Chapter 13: Esther is Plotting Something

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Bel's POV:

When I reach the staircase leading down to the ball I see everyone staring in awe at the door. I look and glare when I see Elena standing there in an admittedly beautiful black and gold dress. She has both Salvatores on her arm tonight. Time to upstage her. 

I take my first step down the stairs and everyone's head turn away from her towards me. They are all shocked. Little Jezebel Gilbert? Not possible. Well, it is. I spot Nik beaming up at me from the bottom of the staircase. 

I look up to see both Salvatores staring at me like they've never seen me before and Elena is glaring viciously. I send her a small smirk before putting my elegant smile back on my face. When I reach the bottom of the stairs Nik is extends his arm. 

I take it and he pulls me close to him, kissing the side of my head. "You look absolutely breathtaking love." I blush. "You clean up well yourself Nik." He grins at me as we walk around the room, making small talk with different groups of people. 

Nik leaves me alone for a second and Elena walks up to me. "What are you doing here?" "The whole town was invited Elena." "But you never go to these sorts of things. Trying to be someone you're not? Pathetic." 

"I never went to these sorts of things because Greyson and Miranda locked me in my room. And you're really pathetic. At least I can settle for one guy. Stringing them along is a bitch move Elena, even for you. Now, I'm going to find someone actually worth talking to." 

With that I walk away. I wonder how dumb that group is. The amount of times I've been asked why I'm working with Nik and why I'm at certain events is honestly ridiculous. I quickly find Nik. "Are you alright love? I saw you talking to Elena." "I'm fine. She can't hurt me anymore." 

He nods, kissing the side of my head. "Come on, Elijah is about to give his speech. The whole family is going to be up there." "But I'm not family." "Of course you are love." He tells me, smiling down at me. I nod and follow after him. We climb the stairs. 

Bekah grins at me when she sees me on Nik's arm. "Uh, if everyone could gather, please. Welcome. Thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance." I look up at Nik. 

He never said anything about having to dance. He just grins down at me. "Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz. So if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ball room." Elijah finishes. 

"I can't dance like that Nik." I whisper to him as he leads me to the ball room. "Don't worry love. You'll catch on soon enough. Just follow my lead." I nod shakily as we get into position. The song starts and I start to copy to movement of those around me until Nik is back by my side. 

As we start to glide around the dance floor I look down at my feet, hoping not to step on Nik's. I feel a finger underneath my chin as Nik lifts my gaze to his. "Relax love. Let me lead." I nod, relaxing into his hold as I let him lead me across the dance floor. 

"I know I've already said this tonight, but you look beautiful." I blush. "Thank you." "How is it that I have you in my life?" "Why wouldn't I be. You've shown me nothing but kindness." "I've always been perceived as the big bad wolf. I've always had to be. But with you it's different. 

"You don't have to be that way with me because we're the same Nik. We grew up in the same way. When you meet someone who grew up like we did you realize you have a bond with that person that is unbreakable." "Really? Do you really believe that?" "I do." He grins down at me.

Suddenly I am spun out of his arms and into the arms of Damon Salvatore. "Hello Jezebel." "Damon." I acknowledge. His dancing isn't as elegant as Nik's, but he's going a decent job. "You know I hardly recognized you. You look stunning in that dress." 

"Thank you. You don't clean up so bad yourself." "Do you know what Mamma Mikaelson wants with Elena?" He asks. I furrow my brows. "What? What are you talking about?" "Elena's invitation came with a request for the two of them to meet up tonight. 

I'm guessing she hasn't said anything to you." "Nope, nothing. If she needs something from Elena it's probably her doppelgänger blood. That means it's not something I would agree with or she would have used mine." The song soon ends and Damon and I bow to each other. 

"Stop Elena from going to meet with Esther." With that I race off to find Nik only to run into Elijah. "Bel, what is the matter?" "Something's not right. Your mother wanted to talk to Elena." "Yes, I am aware." 

"Don't you think that's weird? I mean. I've been in this house all day and I also have doppelgänger blood. Why not use me for whatever she's planning on doing. That's the only reason she would need to talk to Elena. Something doesn't add up here Elijah." He nods. 

"I'll keep an eye on her. Be careful. If my mother is plotting something and she know's you're onto her, you're in danger. Stick to Niklaus's side at all times. Don't go anywhere alone." He tells me. I nod, rushing off to find Nik. "Hello love, what's the rush?" Nik asks when I find him. 

I put on a smile, deciding not to worry him for tonight. "Nothing. Just trying to get away from Damon. He's quite chatty tonight." He smirks. "I guess he is." He gestures towards the doors. "Would you care to take a walk outside with me?" He asks. I smile and take his arm. 

"I would love to." With that I let him lead me out of the house. 

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