Bonus Chapter 3 - Gretarioth & Miorith

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Miorith was looking at the mirror as she applied her skin care routine before going to bed.

The humans had certainly invented some good things! They made her skin soft and glowing. Not to mention, the make-up she had learnt over the years was really praise worthy. It gave her confidence a little boost.

The expensive products were placed on her beautiful dressing table as a satisfied smile danced on her face.

"Ah! I can't believe my skin is so damn good." She praised herself as she looked at the mirror. "Who wants anyone when I love myself!"

She looked at her phone and saw her paycheck hit her account. Another smile appeared as the list of things she was going to buy next lingered in her mind.

She just loved her life and more than that she loved herself. A good paying job under the ruler of Hell, a contract that was going to be finished soon after the actor got some hit movies. And her beautiful house and her expensive car. She just loved them.

After years of hard work under a stingy devil, she finally managed to buy this house and a limited model car. This house had all she wanted in the human world: Two large bedrooms with Italian marble, one large bathroom with no-touch features and an expensive modular kitchen. With a pool outside and a beautiful balcony and a small garden behind the house, it was just like a dream come true.

She hummed a song to herself as her phone got a message.

She opened it and it was from her boss, Devionth. It read: Invite Carson tomorrow to spend time.

Huh? Why? Why would she spend time with his contracted human?

Another message came : If you refuse, I will cut 40% of your salary. See it as your job and you don't have to come to Hell for attendance.

Miorith's teeth clenched. That stingy devil! Always finding excuses to cut her payment!

On the other hand, it wasn't a bad idea since all she had to do was just spend a day with Carson. And it still would count as her working day.

The smile re-appeared as she hummed and thought of visiting Carson to let her know that tomorrow they would go shopping and maybe a movie?

Good idea!

Then a sound echoed as the italian marble shook beneath her feet. What the hell?! She sensed a warm wind passing by her.

She was about to open her bedroom's door when a large palm caught her wrist and yanked her behind. It was so fast that her mind couldn't follow and the next thing she felt she collided against hard muscles.

She opened her eyes in anger as whoever dared to do such a prank with her, she would make him taste Hell and found herself on top of Gretarioth. He was in his devil form, long and curvy pair of horns on his head, pointed nose and a chiseled jawline worth dying for. His hollowed eyes bore a grim expression and the furrowed brows said he was very displeased.

"How long are you going to stay on top of me?" He said with a cold voice which irked her.

She sat up as her hands fell on those hard muscles of his chest which felt...delicious. She immediately removed her hands as if they burnt her and scolded herself in her mind.

"You are the one who yanked me!" She said, somehow managed to sit but then found herself sitting on his bottom part. Her face burnt.

She was about to stand when a blast echoed behind her and the wind rushed through them with such intensity that it made her fall on him again.

However, he wrapped his hands around her and shielded her from the burn as the hot flames came slapping them.

"Wh-what is going on?!" She asked as she tried to see and what she saw made her blood freeze.

Her house just blasted in pieces before her and now it turned into a ruin as large to small, different sizes concrete and italian marbles fell on the ground.

"M-m... My house!!!" She stood up and was about to run to her car but Gretarioth caught her by her waist.

"What are you, an idiot?" He hissed but her heart clenched as her lovely house and car just went poof.

"But I just bought that car two weeks ago!" She shouted.

"And that car is as good as small pieces."

Miorith's palms fisted as anger took birth in her belly, "Who the fuck did this?!"

"Let's see... We have to check."

Then Devionth appeared as he looked at the house still burning here and there. His worried gaze found Miorith then he released a sigh.

"My house!" Miorith sniffed. She was in love with that house and now it was gone.

"Don't worry, you'll get another." Devionth said as he asked Gretarioth, "Who did this?"

Gretarioth shrugged. "Whoever did this was smart enough to remove their scent."

Devionth nodded. "I am going to check it one more time. You go find her a house for the time being. I'm afraid she is not safe here."

Gretarioth nodded, "Yeah. Maybe it is one of her enemies?"

Devionth shrugged as he vanished.

Gretarioth looked at Miorith and said, "It was just a house."

"Yeah. But it was my house!" She shouted which made Gretarioth a bit irked.

"Will you stop crying? You can get as many houses as you want!" He hissed.

"But I had spent everything on them already."

And a gap formed on Gretarioth's mouth and Miorith could see what he was thinking. He must be thinking 'Is she serious!'

Well, she wanted to make that house so she did it. What was the problem with that?

"Anyways, go find a house and stay for the night. I will find you another house for the time being."

She nodded and then she recalled she needed to go tell Carson. She decided she would just stay the night at her contracted human's mansion. David's house.

As she came back after inviting Carson, she went to the actor's house and saw he was having a really good--personal moment with one of his co-actresses in his bedroom. As the contract said that she wouldn't appear if he was having anyone in his house, she left his mansion immediately.

Now she had nowhere to go...

