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It's been a few days since the attack and defeat of Union. The city had been rebuilt and was made into a place that was now more excepting of people who were born without power. It was even renamed from Union city to a name that doesn't leave a bad taste in everyone's mouths. That being Neo Omnitrix City, the name coming from (Y/N) as he wanted to honor his ancestor. The new academy in turn now being named Neo Omni Academy with Nezu being the Headmaster of it, though the citizens wanted (Y/N) to be he respectfully declined saying Nezu would be a better fit for the roll seeing as he already had experience with it. Neo Omni Academy accepted any and all who wanted to be a hero and did not accept any form of bullying within it. Many other things had happened too. The Pro "Hero" that sided with Union had been caged inside special cages designed to block their power, that were given to them by Hatred. They were currently being moved to a portal that led to a special designed prison for them in the Null Void. Yagi was about to be put in but before he did, he looked to Midoriya who was there with other to watch the departure of these heroes.

Yagi: Midoriya, don't think this is the last time you'll see me...

Midoriya: I know, but if you ever do somehow escape, I'll be here stronger than ever, and I will stop you 

Yagi glares at him before he was pushed into the portal. Meanwhile the students that sided with Union was put into more of a rehabilitation type of area where they were given an ankle brace that blocked the use of their powers and kept track of them. Many doctors and mental health specialist were there as well to help them more so recover from any mental damage that was caused by Union's influence. Yang was currently sitting in her room at this facility looking out the window mostly mauling over what she had done and letting Union put so many things in her head. A knock was soon heard, with Yang looking to the door to her room seeing one of her doctors.

Doctor: Miss Xiao-Long you have a visitor

Yang looked at her a bit confused until the doctor moved revealing the visitor to be Ruby surprising Yang. Ruby looked to the doctor nodding to them with them soon leaving after. Ruby enters the room and sits down opposite to her sister. The two looked at each other in silent, Yang looking like she was about to cry as Ruby looks at her waiting for her to say something.

Ruby: Are you going say anything cause you know I have limited time he-

Yang: I'M SORRY!!

Yang launches over to her sister and wraps her in a hug crying into Ruby's shoulder while she continued to mutter "I'm sorry" over and over. Ruby looked at her older sister for a bit before beginning to pat her on the back.

Ruby: Hey, I heard that your rehabilitation has been going well so I decided to pay a visit

Yang continued to cry for a little bit longer before finally calming and releasing her sister.

Yang: Y-Yeah, and I've heard you've been doing good in the new academy...uh what was it again?

Ruby: Neo Omni Academy

Yang: R-Right

The two then sat in silence, until a sigh escaped Ruby's lips getting Yang's attention as well.

Ruby: Look Yang I can't quite forgive you just yet

Yang looked down hearing this.

Ruby: But I'm at least willing to try and heal our relationship alright?

Yang looked at her sister is silence for a second before a small smile made its way onto her face.

Yang: Alright

After that the two smiled and began chatting like they did before. We then cut over to Atlas showing that they had rebuilt as well. The soldiers now had armor akin to plumber uniforms as well as each one having their own proto tool. Ironwood looked on at the new Atlas with a small smile. This smile showing that he was glad to have changed and helped take down Union before humanity could become monsters. Meanwhile over in the Schnee Mansion, all of the Faunus that were put into slavery had been released along with Jacques being arrested with the company now being run by Willow. In the Mansion we see Weiss sitting in her room with the same ankle brace that the other students had at the rehabilitation center. She was basically put on house arrest at the request of her sister and mother. Speaking of which a knock was then heard from Weiss's door. Looking over she sees Winter and Willow enter and make their way over to her. They sit down on both her sides with Weiss looking down almost in shame.

Winter: Weiss...


Willow: You know we're not mad at you. We just wish that we never let those bastards corrupt your mind

Weiss felt Winter put a hand on her back and began rubbing circles. Weiss looked at her sister and mom seeing them smile to her. She soon began smiling back. Unknown to them however someone was watching hiding behind the door. A nasty glare being seen on his face as he watched them. And finally, we cut back over to the Comet Observatory we see (Y/N) and his team celebrating their victory. Laughs and cheering were heard as food and drinks were being consumed. The kids played together as Beepu kept an eye on them. Layla was seen being helped by Lana bringing some more food out for the party. (Y/N) then stood up holding a glass gaining everyone's attention.

(Y/N): We did it, we put an end to Union. And brought about a better age, an age where we no longer need to deal with Union's bullshit. And finally, we can have true heroes ones that can show what it really means to be heroes!!

Everyone: Hazzah!!

With that the celebration continued. After some time, everything was beginning to wine down, and as this was happening (Y/N) was pulled to the side by Cheryl. The two made their way out to a section of the Comet Observatory where the stars were on full display. The two then held each other close.

Cheryl: We've been through a lot as of late huh?

(Y/N): Yeah, and everything basically worked out in the end. Even though I know that there is still plenty of other loose ends that need to be tied

Cheryl: Yeah, but for now lets just enjoy ourselves alright

(Y/N): Got ya

The two were about to kiss until an alarm went off. Rosalina's voice then came over the intercom.

Rosalina: Looks like we some activity from the White Fang

Hearing this a small sigh escaped (Y/N)'s lips.

(Y/N): No rest for the wicked huh?

Cheryl: Guess not, well what are you waiting for get out there tiger

(Y/N) smirked at her and ran towards the camera activating the Ultratrix.

(Y/N): It's Hero Time!!!

A green flash then surrounded the camera as he transformed as it then cuts to black.

































We see what looked to be a dark castle outside of the multiverse. Inside the castle we see a cloaked figure sitting in a room looking over a screen.

On the screen we see a red dot that was blinking. A cloaked woman then enters the room alongside four other individuals.

Cloaked woman: Have you found her sir?

The cloaked figure looks up at them.

Cloaked figure: Yes, a piece of her had awoken however that had already been resealed and moved somewhere

Everyone looked melancholy at this.

Cloaked figure: But with that piece's awakening in that world, some other pieces that worlds were in close proximity to that one had revealed themselves

He showed the map to them showing four other blinking dots.

Cloaked figure: They're still currently sealed but now that we know where they are we can collect them. Black Knight...

The one known as Black Knight stepped up.

Cloaked figure: This world is yours, go there and find that piece

Black Knight: Yes sir

He then teleported away in a black mist.

Cloaked figure: Omnimon Zwart, this world is yours 

Omnimon Zwart stepped up and nodded.

Omnimon Zwart: Understood

He then disappeared in a mass of a blue vortex.

Cloaked figure: Fortune Teller, this one is yours

The Fortune Teller stepped up chuckling to himself.

FT: Of course. Once we bring her back together that shrine maiden bitch will pay

He stepped through a magical conjured portal.

Cloaked figure: And finally, XGaster this one is yours, go collect the piece

XGaster chuckled to himself.

XGaster: I'm on my way then

He then disappeared in a mass of glitching pixels. The two cloaked figures were then left alone in the castle.

Cloaked woman: Will they be enough to collect those other pieces sir

Cloak figure: Of course, they will. It will be easy for them to do so as well. And once we have enough of them, we'll be able to forcefully summon the rest of them

He then gets up and looks out the window.

Cloaked figure: And once we have all of her pieces...

He turns to the Cloaked woman revealing on of his eyes to her greatly scaring her as well.


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