Chapter 20

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All the Milita rushed towards Drasil, as she lets out a roar. The Atlas mechs and Vilgax drones fired upon her with their blasters however it did nothing but annoy her, as she fired a large beam that consumed most of them. Danny went into his awakened Ghost form and fired down on her along with the other ghosts again not seeming to have any effect on her. Electricity charged around Drasil's horns before she fired it out as a large beam of electricity at the ghosts. Danny and a few others managed to dodge it while the others were unlucky and got hit sending them down to the ground. Some of the people who couldn't do anything got the injured and moved them to a safe area away from the battle. S.MonKi rushed up and delivered a flurry of attacks to her before jumping back avoiding a slash from her claws. Bentely still in her Loboan form unleashed a sonic scream at Drasil again only seeming to mildly annoy her. She tried to slam her tail down onto Bentely that she quickly dodged out of the way of. Gwen jumped up and transformed into her version of Atomix.

She then fired out a beam of energy at her, with Drasil growling in response to it making contact with her. Drasil then lets roar along with a pulse of energy that threw Gwen down to the ground. After that Drasil lets out another growl feeling some pain, looking to where she felt it she sees Ben TFK still as his version of Swampfire had slashed her with his sword. Enraged she tried to slam down her claw on him, that he jumped back to avoid. He then slashed at her arm causing her pain again. She backed up away from Ben TFK seeming to now realize why his sword was hurting her so much. She then quickly burrowed into the ground putting Ben TFK on alert. He looked around trying to find wherever Drasil had gone. He then felt the ground underneath him begin to rumble. Already knowing what was about to happen he jumped back jumping out of the way of a large energy blast from underground. Before he could touch the ground however Drasil then came up underneath where we was about to land attempting to devour him whole. Thinking quick Ben TFK transfromed into his version of Big Chill.

(All his transformations has his armor and sword)

He quickly flew up avoiding the dragon's bite. Drasil came up from the ground and tried to chase Ben TFK but was distracted by a combined attack from Vilgax, Danny and S.MonKi. Drasil turned and fired back at them, that they quickly dodged out of the way of it. Drasil then roared summoning some lightning down from the sky with it striking all around the area. Many dodged, while others were hit and either knocked out or killed. Many of the remaining Atlas mechs and Vilgax drones were destroyed as well. S.MonKi was also struck though he tried his best to resist it. Small grunts and growls escaped his mouth as he tried his best to hold back the lightning blast. The lightning continued to push S.MonKi down until he transformed. The lightning quickly subsided with a large pulse of energy. S.MonKi had transformed into Alien X and was glaring at Drasil with her glaring right back at him.

Drasil: It doesn't matter what you do. This world and many others will be consumed and perish!!

Alien X: I won't let that happen. Our world will not be your lunch, nor will any other. We will stop you here and now!!

Alien X rushed forward and delivered a punch between Drasil's eyes, making her stumble back a bit. Ben TFK followed up with flying up to her and slashing her again with his sword making her roar in pain and rage once more. Though this time the cut from that was left from the sword quickly healed. Ben TFK taking quick notice to this.

Ben TFK: Is she...Adapting?

Drasil then quickly got close to Ben TFK and fired a close-range blast sending him flying back. She then felt another blast make contact with her back. Turning she sees that it had come from Vilgax. Roaring, Drasil then fired down another blast at him, that he quickly avoided. She was about to fire off another blast but was quickly stopped when a giant fist punched her across the face. Drasil looks over to see who did it and sees Bentely in her version of Way Big.

Bentely: Hands off my man!!

