Chapter 12

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It has been a couple of days since Ironwood had asked them to save a woman named Amber from Union. Right now (Y/N) looking over the school from a long distance, glaring down at it all the while at the school. Next to him was Danny and Ashoka, with them looking at it glaring also.

Danny: So, we gotta save a woman named Amber, who Ozprick put into suspended animation because she was heavily injured, and he wanted to keep her around just so he could transfer her power to someone he can control

(Y/N): Yeah, bastard. Who knows how long he's kept her like that

Ashoka: So, how are we going to approach this

(Y/N): We can just bust in

Danny: But then they'd probably say that we attacked them unprovoked

(Y/N) sighed at this already knowing Danny was right.

(Y/N): Any other ideas then

Ashoka: We could try seeking in, though we'd need to find some type of entrance without being spotted

(Y/N): Yeah, and something tells me that even though Union is shit they keep pretty high security on those types of entrances

The three continued to think of what they could do until they hear a noise behind them. They turn around quickly ready to fight.

???: No no no, there's no need to fight. I am not your enemy

Soon a hunched back person came into view. He had shaggy brown hair and wore a red tunic, along with black pants and brown shoes. He had a shovel with him, along with a wooden barrel strapped to his back 

(Character comes from an app game called Tales Of Grimm)

Hunchback: I am your friend, not your foe

(Y/N): And how exactly can we trust you?

The Hunchback laughed at this a little hearing this.

Hunchback: Well, actions speak louder than words. I know a secret way into Union, that not even they know about

Danny: A way that not even Union knows about and you do that's kind of hard to believe

They look at him suspicious, at which the hunchback simply chuckled before motioning for them to follow then hurrying back from where he came. The group looked at each other before (Y/N) shrugs not knowing anything else they could do and followed the hunchback along with the Danny and Ashoka. They continue following the Hunchback until they made it to an entrance of a cave. The Hunchback turned to them.

Hunchback: This cave leads to underneath Union, and they have no idea about them heh heh

(Y/N) looked back to both Danny and Ashoka who just shrugged in response. (Y/N) just sighed before looking back to the Hunchback.

(Y/N): Alright, we'll trust you but this better not be a trap

Hunchback: Of course not, heh heh

With that they all walked through the cave. It was alright for a little bit until it started getting too dark to see. In response (Y/N) transformed into Heatblast emitting light for them. The Hunchback claps a bit seeing this.

Hunchback: Most splendid, you truly are as amazing as everyone says (Y/N)

Heatblast looked at him again.

Heatblast: Uh, thanks...

They then began making their way through the cave again. They stayed silent for the most part until curiosity got the best of Ashoka.

Ashoka: What's your name anyway?

The Hunchback chuckled again, turning to them while walking backward.

Hunchback: It is quite rude of me not to tell you my name when we first met. I am Quasi Mortal

Danny looked at Quasi still a bit confused.

Danny: Alright, then how about you tell us how exactly you know about this tunnel

Qusai laughed a little again.

Qusai: To put it simply I was a student of Union too

They look at him a bit shock at hearing this.

Qusai: Infact I was raised from a baby by Ozpin himself. And once I came of age he enrolled into Union. For some time, it was alright until I found so much evidence of many many things they swept under the rug. And that's when I decided that I didn't want to be a part of them anymore. So, I went "missing" on the latest mission they gave me and here I am now

Heatblast: Makes sense for you to want to desert these bastards after finding out what they've done

Qusai: Yes....Oh we're almost there

They look up and see an old looking security station, that laid connected to the underneath of Union. The group looked on in complete shock at seeing the building, before following Qusai when he walked inside. They look around the building in confusion and amazement.

Ashoka: How long has this been under here?

Qusai: For a long time if I were to guess. I've been living here actually for some time after I went AWOL

Heatblast looked around the place as Qusai light a lantern lighting the room up more. Heatblast's eyes then landed on a large computer that seemed to be kind of broken.

Heatblast: What's up with this computer?

Qusai: I don't know, I haven't been able to get it to work ever since I first got down here

Heatblast looks at the computer smirking.

Heatblast: I have the perfect alien for this

A green flash then surrounded him and once it died down Heatblast was replaced by a black, white and green humanoid blob. This was (Y/N)'s Galvanic Mechamorph form Upgrade.

Upgrade: Okay, lets see if I can get this thing working

He then formed into a blob and began morphing over the large computer. He soon fully encompassed it and doing as his name states upgrading it. Danny and Ashoka looked on curious on what he might find with it, while Qusai clapped in excitement.

