Chapter 15

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(Y/N) and Cheryl were seen walking down on the city streets holding hands as they walked. When Cheryl had confessed her feelings to (Y/N) that got out of the bag very quickly many of the team had different reactions. His team was happy for the two and wished them luck. Beepu, Chen, and Senko all were happy as well. Eri right out of the gate asked if she could call Cheryl Mama, which Cheryl agreed to. Ran, Serian and Ringo were jealous but conceded and Amber was incredibly jealous. Now the two were down in the city enjoying a date.

Cheryl: I'm glad we have time to go out like this

(Y/N): Yeah, that disk that I had copied all that information of Union's crimes had some encrypted stuff. So, we just have to wait until 21 can unencrypt it all. So, let's just enjoy ourselves alright

Cheryl giggled a bit and snuggled into him a bit. Unknown to the two someone was watching them gripping their fist in anger. The two continued down the street until they eventually come upon a small restaurant it looked quite new as well. The name plate above the front door saying Little Innsmouth

Cheryl: This place must be new, you wanna check it out?

(Y/N): Sure, I am feeling a bit hungry

The two smiled at each other again and entered the small restaurant. The sound of a small bell chimed once they walked in gaining the attention of the chef in the back. He walked out from the back letting the two see him, not really surprised by his looks considering what they've seen.

  Chef: Welcome you two. Welcome to my restaurant, the name's Yu-Wan and I'll be your chef

(Y/N): Nice to meet you Yu-Wan

Cheryl: Hi

Yu-Wan: And from what I can see of you two. You youngsters are on a date aren't you

The two blushed a bit while giving a sheepish chuckle, to which Yu-Wan laughed himself.

Yu-Wan: I knew it, have a seat you two. And my waitress will see to you two soon

They nod and do so as Yu-Wan moved back to the kitchen. They pick up a menu and began looking through it.

(Y/N): What are you feeling like?

Cheryl: Hmm, how about some sushi 

(Y/N): Yeah, that'd be nice

???: H-Hello

They look over and see a girl that seemed to look like a fish.

Fish Girl: I'm Minette and I'll be your waitress

(Y/N): Nice to meet you Minette, I'm (Y/N)

Minette looks at him in shock.

Minette: (Y/N)....Like in (Y/N) Tennyson!?

Both (Y/N) and Cheryl look at her chuckling a bit.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's me

Minette: Oh my god, I'm such a big fan! I've been seeing you do your heroing ever since you first started. I'moneofthemainmoderatorsonyou'refanvlog. And *mumble* *mumble*

The two looked at her with a small bit of sweat going down their foreheads as she continued to ramble on. (Y/N) soon snapped his fingers in her face snapping her out of her rambling, with her blinking a few times in confusion before realizing what had happened.

Minette: I went into another rambling rant again, s-sorry about that. Um, what can I get you two?

(Y/N): We'll both be having sushi, thank you

Minette: Right, be right back

With that she headed to the back to give Yu-Wan their order, the two chuckling a bit all the while. Soon the two got their food and began enjoying it. They heard the door open again thanks to the bell chiming, though they didn't pay it any mind and just continued to enjoy their food. That was until (Y/N) heard a familiar man's voice.

Man's voice: Hey there cutie, aren't you just a fine little dish

He looked over and sees two men sitting at booth talking to Minette. (Y/N) glared at the two men knowing who they were, with Cheryl taking notice of it.

Cheryl: Is something wrong?

(Y/N): Those two over there, they're apart of the Medici Mafia. The one on the left is Riccardo and the one on the right is Lawrence

Cheryl looked over at them too, seeing them talking to Minette, or more flirting with her. Minette of course declined and in turn they started to become more aggressive and started insulting her as well. 

Lawrence: You stinking Gill-Girl, you got a lot of nerve thinking you can reject our offer like that

Minette in turn was shaking a bit from their yelling and (Y/N) got up and activated the Ultratrix, transforming on the way there.

Riccardo: You'd be lucky to lick our boots you little Gill br-

They both stopped and looked behind her seeing a floating skull with a body made of smoke floating their. This was (Y/N) in his Umbramorph form DKR.

