Bonus Chapter 2 - Lucifer likes Tom & Jerry

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[These are the scenes I had deleted from the actual story line because I didn't know where to put them. Hope you enjoy them. They are all in third person POV]

Lucifer, in disguise of Allen, was sitting on the high chair that Hiriotus and Lily had bought for him three years ago. His small legs dangled in the air as he swayed it and occasionally kicked the table's feet.

Currently his father, Hiriotus was feeding him cereals and some veggies. Although he was never really a picky person in his food, he had to admit, he didn't like broccoli.

And while he was happily eating the cereals, whenever Hiriotus was trying to feed him a broccoli, he would start screaming or, sometimes crying and most of the time throwing them out of the windows. Well, being a kid had its own perks. Even if he screamed or made faces, no one would complain or look at him with a look of 'are-you-serious-that-you-are-a-more-than-a-thousand-years-old-devil?' because he was just a kid now and kids don't eat broccoli.

Tom & Jerry played on the tv before him as his eyes were glued to it.

The cat was trying to chase the mouse and even when he was being smashed by an iron, he was running behind Jerry with a flat shape.

He laughed.

There was a thing about this cartoon he liked so much. It never lets you feel bored even if you watch them again and again-he had been watching it for three years and no matter what, the characters won't die.

His father cooed, "Allen, say 'ah'.

Hiriotus kept the spoon in the air and his eyes were sparkling as today, he had finally made Allen eat his full mill.

Alright. He didn't need to say 'ah' after every spoon. He knew that much and besides, he was hungry.

For three years, Lucifer stayed with them as their younger child, Allan Denver. And for three years, he was the same age of 5. He had to mess with their memories but one person he couldn't mess with was the older boy. Robert.

It wasn't like Robert had any exceptional powers, it was just, his brain was sharp. Even if he brainwashed him, Robert would remember everything the next day.

As Hiriotus hung the broccoli in the air in front of his face, Lucifer scrunched his nose. "I don't eat broccoli," he said in a childish voice.

"If you eat the broccoli, you can grow up quickly." Hiriotus said and Lucifer struggled to give him a look and wanted to tell Hiriotus that he could become an adult anytime he wanted to.

But... Oh well! He couldn't otherwise he would have to move now again and search for another family. But he was just too lazy to do so besides, he liked the treatment Hiriotus and Lily was giving him.

They would treat him often, let him do whatever he wanted and even if he broke something, they would still shower him with love. He just liked being spoiled.

And besides, there was another reason he had come to this specific house.

He looked at Robert who was eating his veggies with a lot of dislike in it. He didn't like any vegetables. But for the sake of growing up quickly, he would swallow them even if he didn't like them.

Lucifer smiled at the kid. Robert looked at him when he felt Lucifer's gaze on him.

His cast Lucifer a questioning gaze.

Robert knew that Lucifer was still the same age for the past three years and he knew that Lucifer came suddenly and started to live with them. Because he was the one who summoned him.

He was a kid yet he knew how to summon Lucifer. Lucifer was a bit amused.

Robert was only five at the time and found a book where the ritual was. He drew it with chalk and chanted the spells. He had recently learnt a few words of the demon world from his father but it was enough to read the spells perfectly. He was a smart kid.

His simple wish was to have a little brother.

His innocence allured Lucifer and he granted the wish.

Lucifer looked at the broccoli and then looked at Robert. Robert's eyes fell on the vegetable and his face twisted. He knew Lucifer was telling him to take the broccoli.

As a big brother, it was his duty to protect Allan--or, Lucifer--from the terror of the Broccoli so, when their father wasn't looking at them, Robert took it and poured in his mouth, making a face.

Lucifer grinned and displayed that he was happy.

Even though Robert knew that Lucifer just stumbled here, he didn't know who he was or why he wasn't growing up. He was still innocent and he still thought that little brothers come straight from Hells and not by doing some adultery stuff behind closed doors. So, he always acted like an older brother to Lucifer.

Hiriotus was finally done with feeding the children and now his next task was feeding their mother.

Lucifer hopped down from the chair and went to his mother, Lily Denver. As her eyes fell on him, she smiled although she couldn't sit anymore without their father's help. Her bones were all weakened and slowly her organs were failing. She looked very weak and pale.

The woman was very beautiful. Lucifer liked her smile. Because he knew no matter how much she felt pain, she would smile at her children. She just loved them so much. Her heart yearned for the two kids.

"Allan..." She called him with a very weak voice, "come to mama."

He went to her with his small steps and with struggle, he got up on the bed.

Lily's hand slowly reached Allan and she gently patted his hair. She would always do this and Lucifer would always succumb to her motherly love.

Lucifer didn't quite remember when was the last time anyone showed him true and selfless love. Lily would always prioritize the children over her health and her wishes. She would sacrifice everything for them.

