Chapter 14

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It has been a few days since the group had awoken Amber. She had gotten used to moving around again after being in suspended animation for so long. Throughout that time Amber had gotten clingy with (Y/N) as well with Cheryl, Ran, Serian and Ringo always giving her jealous glares. Right now (Y/N) was with his family along with Eri. Layla was seen playing with her granddaughter as the others watched. Nagisa now being back to full capacity as well. 

Nagisa: She is going to spoil her to the end of time you know

(Y/N): Yeah, but just let her have her fun. Eri's enjoying it too after all

Lana: Mm hmm, it really is adorable too anyway

Miku chuckled a bit as they continued to watch on with Eri laughing and playing with her grandma. (Y/N) then felt a set of arms wrap around him surprising him a bit. He looked back seeing Amber.

(Y/N): Oh, hey Amber, what's up?

Amber: Nothing much, just happy to see you

(Y/N), Nagisa, Lana and Miku give her an awkward smile with a small sweat drop going down their foreheads. They sat like that for a bit going back to watching Layla play with Eri, with Amber continuing to cuddle (Y/N). (Y/N) then felt another presence behind him and looked seeing Cheryl standing there glaring at Amber.

(Y/N): Hey Cheryl

Cheryl: Hello (Y/N)...

Her and Amber glared at each other.

Cheryl: Can I talk to you for a little bit?

(Y/N): Oh, yeah sure, what abo-

Cheryl: Alone?

(Y/N) looked at her a bit confused but shrugged.

(Y/N): Sure, I'll be back in a little bit guys

They nod, and (Y/N) got up getting out of Amber's grip after a bit of convincing. He and Cheryl walked out the room and continued to the outer section of the Comet Observatory. They stopped and looked out at the endless see of stars in front of them. Cheryl then turned to (Y/N) with a smile. They both looked into each other's eyes blushing.

(Y/N): S-So, what did you want to talk about Cheryl?

Cheryl: It's just....We've known each other for a while now and every time that I'm with ever since I've felt my heart picks up

(Y/N) blushes hearing this.

Cheryl: So, what I'm t-trying to say here. (Y/N) I-

She was cut off when Rosalina teleported to them.

Rosalina: (Y/N) we have a bit of a problem

(Y/N): Problem? What do you mean?

Cheryl: *under her breath* Damn it

Rosalina: I'm sensing a large amount of energy heading our way

(Y/N): Could it be Union

Rosalina: No, it's someone else entirely

(Y/N): Then who is it?

His question was soon answered as a portal opened up. (Y/N) and Cheryl looked at the portal a bit shocked, while Rosalina glared at it. Seconds later a small girl with long black hair stepped out of the portal.

Small girl: Hello again Rosalina

(Y/N) was about to ask Rosalina who the girl was but was stopped when Rosalina spoke to her.

Rosalina: You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here again Ophis, especially after what you did!

The girl now known as Ophis sighed a bit upon hearing this.

Ophis: Are you still on about that, it's been years at this point

Rosalina: That still doesn't change the fact that you nearly wiped out all my precious Luma!

(Y/N) and Cheryl looked at her a bit shocked, but then heard Ophis sigh again.

Ophis: Yes yes, I know but I'm not here to get yelled at about that

Rosalina: *through gritted teeth* Then what are you here for?

A small smile made its way onto her face as she looked to (Y/N).

Ophis: I'm here for him

(Y/N): Me?!

Ophis nods as Cheryl glared at her. She walks up to (Y/N) smiling.

Ophis: I am Ophis otherwise known as the Infinity Dragon God

(Y/N): Infinity Dragon God?

Ophis: Yes, I've been watching you for quite a while now. And I must say I'm quite impressed

(Y/N): Okay, so what do you want

Ophis giggles a bit at this and looks up at him before placing her hand on his chest.

Ophis: I've chosen you to be my mate

(Y/N), Cheryl and Rosalina all looked at the dragon shocked.

(Y/N): W-Wait what!? Why me?!

Ophis: Simply put, from almost every form I've seen of yours are very strong. If I manage to breed with you in your strongest form, we would produce a truly amazing offspring. One that all would bow to and not only that, one that could finally help me reclaim my home from that jerk red. Now then shall we go my dear?

Cheryl: Hell no!!

