Lover boy Devil

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As still 7+Votes r remaining to complete target but i m giving it one last time for regular readers but for next part complete the target otherwise sorry i can't write next part with this silence.




Swara looks towards clock in shocked.

Swara (talks with herself in tension ):god It's 5:00 pm now still i didn't complete 40% of work also how can this devil make me go from here. What i will say to maa. Why the hell he has to come in my life again. I just hate him. Disgusting man.

Swara is working with a worry mind and with so much tension her mind is not working.

Swara (closing the file in frustration ); god what i will do now it's 5:15pm. I have already reached home at 5:30pm. What will mom will think where i m. I should do something to get rid of this work.

Swara comes out from her cabin.

She opens sanskar cabin and sees him working immensely in his laptop. She sighs in relief and moves towards a man.

Swara :peon uncle when i was not here. Who took my work.

Peon(while putting coffee in mugs ):beta It's faiz sir who took ur work at ur absence.

Swara :so faiz sir previous one month files. I mean where i can get it. It will be easy for me na to Handle work.

Peon:beta it is in store room. It's on second floor u can get there all previous files.

Swara :thanks uncle

Swara goes towards lift and goes towards second floor.


Swara (searching faiz name file section ); where is faiz sir file section. God It's so big. (sees faiz section )finally i get it.

She moves towards faiz section and starts searching files.

Swara (looks upwards on cupboard):it may be upward side. How i will climb up

She sees stairs and takes it and moves towards stairs.

She takes it and moves towards cupboard

She climbs up the stairs to take files. She climbs up and starts taking files but suddenly due to many files.
Her foot slips from stair and she falls down from stairs on floor with a thud.

Swara shouts in pain.

Swara(shouts while holding her leg):ahhh maa

Tears starts coming out From her eyes because of pain.

Swara turns her head listening sanskar voice. Who is searching her in store room.

Sanskar (shouts angrily ):where the hell u r dammit

Swara (shouts with great pain); i m here sir

Sanskar moves towards swara voice direction angrily. He is going to yell on her for her over smart behavior to make hers escape from situation by using old faiz files but before that he can shout on her. He becomes painc to see swara condition. He runs towards her

Sanskar (shouts while bending near her ); swara what happened to u.

Swara crys more listening sanskar voice. Sanskar looks at her foot which swara is holding from her hands.

Sanskar touches the foot making swara scream in pain

Swara (crys in pain(:ahhh maa. Don't touch it sir It's paining a lot.

Sanskar (angrily); u stupid girl. Why the hell u come here. See now ur foot is paining right

Sanskar trys to take her in bridal style but swara jerk his hands

Swara (shouts angrily ):Don't touch me with ur lusty hands. I can manage myself

Sanskar closes his fist in anger. Right now he wants to teach swara a great lesson by using her extra brain. He wants to make her know that no one has right to voice his voice against the sanskar mahesweri but right now his ego is graving inside somewhere because of his lover side which is more concern for his jaan more than angry.

Swara trys to get up but she screams again in pain and starts crying like a baby.

Sanskar (bends down and wipes her tears):shhh Don't cry baby. It will be ok Don't worry

Sanskar (holds her in bridal style starts moving outside the store room):i will call doctor he will check u.

Till than everyone in Office has left to their home so no one see swasan like this position.

Sanskar takes her towards Waiting room and make her lay on couch.

Sanskar (while cupping her face):stay here i m coming

Swara just nodes her head. She doesn't know what is happening near her. Right now she wants relaxation from pain.

She closes her eyes. Sanskar comes inside the room after sometime

Sanskar (giving tablets to her):take this it is pain killer it will make u calm for some hours.

Swara nodes. Sanskar holds her arms and make her eat medicine.

Swara looks at sanskar with amazed expression that what is he doing right now with her. Is he sanskar mahesweri or someone else. She takes a deep sighs and looks towards sanskar who is applying balm on swara foot with great concentration.

Swara goes back to that time when she starts to get attracting towards sanskar due to his caring nature towards her. Something is happening with her with his touch a with his care.

Sanskar (looks towards her with concern):how r u feeling now

Swara (smiles a bit):better

Sanskar nodes his head. He takes out her phone and gives it to her

Sanskar (while giving phone to her):talk with ur family right now. U have many missed calls from ur each family member. They r tensed for u. Tell them u r with kavita and. . .

Swara (confused ):and. . .

Sanskar (smirks):u r not going home tonight

Swara (shouts with shocked ):what. R u mad i m not going to listen to u. Do u get it. U want to molest me

Sanskar (:ohh shut up miss gadodiya why the hell u always think about s''x who want it with me right

Swara :shut up u jerk. . .

Sanskar (angrily):mind ur tongue kitten

Swara :sorry but i m not going to be with u here all alone

Sanskar (smirks and sits close to her):as i m asking ur face sweetheart

Swara (points her finger towards sanskar ):Don't u dare to use that words for me

Sanskar (pulls her closer through waist):i will use and u can't stop me. Here u r just a employee and i m ur boss. So stay in the limit. Call them and make them know ur plans for tonight otherwise i have my own ways to make u accept my commands

Sanskar stands up and leaves the room while putting swara mobile on her lap.

Swara (cursing herself ):can't i get anything except this job. I just hate this devil.

Swara calls her family and says lie that for a mere project she is staying with kavita home for a night.

PRECAP:"swara that's the girl name right. Combination of hot and cuteness "

Sanskar roars on phone:mind ur tongue harsh parihar


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