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Hey guys SORRy for late my mom tooth pain has made me busy i m taking her care. So i didn't get time to write anything. Hope u guys will understand me.

Next Update after



Swara comes inside the house with a dull face. She closes the door and starts moving towards upstairs.

Dadi and shomi who r cutting veggies on dinning table look towards swara with worried expression.

Dadi(worry):shomi what happen to shona. She is so lost now.

Shomi(gets up from chair):i will see maa what happen with her

Dadi nodes her head and shomi leaves upstairs towards durga and swara room.


Swara is crying miserably while thinking about SANSKAR victory. She doesn't know that a step to help her family financial condition will take her into a mess. Swara thought gets a break after listening door knock. Listening it she immediately wipes her tears and gets up from floor and opens the door

Swara (while opening the door ); haa maa

Shomi(while getting inside the room):what happened shona

She cups her face lovingly.

Shomi:is something happen bad. Why r u so much lost.

Swara doesn't want her mom to know anything about SANSKAR. What happened if they know about her job and her lie when she went shimla with SANSKAR saying that she is going in College education trip. What she will think about her. She doesn't want to make herself low in front of her mom.

Swara; maa i m fine woh my project doesn't get first price i really work hard for it so i really feel low after it.

Shomi(chuckles and hugs her):aree my shona u know na u always get first position if u didn't get this time so it's not big deal ok u will win again and wining and losing its happens in life. one time who think u have lost but another u will come as a Winner so don't be demoralized by a lose ok

Swara nodes her head in her mother embrace.

Shomi(makes her looks her):ok so cheer up ur mood ur father will come in sometime if he will see his shona sad than how will he eat anything u know na he doesn't like ur sad face

Swara nodes her head and shomi kisses her forehead and leaves from there.

Swara (in mind):thank u maa for making me know what i have to do this time SANSKAR mahesweri wins by his bloody trick but now i will not make him win. Let the whole sweet distribution happen in company after that i will make him show that i m not weak girl whom he can defeat so easily.

Next day swara gets ready to go mahesweri industry. She takes auto and comes to mahsweri industry. Swara comes out from auto and pays the money.

Swara takes a deep breath after looking towards mahesweri industry building.

She gets inside the building. Swara is going inside the lift which is specially for employees. But before that she can get inside the lift peon stops her to go inside the lift.

peon:wait mam u can't use this lift.

Swara (turns her face):but why i can't go from it

Peon(pointing other lift which only SANSKAR used) :u can use this lift mam

Swara :but why it's only sir lift. Employees can't use it

Peon:yes mam it is sir's lift but sir has said that u r his assistant so u will use this lift which he uses.

Swara nodes her head and gets inside the lift.

Lift starts moving upside but suddenly it's gets open at 1st floor. Swara sees sanskar in shocked that now what he is going to do with her alone in the lift. Where no one is present except her and sanskar. Sanskar who sees swara becomes mesmerised as always. She always makes him gravitate town ards her.

Sanskar sees swara intensely making her gulp in fear. She starts shivering in fear After feeling his gaze on her. Sanskar gets inside the lift and the lift starts moving upwards again. Sanskar doesn't leave gaze from swara. After a long he is seeing her so near to him. She is looking so beautiful in her simple attire. No make up no short dress no seduced ways to gain his attention just a simple girl which is hard for him to find in Delhi.

Swara is just looking down all time because she can't see him right now his intense gaze is making her so much nervous that the courage which she has bought with her few time is just vanished away After feeling is intense gaze.

Sanskar can't control himself. He starts coming closer to swara. Seeing him coming closer to her. Swara starts moving backwards.

Swara (while moving back):what r u doing

Sanskar smirks listening her voice. Swara moves and strikes with the wall. Sanskar puts his hands and makes a cage around swara. Swara looks towards sanskar hands than she looks towards sanskar who is looking towards swara with a devilish smirk.

Sanskar (smirks while looking at her):u r looking so awesome in this attire

Swara :excuse me

Sanskar :no excuse baby.

Swara (angrily points her finger towards sanskar ):don't u dare use baby words for u

Sanskar (putting her finger down):not possible baby (smirks )

Suddenly sanskar holds swara closer through waist making her shocked. He stops the lift making swara shocked in fear. She starts shivering in fear. Sweat comes on her forehead in fear.

Sanskar (wiping swara sweat from her forehead ):fearing from me miss gadodiya. What u said let me remind it. Ya u don't have any fear from me. It's true baby(comes closer towards her face)swara u really make me much mad from past 10 days. There is no one who deny sanskar mahesweri's order u can insult sanskar mahesweri but u did it baby. U all time make me insult in every step of urs  . First that slap than ur resignation and than refusing to join again. Each and everytime but it's enough now. Now it is my office here my rule will follow and u my baby assistant u have to obey me from now.

Sanskar starts the lift and takes swara with him

He makes her sit on her chair in her office cabin.

Sanskar (sits on table in front of her and shouts):faiz faiz

A mid 30's man comes inside swara cabin with so many files.
. Sanskar instructs him through eyes to put files on table. Faiz nodes and puts the files on table. Faiz leaves from there. Swara becomes shocked to see bundle of files in front of her.
Sanskar smirks seeing her shocked face.

Sanskar :so as u know u were on leave of 10days and this is ur 10days work. U have to complete it till tomorrow

Swara (shocked ):what but it is 10days work

Sanskar (while getting up from table):two days baby It's ur fault u r not coming in Office and u have to regret for ur     decisions so here lets start the punishment. complete it otherwise u know what i can do if u will complete half work u can go ur home on time     at evening otherwise what will u give excuses for coming late eveeryday

Swara (angrily):u r just. .

Sanskar :i know i know can't use those words its called abusing and u can't say that words complete the work otherwise leave from office at 8 pm and u can't make any excuses for this to ur family.

sanskar leaves from there with a smirk making angry swara behind him. 

Now what is going to happen sanskar will   Win the Revenge game or swara will defeat the devil.


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