Ophis looked to Cheryl who was holding a pokeball, pointing it at the dragon.

Cheryl: You are not taking (Y/N)!

Ophis: Oh, and who are you to deny me

Rosalina: And that's where I step in then

She then looked over to Rosalina seeing her holding her wand with magic charging at the tip of it. Ophis scoffs at this and begins releasing some of her own aura.

Ophis: I'd like to see try, goddess of space, we both know how this went last time. Now then, I'll be taking my mate

(Y/N): Sorry but no

Ophis looked to (Y/N).

(Y/N): I'm not going to be your mate, and plus I already have one kid that needs me, I don't need to be worrying about any other ones

Ophis: I see

Ophis stepped back smirking.

Ophis: Then, how about we put up a wager 

As she said this two more people stepped out from the portal. First was a woman with black hair, she had cat ears and wore a kimono.

The other was a man with white hair. He wore a black jacket with a green shirt.

The boy then walked up to (Y/N) looking down at him smirking.

Man: So, you're (Y/N) Tennyson

(Y/N): Yeah, and who are you?

The man chuckled a bit at this.

Man: I'm Vali Lucifer, The White Dragon Emperor or just the Vanishing Dragon

Ophis: Vali here has wanted to fight you ever since we heard of you defeating Issei-

(Y/N): Like that's accomplishment

Ophis: And that's where I propose my wager. Both of you will fight, and if you win, I'll leave you alone for now, but if you lose heh're mine

Vali: As much as I don't want to be your tool, I can't pass up this opportunity

 Cheryl: No, that is just absolutely insan-

(Y/N): Fine

Both Cheryl and Rosalina looked at him shock.

Cheryl: Do you have any idea what you're agreeing to here (Y/N)? If you lose yo-

(Y/N): I won't lose

Cheryl looked at him, seeing him smiling to her.

(Y/N): That's a promise and you already know how I am with those

Cheryl blushed a bit and nodded. (Y/N) looked to Rosalina.

(Y/N): Can you teleport us somewhere with a breathable atmosphere that we go all out in Rosa?

Rosalina looked to his for a second before nodding raising her wand. A light beam surrounded the two and they were teleported away. As soon as they were gone the rest of the people on the Comet Observatory showed up wondering what was going in. Rosalina went to explain what was going on. (Y/N) and Vali both appeared on a completely barren planet. (Y/N) looked around and found both of them to be on a rocky dessert like area.

(Y/N) then felt a large gust of wind and looked over to Vali seeing white wings with glowing blue energy coming from them.

Vali: Lets see how strong you truly are (Y/N) Tennyson

(Y/N) looked at him and said nothing. A green flash then surrounded him, with him transforming into a man with long black hair and a beard. He also had a monkey tail. This was (Y/N)'s Saiyan transformation MonKi.

MonKi: Lets...

After saying this the two rushed at each other throwing punches that clashed causing a shockwave upon impact. They then began throwing punches and kicks against each other, while also blocking each other's attacks as well. MonKi then ducked under another punch from Vali and uppercut him sending him flying. He followed quickly after and delivered a kick to his stomach, then hitting him with another punch to his chest. He then hits him with a knee to his back before axe handling him down into the ground below with Vali creating a crater on impact. Vali then launched out from the crater heading straight towards MonKi. In response MonKi fired a large energy ball down at him. Vali raised his hand to it smirking.

Albion: Divide Divide Divide!

The energy ball shrunk rapidly, with it soon shrinking into nothing but a spark that Vali flew through without issue. MonKi looked on a bit shocked before he was hit with a punch to his gut from the dragon emperor. Vali smirked and continued his assault, throwing more punches and kicks at Monki then punching him away following shortly afterward. He sped behind MonKi and kicked him the other way following after as well. MonKi stopped himself in the air and blocked another strike from Vali. MonKi then punched him in the stomach before unleashing a ball of energy dragging him down into the ground. Once he hit the ground the energy ball exploded creating an even bigger crater. MonKi landed down to the ground charging another energy ball in his hand. Before he could fire it however a pillar of light shot out from the crater that Vali was in. Seconds later Vali flew out of the crater in his balance breaker scale mail.

Back on the Comet Observatory, everyone was watching the fight thanks to Rosalina bringing up an astral projection showing it.

