Chapter 13

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A day later, (Y/N) walked back into 21's lab seeing her looking over Amber. (Y/N) walked over to her getting 21's attention.

(Y/N): So, how is she doing?

21: Well, she's stable to say the least. But from what I found it doesn't seem like her body can activate

(Y/N) looks at her a bit confused.

(Y/N): And that means?

21: Well, let me answer your question with a question. Have you ever heard the story of the Four Maidens?

(Y/N): Yeah, my mother use to read that story to me and my siblings when we were little

21: Well, let me put it simply then, Amber here is known as the Fall Maiden

(Y/N): So that's explains why Ozpin wanted her powers

21 nods at this.

21: But here is in this injured, unresponsive state. Half of the maiden power was stolen from her, basically putting her in a vegetable like state

(Y/N): So, what are we going to do then?

21 then stood up and grabbed a device off her desk.

21: What, we're going to do is go retrieve that other half of the fall maiden power and bring back so it can reconnect with Amber. And this device will not only help us track it but recover it

(Y/N): Smart thinking as always 21

21 smiled triumphantly with a blush.

21: Thank you, now come on we got some maiden power to track down

(Y/N) watches as she leaves shrugging and following her. We then cut down to the planet and see (Y/N) as Jetray flying alongside 21. 21 was looking down at her device, with her turning every once in a while. She soon stops causing Jetray to stop as well, looking around Jetray sees that they were in the middle of a forest. He looks back to 21 seeing her lower down to the ground, following her shortly afterwards. They land with 21 still looking at the device.

Jetray: So, have we found it?

21: Not quite

Jetray: What, do you mean by that?

21: It would seem my device here had led us to a dimensional entry point

Jetray: Dimensional entry point?

21: Yes, in fact the dimension where we'll find the other half of the energy. You wouldn't happen to have an alien in that watch of yours that can open wormholes perhaps?

Jetray smirks at her.

Jetray: Is that even a question?

21 chuckles at this. A green flash then surrounded him, with him transforming into a turtle like creature. This was (Y/N)'s Kamedallas transformation known as Portaler.

Portaler: Alright, stand back

Portaler held his hands up a sparking aura surrounding them. The point in front of them began to ripple and waver as Portaler focused on it and 21 looked on. Soon a wormhole opened up in front of them.

21: Nice

She walked into the wormhole followed by Portaler. Once they had walked through it they found themselves in a completely different land than the forest. Everything was dark and grungy, many dead trees littered the fields around them, along with many large rocks and pools of black liquid.

Portaler: Where the hell are we?

21: This is known as the Land of Darkness, the place where Grimm are born

Portaler: So, this is where Grimm come from huh? Makes sense considering how it looks

21: Yes, speaking of Grimm heads up

Portaler looked at her for a second before looking forward seeing multiple Beowolves rushing at them. Portaler glared at horde and brought his hands up towards them. A black aura surrounded them, as he created a blackhole in the middle of them and rapidly began growing. The blackhole began sucking them in at a rapid pace, with within seconds they were all devoured by the blackhole. After they were taken care of Portaler stopped the blackhole and made it disappear. Portaler than transformed back to his human form and looked to 21

(Y/N): Alright, those nuisances are taken care of. Now where's the energy?

21: That way, towards that castle

(Y/N) looked to where 21 was pointing a sees a large castle in the distances that looked to be made of crystals.

(Y/N) and 21 looked to each other and nodded. Over in the castle we see multiple people standing in what appeared to be a throne room. Sitting in the throne in the front was a woman with pale white skin wearing a black dress. There was also a lot of black veins on her body as well. Salem the queen of the Grimm.

Standing close to throne on the right, was a scorpion faunus known as Tyrian.

Another man with a mustache stood at her other side known as Aurther Watts.

Then there was a boy with blue hair and mechanical legs known as Mercury. Next to him was a darker woman with green hair known as Emerald. And last was a woman with black hair, with some of it covering one of her eyes. She also wore a red dress; her name was Cinder.

They stood in the throne room seemingly being called there by Salem.

Cinder: So, what are we here for?

Mercury: Yeah, what exactly is so important that you had to call us all here for?

Tyrian snapped at the two.

Tyrian: Do not talk to the mistress like that! Show respect!

Salem: Quiet Tyrian!

Tyrian shrunk down after she said that. Salem then cleared her voice and looked back to the group in front of her.

Salem: The reason I called you all here right now is because we seem to have some visitors

Emerald: Visitors, what do you mean?

Salem: It seems that someone had been able to enter into the Land of Darkness

They looked at her a bit shocked.

Cinder: Is Ozpin finally deciding to take the fight directly to us

Salem growled a bit at this.

Salem: No, Ozma is too much of a coward to do that. It's someone else

Watts: Then who would it be the-

He was cut off by the sound of multiple things throughout the castle being thrown around, along with the sounds of multiple Grimm roaring and dying. Soon an Ursa Major was thrown through the doors to the throne room. It was heading right towards Salem but was soon stopped when Salem put her hand up stopping it in midair and then disintegrating it.