She threw another punch making Drasil stumble back more. She tried to connect another punch, but Drasil quickly avoided it and wrapped herself around Bentely constricting her. Bentely tried to escape, only to stop when she saw Drasil begin to charge another blast looking to blast her head off. Before she could however Alien X appeared and sent a hard compressed air wave into Drasil knocking her off Bentely. Alien X then sped over to her and delivered another punch to Drasil's face before flying back and lifting up two of his fingers, causing a pillar of energy to burst up from the ground underneath her. Drasil growled and was about to launch at Alien X but was stopped by Ben TFK speeding by in his version of Jetray and slashing Drasil all over with his sword before flying above and firing down a full power neuro shock beam down on top of her. She was then blasted by a combined beam attack from Gwen and Bentely. Drasil took these beams before letting out a loud roar that shook the planet, a thick red aura surrounded her. She rushed towards Bentely and slashed her across the face with her claws making her stumble back. She was then blasted back and once she fell to the ground she transformed back to human. She then rushed towards Gwen and shot a close-range beam straight at her knocking her down and back into human. Alien X rushed at her and tried to fire his own blast at her, only to be met with another beam from the dragon. He defended against it the best he could but seemed to be struggling against it. Small cracks began to appear over Alien X's body, while he was being pushed back by the beam. Soon Drasil stopped revealing Alien X's body to have many large cracks all over. Before he could do anything Drasil summoned another lightning strike down onto him knocking him down to the ground below before then firing a large orb of energy down onto him. The orb exploded seeming to consume him completely, and once the explosion cleared there was a giant crater with multiple rocks within it. Everyone looked on in shock and waited for Alien X to reemerge from the rocks, but he never came out.

Leon: (Y/N)...

Sonia: No...

Maxxor: This isn't happening, is it?

Danny stayed silent looking down at the rumble, his eyes seeming to have tears began to perk in them. But soon that sadness turned to rage, as he lets out a ghostly wail. This caught Drasil's attention as she looked towards Danny seeing him transform into a more rageful form.

Danny: I'm going to kill you!!!

Ben TFK: Hey, wait!!!

He didn't listen however and rushed at the dragon delivering a punch to her that made shocked her with how much it pushed her back. Danny then fired off another blast pushing her back some more. He rushed in and slashed her with his new claws. The assault continued for a bit longer before Drasil had enough and lets out a roar that pushed Danny back. The red aura around Drasil thickened even more as more and more pressure was felt.

Drasil: You all will, DIE SCREAMING!!!

Ben TFK transformed once again into his own version of Atomix.

He lifts up his sword and surrounds it with the unknown nuclear energy that he could produce. He then pointed it towards Drasil.

Ben TFK: We won't fall to you....We'll keep fighting to our last breath!!!

After he said that everyone else who could still fight got back up and prepared for their possibly last stand. And with a battle cry from Ben TFK, they all rushed into battle as Drasil lets out a roar. We then cut to (Y/N) seeing him unconsciously floating in what looked to be a stary void. He floated there for some time until a loud booming voice awoken him.

???: WAKE UP!!!

(Y/N) jolted away and saw where he was, looking around in confusion until his eyes landed on who had awoken him. In front of him he sees two big floating green masks. One being Bellicus the voice of rage and aggression and the other being Serena the voice of love and compassion.

(Y/N): Bellicus, Serena? What's going on?

Bellicus: Shouldn't it be obvious kid? Alien X is currently in critical condition

(Y/N): Critical condition?

Serena: Yes, unfortunately that dragon's power managed to damage Alien X to the point where the body became unresponsive and put into a hibernating state

(Y/N): A hibernating state, wait what about my friends and team?! Are they okay?!

Serena: They are currently trying to fight this Drasil

(Y/N): Let me see!!

Bellicus and Serena looked to each other before Bellicus sighed and Serena nodded. A window to the outside world then appeared behind (Y/N) with him turning and looking out of it seeing the battle between the rest of his team and Drasil. Drasil's aura kept becoming more and more dense with its pressure kept growing as well. They continued on with them being tossed around and blasted by Drasil. (Y/N) looked on in shock and horror.

(Y/N): N-No....NO!!! There has to be something we can do!!

Bellicus: Kid, like we said before Alien X is currently in a hibernating sta-

(Y/N): I DON'T CARE!!!

Both were taken aback by (Y/N)'s sudden outburst.


Bellicus and Serena looked on at (Y/N) seeing the determination in his eyes. They then looked to each other seemingly mulling over what they should do, until they nodded to each other.

Serena: We have a better idea

(Y/N) looked at them confused.

Bellicus: It's time

A glow began to emanate off the two with it soon spreading to (Y/N) and then the Ultratrix. (Y/N) looked down at it seeing it shine, before a smile came to his face.

(Y/N): It's hero time

Back on the battlefield, Drasil had basically back everyone into a corner as her aura grew denser. She glared down at everyone who were currently in a weakened state.