Danny: Of course, he'd have unlocked his balance breaker

Sonia: Yeah, from just looking at him I could tell that he was more competent then Issei

The nekomata known as Kuroka looked on at the fight, primarily looking at MonKi with a lustful look.

Kuroka: Oh my, you were right about him miss Ophis. He really is a nice catch; do you mind if we shared once Vali beats him

Cheryl glared at them before looking back at the battle.

Cheryl: *(Y/N) you better win this*

Back at the fight Vali landed down near MonKi.

Vali: Let's see how long you'll last against me now, as of before I was going easy on you. Now let's continue our fight

MonKi: Okay, I'm putting you into the ground!

They clashed their fist against each other again causing another shockwave. MonKi then dodged another punch from Vali and delivered a stiff uppercut to his stomach. Then following up with a kick to his side before spinning around and wrapping his tail around his throat, then slamming him into the ground. He unwrapped his tail and went for another punch but was stopped by Vali catching his fist then blasting him away into the air. Vali then chased after him, with MonKi stopping himself in the and began firing a volley of energy blasts down a Vali. Vali held his hand out to the blasts.

Albion: Divide Divide Divide!!!

The blasts all began to diminish once again. With Vali making it straight towards MonKi delivering a punch to his stomach then punching him in the jaw before ending it with an axe kick to his head sending him downwards. Vali sped down and punched him right back up. MonKi stopped himself again shaking his head a bit, then dodging another strike from Vali kicking him away following shortly after. As he rushed towards him, he charged another energy ball in his hand. Vali stopped himself, looking up seeing MonKi get right in front of him slamming the energy ball into Vali's stomach before MonKi pushed him forward with the energy ball exploding shortly after sending him flying. MonKi then raised his hands above his head and began charging energy. The energy grew with small sparks coming off it. He lets out a scream and fired a large beam of energy down at Vali.

Vali flew into a nearby mountain and pulled himself out groggily. He looked up quickly and sees the beam heading straight towards him. Vali tried to raise his hand and tried to decrease the beams power but couldn't in time and the beam hit him directly with the mountain exploding it shortly afterwards. Multiple pieces of debris and dust now littered the air. MonKi lets out a small huff after he had fired it. Back on the Comet Observatory, Cheryl looked at Ophis and Kuroka with a glare.

Cheryl: There, (Y/N) won. Now you all can leave

Ophis: It's not over yet

Cheryl: The hell do you mean by that?

Ophis: Doing you really think Balance Breaker is all he could do?

She looks at her confused before looking back to the fight. MonKi lets out a couple of tired huffs after he had fired his beam, but as he did another larger beam of light bursts out of the mountain. A large blast of wind began pushing MonKi back a bit with him shielding himself against it. It soon stopped and the light violently dispersed revealing Vali now in his Juggernaut Drive.

MonKi looked on in shock before Vali suddenly appeared in front of him delivering a punch sending him flying with Vali following quickly behind. He catches up with MonKi and delivered multiple strikes to MonKi before grabbing him and tossing him to the ground. MonKi hit the ground before getting up seeing Vali land in front of him. He growls a bit and points his hand at Vali and began to charge another energy blast only for it to diminish shortly afterwards shocking MonKi. Vali laughs and rushes at him delivering a hard punch to his stomach.

Vali: There's nothing you can do! Your power is unless against my Divine Divide!!

He then fired a blast point-blank at MonKi sending him flying into a faraway mountain. The mountain collapsing shortly after he hit it. All the residents on the Comet Observatory looked on in shock as Ophis smiled.

Danny: N-No way

Manny: This cannot be happening

Eri: P-Papa

Ophis: It would seem that Vali had won. I'll be taking my mate now

Cheryl: *(Y/N) can't lose, you promised*

A tear slid down her cheek as she watched Vali approached the collapsed mountain.


Back on the battlefield underneath the mountain, MonKi was barely conscious. He heard his heart beating in his ears, the beating soon began to grow rapid as he soon opened his eyes with them glowing. With a roar a golden energy burst from his body.

(Play from 9 to 12 seconds) 

The rubble all around was completely destroyed with the sudden burst of energy also pushing Vali back. Everyone on the Comet Observatory looked on in shock and awe as well. Once the light subsided there stood MonKi in a new form. He now had golden fur on his upper body. His black hair was now longer and was also golden with a blue streak going through it as well. All in all, he looked more primal in nature.

