going right through his shield and tackling him to another area of the Comet Observatory. Taking this opportunity with the rest of the current league members in front of them distracted Danny went ghost, while Manny spun the metal buckle that had a T on it, on his belt transforming him into his Superhero persona El Tigre.

He turned to Frida.

El Tigre: Frida, go grab the girls and hide. See if you can find anyone else who can help also okay?

Frida: Got ya

After saying this she ran down the hall, though The Flash tried to dash after her but was stopped when El Tigre shot out his chained claw at him grabbing his leg.

El Tigre: Not so fast!!

He then swung he back sending him into another room as well, with him following quickly. 

Danny: Well, if we're splitting everyone up

He then vanished and reappeared behind Cyborg grabbing him and making him intangible with him. Then sinking them both through the floor leaving Batman and Leon in the room.

Leon: It's just you and me now Bat Punk

Batman: Hmph, you won't last five seconds

Over with Swampfire and Green Lantern we see them hit the floor hard with Green Lantern taking the brunt of the impact. Swampfire then rolled off him, while getting back igniting fire in his hands again. Green Lantern also gets back up and glares at the Methanosian. Swampfire shoots a large blast of flames at Green Lantern with him manifesting a fire extinguisher to counter it. The two struggled against each other for a second before the flames overpowered it. Green Lantern quickly dodges them and rushes at Swampfire punching him in the face, then manifesting a baseball bat swinging it at him and sending him flying. As he was flying, he then transformed into a mummy like alien known as Snare-Oh.

Launching out some of his bandages he wraps around a pole stopping himself. Then swinging and hitting Green Lantern who was flying after him with a kick. Snare-Oh landed and glared at Green Lantern who was picking himself back up.

Snare-Oh: Lets go Lantern bitch

Over with El Tigre and Flash we see El Tigre blocking rapid attacks from Flash. El Tigre quickly slashed at Flash's side as he rushed by managing to cut him. Flash stopped and held his side as it bled a bit. He lets out a small growl and was about to rush at El Tigre again but stopped when he was grabbed by his chained claw and was thrown into the opposite wall. Then following up by dashing up to him and delivering a kick to his stomach. Flash quickly retaliated with a punch, then speeding all around landing multiple punches all round his body. He then uppercut him, sending him into the air. He landed back onto his feet afterwards, while using his claws to slow himself down as well. Growling he lets out a tiger roar rushing at the scarlet speedster.

El Tigre: It isn't over yet!!

With Danny and Cyborg, we see Cyborg trying to blast at Danny with him flying while avoiding them. Danny fired his own blast down at Cyborg who narrowly avoids it. He fires off some more of his weapons at Danny, with him just phasing right through them. He then rushed at Cyborg while dodging all his other blasts, getting in his face and unleashing his Ghostly Wail point blank.

Sending Cyborg crashing into the wall. A now dazed Cyborg picked himself back up while Danny floats down smirking at him.

Danny: What can't a little screaming, ya tin can

Then back with Leon and Batman, we see the two trading blows with each other. They continued trading blows and countering each other's as well. Leon then pulled out his knife and began swiping at Batman with him avoiding them. After avoiding one more swipe, he knocked Leon's knife out of his hand. Then following up with more punches and a kick to his head sending him skidding back. Batman then shot his grappling hook at Leon, before the claw could hit him however Leon dodged it and grabbed the cable surprising Batman. He then pulled the cable hard pulling Batman towards him. When he had reached Leon, he quickly grabbed Batman into a bearhug and suplexed him.

After suplexing the caped crusader, he quickly got back up and turned around kicking him in the head rolling across the ground.

Leon: What's the matter, aren't you supposed to be a master of martial arts or something?

Now going back to Snare-Oh and Green Lantern, we see Green Lantern avoiding Snare-Oh's bandages, then making a machete from his ring cutting through them. While he was busy with those a bandaged came up from behind and grabbed his leg, pulling him down and slamming him into the ground kicking up some dust and smoke upon impact. Through the smoke a Green Lantern manifested truck came through ramming Snare-Oh through the wall behind him. Green Lantern followed after him going through the hole, but as soon as he was in there, he didn't see Snare-Oh anywhere in there. He looked around a bit until his body suddenly froze being held by an unknown force. He was hurdled to the ground hard, cracking it on impact. Gingerly picking himself he looks up and sees that Snare-Oh had transformed again this time into a cat like creature with a long purple tail. This transformation is known as Thoughtlock.

Thoughtlock huffed and fired out multiple balls of purple energy at Green Lantern, with him manifesting a shield to block them. However, when after he had fire the energy balls at him, Thoughtlock teleported behind Green Lantern and struck him from behind psychokinetically enhanced strikes. Picking him up after with his telekinesis and throwing him out of the Space Station, following shortly after. Back over with El Tigre and Flash, El Tigre slashed at him with dodging it and delivering his own punch to his jaw. Sliding back a bit he wiped some blood from his lip. Flash quickly crouched down and charged with yellow electric like energy, then rushing at El Tigre. Time seemed to slow all around them as Flash rushed at El Tigre, seconds later a telekinetic force tripped Flash up shocking him and sending him sprawling towards El Tigre. Taking this opportunity, he extended his claws and slashed Flash across his face drawing blood and sending him back. El Tigre looked a bit confused however on how Flash basically tripped.

