Chapter 53 - The human is The Devil's Possession

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I blinked.

Suddenly I felt a weight on my chest and the ground beneath me perished. The surroundings became blurry as my knees felt weak to hold me.

So Almorach killed me...

A gasp left from my mouth as I placed my hands on my mouth. My lips quivered.

"So... Is it hell?" I asked because Callahan was with me and since he was a ruler of Hell that meant I was in Hell. And all that happened downstairs were all illusions.

He chuckled. "No, it's not."

"So... Heaven?!" I furrowed my brows.

He laughed. "You know, you are cute." And he pecked on my nose.

"Then what did you mean by I just died?" I asked with a questioning glare.

"Ah! Well..." Callahan said as he led me to the bed and pushed me to sit. I sat while he stood there and looked at me for a while as if reading my face then said, "You kinda died yesterday..."

I nodded with confusion as he placed his hands on my shoulders. He felt like he was a bit hesitant to say it and he was finding it difficult to arrange his words. He pursed his lips. "And I had to make you a demon."

I nodded and stiffened. Wait! What?!

"I-I am a demon now?" My brows were knitted on my forehead. I looked everywhere and it did seem like my senses were enhanced as I had been feeling everything a bit different since I woke up and not to mention my image in the mirror.

I looked at my hands and they turned back to normal. They had claws and my eyes were hollow exactly like Callahan. "So, I can transform now?"

He nodded.

"And I can go anywhere like you guys?"

"No. You can't."

I raised my brow. But that seemed like a cool feature in devils not to mention, I could save money.

He must have read my motive as he chuckled again. "You can't do that. Not yet, at least. You need to train as your body is not accustomed to these new things and besides, you are unstable."

I nodded. "But I can have that teleportation feature, right?"


I looked back at Callahan and saw he was still watching me. His shoulders were a bit tense and although he displayed a carefree attitude, I could still see through his hard outerior.

"What?" I asked a bit flustered as he was observing me. Was I looking weird?

"How are you feeling?" He asked with a concerned face.

I shrugged. "Good...I guess?"

He nodded as he sat beside me and said after taking a deep breath, "When Almorach killed you, I felt my world was gone." His eyes portrayed a gloomy expression as he held my hands and stroked on them and my stomach fluttered.

"I lost my sanity and I didn't know how to get you back. Making you a demon was the only option left." He looked at me with guilty filled eyes, "I am sorry if you didn't want that."

So this is why he was feeling a bit rigid? It made my heart filled with warmth. He was worried. He was worried about how I would feel about this.

I smiled and shook my head. "I am not offended, Callahan. I knew I had always belonged to you and I felt it somewhere but couldn't tell you."

I was happy that he was still thinking about my ethics and respected it but devil, souls or angel, or a bug whichever I would have become, I would still follow him. My mind and heart, all of me belonged to him and I chose that myself. He didn't have to feel guilty about it.

His body relaxed after hearing me as he gave a small smile.

"So, Almorach died?" I asked.

"No." He said as a wicked grin played on his lips, "I sent him to burn in hell fire."

"Won't that kill him?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I used the orb's power to keep him alive. So he will burn but won't die."

I gasped. That was cruel!

Well, I took a note not to anger a devil such as Callahan.

"He should have thought about it before killing my possession." He shrugged.

I gave him a look which made his grin broadened. "Anyways, Carson!" He gave me a glare, "You literally died twice!"

"Err..." Now that I think about it, I did die twice. "Yeah... You knew I died before?" I asked in disbelief because I still hadn't told him about what my mom and dad told me. I wanted to tell him yesterday but it seemed he knew already.

Of course, he would know. He was a devil! I scolded myself.

"Yes, Lucifer told us yesterday." He answered.

"Oh." Then it clicked, Lucifer meant the king of hell. "He came?"

He nodded and told me everything that happened after Lucifer came and what happened after I died. He finished telling me, "Basically your mom and dad got you after chanting a dessert summoning spell."

I gave him a look as he laughed. Then I joined him as well. It was really funny how you could get a baby with a dessert summoning spell. But I was glad that Lucifer gave me back to my mom and dad.

"So, I am like what? a part of Lucifer?" I asked. It felt unbelievable.

"Yeah, but more like his daughter." Callahan added.

Wow! I feel weird. Life really turned unexpected after Callahan appeared. Before it was a boring and dull one. I had to agree, Callahan had fulfilled my wishes to become a great boyfriend and given my life a little bit of spice. Well, it was too spicy but I loved it.

