⊰1⊱ Something Different

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Warnings: none



I worked for the red army. I've worked here for years, and I'm not so sure why I chose to in the first place.

I take that back, I know why. After graduating high school I had no idea what I wanted to do or be. A friend actually suggested this place to me, and because I had nothing better to do.

I remember my first day like it was yesterday. It wasn't bad at all, but I remember passing all the physical tests with perfect scores. Not to brag but, I am very smart. Passed school with straight A's and had nothing I was truly interested in. I could be accepted into any collage, but I chose not to go to collage.

Back to the subject, I just did very good my first day.

Now, I'm in one of the top training groups, and still above the rest of the soldiers in my group. I don't mess around with other people, I do talk to my friends when we get breaks but when we start again I'm completely focused. I focus on self improvement, rather then trying to sit there and look pretty for the male soldiers as they walk by. They especially try and look like whenever our leader comes around.

I've only seen him a few times, never up close and in person though. Only from a distance. But I don't really care. All I care about is making myself better to upgrade my position in the army. My roommate, y/oc, works in a different part of the base. The information center. She has been here only a year longer then I have and because where she works I find out a lot of things about what is going around the base.

I know this information isn't the most interesting to know, but it's good to keep it in mind.

Now, it's pretty late and I am walking back to my room. They says always feel short, but it's because I never pay attention to the time. Time flys by when you don't watch it.

I opened the door to my room and stepped inside. I saw y/oc working at our shared desk and doing some paperwork. "Hey y/oc" I said to her softly as I shut the door behind me and stretched.

"Hey y/n! Hey, I got some news earlier that red leader may talk to you later. I wasn't told why but I was told to watch for a phone call you-" right in the middle of her talking the phone at the desk rings. "Wow," she began to laugh as she picked up the phone. I laughed a along as I sat at the edge of my bed looking over at y/oc with the phone.

"Hello sir," y/oc said as she stayed quiet for a bit, "yes, I'll let her know. Thank you." She says before putting the phone back. "Yup! That was the call!" Y/oc said chuckling. "What a coincidence!" I laughed a bit as I got back up. I felt a little nervous as I never have meet red leader in person.

"Don't get into trouble with him, ok?" She says to me and I rolled my eyes. "I know, I know," I sighed as I dust myself off making sure I at least looked presentable. "Hey, watch out. The other girls say he is a 'hot guy' so don't get distracted," she told me in a joking way. I chuckled, "let's see what they are saying are true!" I joked around back as I went to open the door. "Good luck!" Y/oc told me before I left the room and made my way to red leaders office.

I thought about what she said about our leader. I know many girls have talked about him, and how attractive he is. I don't really pay attention to that but for some reason I was really wanting to see it all of those were true about him. I don't know why I really wanted to know, maybe it's because I'm probably the only girl who has never met him? I don't purposely get myself in trouble like some girls do, which I dont understand why but it happens.

I ran my hand through my hair as I passed a few soldiers, as I continued to walk. I headed towards the north side of the base. That is where his office is and much high ranked soldiers, or people who are training for much high positions like a trainer for beginner soldiers or even a doctor. There is a lot of things soldiers can do after they are done with the basic training. Most soldiers just stay neutral and train every other day.

I took a breath as I walked to red leaders door and knocked. "Come in please." I heard his heavy accent from the other side of the door. They weren't lying about the accent part. I opened the door and stepped inside before shutting it behind me and walked up to his desk, "you needed me sir?" I asked as it sit in the seat that was in front of his desk. "Yes, I do." He says to me. He didn't look at me as he was I believe pulling something up on his computer.