???: Your welcome

Looking to the voice El Tigre sees one of his other friends. An alien girl known as Ahsoka Tano.

El Tigre: Ahsoka, good to see you

Ahsoka: Yeah, Frida told me what was happening, let's take this chump down

He nods to her and they both rush at the downed speedster. Over with Danny, we see him and Cyborg having a beam struggle. Cyborg began adding more and more power to his beam slowly overpowering Danny's. That was until multiple missiles and blasts showered Cyborg interrupting his beam leaving to get hit by Danny's. Danny lands and looks to where the attacks came from and sees girl in robotic armor known as Sari Sumbac.

Danny: Sari, I am glad to see you

Sari: Same to you, I came as soon as Frida told me what was happening. Now then lets send this tin can to the scrapyard

The two fist bump and rushed at rushed at Cyborg ready to finish him off. Back with Leon and Batman, we see them again trading blows. Batman ducked underneath one of his punches and punched him in the stomach causing Leon to cough up blood. He then for another punch but finds it to be caught by a blue tongue. That tongue of course belonging to Sonia. With Batman's fist restrained Leon did a spin kick sending him flying then being slammed into the ground by Sonia.

Leon: Frida managed to tell you?

Sonia: Yeah, don't worry Sari and Ahsoka are helping Danny and Manny right now

Leon nods and the two put their focus back onto Batman who was getting back up. Back over to Thoughtlock and Green Lantern, they were firing blasts at each other with each blast colliding and exploding in the void of space. Thoughtlock then charged a large ball of purple energy in his hands, firing it at Green Lantern shortly after. Green Lantern quickly manifested a baseball bat again and hit the energy ball back at Thoughtlock. Though it didn't do much as Thoughlock used his Psychic powers to grab the ball and split it into multiple other balls and throwing them back at him. This time with Green Lantern manifesting a large container catching them, then morphing it into a large moon launching it at Thoughtlock. Thoughtlock tried to catch and hold it back but soon found this to put too much strain on his psychic abilities, allowing the moon to crash against him sending him flying back. Green Lantern chuckled to himself after seeing this.

GL: You really thought could hold that back, you damn idiot

After saying this however a green flash came from behind the moon and soon it disappeared revealing a completely black figure with what looked to be stars all around his body. This was (Y/N)'s Celestialsapien transformation known simply as Alien X.

Alien X: You're the idiot here, Lantern

Green Lantern looked on shocked as Alien X disappear and then suddenly reappeared in front of him flicking him in the noise and sending him into a cluster of meteors. Then speeding up to him kneeing him in the chest and throwing him into more meteors. Green Lantern manifested a thousand dangers and threw them at Alien X with him just dodging out of the way of them quickly. He then raised his hand and thrusted it forward sending multiple meteors at Green Lantern. Lantern began blasting and destroying them, however this left him open for Alien X to punch him into another meteor, with him then firing a blast at him exploding the meteor he was in. The smoke clears showing a bloodied Green Lantern panting heavily.

Alien X: Hmph, like I said before you weren't going to take us in no matter what. And we'll keep taking Union down time and time again!

GL: Time huh? Thanks for the tip

A green aura surrounded him, and he soon disappeared leaving Alien X there who just scoffed.

Alien X: Idiot....

We then see Green Lantern travel through the time stream heading back to the beginning of the battle. However, before he could get far, he then sees Alien X waiting there in his way. He stops and stares at him shocked causing Alien X to chuckle.

Alien X: Why are you so surprised? I guess you haven't read your history. Alien X controls basically everything in the universe and.....

He then disappeared and reappeared behind Green Lantern.

Alien X: That includes time

Green Lantern turned and tried to punch Alien X only for him to catch his wrist holding it there. Alien X's eyes then glowed causing Green Lantern's ring to disappear and in turn causing his Green Lantern uniform to disappear as well leaving him as just Hal Jordan. After doing that the two then appeared back on the Comet Observatory revealing the rest of the Justice League Members who were there, were already captured. Alien X threw Hal over to the other members.

Danny: Had to bust out Alien X huh?

Alien X: Only because he was starting to annoy me

After saying this he transformed back to his regular form glaring down at the justice league members that had attacked them.

Sari: So, what are we gonna do with them?

Sari was now out of her armored form revealing her to be a red hair girl with blue eyes.

Everyone looked to (Y/N). With letting out an annoyed sigh glaring at the intruders.

(Y/N): We're gonna send them back to Union and give them a warning

He lets out a small sigh.

(Y/N): That if they want to try and keep messing with us, that they're gonna be in for a rude awakening

The others nodded and glared down at the current justice league members they had captive. After the camera zoomed out and revealed a familiar looking ship quite a distance from the Comet Observatory. On the ship we see two people who were seemingly watching the fight. One being a human woman wearing a familiar watch on her wrist and the other being a large humanoid squid creature.

Squid Creature: He quite adept with his transformations already

Woman: Yeah, he even has full control over Alien X already. That took me a while to gain complete control over them

Squid Creature: I suppose that makes sense, considering he is the descendant of this universe's version of you

Woman: Hmph, I guess it doesn't matter what universe it is my family bloodline is badass!

Squid Creature: How reserved of you my dear Bentely

Bentely: Like you're any better Vilgax
(Art by TheMightFennek)

(Art by Elmike9)

Vilgax: You are right there too

(Thank you to WAMred for letting me use these two)

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