Chapter 13 - The Devil didn't come home

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It was Thursday already and there was no sign of Callahan today again. Well, partially, I wouldn't mind that but there was a small part of me that missed him--especially, his coffee and breakfast.

I woke up and my eyes immediately went to my desk where he would put the mug. But it was empty today, again.

I sighed.

I didn't know but I felt saddened at his disappearance. Why was he so angry at me that made him avoid me all together?

I was sorry for not being careful but he was to blame as well. Because when I asked him for his help, he didn't and he didn't even tell me about Droy being the investor. Maybe I wouldn't be so careless then.

"That didn't justify your carelessness." My inner self said in a male voice. I had no idea I had a male inner voice.

A bulb went off in my head. That wasn't even my voice!

I looked at where the voice came from and saw it was Droy, standing near the bed. He didn't have his usual tuxedos he would wear but a normal pair of jeans and a t- shirt. His blonde hair wasn't combed with gel like he always had while wearing a suit instead they were messily stayed on his head.

"What the hell are you doing here? And you can read my thoughts too?" I asked as I glared at him for invading my house. Honesty, what was wrong with these devils? They would always infiltrate the house without anyone's knowledge.

"Well, I can't hear your entire thoughts but a bit of it, however," he smiled wickedly, "It seems, with Callahan gone to Hell made his blocking magic a bit weak."

I narrowed my gazes at him. "Why are you happy about it?"

"Why not?" He held his hands in the air, "He is the strongest Devil out there and prying on his prey seems interesting." He grinned to himself, "It is fun sometimes."

I nodded as I gave him a look, "Sure, sure."

I stood up and asked, "Say, Droy, why hasn't he come for three days?"

A smile crawled on his lips as mischief danced on his eyes, "Why? Are you missing him?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "I am asking because it is unusual for him to not come around."

He shrugged, "Maybe he is angry or maybe he has some work there..."

"What does he do?"

I was curious as to what does a devil do in hell, other than torturing souls, that is.

"We have a lot of work..."

I raised my brows as I pressed, "Like torturing souls?"

Droy gave me a look and asked dryly, "Do you think that is the only work we do?"

I shrugged. Well, apart from that, I had no idea and I was very curious but somehow it felt like they didn't wanna tell humans about their tasks.

"We have many other works apart from that, you know?" He said rather irritatedly as if he was offended by my statement.

"Such as?"

"We manipulate people, we create chaos, we do plannings on how to create a man-made disaster."

I nodded while giving him a dry look as he said, "What? It takes time and planning to do some disasters and not to mention, sometimes it takes years..."

I gave him a look which agitated him a bit.

"So, the coronavirus, was that your doing?" I asked.

He proudly nodded, "Not mine, but Miorith's doing. But yes, that was an amazing plan, wasn't it?"

I gave him a scowl. "Are you serious! That killed many people!"

"Yeah, but it managed the population as well."

"No, it didn't."

"Fine, a bit of population but still..." He lazily went around the kitchen as I followed him, "Right now, we are planning our next great move."

"And what's that?"

He showed to zip his lips as he grinned wickedly, "That's confidential."

I shook my head as I started cooking and he went to my fridge. "Well, I can give you some hints. Maybe a war?"

I froze. My head slowly turned to him who now very blissfully devoured my pudding. "You mean, world war three?"

"Bingo!" He put another spoonful of pudding in his mouth as I growled.

"Why the hell are you eating my pudding?"

"Because I like pudding." He said with a straight face.

I went straight to him, took the pudding from his hands and placed it again in the fridge while glaring at him. "There is no pudding for those who are planning to do world war three."

"I-" he exclaimed frustratedly, "I wasn't even planning anything! I am an incubus! There are Devionth and Miorith who are known for destruction, not me!"

"Still no pudding for you!"

He moved his hands in the air irritatedly and said, "Fine, I was joking."

I started making my breakfast while I asked, "What do you mean?"

"Devils are not responsible for these man made disasters. It is only the humans. We only punish them for doing so." He informed.

I looked at him with a pair of suspicious eyes. As he huffed, "We collect souls, measure their sins, take them to their destined punishable counter. And we already have inner conflicts between us, so we have barely time for making plans for disasters and chaos."

I nodded as it felt he was telling the truth. But there were still many questions left in my mind. "Then what are these contracts for?"

I asked as Callahan did make a contract with me and I didn't know why. If they didn't have time to make people miserable then why are they forming contracts?

"These are well of not knowing."

Again he dodged the question. And it made me furious each time.

"Well, just know," he began, "Some devils are just for making disasters."

I snapped my head at him but Droy was already gone.

So, Callahan was known for destruction?

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