I had no regrets and I had Callahan. I looked at him and then I recalled that I still haven't confessed to him my feelings. What I truly wanted to tell.

"Callahan... Thank you for coming into my life and making it so amazing." I said and tightened my hold around his large palms. I looked into his eyes and with a smile, I confessed, "I love you. And I wanted to say that for a while but didn't have courage to do that. Last night when I was about to die, I felt I should have said that to you before."

Callahan leaned toward me as his lip gently kissed on my forehead. "I am sorry for avoiding you. I was just so attracted to you that I couldn't control myself." He said as his eyes looked down on our intertwined palms, "At first, I didn't know why I felt that way but I know now."

His eyes looked into mine as their beautiful depth made me lost into them. He said with a smile while his eyes turned gentle, "I have fallen for you too, Carson and instead of avoiding you, I should have told you."

My heart skipped a beat as butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Tears rumbled in my eyes as Callahan closed the distance between us and our lips collided as we leaned against each other, desperate for each other's touch.

We both were in denial and we both didn't know what to do with our feelings. I guess I could forgive him because he was confused and didn't know how to handle them and I couldn't complain because I was the same.

His each touch gave me spark as heat rushed through my cells and I closed my eyes.

His hands came up to my neck as we indulged into a battle of tongue. I breathed heavily as my fingers went to his head brushing his soft long hair. I love his hair.

My hands went down and started to pull his t-shirt as he pulled away and I missed his lips. I whimpered as a mischievous smile appeared on his lips. He took off his shirt immediately and leaned forward as my back hit the soft mattress of the bed.

I wrapped my hands around his neck as I dragged him down to me and now he was on top of me, his eyes glinted and it made my knees squish tightly.

He smashed his lips on mine desperately as I opened my mouth giving him access to torment me more. A moan escaped from my mouth as my hands wandered his skin and loved the touch of it.

Soon one by one our clothes hit the floor as he grazed his tongue on my bare body. My back curled as his hands wandered my sweet spot. I moaned as he chuckled. "Damn! Carson. You are making me wild."

I opened my eyes and saw his body had transformed already and he looked so handsome. My hands went up to his horns as I touched them. An insane amount of power touched me. I could feel it in my bones.

He smiled at me and asked, "Do you want to transform?" Excitement danced in his eyes.

I nodded, smiling. I wanted to see myself as well. He tapped a finger on my forehead and my whole body transformed immediately. I looked at my hands and the skin on me was Darkish red with a purple hue.

"Wow." I said as he smiled. His canines peeked and I felt I had two small canines as well.

"Do I have horns too?" I asked as my hands reached my head and found out two small horns poking out of my skull.

"You do and they are cute." He said as I blushed.

I always had a low confidence especially while telling my true feelings to someone else. I knew it would hurt me if I always stopped my wishes but I had no courage.

But the moment he entered my life, he taught me not to go against my wishes and do it forcibly. And he taught me to fight for myself. Let people know that I had my own rights over me.

If he hadn't bossed around me I'd never know how to be myself. I was angry that time but now that I think about it, I was glad he did that.

He was a ruler of hell and even though he was doing his work, he never left my side. I could never ask for a better boyfriend and a great person than him.

As we were kissing a certain question hit me. He was a ruler of Hell. He had been living for centuries and he might have wives...!

I pulled away immediately and asked, "You don't have wives, right?"

"I do have three wives." He said with a straight face and my heart stopped.

Then his lips twitched at my expression as he laughed hysterically and I slapped his shoulder. "Don't joke about these things!"

"Alright. Alright." He wiped his tears away and grabbed me by my waist as his face neared. "I am so possessive about you that I never planned to look out for others except you, Carson."

My face heated with the nearness as I closed my eyes, shying away from those dark eyes that were watching me intensely.

His warm breath fanned on my face. Slowly his lips came crashing on mine as we shared a deepest yet passionate kiss. He kissed me so tenderly that I felt myself losing in it.

His hands went down as he gave me the world's best pleasure and I couldn't take it anymore as I pleaded, "Callahan! Please..."

"What did I say to call me?" His voice was so authoritative which made me submit in it.


"That's my girl." He whispered in my ear and added, "From now on, you are not allowed to call me anything other than Devionth."

I nodded as my heart thumped seeing his deep darkened eyes which had the power to pin me with them. They burnt with lust and love which told me what was about to come and I whimpered at the thought as excitement rushed in me.

And once again, our lips met as we found ourselves losing in each other's arms.


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