⊰2⊱ Training With the Boss

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Last chapter:
I don't think I'm sleeping tonight..

Warnings: none



It was the next day and I woke up early. I felt like I didn't get enough rest, but one thing stayed on my mind and it was telling y/oc about my new position.

Y/oc woke up few minutes after me. "Good morning.." She said tiredly said I said the same. I rubbed my eye softly as I slowly sit up staying in the blankets. "How was it with red leader?" Y/oc then asked me as I watched her get up and go to our coffee machine. "It was really good.. There was a lot of things I didn't expect to happen really.." I told her as I ran my hand through my hair. "Oh really? Did he kiss Ya?" She then asked me and I cringed. "No! Oh my god," I began to chuckled a little as I soon got up to stretch.

I let out a sigh and checked the time. "I actually got a promotion.. new and higher position." I told her as I go to sit in the chair next to the coffee machine to talk to her better. "Oh really? What position?" She asked me sounding more interested in what happened. "Well it's to be a personal assistant and body guard. Which is a very high position and I can't want to take it but... man the girls in our training group are going to be pissed!" I said and laughed softly. Y/oc laughed along with me as she then takes the coffee pot and pours it into her mug she uses every morning. "That is fucking awesome though y/n! Assistant and body guard, you must have done a lot to get yourself out there. I mean, you have been a soldier for a couple of years, you deserve this new position!" Y/oc says to me happily. I'm glad she was happy for me.

"Thank you! But the thing is, I'm going to have to move to the north side of the base.. so.. I'll be moving out.." I told her. She looked upset, but wasn't too upset. "I feel bad for leaving you.. I even tried to see if I could stay but he said it's for the best if I'm going to be assistant and body guard.." I told her. She nodded softly, "I understand.. this will be good for you! A new beginning! That is exiting!" Y/oc says to me. "It is exiting! But I'm just waiting for every girl in the base except you to hate me" I laughed softly. "Oh yeah, watch out for them" y/oc says and laughed with me. "Are you still going to be doing training?" She then asked me. I nodded, "I might actually do a one on one training with him.. he is only doing it to see what I know so far" I told her. Her eyes widened almost spitting out her coffee.

"Ohhh~ one on one huh?~ I'll make sure to tell the girls what you are doing today" y/oc began to laugh. I cringed a bit again, "oh my god, it's not going to be like that. I'm more professional then any of those girls would be" I told her as I go to make myself some coffee.

"Damn right you are, but watch out. Those girls like to peak in with red leader every now and then, especially when he is doing training himself. They say he trains shirtless so, don't fall too hard" y/oc says and I just groaned from annoyance. "I'm not going to do any of that, oh my gosh" I laughed softly. I checked the time and had a bout an hour before I had to meet back up with red leader. "I have an hour before I show up ther-" "can I pick out your outfit for your training?!" She practically yelled in my face.

I flinched back a bit and looked at her, "I.. I guess?" I said confused on why she would in the first place. "We gotta get you something sexy, something to get his attention and want more of what you show" y/oc said to me snickering. I was taking a sip of my coffee when I choked on it.

I coughed and looked at her, "y/oc, he is my boss. I'm not going to do something like that, I just want to do my job" I explained to her as I wiped any coffee that spilt on myself which there was nothing much.

"Oh common y/n! At least get his attention this once-" "no y/oc, he is just going to think I am going to try and get into his pants and that is unprofessional of me." I told her with a sigh at the end. "He isn't going to think that, common now. This is this first time seeing you, well actually second and then many more times before but not meeting- THATS besides the point. Point is, he doesn't know you. And you don't know him. Just throw something in there to tease a little, that can't hurt too much" y/oc said to me. I rolled my eyes in response before looking back at her making a begging face. "Ugh, fine. You can only pick out one clothing article through, I'm not letting you pick full outfit." I said to her and saw her eyes light up and quickly go to my cloth drawers.

This is gonna be a while..

Eventually I was dressed. I was fixing up my hair and looked at myself. She chose shorts. She shortest she could possibly find... which actually wasn't that bad. They stopped on my upper thigh but a lot of girls wear these kinds of shorts for more movability and to cool off better. But I won't be wearing this around the base. I began to put my uniform on top so if we do train I can get changed quick.

"Ohhh look at you! He won't be able to keep his eyes off you seeing your sexy legs!" Y/oc cheered to me. I groan in annoyance, "oh my gosh y/oc" I whined. I straightened up my uniform and put my gym bags strap on my shoulder and filled up a water bottle. "What? It's true!" She said to me and laughs. Once again I roll my eyes in response and began to head to the door.