Upgrade: Alright, lets see what this thing has

Some beeping was heard, along with the keys on the keyboard rapidly flashed signifying that he was searching through it. He continued through it for a little while until he stopped seeing something that interested him.

Upgrade: Well, looks like I found something interesting 

Danny: What?

Upgrade: Take a look

The large screen then showed multiple files of that had documentation of multiple articles and crimes. All of which retaining to Union. The planned near genocide of the Nekomata race. Multiple rape cases, involving their Red Dragon Emperor. A recording of Ozpin talking to Sirzechs about planning out Summer Rose's death. Sirzechs forcing himself onto multiple human and faunus woman. Multiple recordings of Allmight's mentor Nana Shimura being blackmailed by Ozpin and Sirzechs and by multiple other Heroes, until her eventually death. And then moving on to recordings of Ozpin and Sirzechs talking to the students about putting (Y/N) into his "place" and them even threatening Nezu who spoke out against it, if he were to ever speak out about this. This computer seemed to have recorded all of Union's crimes that they kept swept up, not wanting anyone to know about this and there was even more that they hadn't dived into yet.

Danny: Those sick bastards!

Ashoka: Wait, a second it seems like Nezu didn't want any part of it either

Upgrade: Well, then looks like we got just what need to take these bastards down. Now let me just

Some more beeping was heard, until a disk came out of a slot on the computer. Ashoka then took it with Upgrade unmerging with the computer.

Ashoka: Alright, so now we got some incredibly incriminating evidence on Union, now we just need to get is Amber

She pockets the disk.

Upgrade: We need to find that vault and save her

Quasi: A vault....Oh we're right underneath it actually

They looked at him a bit shocked, to which he laughs and points up. They look up seeing a vent on the ceiling.

Qusai: That vent leads directly into it. I know because I heard voices talking about multiple times

Upgrade: Really, alright then. Thanks for the help, Qusai

Qusai: Heh heh, it is no problem just please end Union

They nod and Upgrade molded through the vent above, followed by Ashoka who jumped up and took the vent grate on off heading in afterwards, with Danny just phasing through the ceiling following them, all the while Qusai looked up with a smile. They made their way through the vent and eventually found their way to the vault. They look around seeing all the things that was held there.

Upgrade: So, this is vault huh? To be honest I was expecting more

Danny: Well, we don't got time for looking around, we need to find Amber. Ashoka do think you can-

He stopped upon seeing her walking forward with her eyes closed.

Ashoka: Find her with the force? Yes, yes I can

Upgrade and Danny look at each other and nodded following her. They walked through the vault for some time until they eventually come across a large door with a console in front of it.

Danny: A door inside a vault, how redundant

Ashoka: She's behind there

Upgrade: Leave this to me then

Upgrade makes his way to the console and merged with it beginning to hack the console. After some time, an alarm was then heard sounding out all of the vault along with Union as a whole.

Danny: What the hell?!

Upgrade: Seems like Ozpin, wasn't as much of an idiot to not put in an alarm system. It must have sounded when I was hacking the console

Ashoka: Damn it, we need to get this door open now!

Upgrade: Don't worry, I almost have it......There!

A sound of a lock turning was heard, and the door opened shortly after. Upgrade unmerged with the console and the three rushed inside. Upgrade making sure to close the door behind them using the console on the other side then changing the password locks on it to slow Union down. After he had done that, he turns around and sees Danny and Ashoka looking at the container that Amber was held in that seemed to be connected a strange machine.

Danny: So, this is where he has been holding her huh?

Ashoka walked over to a monitor and sees on it the headmasters and multiple heroes heading their way.

Ashoka: We might want to hurry, they're heading our way fast

Upgrade nodded and activated the communication function on the Ultratrix, getting in contact with Rosalina.

Upgrade: Rosa, We're at the vault and we're exactly where Amber is. How long until you think you can teleport us all out of here?

Rosalina: It will take me a bit before I can lock onto your location. Considering how deep underground you are, so please hold out for as long as you can

Upgrade nodded and looked back to his team. They look back to him too and they all nodded. Outside the vault the headmasters and the heroes all glared at the door with Powerloader trying to open the door.

Ozpin: What's taking so long, hurry up and open the door!

Powerloader: I'm trying to, but the locks password was changed

Sirzechs: It was probably the being who broke in

Mt.Lady: Well, whoever it is they're gonna get a big case of knuckle sandwich

After she had said this, the door began to open and what they were met with infuriated them. They see (Y/N) standing there has Ultimate Echo Echo, along with Ashoka having her lightsabers ignited. Danny stood there in a strange form, having his skin completely green and his white hair being a white flame now. This was Danny in his awakened ghost form.