 They looked at him frozen in fear, with Minette looking at them a bit confused before looking behind her seeing DKR floating their scaring her a too. DKR then moved in front of her and glared down at the two mafia members. They continued to look on him in fear until he screeches at them sending out the window and onto the sidewalk outside. After doing that he transformed back to human turning to Minette.

(Y/N): You okay?

Minette nodded as Cheryl approaches them as well. The two got back up and looked back at the three seeing (Y/N) standing there.

Riccardo: It's that damn hero kid

Lawrence: Damn it, let's get out of here now!

With that the two ran from the building. (Y/N) looked to Cheryl.

(Y/N): I'm going to go after them, can't let thugs like them run free

Cheryl: Alright, just be careful okay

With that she kissed his cheek, causing him to smile a bit. He then jumped over the broken window and chased after the two mafia members. Cheryl let's out a small sigh before looking to Minette.

Cheryl: Are you okay?

Minette: Y-Yeah, thanks to (Y/N) saving me 

Cheryl smiled to her.

Cheryl: Yeah, he always is one to protect people. Now then let's wait for him to get back okay

Minette nodded and went to go to the back to inform Yu-Wan on what was going on. That was until she heard the sound of the bell chiming. Looking over she sees someone aiming their hand at Cheryl with some liquid dripping from it. Minette's eyes widened and she quickly tackled Cheryl down and out of the way when the person shot an acid like liquid from their hand missing them and melting a table behind them. Cheryl lets out a grunt when she hit the ground.

???: You stupid little fish! You made me miss!

Cheryl flipped onto her stomach and began getting up, seeing who her attacker was. She sees a girl whose skin was completely pink, she also had yellow antenna coming from her head. This being Mina Ashido of class 1-A.

Getting up completely, Cheryl glared back at her.

Cheryl: You're that one girl from class 1-A of Union. What are you doing here and why the hell did you attack me?

Mina: You should already know that you skank, he's supposed to be mine

Cheryl: The hell are you talking about?

Mina: He's supposed to be mine; I was his first and should be only loved one!

Cheryl looked at her for a second before realizing what she was talking about.

Cheryl: Wait a sec you're....(Y/N)'s ex

Mina: I should be the only one he loves not a bitch like you!

Cheryl: That's rich coming from the girl who decided to cheat on him with that sorry excuse of a dragon

Mina: I know I shouldn't have done that but seeing him like he is now I...

A little Flashback in Mina's perspective...

Mina is seen watching the news broadcast of (Y/N) and Leon invading the Black Dragon base.

Mina: He become so strong, and I felt so bad for doing that to him

She continued to watch the TV and we see her eyes were specifically on (Y/N).

Mina: I wanted to find him and beg for him to take me back

It then cut to Mina roaming the streets of Union looking for (Y/N).

Mina: But no matter where I looked, I couldn't find him

It then cut to Mina's room, seeing her open a closet revealing multiple pictures of (Y/N) that she took from different news broadcasts that covered his multiple escapades.

Mina: But one thing I did know was I still loved him

It then showed her holding a picture of him, while she was pleasuring herself.

Mina: I'll make him mine again...

Mina's Flashback end...

Mina: And the first step is getting rid of you!

Cheryl all the while looked at her in disgust.

Cheryl: You are a fucking yandere 

Mina: It doesn't matter what the hell I am, what does matter is me burning your fucking face off

Mina began emitting more acid from her palms, while Cheryl motioned for Minette to head to the back now. Minette looked at Cheryl a bit worried but complied running to the back to inform Yu-Wan. After she did that Mina fired out another blast of acid at Cheryl, who dodged out of the way. She then reached for one of her pokeballs but couldn't having to dodge another acid shot. Mina then grabbed a chair and threw it at Cheryl, that she quickly rolled out of the way of but was then met with a kick to her side from Mina. Cheryl rolled across the ground before stopping. She recovered quickly and dodged out of the way of another wave of acid from Mina. Mina this time following her however and hitting her with another kick to her jaw before stomping down on her arm pinning her down. She then pointed her hand at Cheryl, some acid dripping from it.

Mina: Looks like this is where we part ways, don't worry though I'll take good care of (Y/N)

Cheryl looked up glaring at Mina, who looked down at her with a sadistic smile. She was about to fire a blast of acid into Cheryl's face but was stopped when someone kicked her in the head and away from Cheryl.

