Chapter 7: Stefan's Threats

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Bel's POV:

It's been a week since homecoming and I'm back to normal. For the past few days I've been hearing whispers from dead witches. Nothing that I can make out, but something is definitely stirring. I pretty sure it's the witches hiding Nik's coffins.

I'm determined to get them back so that Nik can reunite his family. In the short time I've known Nik he's become part of my family. I'd do anything for him. That is, until I found out he almost got Jeremy killed. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell, swiping my hand out.

He flies through the air, hitting the wall of his newly constructed house. "I assure you love, he would have been fine." "You had Tyler compel him to take off his ring! You would have died! You know how important he is to me!" I yell, swiping my hand again.

He flies through the air once more. A few of his hybrids appear. "No, it's fine. Leave us." He tells them. They nod and leave. "How could you?" I ask, tears coming to my eyes. He stands cautiously and makes his way over to me.

"I'm sorry, but I had to send a message to Elena and Jeremy was the best way to do that. They're returning Rebekah to me right now." I sigh, walking away from him. "Look, I know you have to use violence sometimes. Just please, leave Jeremy out of this." I plead. He nods.

"I promise. No harm shall come to your brother." "Thank you." He pulls me into a hug. "You ok?" "No, I'm still upset, but I'll be fine later. Just give me some time." I tell him, pulling out of his embrace. He nods and I leave the house. When I get into my car I dial Jeremy's number.

He answers on the third ring. "Hey, are you ok? I just talked to Klaus. He won't touch a hair on your head. I had no clue, I swear. Also, I might have thrown him through some walls. "I'm fine, just upset." He says. "You have every right to be. I am so sorry." "It's not your fault. It's Klaus's."

"Agreed." "Hey, would you want to get lunch tomorrow? Catch up?" He asks. I grin. "I'd love that. Meet you at the grill at 11?" "Sounds good." "Great. Try to get some sleep." I tell him. "Will do. Love you Bel." "Love you too Jer. Goodnight." "Goodnight." With that the line goes dead.

Sighing I place my phone to the side as I pull up to my apartment complex. I approach my door when I see someone standing outside, waiting for me. I glare. "Stefan Salvatore, what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask. "I need you to get Klaus to pull him hybrids out of town." I scoff.

"Yeah, that's not happening." I say, brushing past him to get to my door. His hand clasps onto the back of my neck, but I'm quickly. I push my magic out and it sends him flying down the hall. I then give him a brain aneurysm.

"Let's get one thing clear Salvatore. I'm never going to help you. So back the hell off." He's still grunting in pain from the aneurysm. I release him and he gasps in relief. I turn quickly and enter my apartment, slamming the door shut behind me. "The nerve of that guy." I mumble.

That night I manage to get some rest, but I wake up early the next morning to Klaus calling me. "What?" I grumble. "Well, good morning to you too love." "What do you want Klaus?" "Well, right now I want you to meet me at my house." I sigh. "Fine, I'll be there in a little bit."

I hang up and basically throw my phone to the other side of the bed. Groaning I climb out of bed and head towards my closet. Once I decide on what to wear I change and head into my kitchen. I quickly make myself a togo cup of coffee and head out towards my car. 

The drive to the mansion is normal now and soon I'm there. When I approach the main room I hear the sound of a blade cutting through flesh and I run in just in time to see Mindy's head hit the floor. 

I gasp and glare at the younger Salvatore brother standing next to Nik with a bloody saw blade in his hand. I raise my hand and he drops the saw, clutching his head in pain. "I think you should go and you know, stay away from his hybrids!" I drop the spell. He glares. 

"Seriously? Is that all you got?" He asks. I raise my eyebrows and bring my hand down in a slashing motion, causing cuts like claw marks to appear on his chest. His shirt is shredded. "Leave. Now." I snap. He glares, but then speeds out. 

"I told him to stay away last night." I grumble. "What do you mean last night?" Klaus asks. "He came to my apartment and demanded I make you remove your hybrids. I told him no. He attacked and I defended myself. Simple as that." 

"Are you ok?" He asks, his eye scanning my body for injury. "No, of course not. I can handle myself Nik." "I know love, but you know I worry." "I know, and I'm grateful that you do." I say, pulling him into a hug. After a minute I pull away. 

"Now, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I ask him. "Oh right. Mayor Lockwood is hosting an event tonight and I wanted to ask you if you'd be my plus one." I grin. "I did that well on our first date that you're asking for a second?" I tease, referring to homecoming. He laughs. 

"You did perfect. Now, will you accompany me tonight." "Of course. What time?" "7." "Great, I'll be there." I check the time. "I have to run, I'm meeting Jeremy at the grill for lunch. I'll see you later?" I ask. He nods. 

"Great." I lean forward and give him a friendly kiss on the cheek before leaving the mansion and heading towards the grill. 

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