The Protector

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Here's the next chapter......

I hope you guys like it.

I went to bed that night after I saw Lucifer cast....a spell I think it was, him giving Neil stage four colon cancer, which shocked me, since I saw Neil vomit blood, which I had to clean up that fucking crime scene of blood with gloves, Clorox, and scrubbed it off my cemented porch, but the porch was stained red though, even if I scrubbed and scrubbed, it's stained red like a gawdamned crime scene, which irritated me, because I like my home spick and span kind of clean, and Lucifer made my porch look horrific with it stained in blood.
I did put my door mat I had just bought last week, but forgot to put it on the porch on top of the stain to cover it.
The porch mat said.
Get The Fuck Off My Porch.
And to be honest it keeps the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses away from my home, especially since I have pentagrams that are for protection hanging on my porch, and no I'm not a wiccan, I use them for protection from Neil mainly, since he's a fucking radical religious nutbar.
Because he grew up in his church; they taught him that he owns women's bodies if he is dating or married to someone, and they think marital rape don't happen or spousal rape, and that shit is illegal to do now.

It was not illegal until probably the 1990's, and I'm glad it's illegal.
Neil always took what he wanted by force, and that's why I am afraid of him.
But when Lucifer defended my honor, it made my heart quicken and get warm, as well as my stomach get butterflies.

The legit devil I think is also might be in love with me, but he's oblivious that he is, or probably in denial, but would that make me soon birth the Antichrist?
Well.....that's impossible too for me.
My Mom used to be a Catholic, until the church we used to go to, the priest molested my cousin Andrew, and the priest was protected by the church, so he served no prison time.
Cousin Andrew never got married or settled down, the shame too much for him.
He constantly is in therapy.
I feel for my cousin to be honest, feel sorry for him.
Because we were so close, and now that he was molested by the priest at the church we left.
He is a hermit and never goes out, unless he sees his therapist, and like me, he works from home.
Me thinking about my Mom and her religion; reminded me of Neil's religious fanatic family, and because of his family wanted grandkids so bad, they told him to mess with my birth control pills, including he poked holes in condoms, and I was told years ago due to PCOS I'm completely infertile, however his family didn't believe me, and neither did Neil, so Neil tried so many times to baby trap me, yet I never got pregnant, thank heavens for that.

I did wake up this morning to the sun shining from my pink and blue curtain, but as I turn on my side, Lucifer was laying next to me, his shirt off, and his elbow resting on a pillow, bent, and his hand cradled his cheek, and he was smirking mischievously, yet deviously at me.
I groan as he said.
"Boo sweetheart.
Did you dream about me?"

"No I didn't dream about you.
I dreamed about a television show."
I tell him, and I yawn, me covering my mouth, and I sit up, me rubbing the sleep sand out of my eyes.
"What time is it?"
I ask him.

"It's six in the morning.
You know watching you sleep is boring, but hilarious as well, since you fart in your sleep quite a bit."
He chuckled at me.

"Everyone farts in their sleep."
I tell him.

"Demons and angles do not sleep or fart."
He countered.

"Right; I forgot you say you're the devil, and I technically saw you do a spell to give Neil cancer."
I sass him, as I get out of bed, me wearing my light blue dress nightgown, that looks like it's from the 1980's, that I bought at Walmart to sleep in, and I was wearing only my tan panties under them.

I yawn again.
"I'm gonna go make coffee."

I watch him get out of the bed, and I screech.
"Jesus God Damn Motherfucking Christ!
Lucifer cover yourself!"
I immediately covered my eyes, because he was naked, and his Pewee Herman was in full view of my eyes, yep I'll need bleach for my eyes now.

He busts out laughing.
"It's not funny Lucifer!
I don't want to see your Pewee Herman!"
I grit out at him.
"It's way too early for this perverted shit!"

"I love teasing you though."
He feigned being hurt.

"Go put some fucking pants on before I kick your Pewee Herman!"
I shout at him.

"Alright sweetheart."
I heard ruffling of clothing, and he says next.
"I have pants on now."

I spread my fingers out from my hand's fingers being over my eyes, and yes he was wearing some black jeans I bought him.
I sigh in relief that he did as told of him.
"Thank you for covering yourself as I asked."

"That's because your yelling irritated me."
He sassed me.

"You're an ass."
I sassed him back, and walk by him, to leave my room, and I walk into the kitchen to fix my coffee pod maker, and I put a pod in after disposing the other pod, and put my coffee mug under it.
I pushed the button and the coffee spat itself into the cup.
I went to the fridge and grabbed my caramel creamer, and set it by the coffee maker, and grabbed a spoon, and four packets of Splenda.
Once my coffee pot filled my cup up; I put the caramel creamer in it, then my Splenda, which I stirred well, and blew on the coffee I made, me setting the spoon on a paper towel, and I took a sip of my coffee.

"Well thank you; that is the highest compliment I have received."
He mused out to me mockingly.

"Don't make me get the spray bottle!"
I retort back after I swallowed my drink down, and yes I sprayed him with water before when he's being perverted.

He laughed at me; that is until knocking sounded at my door, and Lucifer, who followed me into the kitchen looked to the door.
I swallow my second sip of coffee down as the knocking continued.
I look to Lucifer.
I tell him, and he nods, and he walked into my work room, and shut the door behind him, and locked it behind him.

More knocking but louder this time occured at the door and I shout.
"Give me a minute or do you want me to flash you!"

I walk over to the door, and unlocked it, which I pull it open, seeing those two dudes again that were fake law enforcement.
I was glad I grabbed my metal red bat as I walked up to the door, because I had a feeling they'd be back after what Lucifer did to Neil.
"Where is Lucifer?"
The spikey haired dude seethed out.

"I am the only one who lives here, and the only Lucifer here is my bat I did call Lucifer years ago."
I show him my bat, but he pulled out a silver pistol, that had a white area on it's handle, and he cocked it, him pointing it at my forehead.

Don't blow her brains out!"
The dude with the long hair shoved the spikey haired guy's hand downward by force.

"Sam she's lying to us!"
Dean shouts at the long haired dude he called Sam.

"And I told you; that nobody but my bat here has that name!"
I retort back.

"Well a guy named Neil says otherwise bitch!"
Dean snarled out.

"Neil is a drug addict and an inbred fucking drunkard, so he tweaks all the time!
How I know he does; is because I used to date him, and he tried to baby trap me, because his parents were desperate for grandbabies!
How he did so was poke holes in condoms and fuck up my birth control!"
I shout at Dean.
"I was only a broodmare to his family!
Now get the fuck off my property before I call the real cops!"

Dean glared at me.
"This isn't over!"
Dean growled out.

"And if you sit and stalk me in your car; then I will call the real authorities as well.
Now go!"
I swung my bat at them both, making them both duck, and then I swung it upward, clocking Sam in the balls, making him fall over, and groan in pain.

You son of a bitch!"
Dean aimed his gun at me, him picking Sam up under Sam's arm, so Sam was on his boots.

"I already have the police on the phone behind me."
I tell him, me pulling my phone I hid behind my back, the call showing 911 was on the line, and the seconds including minutes going by.
"Bring the police operator!
Criminals have a gun to my head!"
I had the phone on speaker; and the two hurriedly left my porch, and got in their Impala, then they drive away in their Impala.

I then heard the operator say.
"The police are heading your way."

"Thank you ma'am."
I tell the operator because she was female.


To be continued......

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