???: Can't really have you killing someone in my friend's restaurant 

Cheryl looked up and sees a cat girl who seemed to have scars on her arms and legs.

She looked to Cheryl with a smile.

Cat Girl: Hey there little lady, you alright?

Cheryl gets up and shakes herself off a bit.

Cheryl: Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for that-

Cat Girl: Names Nadia, but most people just call me Ms. Fortune

Cheryl: *nods* I'm Cheryl

Mina soon gets back up and glares at the two in fury.

Mina: Another one...Are you after my man too!!

Ms. Fortune looked to Cheryl confused.

Ms. Fortune: What's she going on about?

Cheryl: Let's just say she's a bit of a yandere and whose she is talking about is my boyfriend

Ms. Fortune: Huh, alright then. Well let's beat her down

Cheryl: Don't have to tell me twice and I got the perfect Pokémon for this

She pulls out a pokeball and tosses it up with it unleashing blue and white dragon like Pokémon known as Latios.

Latios flew down to Cheryl going to her side glaring at Mina as well. Ms. Fortune looked at Latios a bit shocked before it turned to a smile.

Ms. Fortune: Huh, neat

She then got into a fighting stance, with Mina growling at them before it turned into a war cry launching at the two. Cutting over to (Y/N) we see him still chasing after Riccardo and Lawrence. They soon ran into an alleyway with (Y/N) following them shortly after. Once he entered the alley, he sees the two standing at the back of the alley.

(Y/N): Looks like this is the end of the line 

Riccardo laughed a bit at this.

Riccardo: Yeah, I guess you're right but not for us

After he said this some Medici Mafia goons appeared from hiding spots around the two, along with some blocking the entrance of the alley.

Lawrence: Looks like you bite off more than you can chew this time hero boy

The Medici grunts all raised their weapons at (Y/N). (Y/N) glared at them.

Riccardo: Oh, what's the matter got nothing quippy to say brat? Hah hah hah!!

(Y/N) reached to activate the Ultratrix with the goons all readying to fire on him. Though before anyone could do anything a scream came from the goons behind (Y/N). They all look back and see the goons all knocked out, while there also stood a large trench coat figure who was responsible for knocking them out.

He walked up and stood next to (Y/N).

Trench coat man: Finally found ya you Medici scum

Riccardo: Great now we got the walking freakshow

(Y/N) looked at the man a bit confused, with him looking down at him.

Trench coat man: Listen kid, just call me Big Band and I already know who you are (Y/N) Tennyson. I'll explain everything after we deal with them alright?

(Y/N): Yeah, got ya. Let's take these bastards down

(Y/N) activated the Ultratrix and transformed into a large humanoid frog. This was (Y/N)'s Incursion form Bullfrag.

Bullfrag: Let's do this 

Big Band: Hmm

With that they rushed at the rest of the goons who began to open fire on them. Big Band blocked the bullets with his body which seemed to be made out of metal. Bullfrag jumped over him and delivered a kick to one of the goon's face knocking them out in one hit. He then launched his tongue out at another one grabbing their gun and ripping it away from them. Big Band then came and hit them with a....saxophone uppercut sending them flying and knocking them out. Bullfrag looked at him a bit confused before turning and dodging out of the way of another goon's attack then hitting them with a hard punch to their gut. Then sending them flying with a kick to their jaw sending them into a dumpster with it closing afterwards as well. Bullfrag laughed a bit before dodging a knife slash from Lawrence. Big Band took out two other goons with two horns to his sides. He then felt a tunk on his body, looking to where he felt it from and sees Riccardo pointing a gun at him. Big Band then rushed at him and hit him hard with a large punch to the face knocking him into the wall. Bullfrag jumped above Lawrence and shot his tongue out at him wrapping it around his neck and slammed him against the wall knocking him out. Bullfrag retracted his tongue and turned back to human. With that both (Y/N) and Big Band approached the still conscious Riccardo. Riccardo looked up at them with a glare.

Big Band: Alright, Riccardo now you're going to tell me everything I want to know or else

Riccardo: Tch, like hell I'm going to do anything like that. I ain't telling you or that damn kid a thing!