Salem: It would seem our visitor is here

After she had said what looked to be XLR8 sped into the room, though he seemed to be more muscular and ferial. This was (Y/N)'s alien fusion between XLR8 and Rath known as Roadrage.

Roadrage: Sorry, I am interrupting something?

All of Salem's circle got ready to fight as Watts recognized the symbol of Roadrage's chest.

Watts: Wait, that symbol....So you must that Tennyson that's been going around

Roadrage: Heh, so I'm even heard about in a dimension like this huh

21: Don't get distracted (Y/N)

21 then stepped up next to him.

21: Especially with that Appoplexian side in there

She pokes him in the forehead, earning a small growl.

Salem: What business do you have in my domain

21 and Roadrage looked towards the Grimm queen who was glaring down at the two. 21 chuckled a bit stepping up.

21: Well, to put it simply, we're here for the other half of the Fall Maiden powers. And it would seem your subordinate there has them

She says this while looking towards Cinder who was glaring back at her. Her attention was then brought back to Salem who was releasing some of her aura.

Salem: You have a lot of nerve coming here. So, I suggest you both leave unless you want both your heads on pikes!

21: Sorry to say but we're not leaving without the Fall Maiden powers

Salem: Fine then, it's your deaths. Kill them!

After Salem had said that Tyrian lets out a sadistic laugh and rushed at 21 jumping up about to strike her with his tail. A smirk made it's onto her face as she dodged his tail and grabbed it shocking the scorpion faunus. She then pulled him to her and struck him in the stomach sending him flying. She then unleashed her aura transforming. Her skin was now pink, and her hair was now white. She now also had a tail. 21 was now in her Majin transformation.

 Majin 21: Shall we begin?

Salem growled at this and points at the two, signifying to the rest to attack. Mercury ran towards 21 and went for a kick only for it to be caught by Roadrage, who smirked at him.

Roadrage: Nah uh

He then sped around the room while dragging Mercury behind him. He then stopped and threw him into a nearby pillar. Emerald rushed at 21 and tried slashing at her, with 21 just dodging them. Tyrian then got back up and rushed at Roadrage slashing at him with his blades, that he was easily dodging. 21 dodged another slash from Emerald grabbing her arm then punching her in the jaw sending her flying. 21 then fired off a blast countering a fireball that was sent at her from Cinder. Cinder growled at her igniting another fireball in here hand. 21 smirked at her and charged a Ki ball in her hand. Roadrage was seen blitzing pass and hitting Mercury and Tyrian. Tyrian tried to stab Roadrage with his tail only for him to catch it and drag him across the floor then throwing him back at Mercury. Mercury jumped up avoiding the scorpion faunus, but as soon as he landed Roadrage wrapped his tail around his leg. He then quickly spun around and threw him into a pillar. 21 and Cinder were clashing their Ki blast and fireballs against each other. Cinder then rushed at her with her sword slashing at 21 with it, with 21 effortlessly dodging. 21 ducked under the slash and fired a burst of Ki into Cinder stomach sending her back. She then dodged out of the way of another slash from Emerald and grabbed her by her neck. She then formed a blade of Ki in her other hand and stabbed it into Emerald side seemingly absorbing something from her. She tossed Emerald away afterwards though there didn't seem to be any injury on where she was stabbed. Cinder got back up and rushed at 21 and tried to slash at her again with her blade, with 21 smirking at her while as she did. Cinder slashed at 21 only for the attack to phase right through her confusing Cinder, with that confusion than turning to shock as 21 then faded away. Cinder was then met with a kick to the back of her head from 21. 21 was smirking until she heard the sound of a gun being cocked. She quickly turned and caught a bullet that was fired at her, seeing Watts standing there looking at her shocked. 21 then crushed the bullet, before sending a compressed air blast at him knocking him into another pillar instantly knocking him out. Salem looked upon her subordinates and growled.

Salem: Must I do everything myself?

She then snapped her fingers making multiple pools of the same black liquid outside to appear. The black pools then spawned multiple deer like Grimm before they instantly dried up.

Roadrage sped over and stood back-to-back with 21.

Roadrage: Lets hurry up and take care of these guys

Majin 21: Yeah, we don't got time for this after all

Some of the deer like Grimm rushed at them, with Roadrage quickly blitzing some of them slashing them with his claws. While 21 blasted them with Ki blast piercing their skulls and killing them. Roadrage then sped in front of some more of the Grimm and stopped letting out a mighty roar sending them flying back into the walls killing them on impact. Another Grimm tried to ram Roadrage with his horns, that he dodged, then attacking back with a bite digging his teeth into it's neck. 21 dodged another attack from the deer Grimm then firing a beam from her eyes through it's head killing it, then turning around pointing her hand to a group of them firing off a massive Ki blast disintegrating all of them. She then stabbed her tail into the ground with it coming up shortly after stabbing another Grimm deer that was rushing at her from behind. The deer Grimm that was currently in Roadrage's jaws squirmed and tried to break free from him to no avail, with it soon going limp shortly afterward. Roadrage drops it and looks back over to 21 seeing the Grimm she stabbed with her tail dying off, with her then retracting her tail. The two looked at each other smiling. They then feel pressure, looking over to Salem seeing her release more of her aura.