Ult. Echo Echo: Well then, it's nice to see you all is what I would say if didn't hate all your guts

Ozpin: (Y/N) Tennyson!!

Sirzechs: How the hell did you all even know about this!?

Danny: Let's just say that we had some help

Nezu: Well, this is certainly a predicament

Ozpin: It doesn't matter, you all will not be getting out of here alive!

Ult.Echo Echo: Well, then lets see if you all can make good on that promise

He then turned the dial and activated the supreme evolution function on the Ultratrix. He then became a hyper evolved Sonorosian, Supreme Echo Echo.

Supr.Echo Echo: Let's go

Ozpin points his hand at the three.

Ozpin: Kill them!

The heroes who were with them rushed at the three, with the three getting ready as well. Qrow tried to slash at Danny with his sword only for it to phase right through him and then being met with an ecto-charged punch to his face. He then fired off to beams into two other heroes who were rushing him sending them back as well. Ashoka blocked a lightning attack from one hero and redirected it back at another group electrocuting them. Then used the force on the one who shot electricity at her and slammed them into the ground hard enough to knock them out. Supr.Echo Echo fired off multiple large blasts of sound at a group of heroes that were rushing at him, knocking them all back and knocking some of them out from the sound pressure. He then took out another group with a big burst of sound from the speakers all around his body.

Sirzechs: TENNYSON!!

Supr.Echo Echo looked to Sirzechs seeing him glaring at him.

Sirzechs: I'm going to make you pay for what that damn brat of a sister of yours did to my son!

Supr.Echo Echo: Your son is the one who tried to force himself onto her. She was just defending herself and the others

Sirzechs: Shut up!! All those who are not devils are below us, and thus should be nothing then breeding stock

Upon hearing this Supr.Echo Echo glared at him.

Supr.Echo Echo: Well then, you just gave more of a reason to kick your ass

Supr.Echo Echo then fired off another sonic blast at Sirzechs forcing him back. Ozpin then rushed at Supr.Echo Echo and tried to stab him but was stopped by Danny.

Danny: Not, so fast pal

He then blasted him away with a blast of exto-energy sending him flying and then following after him. Ashoka blasted back another hero sending them flying, before she was caught in a pinkish aura that she broke out of with a pulse of force energy. Looking up she sees Glynda glaring at her.

Glynda: You all will be taken down

Ashoka: Alright then, let's see you try

They both blasted at each other with their blast like techniques against each other. Sirzechs then came back and tried to punch Supr.Echo Echo only to be met a sonic barrier by him blocking the attack. He was then forced back by a burst of sound. The disks of Supr.Echo Echo's shoulders then came off and formed their own bodies rushing at Sirzechs. Over with Danny, we see him throw a punch into Ozpin's stomach making him cough up blood, he then spin kicks him into the wall. Ozpin roars in rage and tried to stab him with his cane only for it to phase right through him again. Smirking Danny lets out a ghastly wail point blank in Ozpin's face sending into another wall. Ashoka shot back Glynda, with her shaking off any dizziness that she had gained from it. Growling she picked up multiple objects around the room with her semblance and threw them at her, in response Ashoka slashed through them with her lightsabers while rushing at the teacher. Glynda made a barrier with her semblance that Ashoka easily slashed through with her lightsabers before blasting her back with a force blast. She stopped when Ashoka force grabbed her slamming her into the ground then picking up multiple metal pipes around the room smashing them onto her and immobilizing her. Ashoka spits on the ground after having dealt with the Union teacher.

Ashoka: You bit off more then you could chew bitch

Danny dodged another strike from Ozpin angering him further.

Ozpin: Stop dodging and face your death

He stabs at him again, with Danny catching the cane shocking him and Danny smirking down at him.

Danny: Alright, I stopped dodging. Then how about you freeze

A blue glow came from the hand that was holding the cane and the cane began to slowly freeze over with it reaching Ozpin at a rapid pace. Ozpin was soon frozen over, with a look of shock. Danny chuckled a bit at this before letting go of the cane.

Danny: Dumbass

Supr.Echo Echo's small minions surrounded Sirzechs and blasted him with some more sonic shouts from the speakers on them as well knocking him around a bit more. Sirzechs roars in rage his demonic aura bursting from all around him. He broke out of the two's sonic screams and rushed at Supr.Echo Echo throwing a punch that he blocked though it pushed him back a bit.

