Chapter 11 - The Devil was Right

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The moment Callahan Diavolus entered my life, my life had turned to a different direction. Everyone around me had become toxic and I started to feel like every other thing was happening just to make it worse than it already was.

We stayed in the bathroom like that for a couple of seconds as I said, "I choose...neither."

He laughed as he let go of my chin and stepped back and challenged mischief dancing on his face, "Amusing. But how are you going to fetch your laptop, honey?"

He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms above his chest as he asked, "Are you certain, you can go and get your laptop when the meeting will be starting in just half an hour later?"

He looked in one direction and said with a smile, "The investors are on their way and they will be arriving here soon."

"I will go and get it myself." I said stubbornly as I went for the door. I would use every possible choice I had until I had nothing left.

He laughed. "Sure. It will get you over forty minutes to go and take it with you."

I hated how true his words were. It certainly would take twenty minutes to reach my apartment and another twenty minutes to come back. And if I got a traffic signal in between them, it would take an hour. There was a risk but I needed to do everything till the end. If I was going to lose my job then let it be but I would give my best.

I didn't say anything as I unlocked the bathroom and went out. I needed to do something to hold the meeting or at least hold the investors for a while. My mind was trying to find all sorts of things as my eyes fell on Mr Denver.

He was glued to his computer as I reached him, an idea popping in my head. I hoped he wasn't like others who hated me.

"Umm... Mr Denver?" I called as the man tilted his head.

He asked, "Yes, Carson?"

I pursed my lips as my hands got cold sweats. What would he think if I told him that I forgot the presentation at home? Would he believe that Emily destroyed it?

I was battling against myself if I should tell him. He would definitely be offended.

He must have sensed something was off as he looked around and stood up and said, "Let's go to that corner."

He led me toward a side where no one can pry into our conversation and asked again, "Does something matter, Carson?"

I bit my lower lip as I said in a low, defeated voice, "I... I am so sorry. I forgot to bring the pen drive with me."

For a moment he didn't say anything and I was prepared if I got scolded or he would lash out on me for being so careless. But he didn't do anything just asked, "Can you get it before the meeting starts?"

I looked up and nodded although I didn't know if I could.

He pursed his lips in a thin line as he thought for a moment and took a glance at his watch. "Go, get it. The investors haven't arrived yet."

"But it might take forty minutes." I said, worry laced my voice and my voice trembled. I was sure I was going to cry but Mr Denver was very calm and was thinking. I wondered how he managed to stay calm when it was a big turn off for our company and if I failed in it, both of us could get fired.

I had heard he had a nine years old son and another son aged five and he was the only earning member of the house. If the job was gone, his family would meet doom. I felt horrible at myself for putting him into this.

"Alright!" He said as he placed his hands on my shoulders and said, "Go get it in forty minutes while I hold the investors and boss."

"How are you gonna do it?" I asked.

"Well, I have the first part of the presentation in my pen drive and I am sure it will be enough to get you some time..." He said and looked at me, "Unless you have changed anything."

I shook my head, "No. It was just perfect and to the point. I didn't change anything."

He nodded and said, "Great. Now go. I will come up with an excuse for your short absence."

I nodded and left immediately as adrenaline rushed through my body. I needed to succeed no matter what otherwise I would be threatening Mr Denver's job as well.

I stopped a cab and said to the driver, "Hurry toward Galloward street. The faster you can reach there, the better."

He nodded and started the engine as he took a different direction. "Woah, woah. Where are you going?"

"To the galloward street, ma'am." He said and drove the car as if he was playing NFS.

"But that isn't the route."

"No. It is a shortcut." The driver said as he accelerated the speed and my heart thumped what if police chased us.

"Don't worry, ma'am. I know every route in this city and will get you there in fifteen minutes." He assured, his voice oozing with confidence. I didn't know if I should trust him but I did as I had no choice.

A few moments later, we reached the entrance of my building. He was right. He did take me here in just fifteen minutes.

I hurried toward the lift but the last person got into it, he didn't even bother to see if I was calling him out to hold the door for me. He had headphones. Damn it!

I went for the stairs and speeded my legs. My apartment was on the second floor and I hurried as I huffed heavily. I unlocked it and entered as I looked around my room. The laptop was charging and as soon as I took it, I left my apartment, locking after me.

I hurried down the stairs as I had no time to waste for the lift to come. As I reached outside I saw the cab was waiting for me. I got inside and said between my breaths, "Hurry...up..."

He took the cue and nodded as the car came to life. With a thundering speed we were reaching and I was well aware that I was breaking all the road rules.

In normal circumstances, I would be the one to stop people from breaking the rules but now, I had no time as it was already 10:49 a.m. and I had barely eleven minutes to reach which was impossible.

I let the driver handle the car while I brought out my pen drive and started my laptop. I needed to copy it.

The copy was in process and it didn't take much time, just a few minutes. I huffed as I had completed one of the tasks but then the car halted. I looked up startling at the driver.

"What happened?" I asked, my heart thumping in my ears. "Erm... Ma'am, the traffic signal."

I looked outside and saw the traffic lights had become red and I cursed. Now it would take at least twenty minutes more.

It has always happened to me. Whenever I had some important task, I would always find the world would place high walls before me. I tapped my head as I recalled the calm expression of Mr Denver.

It was a serious situation but he still maintained his cool and rather than panicking, he chose to think of ways to get out of it. I took deep breaths and let my mind think calmly.

"How much time would it take to reach back at the office?" I asked the driver.

"Just 5 minutes more if the traffic was clear." He answered.

I nodded, "And with legs?"

The driver tilted his head over his shoulder and gave me a look. "If you are running, then it might take ten minutes."

I nodded and opened my purse. I gave him two bills and put both the laptop and the pen drive in my bag, making sure I didn't leave a space for it to come out even if I was running.

I got out of the car and took off my heels. There were cars around me, waiting for the signal to turn green and after the signal it was a large four way road.

I took a long breath and speeded toward my destination. I would reach there no matter what!

My feet padded against the harsh surface of the pitched road. Even if it was hot and it felt like my legs were about to give up, I ran.

I huffed and my lungs ran out of oxygen but I didn't stop. I needed to succeed in this. I would not go to my hometown defeated and dejected. I would make my parents stunned when I go next. Because, the next time I would be going with my head held high and bragging to them that I needed no men or anyone's protection to live in a city.

The next, I would leave my hometown just for myself, not for someone else.

But not everything goes as planned. I had crossed all the blocks and after crossing another four lane, I would reach our office street. It was the largest road of the city and cars, trucks would always crowd it no matter what time it was. It connected the routes of the other cities and highway.

However, when I was in the middle of crossing the large street, a truck was coming from the big lane that's right side of me. It was just a few meters away and I knew it was impossible to evade it.

So, that was it. That was the end of my life without getting to know the full taste of it. I scoffed internally as I was impressed at myself for thinking all these when death was just a few inches away.

I wanted to live my life. I wanted to do all sorts of things that I had never done. I recalled Callahan's words and regretted how true he spoke despite being a devil. Human life is very short and you should live it while you can. I wished I could live it. And then everything was blank.

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