MonKi looked at himself in amazement.

MonKi?: *This is new, but it also feels quite powerful as well. I need a name for this* 

A smirk came to his face.

MonKi?: *I know I'll call this Super MonKi*

The newly named Super MonKi looked up to Vali who was looking down at him in shock. S.MonKi smirked.

S.MonKi: Round 2

He then disappeared and reappeared in front of Vali and delivered a hard punch to Vali's gut earning a couple of cracks. Vali doubled over from the punch while was being held up by S.MonKi, with him smirking down at him.

S.MonKi: Fight...

He pulled back and delivered a combo of punches all over Vali's body before sending him down to the ground with a kick following quickly afterwards. Vali hit the ground hard while rolling to his feet in a daze, looking up seeing S.MonKi land a bit away from him and begin walking towards him. Vali raised his hand and began to try using Divine Divide on him only to find it doing nothing shocking him.

Vali: *Albion! What's going on?! Why is the Divine Divide not doing anything to him!?*

Albion: *That new form of his, whatever it is his power keeps growing a rapid rate! It grows to the point where no matter how much we divide it'll just come right back and beyond where it was before*

Vali looked on shock as S.MonKi then appeared in front of him again delivering multiple punches to Vali with each punch cracking his scale mail more and more. He then grabbed him by his head and slammed him into the ground before then dragging him across it breaking his scale mail more. He then quickly spun and threw him, getting into position cupping his hands together charging energy.

S.MonKi: IT'S OVER!!!

The beam quickly consumed Vali. S.MonKi stopped firing a few seconds later, with Vali falling to the ground out of his Juggernaut Drive unconscious. S.MonKi smirked and grabbed Vali being teleported back to the Comet Observatory seeing all his friends and family smiling and cheering to him. While Ophis and Kuroka looked on in shock at this new form and how easily it defeated Vali. S.MonKi then turned to then and threw Vali over to them with him landing by their feet.

S.MonKi: There, the battle is over, and I won. Now leave.

Ophis looked down at Vali for a second before letting out a small sigh. She held her hand out to her side opening a portal.

Ophis: Fine then, a deal is a deal

Kuroka grabbed Vali and took him into the portal. Ophis followed shortly after but she stopped and looked back to S.MonKi.

Ophis: Don't think this is the last you'll see of me (Y/N) Tennyson. I'll be back and next time...

She winked at him.

Ophis: You will be mine

She walked into the portal and it closed shortly afterwards. S.MonKi turned back to human and was immediately tackle into a hug by Beepu. Everyone came up to him cheering.

Danny: Nice job as always man

Leon: Yeah, you really showed them who's boss

Sonia: You definitely had us scared there for a little bit too

Manny: What can you say that's (Y/N) for you

(Y/N): Yep, that was a pretty tough fight. Now how about we get something to eat

Everyone laughed a bit and was about to head back into the inner sections of the Observatory but (Y/N) was stopped when he felt Cheryl put her hand on his shoulder. He looked back to her seeing her give him a look that said can you stay with me for a second. He nodded to her and stayed while everyone else went back inside.

(Y/N): So, what's up....Oh is this about what you were about to tell me before?

Cheryl: Y-Yeah, it is

(Y/N): Oh, okay what is it then?

Cheryl: Well you see....uh....well

Her face turned red as (Y/N) looked at her a bit confuse.

Cheryl: I.....Oh fuck it

She then suddenly kissed him shocking him greatly. After a few seconds (Y/N) began kissing her back holding her close. The two stayed like that for some time not noticing someone came back to see where they we're. They soon parted due to needing air and both were panting a bit smiling at each other.

Cheryl: I love you...

(Y/N): I love you too...

They heard a small gasp and looked over seeing Eri standing there surprised. Now that she was noticed she ran back to the others in a hurry. (Y/N) and Cheryl looked at each other chuckling a bit.

(Y/N): Well, looks like this is already going to get out

Cheryl: Yeah, well let's go see the outcome, shall we?

(Y/N) and Cheryl smiled at each other and headed inside to see everyone's reactions since Eri most likely said what she had saw.

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