Chapter 16

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(A/N):  For the context of this chapter read @WAMred Anti-League Invasion book, anyway on with the chapter. BTW this will be a shorter chapter just showing everyone getting ready

After the broadcast everyone around the world were speechless at what Union had done. The Citizens in Union City were even more enraged at these "Heroes". Over in Union, we see Ruby looking out the window in shock. Most of the students were in shock, while other students and teachers were nervous. Ruby's shock then turned to anger as she turns glares at the headmasters, more specifically Ozpin and Sirzechs.

Ruby: You....You killed my mom

Ozpin: Ms. Rose, I believe you should cal-

Ruby: SHUT UP!!!

Everyone was in a bit of shock hearing her yell at the headmaster. Ruby's eyes then sparked for a second before a burst of silver energy erupted from them.

Ruby: It's because of you that she's gone!

Yang: Ruby calm do-

Ruby: No! I will not "Calm Down". How can you be calm about this when it was these bastards' fault that mom is gone?!

Meanwhile, Rias looked up at Issei in complete shock.

Rias: Issei...Why did you...

Koneko: Looks like the pervert been doing it for a while too

The rest of the peerage glared at Issei who stepped back a bit growling. Midnight and Midoriya looked on at the other heroes as well. Midoriya in complete and utter shock especially looking at All Might.

Midoriya: All Might...I can't believe it

Midnight: You all are a bunch of bastards

The rest of the heroes glared at them. Glynda stepped away from the headmasters in complete and utter shock. Along with Jaune and Pyrrha separated from their team going to Ruby's side. Everyone had separated in two groups, one side we have the people who knew nothing of the crimes that the "Heroes" committed, that being Ruby, Velvet and her team, Jaune and Pyrrha, Rias and the rest of her peerage, Midoriya and Midnight, and Glynda. On the other side was the rest of the "heroes" and those who were still loyal to them. Those being Ozpin, Sirzechs, the rest of team RWBY, the rest of class 1-A, team CRDL, and the rest of the heroes who were present. They all stood glaring at each other, that was a small laugh was heard. Looking to the laugh they see Nezu standing there laughing.

Ozpin: What's so funny Nezu?

Nezu: Its simply really....It's amusing seeing you all backed into the corner

Sirzechs: WHAT!!??

Nezu just smirked at him and made his way over to the now rebelling Union individuals. He stopped in front of them and turned and glared at the rest of Union.

Ozpin: You're rebelling too Nezu?!

Nezu: I always wanted to, but never could cause I wasn't strong enough to fight back and you had public appeal as well. But now with (Y/N) Tennyson around able to reveal all the crimes you've done

Sirzechs: You little rat, so you've been...

Nezu: Working with (Y/N) yes, right under your noses. Now then...

Nezu then pulled out a small charm in the shape of a star.

The charm began to glow as Nezu smirked at them.

Nezu: Come on students, it's time to finally bring Union down and the to the rest of you

He gives them a sharp glare.

Nezu: Go to hell

The light from the charm then completely enveloped Nezu and the group now against Union. Once the light dissipated, they were now all gone. Ozpin and Sirzechs growled at this not knowing what to do now. Over in Atlas, Ironwood looked on after the broadcast before nodding and getting up walking out and meeting Winter.

Winter: Sir

Ironwood: Be ready to attack Union

Winter looked at him solemnly with him putting a hand on her shoulder.

Ironwood: And don't worry we'll get your sister back too

Winter nodded to him and made her way to get the forces ready. Ironwood walked on to a hanger. Walking inside he sees multiple of Atlas's newest weapon developed specifically for attack Union.

Ironwood: It's time to end this

Over in the Batcave, we see Batman glaring at the Bat computer alongside the rest of the Bat Family.

Batman: To think I every even considered trusting these punks

He turns and begins walking to the Batmobile.

Red Hood: And what are we going to do about them now?

Batman: It's simple really...

They all look to him as he enters the Batmobile.

Batman: We're taking them down

Cutting to a shady looking rundown theater, we see a ginger hair girl wearing a top hat. One of the biggest features of her was her long skinny metal arms that had cartoonish gloves and metal feathers that opened up to be eyes. Her whole vibe gave off a cartoonish outlook.

She sat on a coach in front of a TV having watched the broadcast. She chuckles to herself as an anvil with arms and legs approached her.

Anvil: Boss what are we going to do about this?

Girl: Isn't it obvious? I'd say it's time to paint Union's halls with red! *Plus, a bonus of seeing (Y/N) again*

After she had said this a small walking bomb ran into the room.

Bomb: Boss, he's here

The girl looked over to the bomb and sees Big Band enter the room.