Drasil: This is the end of this world!! And once I'm finished nothing will be left of it!!

She began charging up energy in her mouth, with everyone being prepared for the worst. That was until a pillar of light suddenly bursts from where Alien X was buried. Everyone looked on in shock as the light even split the clouds over head open, with Hatred from a distant watching the fight smirked at this. The pillar then bursts with sparkles of light beginning to lightly shower down.

???: Ultimate...

The then emerged from the light, revealing it to be Alien X but completely different. As also revealed that the spikes from the Ultratrix were out signifying that the ultimate function was active. What looked to be the masks of Bellicus and Serena were seen on his shoulders as well. This new Alien X looked up at Drasil before getting in a stance ready to fight.

(Art belongs to the original artist)

Alien X?: Alien X!! 

Drasil looked down at the newly evolved Celestialsapien growling. She then lets out a roar that Ult.Alien X didn't even flinch at. She rushed towards him and tried to bring her teeth down on him, however he simply dodged out of the way of her attack and simply backhanded her away sending her through multiple of the destroyed buildings. Everyone looked on in shock, at seeing this. Ult.Alien X then began making his way towards where Drasil was sent. Drasil picked herself up groggily revealing that the said of her face that was hit was now completely bloody though it was slowly healing itself. She glares down at the him as he approaches her, she lets out another roar and fired a giant energy blast down at him. Before it could make contact however it was held back by some invisible force all around Ult.Alien X, before it was then forcible dispersed with Ult.Alien X then disappearing and reappearing in front of Drasil punching her hard sending her flying back again. Ult.Alien X then teleported to her and fired an energy wave straight into her stomach region injuring her further. Drasil slowly picked herself back up revealing multiple injuries that were slowly healing themselves. Drasil tried to fire another blast at him only for Ult.Alien X to lift up his hand and telekinetically pick up multiple destroyed buildings and throw them onto Drasil pinning her down. Drasil quickly breaks out from them and charged at him, going for a slash with her claws. Ult.Alien X simply brought up his arm guarding against the strike and shattering Drasil's claws. Drasil lets out a roar of rage and pain as her aura grew denser along with the pressure increasing. She roars at Ult.Alien X and fires a full power beam at him. In response Ult.Alien X just lifted a finger and fired his own beam that quickly consumed Drasil's and hitting her directly injuring her greatly. Drasil growled at him as he floated there silent. Drasil's injuries continued to heal themselves but much slower than before.

Drasil: It doesn't matter how much you hurt me. You can't kill me; I'll just keep growing stronger until I overcome you!!

Ult.Alien X said nothing for some time before seemingly giving to the dragon a glare.

Ult.Alien X: will not be growing anymore

He lifted his hand towards Drasil confusing her a bit. Suddenly multiple celestial chain appeared and wrapped Drasil holding her in place. Drasil thrashed around violently trying to break the chains. A new chest then was summoned in front of Ult.Alien X shocking Drasil and enraging her further.

The chains then began leading into the chest beginning the drag Drasil into it. She tried to fight against it with her aura growing denser as well. After some time, she had begun to sort of fight against the chains with Ult.Alien X beginning to put more effort into trying to reseal her. That was until the pressure began to lessen. Looking to his side Ult.Alien X sees the other Omnitrix wielders in their own Celestialsapien forms helping him.

(Ben TFK's Alien X)

(Bentely's Alien X)

(Gwen's Alien X)

They all began adding their own power and more celestial chains appeared and wrapped Drasil more beginning to drag her closer and closer to the chest. Drasil continued to try and fight back only to find before soon finding it to be futile. In turn Drasil glared at Ult.Alien X.

Drasil: It doesn't matter how long it takes but I will find a way to release myself again and once I do....I WILL KILL YOU!!!

Ult.Alien X said nothing as with one final push Drasil turned into an orb and completely pulled into the new chest. The chest was quickly closed and sealed. They go back to everyone with them all cheering. Ult.Alien X staggered and suddenly transformed back to human. The others transformed back too, and Ben TFK helps (Y/N) so he didn't fall. (Y/N)'s team rushed up to him and cheered and teared up at seeing him still alive. A weak laugh escaped his lips as he gives them a weak thumbs-up.

(Y/N): It's over...

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