Chapter 14 - The mysterious person

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It was Friday already and another day of exhaustion... And another day of Callahan's disappearance. He still didn't show up. Even though I would have loved to get this contract undone, I felt a bit lonely...

Damn! What was I thinking? His playfulness had been growing on me ever since we made a contract. And now that he wasn't coming around I was irritated because he could have explained why he disappeared.

I got up from my seat as Mr Anderson called me on my office line.

"Yes, sir?"

"Well, Carson, come to my office."

I went there. After getting the contract between the two companies, the workload had increased and Devis had been on edge as he had already fired two of our employees.

"Sir, you were calling me?" I peeked from his door.

"Yes, take a seat."

I took a seat as Devis's eyes moved from my tip to toe and it didn't make me comfortable.

"You did a great job pointing out the most amazing marketing strategies, I must say," he complimented on which I nodded. He stood up from his seat and came to my side, taking a chair beside me.

"But I wasn't the only one, Mr Denver did the most of it since he is experienced."

He chuckled and gave a look that said he was amused. "Well, I have always liked that thing about you. You put others before you and..." And that was when I felt his face close to me as my breath hitched and he added, his voice was dangerously low, "...that makes me want to get to know you more."

My eyes went wide as his hand placed a lock behind my ears sensually. What was wrong with him?

My heartbeat fastened as I stiffened on the chair. I had never felt that way for Devis because I had always seen him as my boss but now making a move on me made all of my being screamed with caution. Yes, he was certainly a man of charms and anyone would want him. But I didn't feel a thing for him.

"M-Mr Anderson, I-um... I should jus-"

"Shh..." He shushed me and his eyes intensively watched my eyes as if he wanted to dominate me. "I told you to call me Devis."

"Erm... Y-yes, but you are m-my boss..." My voice hitched but suddenly his phone rang and he had to pull away.

I released a sigh as he answered the call and I said while leaving immediately, "Good work, Mr Anderson. I have to leave early."

As if my tail was caught on fire, I dashed away from there immediately and went to my table. Taking my bag and keys, I didn't wait to give him a chance to call me again.

Honestly, what was wrong with him? He had never set his eyes on me and I liked things that way. But now, his face was just inches closer to mine.

I made my way into the lift and saw Mr Denver was standing at the entrance of the lift, holding the door for me. He smiled as I entered and I returned the gesture.

"What did Mr Anderson tell you?" He asked but there was no curiosity in his eyes, rather he was calm as usual.

"N-nothing. Just praised me for my-our work and told me to do my best." I said and avoided the whole thing after that. I didn't want myself to be labelled as a secretary who used her body to get a promotion.

But somehow Mr Denver narrowed down his eyes and hummed. "As far as I know, our boss never compliments because he thinks it would make his workers a bit spoiled."

"Erm... Haha. Maybe he is changing?"

"Are you sure he didn't do anything to you?" He asked and the question got me off guard but I still shook my head assuring him.

"No... What would he do?" I wanted to avoid this conversation as it was making me frustrated. Why did this happen to me? Wasn't Devis making out with Emily the other day? How could he just make a move on me knowing so well that I had seen them.

"If he hadn't then it is fine." Mr Denver said and added as he left as soon as the lift doors were open, "Be very careful of him. He has a habit of pursuing women once he takes a liking to them."

I froze. What?


I had started to walk to the bus stop but a sudden chill hit me. I shuddered. I sensed something unusual as if someone was watching me.

I looked behind but there was nothing which could convey my unsettling feelings. I crossed the street and stood for a cab. It was already evening and there were people in the street, some were taking the bus, some were driving. The cafes were full as most of the students passed this street at this hour and it was certain, their businesses were blooming.

As I was watching them, I felt someone behind me as all of my cells became alert and I snapped my head but it was the bronze skinned secretary of Droy. She had a business suit on and the high heels she was wearing made her very taller than me. I looked at her warily as she smiled.

"Hi." She said.

I looked around and then said, "Hi, what are you doing here at this hour?"

I was sure, Droy's company building wasn't in this block. It took at least one hour to reach here.

"Well, I was waiting for a friend but he seemed to bail on me." She felt dejected and tugged a lock behind her ear.

I nodded. "So your plans were canceled, I suppose?"

"Yeah," she nodded and pointed at the cafeteria across the street, "He invited me there and I waited for one hour already."

I wasn't sure what to say as she was our company partner as well. So, I proposed, "Do you want me to wait with you for half an hour?"

"No, it is okay. I felt a little angry and sad but then I saw you were crossing the street so I thought, I will just say Hi."

I smiled, "Well, thanks. Why don't we have something to eat?"


Both of us crossed the street and went into the cafeteria but it was full with teenagers and some people were ordering their dinners.

"It is full." I mumbled.

"No, there is a table." She pointed her finger at a corner and I saw indeed, there was one but when I entered, I didn't notice it was empty even though there were some people who were eating while standing at the counter.

"Okay, let's go."

We reached and took our seats as she asked, "What would you like to have?"

I shook my head and asked her instead, "Oh no, I am paying the bill, tell me what you want?"

She intervened, "Nope. Not happening. You are already accompanying me while I am waiting. I can't ask for more."

I chuckled, "Well, I am going to have my dinner so, it is not a great deal."

"Alright, the dinner is on me." She said and went to the counter to order.

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