Chapter 12: I Bond With Nik's Family

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Bel's POV:

The next morning I wake up to not a text from Nik, but one from Rebekah.


Get over here now! This house is filled with too much testosterone.

I laugh at this and quickly text back.

Try not to suffocate on the ego as well

Smiling I place my phone to the side and head to my bathroom. I quickly get dressed before grabbing my keys to head out. I stop though when I see he brown box with a silver bow and a letter. Confused I pick it up, bringing it inside. I place the box on my couch, grabbing the note.

I smile when I read it. I then turn it over.

Come as my date?


Smiling I set the note aside and take the ribbon off the box, opening it. I smile when I see what's inside. A gorgeous dress to wear to the ball. I place the lid back on and the take it out to my car with me. Once It's secure in the trunk I head towards the Mikaelson mansion.

When I arrive I head inside, leaving my dress in the car, knowing that someone will get it out when it's time to get ready. I am assuming that I'm helping Rebekah get ready, seeing as Elena stabbed her in the back for the last dance she attempted to go to.

She'll want someone she trusts around this time. When I walk in I notice everyone but Nik is in the living room. Kol, Finn, the long haired guy from last night, and Elijah are all getting fitted for suits while Rebekah is getting her nails down.

When I walk into the room Rebekah's head whips around and she grins. "Come over here and sit." She says, motioning with her head to the couch cushion beside her. Grinning I walk over and take my seat. Almost immediately several people approach me and start doing my nails.

"So darling, tell us more about yourself." Kol says from the stand. "Well, I was raised here in Mystic falls, left almost two years ago and got dragged back just in time to meet Nik. My life is quite boring." I tell them.

"You mentioned your last name was Gilbert. Any relation to the other doppelgänger?" Finn asks. I roll my eyes. "No, thank God. I was adopted. When I left I tried to find my real family with no luck." "And you're a witch?" Kol asks. I nod.

"Excellent. I'll have to show you a few of my favorite spells from when I was a warlock." Kol grins. I smirk back. "You must." "Come on Kol, she's my friend first. You can turn her into your little witch minion later." Rebekah grumbles. I laugh. "Don't worry babe." I wink. She grins back.

We all continue to chat while prepping for tonights ball. "So Bel, do you have a date for tonight?" Rebekah asks me. I nod. "Nik asked me. Gave me a dress and everything. Very sweet." "He's different with you. I noticed it when the two of you first met. You're good for him." "I agree." 

I turn my head to smile at Elijah. "Well you certainly are charming, it's hard not to be drawn to you. You have a kind soul." Finn tells me. I'm shocked, he's mostly remained silent this entire time. "Thank you. Your family is just special I guess. Most of this town thinks of me as a freak."

"And why's that darling?" Kol asks. "I'm Elena's loser not-so-twin sister. That's the main reason why I left here in the first place. I wasn't wanted by anyone but my younger brother." They all give me a sad look. Then Kol tries to lighten the mood. 

"Bel, tell me how handsome I look." I laugh. "Kol, I'm a witch, I can't be compelled." The others laugh along with me while Kol's face morphs into a pout. "You wound me darling." He says, dramatically clutching his chest. That's when Nik bursts into the room. 

"You went after Elena? What the hell is wrong with you?" He asks, standing right in front of Rebekah. "Here we go." She says. "Do you want another dagger in your heart?" "Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have anymore tricks?" Kol asks, unimpressed. 

"Go back to looking at yourself." Nik snaps. "Who are you, my father?" "No Kol, but you are in my house." "Then perhaps we should take this outside." That's when Esther walks in. "Enough. Niklaus, come." She says. He steps away from his little brother and follows after the witch. 

I turn to Rebekah. "You know, if you were going to make Nik mad, you should have just killed her." "I tried, but Elijah stopped me." "It wasn't right Rebekah, no matter how you justify it." I roll my eyes. May not be right, but it sure as hell would have been a welcome surprise this morning. 

"Ok, well, maybe I wasn't doing it to get back at her for stabbing me, it could have also been payback for what she's done to Bel. She's a bitch Elijah." She says. "Be that as it may, we must honor mother's wishes to not hurt the locals." He says. The topic is dropped after that. 

After mine and Rebekah's nails are finished she drags me upstairs for hair and makeup after sending one for the servants to grab my dress from my car. I sit her down first and set to work. "You're good at this you know." She tells me as I finish up her makeup. 

"Thank you. I had a lot of free time and with the spare money I made at the grill I would spend on makeup and practice. I had nothing better to do." "I'm sorry you grew up in this aweful town Bel. They don't deserve you." "Thank you. I'm glad at least one group of people believe that."

She smiles at me and lets me finish. Once I'm done I start on her hair which doesn't take too long. Finally it's finished and we switch place. As Rebekah begins to work on me she makes me face away from the mirror so when she reveals her finished work, it'll be a surprise. 

"Have you got a date for tonight?" "Yes actually. Matt Donovan." "Really? Well, I'm not a fan of any of that group, but if you like him, go for it." She smiles at me, but doesn't say anything. Soon she's finished. She turns my chair around and my eyes widen. 

"Bekah...I look stunning!" I exclaim. "Of course you do. You're beautiful Bel. Own it." I grin. "Now, help me into my dress will you." I nod and stand. We walk over to the two dresses laying on the bed. I grab the emerald green one and help Rebekah into it. 

Once she's ready she helps me zip up my blue, ,white, and gold dress. Once I'm in it I slip on my blue shoes and turn to her. "You go ahead, I'll be right behind you." She nods, grinning at me. She hugs me. "Thank you for being my friend Bel." I nod and squeeze her tightly. 

With that she exits the room, heading down stairs where I can now hear music playing. I take a deep breath and look myself over once more in the mirror. "You got this. You're beautiful Bel. Own it." I say, repeating what Rebekah told me. With one more deep breath I exit the room.

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