"Good luck y/n, remember if anything happens make sure he wears protection!" She said to me... very loudly right before I opened the door. I shot a glare back at her before quickly leaving. My face began to feel heated as I did blush. I know nothing was going to happen but man, why was she teasing so much. He is my boss anyways, nothing more.

I started to make my way to Red Leaders office. Thank goodness I left a bit earlier because it was honestly a far walk from the south end of the base to the north end.

As I walked I turned the corner and actually ran into red leader. "Oh! I am so sorry" I quickly apologized to him. "Oh y/n! Good morning! It's great to see you here early, I was actually heading to my office now to wait for you. But since you are here, come follow me so I can show you to your new room" Red Leader said to me as he began to walk with me to a different direction. I followed him as I felt a bit tad nervous. Not around him but for any of the girls who crush on their leader so much to see her walking with him.

"So y/n, tell me a bit about yourself" he then said to me. I looked up at him, "well.. what would you like to hear?" I asked in response. I saw him give a smile, "well, your interests, hobbies, just trying to creat a conversation with my future assistant" he said to me as he looked down at me.

I smiled a little before looking to the side slightly. "Well, I like to be active. I was pretty athletic growing up so things like working out or going on runs in the morning." I said to him. "I like going on runs in the morning. The weather is nice and cool, not many people out either" red leader said to me. I grinned a little more, I hoped we have a lot in common because it would make things go smoother with getting along.

We talked a bit more before reaching the room. I watched him use a key to unlock the door and open the door for him.

I thank him as I step inside and my eyes widened. It definitely was a big upgrade of what my last room was.

There was more space in the room. Bigger bed, bathroom, closet. Man, this was really nice.

"Wow.. this room is huge.." I commented still looking around. "I'm glad you are liking it so far. This room is just like the ones when you share with someone else but you have your own room. If there is anything you need there is a service line number on the desk you can call" he told me as I turned to look at him.

"You have service for these rooms? Why not the ones that are shared?" I asked curiously as I never heard of it.

"There is, it's just no one seems to really now it until a word gets around. Service is mainly essentials. Like soap, laundry soap, water, you get the idea" he explained to me as he walks me through the room.

"This room is actually apart of a remodel idea a few of my development apartment had. They put a few test rooms to see how people would do with maybe their own kitchen and bigger space. These rooms are meant for the people who don't really leave the base or go on the vacations to see family." He said to me. Well that is a relief a bit. When y/oc leaves to see family for a few weeks, it gets quiet, even the main place we get our food from. Sometimes it's closed so I have to stock up so I don't go hungry for a day or two.

"This is actually a quite nice of a idea. I myself am those people." I said with a soft chuckle and then let out a soft sigh. It's unfortunate I don't really have anybody to go home to, but sometimes I'd rather be on my own.

"Any questions or concerns you have?" He asked me and I looked up at him.

"No sir, thank you for showing me to my room. It's very lovely" i said to him giving him a soft smile. I saw him look at my smile before looking away and turned to the door, "alright! We have enough time to train, how do you feel about it?" He asked me as he walked to the door.

I followed behind, "I'm up for it, sir" I said as I already had my gym clothing under my uniform, why throw away that opportunity?

"Perfect, let's get going, I don't want to waste any time today" my boss said to me before leading me out of the room and to where he was going to train me.

"So like I said yesterday, we won't be doing anything too major, I jsit want to make sure you have learned what you needed to and if I need to step in with any help" he explained to me. I nodded as we soon got in.

This place was huge. It had its own changing rooms for men and women, and a lot of equipment to the side along with a gymnast pad in the center. "Go get changed up and meet me back out here" he told me as I was already heading to the locker room. All I really needed to do was remove the coat and pants and change my shoes.

As soon as I done that I walked back out of the locker rooms. I looked around to find my boss and my face quickly reddened seeing him being shirtless and waiting. And goddamn what a good looking guy he was.

When he looked at me I saw his face change. Probably both realizing we both look better than what we both anticipated, which is something I honestly could careless for. I'm here to do my job and my job only.

I heard my boss clear his throat, "alright. So let's go to the cushioned pad and start." He said to me and goes to grab a fake gun looking thing. "I want you to show me how you would defeat the enemy when you have no weapon to defend yourself. This is fake obviously but act as if it is." He explained to me.

I replied with a "yes sir." Before walking onto the pad.

"Now, you can go as hard as you want on me, don't even worry about hurting me, got it?" He said to me and I nodded. I actually was just about to think how hard I should go, I should at least go hard enough to prove I know what I am doing but not hard enough to injure him seriously.