She stood on a higher floor of a building and decided to stay the night in a hotel but then she recalled, she had lost all her personal belongings including, ID card, Credit cards, Debit cards and everything she had. And what was worse was that she hadn't linked them to her phone yet.

She face palmed as she had forgotten to do the important things. Why didn't she do it!

Now she had nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just her phone and the night dress she was wearing. She didn't even have her home sleepers. Great!


She wasn't really good friends with Carson so she felt a little hesitant to ask her and other than that she had no one to ask for help.

Should she ask Devionth?



Yes, she can stay at Droyth's place.

As she was about to go, she saw Gretarioth behind her and she got startled.

"Wha-why are you standing behind me like that?!" She shouted.

"Was checking on you if you had found any house."

"I-I will find it." She nodded.

Gretarioth looked at her for a moment, then asked, "Are you sure?"

She nodded and said, "I will just go to Dtoyth's house."

Gretarioth shrugged. "Yeah if you can stay there with his sexual addicted minions."

Miorith's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "Who knows. Anyways, good luck with finding that. I am going back as I am very sleepy."

He was about to go when Miorith said, "Wait!"

He turned back, raising a brow at her.

"Can-can I stay the night in your place?"

"Sure if you can manage." He said but Miorith couldn't understand what he meant.

When she finally reached his house, she understood. It was a really small house with only the needed things.

One medium sized room, one kitchen, one bathroom and the dining was attached to the kitchen. There was absolutely no place for another one.

He didn't even have a couch!

And there was no place to sleep on the floor because it was just so small.

"Err... Where will I sleep?" She asked.

"On my bed."

She looked at him with two large eyes as if he had grown a head on his shoulders.


"Well, you can find another house if you want to. But if you need to sleep here, you have to share the bed with me." Gretarioth said as he flopped on the bed, taking almost every corner.

Okay! It was alright. She will find another house tomorrow. All she had to do was bear with him tonight. Just for tonight...

She hopped on the bed and managed to adjust herself in that small bed and she missed her king sized bed.

Her bed was so soft and this! It felt like she was sleeping on the concrete!

Alright. Just bear today!

Sleep wasn't coming as her mind kept repeating the images of her beautiful house and she felt sad. She sniffed.

She had made that house how she wanted yet now she had nothing.

"Will you stop sniffing already? It was just a house!" Gretarioth groaned from beside her as it made furious.

Here she was sad and he was being a jerk to her!

"Yeah, but it was what I built by my hard work!" She sat as she told him.

"You are a devil! You can just build another one. Besides, you got a good payment. It won't take time! So, stop crying already!" He sat up as well.

It hurt her. Gretarioth was always like that since she had known him and he had always pushed her buttons.

"What will you understand when you have such a small house!" She growled.

"Get out!" He angrily said. His voice held a dangerous anger that made Miorith a bit scared of him but she was angry too so she stood up and vanished from there.

She sat on a long tower as wind rushed through her long black velvety hair. She was just sad he didn't have to be so rude to her. She wrapped her hands around her knees as tears fell from the corner of her eyes.

She realized she should not tell him that either. Small or large, a house is where they felt at ease.

Now she felt guilty for saying such words to him. She buried her face on her knees as she heard footsteps.

"Tell me, you didn't link your phone with your bank accounts, did you?" Gretarioth asked as he growled behind her and she felt heat rushing to her face in embarrassment.

"I forgot." She mumbled.

"So, that means you have no money and nothing to rent even a small house-Oh! I forgot, large house..." He mocked and it made the guilt wrap around her more.

"I am sorry." She said but then it hit her, how did he know that?!

She looked at him from above her shoulder and asked, "How did you know that?"

He brought out her phone and hung it in the air as a gap parted her lips. Her cheeks get flushed and she stood up immediately. She went near him to snatch the phone while growling, "Don't you know that you should not check other's phones?!"

She was about to snatch it when Gretarioth held the phone higher in the air and she was a foot shorter than him so her hands couldn't reach it. "Thank me that I came back to get you because you have absolutely nothing to even rent or have food."

Miorith's ears burnt as she looked away. "I won't go..." She grumbled.

Gretarioth smirked. "Alright." He shoved the phone in her hands and turned around while saying, "Good luck on staying on the streets with no food, no money, no clothes and no shelter."

As much as it hurt, she realized he was right. She exclaimed, "Wait!"

Gretarioth turned back as mischief danced in his eyes because he knew what she was going to say.

"Can I come back?" She asked.

"Where is 'please'?" He raised a brow as he demanded.

Miorith clenched her teeth. "Can I come back, please?"

"Alright. But..." Gretarioth smirked and Miorith almost gulped as she could see his devilish mind forming something sinister.

"B-but what?" She asked as Gretarioth reached her with two long strides and leaned. His face was dangerously close and it made her feel weak as she stepped back.

His hollowed eyes danced with mischief and he said, "While you stay with me, you must follow my rules."

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