They... they weren't kidding about his attractiveness. I sit up straight looking at him as he soon turned to me. "So, y/n. Sorry for the short inconvenienced, I was pulling up your file. But tonight I just want to talk to you about some things I've noticed. I've been watching you and your group and you have been at the top of your group for a while now." He says to me turning back to his computer and scrolled down a bit, "oh wow, you are also the most improved out of your group." I saw his eyes light up a little as he continued to go through and read. "Seeing all your stats and your hard work, I wanted to come ask you myself this. I am willing to give you a raise y/n. But this raise isn't like some other." He says to me as he looked back at the computer once again. "Comparing your scores to the male training group scores you might as well be put with the men, but of course, I wouldn't do that to you unless you wanted to be." He says to me as I smiled a bit listening to him. "Bit to get to the point, I want you to move up to be a personal assistant and bodyguard. How do you feel about that?" He asked me turning back to me.

My eyes widened at that as I became a bit speechless. "Wow.. uh.. I would love to take it but, isn't there others more deserving for this?" I asked as I just couldn't believe it. "Well for how fast you improve, I didn't hesitate to offer you this position when I thought of it." He told me. I was still in shock as I tried to find some words.

"Is.. is there any specific training? Or, do I have to do something for you?" I asked as I just felt like I didn't deserve this... but.. I've also worked very hard..

"There will be some one on one training. I'll just be going over the basics with you, just it make sure you know everything that you need to know. After that I can help train you for the assistant part, where you'll be training and doing it at the same time I guess." He says to me. I nodded as I know if the other girls found out about the one on one training they would definitely be jealous.

"Taking this position will also mean you'll move to the north side of the base. You would be an assistant after all, so I'll need you close by." He says to me. I thought about it... and I thought about y/oc. She would most likely not be able to come with me as her part is in the south part of the base. All the way cross where she needs to go. I really thought long and hard about it. It's not like I won't be able to see her anymore. I just wouldn't be sharing a room. I sighed as I looked back up at him and nodded. "Alright.." I said.

I saw him reach and get a paper and wrote a few things down on it. "If you would like the take the raise, please sign here" he says. He slides the paper over with his pen and watched me. I thought about all of this again.

"When will training start?" I asked him looking up from the paper. "Tomorrow. Well, tomorrow is optional. I'll just be showing you your new room and have you move into it so it's easier to access training the next day." He says to me. I nod as I looked back down at the paper. At least I'll be getting higher pay if I take this position.

I took a deep breath quietly before I sighed my signature on the spot and marked a few other things that I needed to. "Perfect! Do you have any more questions?" He asked me as he took the paper and put it into a file. "No sir.." I said softly as I then saw him stand up. "Then you are dismissed. Tomorrow, return to my office around 6 so I can show you your new room." He says to me as I nod. I soon stand up.

I turn and head to the door and soon left. As soon as I shut the door behind myself I do a little happy dance to myself just out of excitement. I made sure to be quiet though. I began to walk again and I had lots on my mind. Many emotions all at once.

Once I made it back to the room I saw y/oc had gone to bed. I get up around 5 so hopefully I'll have a chance to talk to her about this all... I won't want to randomly move out on her...

Tord POV

I cleaned up my desk and sit back down to look at my computer. I looked through y/n's file once more. I was very impressed by everything. Every time I look at it, it's just shocking as I've never seen something like this before.

I put on my reading glasses to read the details. I didn't wear them around y/n... for obvious reasons. I looked back over the files and just reading through more. Realizing that she is just much more then what the stats say...

I couldn't seem to keep her off my mind... I don't like her, I'm not interested at all. And this feeling isn't some kind of ushy gushy crush shit.

I think I made a good decision picking her.

I turn off my computer and stood up, running my hand through my hair. I let out a sigh looking down at my desk. I just couldn't get her off my mind.

I began to head towards my door and head out. I walked to my room and tried to figure out why I couldn't get her off my mind.

"I'm not interested in her.." I mumbled to myself as I really wasn't. It just... maybe it's because I'm working with a female? No that's creepy.

I just rubbed my head opening the door to my room. Hopefully I can forget about it in the morning... As soon as i stepped into my room is when I realized that won't be happening.

"God damnit.." I mumbled again. Sitting at my desk, I should probably write it down to get it off my mind? I grabbed a book ive never written in and started writing.

I don't think I'm sleeping tonight..

This book is now officially in the works of making. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

2,147 words

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