Chapter 8: She's Taken Everything From Me

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Bel's POV:

When I get to the grill Jeremy is waiting for me. I grin and walk over to him, hugging him. "How are you feeling?" I ask, worried about him after what Klaus put her through yesterday. I hope he doesn't hate me for that.

"Fine, yeah, yesterday really threw me, but I'm fine now." "Great." We take our seats and Matt comes up to us, smiling at Jeremy and glaring at me. "Can I get you anything?" "Just a sweet tea with some french fries." I say. Jeremy orders his food and Matt walks away.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I'm moving." My eyes widen. "What?" "Yeah, I'm going to stay with some old family friends in Chicago. I think it'll be a better life for me there." He says. That doesn't sound right. Jeremy would never just up and leave.

Especially if he thinks Elena's in danger from Klaus. "When did you decide this?" I ask. "Last night." Right after the accident. Elena had Damon compel him. I'll kill her. I don't bring it up, I just enjoy this moment with my brother.

After we eat he has to get to work so I say my farewells and storm out of the grill, getting into my car. I know exactly where I'm headed. When I arrive at my childhood home I basically kick in the front door. "Elena!" I yell. Damon speeds in front of me. "What do you want?"

I glare and push my hand out, sending him flying backwards. I march into the kitchen to see Elena in there, eyes narrowed. "What?" She snaps. "Corporis impetu." I say, sending her flying into the wall. I feel Damon run at me, but I give him an aneurysm.

He crumples to the ground. "You had him compel Jeremy to leave? You selfish ungrateful bitch!" I say, flinging my arm to the side, sending her tumbling to the ground. I can't kill her cause of Klaus, but I can hurt her. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." She gasps.

"Yes you do. In your pea sized brain you think you're helping him, but all you're doing is taking his free will away from him. When I tell him. He's going to hate you. He's going to see the you I've known since we were born. I disgusted that I have to share a last name with you.

With that I storm out of the house, angry as all hell. I get into my car and drive off. Not back to my apartment, but into the woods, where no one is around. When I get far enough out I park and go a ways away from my vehicle. That's when I let out my emotions though power.

Wind howls around me and lightning flashes. The sky turns gloomy. I'm only brought out of it by a presence behind me. "Love, listen to me. You need to calm down." Klaus says. I whip around to face him, my face full of pain.

"She's taken everything from me Nik. She's going to take him away." I sob, sinking to my knees. Finally the wind and lightning let up and the sky goes back to normal. Nik rushes to my side, holding me to him.

"I've got you love. Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry." He whispers, soothing out my hair. I'm so thankful I have him. I don't know what I'd do without him. he picks me up bridal style and vamp speeds us to my car which he drives back to my apartment. 

He carries me inside and sits me on the couch, holding me while I sob. "Every time I find a bit of happiness she takes it away. I'm finally reconnecting with Jer and she compelled him to leave. He's leaving Nik." I cry. He holds me tighter. 

He doesn't say anything, just let's me cry while he holds me. I'm appreciative of this. I don't need someone to calm me down. I need someone to just be there for me. After an hour I check the time. 5. "Oh Nik, your party with the Mayor-" 

"It's alright love, you stay here tonight. You've gone through a lot today, take this time to think, to rest. Call your brother and have a movie night or something. Just, relax tonight. You've earned a bit of peace and happiness." He tells me. I nod. "Thank you." "Of course sweetheart." 

He kisses my forehead and gets up and leaves. I take his advice. I call Jeremy. "Hey, what's up?" "Uh, I've had a really bad day today, mind coming over for a movie night. You know, like we used to do. We can break out the classics. Murder by Death and Private Eyes." I say. 

"Sure! Sounds great! I'll see you there. "Great, bye." "Bye." With that I hang up, grinning. A few minutes later there is a knock on my door. When I open it I grin to see Jeremy. I usher him inside and into the living room. We take out places on the couch and put on the first movie. 

We joke around and place games while it's playing. The only time I ever had any relief was when my parents had meetings and Elena was with Matt, leaving Jer and I alone to do whatever we want. I'm most happy when I'm relaxing with my little brother because he's always been there. 

He's my rock. I know I left, but I knew I could protect myself. I'm worried that he'll get into trouble, he's never really been outside of Mystic Falls. It's a dangerous world out there, even excluding the supernatural from that mix. "Hey Jer, just make sure to call me. 

You know, when you're off doing your own thing. Ok?" I ask. He nods, grinning. "Of course. You're my sister, no matter who gave birth to you." I smile and hug him. "I love you Jer." "I love you too Bel." I sigh and pull away. He's really leaving. 

I shake my head and we go back to the movie. I have to soak in this time with him. I won't let my sadness ruin this time. 

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