Chapter 10 - The Devil gives a choice

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I searched around the table desperately, my mind becoming numb and it was becoming hard to breathe.

I was sure I put it inside of my bag but why couldn't I find it? It was a crucial presentation that can only be presented by a screen and if I couldn't find it...

That meant, the deal would be off and we were doomed, especially me. I looked around and saw Mr Denver who was discussing with another colleague a couple of tables away from me. Should I ask him if he had copied it by chance?

Then I recalled, he did the first half of the presentation while I did the last half which meant he had only half of the project, describing it on his computer. I didn't take my laptop today because I had copied it in the pen drive and there was no need for it.

I face palmed as tears rumbled at the corners of my eyes. How could I be so overconfident! I should have copied it to another folder in the office desktop with a strong password or I could have brought my laptop, just in case.

I should have thought of the bad side of everything. I always think of both sides, yet being good at my work made me greedy. I forgot that if everything went the wrong way, what could I do?

A sniff escaped but I didn't want anyone to see me pathetic so I got up while my head hung lower and I went toward the washroom.

But before I could reach, I collided with Emily. "Watch your steps, you damn, bitch."

I wanted to avoid her and wanted to go straight toward the bathroom. However, she might have felt something was off with me as she said, "Walking while your head is low... I wonder what happened..."

She knew I would lose my composure if something happened whether it was a fight with my boyfriend or something that I did wrong. After all, we were best friends. "Hmm... Have you forgotten your pen drive, perhaps?"

I went still as I looked up at her with a mortified look. How the hell did she know?

A wicked grin crawled on her face as she brought out a small silver thing from her skirt pocket. I gasped as the metal piece glinted in her hand. It was the same pen drive I had the documents in.

"Why do you have it?" I asked as horror replaced my shock state and her face became scornful.

"I knew that Devis bastard had given you the project and you all have been preparing for it for over half a year." She added, "I could have been the one who was selected for this project yet you had to ruin it for me."

Her anger portrayed through her eyes and it wasn't only anger but it was mixed with hatred. The hatred that I had never noticed before. I thought, had she always hated me that much?

"You were always so infested in your work that he chose you over everyone. Do you think anyone in this office likes you?"

"What do you mean?"

She scoffed, "I hate that look on your face when you act like you don't know a thing."

I still could not get it as I stayed there with a blank mind.

"Look around you..." She added, "A mere country side girl who had come just over six months ago and yet managed to get the most important project which would light her career."

I furrowed my brows as she continued, "Everyone apart from you were senior employees yet you, the newcomer, had secured the opportunity and that wasn't enough." She clenched her teeth as she spilt venom at me, "You even got the promotion that we all were seething for a year. A secretary."

I had never known of this. Any of this. Was it always like this? I looked around and indeed more than my colleagues had a distasteful look at me yet when they noticed I was watching them, they put on the mask of genuineness and smiled at me as if they were encouraging me. Some even diverted their gazes the moment our eyes met. The only two people who weren't looking at me with that look were Mr Denver and Tiara, the girl who joined a month before me. She was a clumsy girl with curly hair and light bronze skin and her eyes were glued to the screen.

I worked with others but never knew everyone hated me. I could feel their hatred from there. My heart thumped and I became silent for a moment. I clenched my jaws and said, "Give me the pen drive, now."

She threw it in the air as she departed, "Suit yourself. I have already deleted everything in it."

The moment I caught the pen drive, my breath hitched. She deleted it? My lips trembled and I bit it hard.

As I hurried to the toilet, I hung my head low and let the tears fall. How could I be so naive to think everyone was great and would support anyone even if this was a project to get the company profit.

I locked the bathroom and sniffed. What would I tell Mr Anderson and Mr Denver. They were also the ones who contributed to it. And I ruined it.

I didn't know but I felt like this city life was never for me. I felt like I was a lost girl here and a little too naive to understand the people in it.

"Is that so?" A voice said as I looked up at the mirror and saw Callahan was standing against the wall, smirking at me.

I turned around and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Well, I felt something was off with my contractor and I reached here immediately to check." He shrugged.

"You can feel something if someone feels off?" I asked.

"Not exactly. But as we were bound by this contract I would always know if there was something going on with you," he tapped the side of his head and added, "That was why I didn't sever the mind reading with you, remember?"

I didn't know why but I felt a relief when he came here and despite the fact he clearly said he was still reading my thoughts, I felt it was alright because it was him.

I looked down and said, "This life is really not meant for me I guess."

He looked at me for a moment and said, "Then I shall take your life here."

I looked and shouted in frustration, "That wasn't what I meant! I mean, this lifestyle of the city. The people in it."

Back in my town, no one would ever do that since we were well known for our respected family background but here it was different. People would crush you if they get the chance and they wouldn't think twice if it hurts the other person or ruins the life of them.

"Of course, people are toxic and what do you expect? Humans are built that way." He said as I looked up. "The stronger one survives in the end."

Yes. The stronger. And I wasn't that strong. I came here because of Fred and now when I had only one thing to start my crumbling life, it had been taken away. I would lose my job if I didn't appear with the presentation.

Then an idea formed in my mind. I had the full presentation stored in my laptop and I was glad that I didn't take it with me because who knows, Emily could have broken it or thrown it away. I looked at Callahan intently. He could go and come within a blink of an eye. What if...

"Nope. I refuse." He said as I clenched my teeth.

"I wasn't even finished with my thoughts!" I growled.

"Yes, but I know what it will be. You think I will go and fetch your laptop for you. But I refuse." He said dryly.

"But why?"

"I am not your dog, Carson. I am your contract partner who has only one purpose: to give you a good meaningful life and make your days even better." He informed.

"But a little help won't hurt you and besides, isn't it also a part of making my life better?" I asked.

"No. It was your fault to trust your enemies or stay unguarded around them." His face became grim, "Why should I take responsibility for your mistake?"

I was taken aback because I had never thought he would not do it but then he was right. It wasn't like he would spoil me with everything I did wrong. He was only here to make my life amusing.

"Well, I can do it if you give me something in return." He said as I tilted my head at him, hoping it would be something in my reach.

"What is it?"

"Sleep with me."

There was a moment of silence between us as his devious smirk came back.

"What?" I ask, thinking if I heard it wrong.

"Give me your first night which you have been treasuring for your husband." His eyes sparkled with mischief and he added, "Give me your body and show me how determined you are for your desire at success that you can give up the most precious thing."

His smile broadened and I could see the evil aura surrounding him. Was it his plan from the start?

It could be as he had been so good to me since morning. I had been feeling something was off but could not figure it out. Then I recalled, when I was feeling low the other day, he hadn't come. Then why today?

I clenched my palms into fists. It was his planning from the start because he himself said me that he could do anything if he wanted it. And I played right into his traps.

"Did you plan all of this?" I asked calmly as my eyes glued to him.

"Why do you even think that? I am innocent in this." He smirked.

"A devil is never innocent." I hissed as his smirk turned into a wicked smile.

"I'm impressed, Carson. You are getting to know me well." He said as his green eyes turned pitch black. "It seems, you are not that naive, after all."

I clenched my teeth. The nerve of him!

"Now," he said as he crossed the distance between us, "You have two choices. One, give me your body and in exchange, I will fetch the laptop for you. Two, back off from the project and go back to your poor and boring life."

He came closer as his fingers caressed my chin and tilted it up. The smile he had never faltered as he whispered, "The choice is yours, sweetheart."

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