Sirzechs: I'm going to fucking kill you!!

Supr.Echo Echo: Keep talking pal, cause it's never gonna happen

Sirzechs yelled and blasted a huge P.O.D at him, that he made a sonic barrier in response holding it back. The two minions shot two sonic screams at Sirzechs back knocking him over a bit and stunning him, allowing Supr.Echo Echo to create a sonic barrier all around the P.O.D crushing it into nothing. The two minions jumped to Supr.Echo Echo's sides and all stood forward looking at the still stunned Sirzechs.

Supr.Echo Echo: It's over, SONIC APOCALYSPE!!!

Both him and his minions unleashed a powerful sonic scream all at the same time directly at Sirzechs. The large sonic scream consumed Sirzechs, sending him back into the wall and pinning him there as they kept screaming. They soon stopped with Sirzechs falling the ground incredibly injured. The two minions turned back into their disk forms and went back onto Supr.Echo Echo's shoulders.

Supr.Echo Echo: Moron...Is that all of them?

Danny: Seems like it

Ashoka looked back to the monitor seeing more heroes heading their way.

Ashoka: looks like we got more company coming.

Sirzechs: You all are done for

They look back to the injured Sirzechs.

Sirzechs: Like we said before you all won't make it out of here alive!

They all glare at him and get ready to fight again. That was until the communicator came back on.

Rosalina: I'm ready to teleport you all

They look at each other and nod. Supr.Echo Echo then transformed into a four-armed red musuclar creature. (Y/N)'s Tetramand transformation Fourarms.

He walked over to Amber's pod and grabbed it pulling it from the machine that it was connected to.

Fourarms: Let's go

They all turned and see the new set of heroes heading their way. Before they reached them however a beam of light shot down onto them teleporting them back to the Comet Observatory. The heroes all grimaced at this, while Nezu walked out from where he was hiding sighing and turning back, making his way out of the vault. Quasi heard the whole fight and he laughed at the outcome. Back on the Comet Observatory the three are seen getting there, with Danny changing back to this human form.

Fourarms: I'm gonna go hand Amber over to 21, see if she can do anything

Danny: Alright, I'll go tell the others that mission was a success and tell Rosalina about the disk too

They all nod and head off. Fourarms soon makes it to 21's office and walks in seeing her talking to a now away Nagisa. They look to him.

Fourarms: Hey, how are you feeling Nagisa?

Nagisa: I'm fine, better than what I was before at least

21: Yeah, he'll be at 100% in a couple of days. So, what you got there?

Fourarms set the pod down revealing Amber to the two.

Fourarms: You think you can help he

21: Do you "think" I can help her. Don't you remember who you're talking to here?

Fourarms transformed back to his human form.

(Y/N): Yeah, I guess that is kinda of a stupid question

21: Yeah, I'll see what I can do for her

(Y/N) nods and was about to leave but stopped when Nagisa asked him something.

Nagisa: Where are you going bro?

(Y/N): I need to go talk to someone

With that he left. Back on Earth it had been a couple hours after (Y/N) and his team had rescued Amber. We see Nezu going back to where he leaved, walking into his abode with a small sigh.

Nezu: Well, today was certainly an eventful day. I wasn't expecting (Y/N) to be so bold as to take the pod containing Amber. Though I'm glad that he did, that girl doesn't deserve to be trapped like that

???: It's nice to hear that and trust me my team is taking care of her

Nezu being surprised looked behind him and sees a human sized blue moth man. This was (Y/N)'s Necrofriggian form Big Chill.

 Nezu: (Y-Y/N) Tennyson!

Big Chill: It took long enough to get home Nezu, for second though you wouldn't show up

Nezu: W-What are you even doing here?

Big Chill: I came to talk

He then transformed into his human form approaching Nezu.

(Y/N): I know Nezu

Nezu: K-Know what

(Y/N): I know that unlike the other headmasters you're not corrupt, you didn't want to do anything that they did, but they threatened you

Nezu: How do you know this?

(Y/N): Because me and my team found something. Something about all the corrupt things that they've done. And that is the main reason I'm here, I want you to help us I guess you can say be an inside man. Help us take down Union

Nezu looked down thinking over what (Y/N) had told him. Remembering everything that both Ozpin and Sirzechs had down to so many people around him people he call his friends and to him as whole. He gripped his paw into a fist. Then looking up to (Y/N) with a determined look.

Nezu: You got a deal. I'll help you bring Union down

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