Big Band: Fine then, I'll just take you back to the station and have the boys get something out of ya

He was about to grab him but was shocked upon seeing a knife suddenly impaling him in the head killing him instantly. Both (Y/N) and Big Band looked on in shock before turning and seeing Lawrence now decapitated as well.

???: Well boys, thanks for making that easier for me

They look over to the voice and see a woman dressed up as a very revealing nurse.

(Y/N): Who the hel-

Big Band: Her names Valentine, a stone-cold killer who works for the entity known as the skullgirl

Valentine: My my, to think you'd still remember me. But my only job here was to kill these two idiots and also...

She looks to (Y/N).

Valentine: Find you

(Y/N) sighed a bit upon hearing this.

(Y/N): Why does everyone want to get at me now?

Valentine: Hmph, like I care. I was only tasked with bringing you back to the skullgirl, she seemed to have caught interest in you

(Y/N) sighed at this.

(Y/N): Alright, let get this over with

Big Band: I'll back you up, she's more dangerous than she looks so be careful

(Y/N): Got ya

(Y/N) then transformed again. This time he was a small green creature that had multiple tongues. This was (Y/N)'s Perk Gourmand transformation Upchuck.

Upchuck: Let's go!

Back over with Cheryl and Ms. Fortune, we see Ms. Fortune dodge out of the way of another wave of acid from Mina before kicking her in the stomach, with Latios following up with a dragon claw sending her into a wall. Mina growls some more before dodging a strike from Ms. Fortune only to be hit by a water pulse from Latios. Mina stumbled back a bit in a bit of a daze. Quickly regaining her composure, she dodged another strike from Latios and knocked him away, she then got into a grapple with Ms. Fortune.

Ms. Fortune: Oh, what's the matter? Can't keep up you creepy little-

Mina: SHUT UP!!!

Mina punched her back before delivering a spin kick that took Ms. Fortune's head off. Ms. Fortune's body stood motionless for a seconds before falling over. Cheryl and Latios looked on in shock as Mina looked at them sadistically.

Mina: Now that she's out of the way, I can take care of you and finally take back my beloved (Y/-

She stopped once she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. Looking behind her she sees the now headless body of Ms. Fortune standing there like she was perfectly fine. Mina looked at her in completely horror seeing her then wave at her before punching her across the face sending her flying out of the restaurant. Cheryl and Latios looked at Ms. Fortune's body in shock before looking down seeing her head roll forward next to her body.

Ms. Fortune: Don't worry I'm good

Cheryl: H-How?

Ms. Fortune: Don't worry, I'll explain later now let's take care of this crazy bitch

Cheryl just nods and her, Latios and Ms. Fortune all head outside meeting Mina slowing getting back up glaring at the three. Back over with Upchuck and Big Band we see Big Band rushed at Valentine trying to hit her with a trombone jab that she dodged and hit him with a slash from her knife. Then following up with multiple slashes before knocking him back with a kick. She then dodged out of the way of a blast from Upchuck. She threw some knifes at him, that he quickly devoured and spit back out at her as multiple energy blasts. She dodged them only to get caught by Big Band hitting her with a large piccolo strike, giving Upchuck enough time to devour another rock couple of rocks. Then spitting them out at Valentine hitting her directly and sending her flying. Back over to Cheryl and Ms. Fortune, the still headless body of Ms. Fortune slashes at Mina with her claws scratch her up, before her head quickly rolled into her legs tripping her up and leaving her open for Latios to come in with a shadow claw sending her rolling across the ground. Mina gets back up in a rage and sends out a massive wave of acid at them. 

Cheryl: Latios, Dragon Pulse now!!

Latios fired out a large blast of draconic energy completely destroying the wave of acid. Mina looked on in complete shock before looking down at her hand seeing her skin not doing too well due to the overuse of her quirk. Ms. Fortune sees this and smirks.

Ms. Fortune: Follow my lead!

Cheryl: Right, Latios use dragon dance!

Latios nods and a black and red aura surrounded him, all the while Ms. Fortune's head quickly rolled forward and struck Mina in the stomach making her stumble back a bit and stunning her. Ms. Fortune's body then rushed forward and began rapidly slashing the pink girl with her claws.

Ms. Fortune: Furserker Purrage!!

He slashed her constantly before making the upper part of her arm spin like a drill and stab into Mina before lifting her up and seconds later launching her into the air.

