Cruel Devil

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Well i m back after target completetion as if target will completed i will update next chapter this week again




Swara is watching television inside the room which is attached with sanskar cabin.

She is looking really annoyed while watching television because one mid 50s woman is kept Watching her move.

Swara (in mind being annoyed seeing woman from corner of eyes):what is the hell. Can't i live all alone in a room. So much annoyed man i just hate him

Near a godown a sport car stops. Bodyguards come out from car. One of them opens the car back door. A dashing devil sanskar mahesweri comes out from car.

He starts moving towards the godown with his bodyguards.

Sanskar (coming inside godown):is he alive faiz

Faiz:yes sir he is inside but still he is not opening his mouth.

Sanskar (shouts angrily):what the hell u guys r doing till now useless. Can't handle a man. Get away from here sanskar mahesweri knows to Handle these kinds of rascals.

sanskar gets inside the room in anger. There is a man lying on chair. Blood is spreaded all over his body. He is hell injurious.

sanskar (sits in front of man):hii dilip joisi how r u. (smirks seeing his condition )i don't think u r ok (he holds his shoulder making dilip scream in pain he smirks again with evil smile):u know mr dilip joisi u did very wrong i mean how dare u think to blackmail me. I think u don't love ur life if u have loved it u never do this.

Sanskar puts salt on his wound making him scream in pain. Other people outside the room with faiz become hell scared After listening his back to back scream. They know very well if sanskar mahsweri comes to take revenge with anyone he doesn't leave the person easily he makes sure to make the person life hell. it is just trailer of his torture they knows that dilip joisi will spell out the Secret in some minutes because no one can tolerate the devil punishment. he will soon turn down himself in front of devil sanskar mahesweri.

Dilip(in weak voice ):please leave me sir i m sorry i become greedy and in money greed i challenged u i m sorry sir

Sanskar (slapping dilip in anger making him fall down from the chair. Sanskar moves towards him and bends down near him and holds his chin); just the fuck up. U forget what u did.



Sanskar is working in his cabin suddenly dilip comes inside in his cabin without knocking.

Sanskar (angrily shouts while sitting on his chair); what the hell is this mr dilip joisi how dare u to enter in my cabin without knocking.

Dilip smirks and moves near sanskar table he sits in front of his chair.

Dilip(smiles):mr sanskar mahesweri sir i m so much sorry for my misbehavior but what can i do. U know near moti vihar a multinational appartments r building. I really want to buy one apartment over there

Sanskar (knowing something from his double meaning talks that he is here for some motive. Right now sanskar wants to rip his skin for trying to match his level but right he has to control his anger because he wants to know main reason behind his behavior. He fists his palm in anger for making himself calm.

Sanskar :u can go in Office side and ask for lone. U very well know we provide lones to our employees. There is no reason for u to come here. Direct come to point otherwise (he stands up from his chair and goes near dilip he holds his collar)i will rip u over here alive for ur attitude. Because sanskar mahesweri never sees anyone attitude.

Dilip(stands up and takes down sanskar hand):aree sanskar sir u become so much angry please calm down u know na sir i m union leader of ur company and misbehaving with me will lead u in loss i mean thousands of workers will stop working if i will influence them against u.

Sanskar (angrily ):r u blackmailing me

Dilip:yes sir i m blackmailing u. I really don't want to do it but i really become so much bore from all of this. Give me 3 crore so i will be here in ur company as ur servant otherwise

Sanskar :otherwise what

Dilip:otherwise i will go to parihar new construction company. And sir u know very well if i will go there all other workers will come after me. And u will lost ur all good awesome workers what will happen if ur awesome talented workers will go to parihar construction. U r so much talented and brilliant sir there is no need to tell u anything. So tell me what is ur answer i will only wait for 2 day till than bye sir.

Saying this he leaves from there leaving sanskar angry


Sanskar :u know what mr union President i m kicking u out from ur job. I have each and every detail about u and if i give them to ur workers (smirks)so what u think they will come back to u. U bastard what u think of urself u a small mere worker of my company u think urself big than me haa. (starts kicking him angrily)how dare u bastard to blackmail. From this punishment u will get to know that sanskar mahesweri will never leave the Person u will try to make my ego challenge.

Sanskar comes out from room.

Sanskar (to faiz):i want to know each and every information about harsh parihar new business till tomorrow evening.

Faiz(obediently ):yes sir

Sanskar leaves from there to check swara.


Sanskar comes inside his cabin room. He signs the woman to leave from his eyes gesture.

Woman nodes her head and leaves from there.

Sanskar moves towards bed while smiling. Swara is sleeping peacefully while clutching the pillow on her hands.

Sanskar takes out his shoes and jacket.

He lays down beside her.

He smiles and takes pillow from her hand and puts it on his side. He holds and takes her in embrace carefully.

swara eyes opens immediately after feeling sanskar movement.

Swara (starts struggling to come out of his grip); what r u doing. Leave me

Sanskar (in order):stay Don't move. It will hurt ur leg.

Sanskar closes his eyes while taking her in his embrace.

Swara (seeing his closing figure):why r u doing this. Haa

Sanskar (while sleeping ):i m not bounded to give any answers to u. So just shut up and sleep. I m really tired Don't u dare to move otherwise i will kiss u

Swara wants to say something but right now she wants to stop herself from doing something stupid otherwise she will make arose a devil and when the devil will arose him she can't do anything.
She sees him angrily and after sometime she sleeps in his embrace


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