Hiriotus came with a small bowl with a liquid diet as Lily couldn't take solid diets anymore. Lucifer looked at the demon and he would get amused each time he saw Hiriotus. He was a demon yet he just loved Lily so much that he was ready to sacrifice his demon form. He wanted to become a human but it wasn't easy. He also wanted Lily to become a demon but he had no power since he hadn't cultivated enough powers also he was a low class demon.

"Ah! Allen, Robert! You both were here..." Hiriotus said as if he was afraid they would run away. He would panic when he couldn't find the children. "Alright. Let's feed your mother."

He sat on the other side of the bed as he started to feed Lily. Lily coughed and Hiriotus's eyes clouded with panic and worry.

Both Robert and he knew that Lily wouldn't live long. Robert even talked about it with him. He cried but he refused to cry in front of his mother and father. Lucifer always found him amusing. He was just a kid but he was smart and considerate.

As Lily was feeling intense pain and her face twisted with it, Hiriotus hurried up and rubbed her chest.

Lucifer sighed. It had been too long he kept seeing the struggle and the sadness in this family.

They had suffered enough and Lucifer thought, maybe it was time to go search for another family.

"Do you want to become a demon?" Lucifer asked Lily in a child voice.

Both Lily and Hiriotus looked at him with quizzical eyes because they knew Allan didn't know of this yet.

Robert behind him seemed frozen as well.

"What are you talking about, Allan?" Lily smiled.

"If you become a demon, you don't have to worry about the disease anymore."

Hiriotus smiled and nodded, "That is true but we need some one who would do that. But right now, we don't have anyone."

"Do you mind if I perform it myself, Hiriotus?" Lucifer's voice changed to an adult man as they looked at him with wide eyes.

"Err...Allen?" Lily asked. Seemed like she was about to panic.

Lucifer smiled and turned to his actual form as all of them were stunned.

"Wh-who are you?" Lily asked, "Wh-where is Allan?"

"Pardon me for that Lily and Hiriotus," he looked at both of them, "You never had a second child."

They looked at him with disbelief and tried to remember. Lily was about to retort when she recalled they had plans to get another child but that time, they found out about her disease. So, they didn't take it because that would make it life threatening for her.

Both Hiriotus and Lily recalled suddenly that they never had another child and Robert wanted a brother. He was very stubborn even though Hiriotus said him that her mom's life would be in danger.

Hiriotus's eyes bulged out from their sockets and asked, "Then who are you? And why are you living with us as Allan?"

Lucifer smiled and looked behind him at Robert who looked like he was caught stealing a cookie.

Both the mother and the father were stunned when Lucifer said, "Your child, Robert, summoned me to give him a little brother."

"He-he summoned you? How could that be possible? He is so little..."

Lucifer chuckled, "Don't underestimate him, Hiriotus. He is a smart child and I have given him a small power of me. You both have raised him well."

Lily's eyes brimmed with tears as she felt broken to learn the truth that Allan never existed and Lucifer again apologized.

"I know it must have hurt you but the motherly love you showed me, I was moved." He said.

Lily said, "It is okay." And gave a gentle smile to Lucifer, the same one she would give to Allan, "You made me Allan's mother. Although he never existed, you made me feel the joy of having my whole family. How could I get angry with you?"

Lucifer nodded and said, "I don't want you to go away. I want you to stay and watch over Robert. He is still a child and needs his mother so..."

"Do you want to become a demon, Lily?" Lucifer offered again.

Lily looked at him then to Hiriotus whose eyes filled with hope once again.

Lily asked, "Can I place a condition?"

Lucifer nodded, "Any."

She smiled and asked, "Will you come to us often then?"

Lucifer smiled. He knew Lily was a kind soul. Lucifer could grant her anything yet she asked that. He knew Lily was still thinking of him as her child and still longed to see him. Because Lucifer was Lily's Allen.

"Alright. I will." Lucifer said and went near Lily as he took her hands in him.

He made her demon as slowly his powers engulfed her soul. Her body fell on the bed as Hiriotus asked, "What happened?"

"It is fine. Her body needs time. Let her rest."

Hiriotus nodded and then when Lucifer was about to go, he asked, "Who are you?"

Lucifer smiled and before vanishing said, "I am Lucifer."

Hiriotus's eyes went round but he could not even thank him. He couldn't believe that the King of Hell was living with them for three years.

He gave him everything by giving Lily back to him. He couldn't contain his happiness as tears streamed down from his eyes.

He thought that he was about to lose his wife but Lily had become a demon. Now they could live happily forever.

Hiriotus looked up, as happy tears ran down his cheeks and he hoped that Lucifer would listen to what he wanted to say.

He said to Lucifer, "Thank you, My King."

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