After she had done that Latios quickly flew up and attacked her with a fully powered dragon claw sending her back down to the streets below. When she made contact with the she kicked up a large amount of dust. Cheryl and Ms. Fortune quickly made their way to the dust cloud seeing it clear up. But once it cleared up Mina was no longer there, just a large hole in the ground that looked to have been burn through by her acid. Looking inside the hole they see that it led to the sewer underneath.

Cheryl: She got away

Ms. Fortune: Looks like it, tricky thing isn't she

Cheryl and Latios looked to Ms. Fortune seeing her reattached her head.

Cheryl: Uh, do mind explaining how you're able to do that?

Ms. Fortune looked to her smirking.

Ms. Fortune: Yeah, but first let's head back inside and tell Minette and Yu-Wan that everything's okay now

Cheryl nods and the three head back inside. Back over with Upchuck and Big Band, we see Upchuck dodge some strikes from Valentine's knife, before he suddenly shot out his tongues and grabs Valentine's knife shocking her before he then shot it out back at her as an energy blast sending her flying again. Big Band than rushed in and began delivering a series of strikes including some puffs from a trumpet then grabbing Valentine with a big mechanical fist crushing her a bit with it.

Big Band: Take the soul train

Before throwing her, then bringing out his trumpet again and all time seemed to freeze around them, with Big Band playing a little tune before time resumed and Big Band dropped his trumpet before striking Valentine with multiple strikes from those robotic fists.

(I'm not sorry)

Upchuck then jumped above, his belly glowing bright indicating that he was at maximum compacity on things that he had eaten. He then spat out a giant orb of energy, with it making contact and exploding sending a now injured Valentine into a wall. She hit the ground and looked at the two approaching her. She scoffed and took out a small bomb looking device.

Valentine: This isn't the last time you've seen me

She threw down the bomb with it creating a large amount of smoke in the alleyway blocking the two's view. Soon the smoke cleared and revealed that she had snuck away in it.

Big Band: Tch, got away

Upchuck: Something tells me that's going to be a problem

Big Band: Yeah, with her around along with her master the Skullgirl they're gonna keep casing trouble

Big Band then turned to Upchuck.

Big Band: Look, I know about your current crusade against Union and yes I know they're a big problem right now but after they're done with, I'll need your help dealing with the Skullgirl. But in the meantime...

A mechanical claw then came out from under his trench coat presenting a card to Upchuck.

Big Band: Call me if you need me, okay

Upchuck took the card and gives him a thumbs up.

Upchuck: Right, and thanks for the help

With that a green flash then surrounded him, with him now being a black and blue speedster looking alien. This was (Y/N)'s Citrakavah transformation Fasttrack.

Fasttrack: I gotta go, need to go see someone

Big Band nods and with that Fasttrack speeds off, with Big Band watching as he does. We then cut over to what looked to be a church. We see Valentine enter the church still quite injured from her fight with (Y/N) and Big Band. Once she entered, she lets out a small grunt of irritation and pain with it not going unnoticed by someone else in the church.

???: Oh my, you seemed to have suffered quite a bit of injury Valentine

Valentine looks over seeing a nun standing there who seemed to have her eyes closed.

Valentine: No need to remind me Double

???: I see you did not succeed in your task

Valentine and Double looked to the voice seeing a small girl in a maid outfit floating there, there was a blue flame coming from her back along with having her ribcage be visible thanks to the flame. This was the skullgirl, Bloody Marie.

Valentine: Tch, the only reason I failed was because he had help

Marie: Hmph, is that so. Fine then go get your injures checked

She turned and was about to leave but was stopped when Valentine asked her something.

Valentine: Why exactly are you so interested in that boy anyway?

Marie: That is none of your concern. Do. Not. Ask. Me. Again

With that she leaves, leaving her two subordinates there confused on why she became to defensive of that topic. Inside the room that Marie had left to we see her sitting in front of a desk looking at a picture of (Y/N), her and another girl with short ginger hair. With this picture seemingly being before she became the skullgirl. A small tear rolled down her cheek as a memory came back to her.

Marie: (Y/N), I'm sorry that I couldn't help you before. But now I can, so please stop fighting and let me help you....

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