Bonified Cancer!

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Here's the next chapter.......

Thank you for being patient with me.
I have two infections right now, so I'm on an antibiotic.


I had become sick with the stomach flu, me being in the bathroom where it's coming out both ends, so I had a trash can for me to puke, and had my butt on the toilet.
I think I got it when we went to Hot Topic; and I'm known for getting the flu bad due to my weak immune system.
Lucifer complained about the smell, but though he complained, he did get me things I needed when I asked for them that were in the house.
My doctor gave me an antibiotic for the flu, which I'm taking eagerly to get over this, and I'm using Pepto for the severe nausea with little to no luck.

Lucifer once again watches helplessly behind the crack of the bathroom door as I was on the toilet and puking in the bucket he cleans out for me, and me having the Hershey Squirts in the toilet.
"Angels can heal humans from sickness you know, so I could heal you."

I finish puking and say to him.
"If my fever goes to a hundred and four then I'll ask you to do that."

He looked at me like I'm a neanderthal for even saying that, with a big scowl upon his face.
"Nonsense; I'll solve the issue immediately."
He was behind the door, that was as I mentioned, open a crack, but then fully walked into the bathroom, and put his hand out in front of my head, and I watch light, blue light, envelope me, it felt warm, soothing, and I suddenly felt better, not me pissing out my ass or puking, and even the fever, and nausea was gone!
"Now clean up.
You smell."
He left the bathroom after he said that with an annoyed look upon his face, him shutting the door with a click, but though he sounded absolutely rude to me, I know it's just his way of saying he cares, and I was used to his personality by now.

I in fact cleaned up; even took a shower, groomed my teeth and tongue well, and used a water pick on my teeth too, me replacing my toothbrush, me setting my flu infected clothes in the wash, after I fully dressed.

I did open the windows of the home to air out the stinky smell of sickness and poop he complained about, and I sat next to him on the couch as he was browsing through Hulu.
"Well at least you smell perky again."
He comments to me.

Well gee thanks for saying that; and spank you too.
I thought to myself, me sassing him, me holding in the urge to tell him off.

"Thank you for healing me."
I then him as politely as I could, me still getting used to him telling me, and proving to me last week, that he was in fact Satan himself.

"Go in your room and rest.
You are tired by the rings under your eyes."
He tells me as if he's ordering me around, which was annoying, but I know he is only concerned I didn't get good sleep, since we cane home the other day when I became sick with the flu.

"I will.
I'll repay you somehow for healing me."
I stand up; and I put a hand upon his cheek, me smiling warmly and kindly at him.

He blinked rapidly in shock I was being gentle to him like this, and I pull my hand away, and say next.
"I'll go nap; but I'll need to get up later to do some novel work, or bills won't be paid here."

He merely nods.
I then turn to walk away, but I heard him stand up, and suddenly I felt his arms wrap around my body, and he pulled me into a hug from behind, my back to his chest.
I stutter out his name, me shocked he hugged me like that out of the blue.

"You were so ill I was concerned.
I am not used to the frailty of human beings, so I have been frustrated."
He says into my right ear.

"I understand; but why are you hugging me?"
I ask him.

"Because I feel like it okay!"
He says rather rudely to me.
"I do not understand why I felt like doing so either, it's puzzling to me."
He says the next part in a more gentle manner.

I blink in shock he said that, and I swallow hard, me realizing he could've fallen in love with me, and he don't know it yet.
I heard a bang noise, making me jump a little at the noise, and I heard the voice I forever dreaded, which was my Ex Neil's voice behind the front door.
"Stupid whore!
Spreading her legs to another man!"

I started trembling in utter fear, and Lucifer gave me a look he was upset I'm scared.
Lucifer lets me go, and says.
"If you wish it I can kill him?"
I turn to face him and shook my head nope.

"B....Because killing him makes me no better than him."
I tell Lucifer and he looked at me like I'm beyond stupid for even saying that.

I go to my android smart tablet, and log into it, me pulling up my Ring doorbell footage, me seeing Neil was holding a paper sack covering the obvious liquor bottle, him leaning against my car, him barely able to stand, and he had an ankle monitor on his left ankle.
He was in dirty dishevelled clothing, and barefoot, and his ashen blonde hair was looking greasy, the thirty-nine year old was looking absolutely horrible, and he took a long ass swig of the liquor bottle, then threw it at the ground, it shattering.
He shouts drunkily.

"He's a real piece of work."
Lucifer says behind me, him looking over my shoulder at the Ring doorbell footage.

"He's always had a drinking problem; but it also looks like he's doing drugs too by the looks of him."
I say to Lucifer.