Girl: Oh, hey big guy. What's with the sudden visit

Big Band: I pretty sure we both know why I'm her Peacock

The girl now known as Peacock chuckled a bit.

Peacock: Yeah, well what are we waiting for then? Lets go!

They then walked out of the theater, with Peacock taking a long drag from her cigar, before puffing out smoke from her nose.

Finally cutting up to the Comet Observatory, we see (Y/N) and his team getting ready to head down to the planet and begin the attack on Union. That was until Nezu appeared with the Union individuals that had rebelled.

(Y/N): Nezu, glad to see you made it and I see you brought some people as well

The Union individuals with Nezu all looked on in shock and amazement.

Ruby: (Y-Y/N)...I-I'm so sorry for everything tha-

(Y/N): Stop

She looks at him confused.

(Y/N): If you want to prove how sorry you really are, then you can prove yourself in helping us take down Union

Ruby looks at for a second before nodding. He then turned and looked at the others.

(Y/N): And that goes for the rest of you too. You want to prove yourselves and atone for those sins that you feel crawling on your backs. Then help us take down Union

They all stood silent for some time before they all gained a determined look, nodding to him as well. After that they all began to prepare, then after some time they heard the sound of powerful engines. Looking out to space they see Vilgax's Chimera Hammer approaching the planet. (Y/N) smiled at this and turns to everyone.

(Y/N): Lets go

He then turned and gave his mother and sisters a smile, along with Eri who smiled back at him.

Ringo: Hey, you ain't leaving without us!

(Y/N) and everyone else looks over and sees Ringo, Serian and Ran approaching them. Ringo and Serian were wearing outfits that resembled that of school outfits, while they also having weapons that of musical instruments. Ringo's resembling a trumpet and Serian's resembling a trombone.

Serian: Dang it's been a while since we last worn these

Ran: Well, no matter what we'll be coming with you (Y/N)

(Y/N) looked at them for a second before smiling.

(Y/N): Alright, lets go

With that (Y/N) and those who were going to fight were teleported down to the planet, with the ones who were staying up in the Observatory waving them off. They were teleported down on the outskirts of Union city everyone glaring at the city. The sound of a ship was heard landing behind them. Looking behind they see Vilgax, and Bentely exiting it followed by Nevin and another person. (Y/N) glared at Nevin once he sees him.

(Y/N): Nevin...

Nevin: Listen Tennyson I ain't here to fight you. I'm here to help you take these bastards down

Vilgax: You can trust him on that

(Y/N) looks to Vilgax and Bentely.

Bentely: After we had saved him, we've been training him to control his powers

(Y/N) looked at them for a few seconds before nodding with a sigh.

(Y/N): Alright then. Who's your friend by the way

???: You'd think you'd recognize me if you recognized Bentely

(Y/N) looked at her closely and realized who she was.

(Y/N): You're an alternate version of Gwen

Gwen: Yup

(Art from Toongrowner)

(Y/N) nodded to her. A sudden light then appeared next to them, that soon died down.

???: Sorry that I've been gone for a while

(Y/N) turned and smiled at the new person that had appeared.

(Y/N): Took you long enough to get back Tom.

Thomas: Yeah, the mission took longer than expected. But got here as soon as I can once I say the broadcast

(Y/N) nodded and soon after multiple more people appeared. Ironwood's army along with their new mechs. Ghost from the ghostzone. Big Band and Peacocks gang. Ms. Fortune, and the bat family. Villains and Anti Heroes from Gotham. And many more, there was even many civialions from Union city that had made their way out joining them. (Y/N) stepped back and looked over the basic militia that they had grown against Union. (Y/N) then got the attention of everyone.

(Y/N): Everyone today is the day, that Union falls. Today is the day that they will pay for the sins that they had created

Everyone looked on starting to get excited and ready for the fight ahead.

(Y/N): The day we make them pay for the death of family, loved ones. And to make them pay for the ones who they took the innocents and violated

Bentely and Gwen smirked, while Vilgax nodded with many of his drones behind him.

(A/N): Their colors are red, black and purple

(Y/N): The day that they pay for everything they've done!!!

Everyone cheered at this as (Y/N) turned and glared down at the city. Bentely then transformed into her version of Swampfire.

Gwen transformed into her version of XLR8.

Thomas smirked as a blue glow surrounded him. Once the glow fully encompassed him a war cry was heard. It then died down revealing that he had transformed as well into a large green muscular humanoid in golden armor known as Maxxor.

Nevin smirked and began transforming into another new mutated form.

(Y/N) smiled down at his Militia before turning and activating the Ultratrix. Transforming into a large almost plant like creature. This was (Y/N)'s Atasian transformation known as Power Plant.

Power Plant: It's time to end this Union!!!

With that they all rushed towards Union city, ready for the fight ahead of them.

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