Salem: You miserable, insignificant, ingrates. I will not stand for this. You both will be nothing but decorations around my castl-

Roadrage sped up to her and punched her in the face sending her back into her throne. She coughed up some blood being greatly rocked from that punch. Roadrage looked at her with his arms crossed.

Roadrage: A tip of advice. Never go into a villain rant, leaves you wide open

Salem: Tch, y-you little

Roadrage: That's nice. 21 hurry up and grab the maiden powers

21 just nods and begins approaching Cinder. She brought out the device and pointed it at her. A low buzz came from, with seconds later Cinder began to yell in pain. After a couple of seconds, an orange-colored orb came out of her and flew over to the device, with it containing the orb. 21 smiled at it before looking back to Cinder seeing her weakly reach at her.

Cinder: G-Give that b-back, that's m-mine

21: Sorry to tell you but it never belonged to you

21 then turned to Roadrage seeing that he had already transformed back to Portaler and was opening another wormhole.

Portaler: Let's get out of here

21 nods as he opens the wormhole with them both entering it. It closes shortly afterwards leaving Salem there surrounded by her defeated subordinates growling.

Salem: *You'll pay for this (Y/N) Tennyson*

Cutting over to Union, we see many heroes still recovering from their fight with (Y/N), Danny and Ashoka. Most of the students were grumbling after having their "image" tainted to the public thanks to (Y/N) constantly "showing them up". Issei was in Rias's peerage's door still recovering from his burns from Ultimate Heatblast. Asia was trying to help him heal those burns, though it was a slow process.

Issei: I can't believe that bastard did this to me. I'm going to make him pay

Asia: Please stop moving Issei while I'm trying to heal you

Koneko: To be honest, you deserved those burn wounds for trying to fight him by yourself

Akeno: Oh, my it is quite troublesome though with him still running around and Rias still so fearful

They then hear the sound of a door opening, then the sound of footsteps. Soon they see Rias walking out from the corner, though her hair was disheveled, and she looked like she hadn't got a wink of sleep.

Kiba: Buchou, you've finally come out of your room

Xenovia: How are you feeling?

Rias said nothing and just sat at the couch that was in the room.

Issei: Well, it doesn't matter right now. With Rias back we can take that bastard (Y/N) do-

Rias: NO!!!

All of her Peerage looked at her a bit shocked.

Rias: No, we are not going after him. No, were not taking any more orders from my brother or Ozpin either!

Akeno: Rias, what's wrong?

Rias looked down not saying anything for a second before looking up to her peerage.

Rias: After what happened with our fight with (Y/N) and after he used that alien on me, I wasn't able to sleep much but whenever I was able to close my eyes, I saw a vision of both my brother and Ozpin unleashing something. And whatever it was it felt evil and full of malice and hate. They unleashed whatever it was, and it seemed to be facing off against (Y/N). It all feels strange, ugh

Kiba and Akeno beginning trying to comfort their king. All the while Issei looked at her with an expression that seemed to be full of even more hate, seemingly not going to follow her orders. Cutting up to the Comet Observatory we see the group crowded into 21's lab as she and (Y/N) in a fused form of his Galvan form Greymatter and his Planchaküle form Juryrigg known as Motorhead.

They were seen working on a machine. Seconds later they finish it up, with Motorhead closing a panel and screwing in some loose bolts.

Motorhead: There, that should do it

21: Alright, lets hook Amber's pod up 

They did so, getting help from Ashoka lifting and moving the pod with the force. Placing it down in the machine with 21 and Motorhead hooking it up. After they had done that 21 hooked up her device with the maiden energy. Then pressing some buttons causing the machine to come to life. Everyone stepped back as the machine took the Fall Maiden energy and fed it into the pod and straight into Amber, the pod glowing as a result. A few minutes later the machine stopped and the pod stopped glowing as well, it opening up shortly after. Motorhead transformed back to human and approached the still unconscious Amber. As he approached her, she suddenly awoke in a panic.

Amber: Ah, w-where am I! Who are you! Gah!

(Y/N): Hey, hey calm down. You're okay, everything's okay

After a little bit she soon calmed down looking at (Y/N) a bit confused.

Amber: All I remember is I was helping a little girl, no the girl wasn't real, and I was attack by three people who attempted to steal my maiden powers and everything after that is blur

(Y/N): Don't worry we'll fill you in on what has been happening

Amber looked to him and then the group behind him before looking back to him nodding. We then cut to the Chimera Hammer, seeing Nevin holding a block of ironabsorbing its material over his skin and cloths. He then lifted up his other hand and formed a blade smiling.

Nevin: I did it

Vilgax: Good job, you really have improved 

Nevin: Thanks, I never thought I'd get this far with my powers

Bentley: Yeah, you'll be a great rival to (Y/N) in no time. Now then...

She then transformed into her version of Snare-Oh.

Bentely(Snare-Oh): Let's see how you good you are with that matter power of yours

Nevin looked at her smirking. He dropped the iron block and got ready to fight.

Nevin: Alright, here I come!

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