"And you dated him?"
He sassed me.

"Pete; Ian's partner feels extremely bad about it, but I don't blame him, because I was too naive at the time to care."
I tell Lucifer.
"So it's my fault for not noticing the red flags."

"It is not your fault.
It is this Ex of yours who is at fault."
I look up at Lucifer behind me, and see he's staring at the screen of my android tablet.
"I will deal with him."
He started walking towards the door; and I grab his arm, and he turned to look at me.
He asked me, and he didn't look pleased I stopped him.

"Just don't kill him.
Be the better person like I want you to be."
I tell him, me practically begging him.

"No promises."
He replied to me, then I let his arm go, and watch him unlock the door, and open the door.

Yet another paper covered liquor bottle suddenly swung into view, which I had no idea where got another one, but it he did, and Lucifer caught Neil's wrist, and Neil cried out in pain, me hearing a snap, meaning Lucifer broke his wrist, him kneeling down, as Lucifer says to him.
"Do not make me kill you, you pathetic ape.
Leave now; or I will kill you."

Neil; I watch raise his head and glare up at Lucifer with much fathom.
"So you're the new guy she's fucking then?
You are older than me!
I guess she likes saggy old balls now!
She always was a whore!
Try to kill me and you'll go to prison my guy!"
Neil mocked me and Lucifer.

I watch Lucifer raise his free hand, and I watch him snap his fingers, and Neil started vomiting blood.
I gasp in shock at that.
"Feel that?
It's stage four colon cancer.
You have to the count of three to leave, or the next thing I target is your manhood, it replaced with a vagina and uterus, and you will know what it is like to be raped by other men."

Neil coughed the rest of the blood out, and looked up at Lucifer with fearful eyes.
"What the fuck are you?!"

"Who am I?
I am the devil himself, Lucifer."
I could hear the sneer upon Lucifer's lips from his voice.
I watch Neil hurriedly get up, and then stagger away.
I heard an engine roar, and then drive off, and Lucifer didn't say Three, and he shut the door, him locking it, and he turned to face me, and I sigh in relief Neil was gone, my heart pounding in anxiety from Neil being here, so I was breathing in and out deeply, and slowly, to calm down.

"T.....thank you."
I tell him, my eyes I feel started tearing up, because my vision blurred from it.

I felt his warm arms hug me to his chest, and one hand go to my short hair.
"You are fine."
Was all he said.
"I gave him the final stage of cancer, so he will not live long."

I look up at him, seeing upon his face he was proud of himself.
"I told you not to kill him."
I frown at him.

"Nature will kill him.
I only sped up the cancer cells he already had."
Lucifer frowns deeply at me.
"That's a stupid way of saying You're Welcome."
He sassed me next.

"Still it's wrong."
I tell him.

"Because you are a pacifist, so I know."
He kept hugging my trembling body that was riddled with anxiety, him rubbing my back with his other hand around my waist.

"You keep protecting me, and I don't understand why?
I mean you're the devil, and you're supposed to be evil, so why me?"
I ask him, me watching his face turn into confusion as he shrugged.

"Don't know.
Maybe because you grew on me, so who knows.
Anyways you saved me from the Winchesters twice, so I owe you.
My powers aren't fully returned, so I have to stay here.
My powers are only at fifty percent.
I have been feeling it regaining it's strength, but the only other way to return them to normal is through intimacy with a human."
I blink in shock at that when he said that.
"And I told you I will not do anything you do not want to do."
He pulls away from me, him giving me a serious look.

"Won't letting him go cause those two dudes to come back and hurt you Lucifer?"
I ask him.

Lucifer scowled, him running a hand down his face.
I was so into the moment of punishing him that I forgot about that!"

"It's fine.
I can still say that Neil was on drugs and drinking, and tell them he was tweaking bad, so I bet they will leave, especially if I grab my bat, and swing at them."
I say to him.

"They have guns sweetheart, so I doubt you can shoo them away so easily."
Lucifer sassed me, his arms thrown in the air.
"They are looking for me to kill me!"
Lucifer groaned out more as he sat upon my couch.

"I won't let them kill you.
I like you being here, so I'll try to convince them to let you live."
I tell him as I sat next to him upon the couch.

"You cannot convince them.
It is impossible to say the least."
He looked to me.
"I hate it when you cry."
He randomly said that outloud, him hating when I cry.

I then lean against his shoulder.
"Thank you for whatever you've done for me, and I appreciate it."
I look up at him and barely there smile.

He turned his head away, him clearing his throat nervously.
"'re welcome I guess."


To be continued.....

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