"Start." He said and held up the gun as if it was a real one about to shoot. I quickly knocked the fake gun off target and used my leg to hook onto his and push his shoulder to the side to cause him to fall. As I retracted my leg to make him fall I took the hand that held the gun still and put it behind his back making him land on his chest. I put my knee on his hand and my had kept ahold of his free arm. I used my other leg to hook onto one of his to make sure he wasn't able to get back up. Then I took the gun out of his hand.

Once Tord fell I felt a bit bad.. he was literally my leader and I took him to the ground.

"Wow.. you didn't even give a second to let me react." He said to me as I let go of him to let him get up. "Impressive, now I want you to do it again, but this time I will react and give a fight." He explains to me and I nodded. He got up and offered his hand to me which I took and got up.

"Start." He said and once again held up the gun, but before I was able to do what I did last time, he took ahold of my arm trying to force me to turn around. Once I was turned I quickly ducked and turned back around and pushed myself into his abdomen getting him to stumble back. I sit back up and go after him grabbing the nose of the fake gun and point it between the gab of my arm and waist and pulled him towards me. Then I was able to hook my arms around his waist to toss him over. I go down with him quickly put a leg on one of his arms and grabbed his other arm taking the gun and pulling his arm a bit to keep him from trying to fight back. I was on his stomach and pointed the fake gun at him and panted.

He panted as well but gave me a smile, "also impressive, let's move to a larger gun. Like a shot gun" he says as I got off of him and realized the position I was just in with my boss. Oh. My. God. Why is it such a big deal..?

I felt my face get a little red but held my hand out for him once I got up to help him up. "Thank you, miss. Y/n." He said to me as he got up with the help of my hand.

I handed the fake gun back to him as he took it over back to its rack. From the same rack he got the fake shotgun.

"You can start." He said to me once he was ready. I quickly grab the nose of the fake shotgun and pulled it down this time to force it out of his hands. I tossed it to the side where he can reach but once I said that he grabbed my arm forcing me to turn around. I used my other arm to reach back and hook around one of his arms and hunched over pulling him over my shoulder and making him land on his back.

"Oh shit!" He cursed as he was flipped over me and landed on the ground. "I was not expecting that." He said as he began to laugh. "You are much better that anything I've ever seen others try and do, first time being thrown to the ground by a soldier twice the size smaller than me flip me over." He said between a few laughs.

I chuckled a bit before going around to help him back up. "Just showing you what I can do, sir." I said and smiled.

"Let's go one more time and this time I'll be harder" he said to me. I nodded taking a breath as he goes to grab the gun I tossed to the side.

"Start." He said and this time he reacted a lot quicker. He quickly goes to hook his leg on mine and push me to make me fall back. I reacted by leaning on my elbows in a slight sit up position and twisted my body over to get out of target of the gun. I quickly moved to my knees and grabbed onto his leg and pushed up as I stood up to try and get him to fall over. Bit he got his leg unhooked from my grasp and stood back pointing it back at me. I quickly reach up to grab the nose of the gun pointing it down again and pulling. This time he didn't let go of it but got pulled down with it onto his knees. I knocked one of his hands off the gun and grabbed the mid off the gun pushing his down and knocked the rest out of his hand. He tried to sit up but I quickly pushed him back down and put both of his arms under my legs sitting again on his stomach before grabbing the gun and pointing it in the middle of his temple.

I watched him as I saw a light pink appear on his cheeks.

He paused a moment before speaking, "you are definitely somebody else" he said between pants.

"Thank you.." I responded as I paused a moment before getting up and helping him up too. "Well, I don't think I need to do anything else to see what you can do. You've already got me to the ground four times, that never happens." My boss chuckled to me.

My eyes widened to his words as I looked up at him. "Are you serious?" I asked him surprised. "I mean, I cannot be the only one who was able to do that.." I said quietly.

"Well, I mean four times in a row. Yes someone got me to the ground once or twice but never three or four times." He told me and gave me a smile. "I am glad I picked you to do this position, you are just the very person I needed" he told me and patted my shoulder.

I smiled back at him, "thank you, sir. It's my pleasure." I said to him as we walked to get water.

"Well, you can be dismissed for the rest of the night miss. Y/n. I expect to see you back at my office at 6 tomorrow" he said to me and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said softly before drinking some water.

"No problem soldier, see you later" he said to be before he went to the males room to probably go change.

I get my stuff before heading to my new room. Once I was in there I let out a long sigh.

"What happened in there..." I mumbled to myself as the image of him blushing and being shirtless stuck in my head. "He is my boss... stop it y/n.." I mumbled once more.

I'm just getting ahead of myself. First time ever really being around my boss for a while, I'm probably just nervous.

I'm here to do my job, and only my job...

I apologize for this chapter taking so long to get out. I've just been really busy and haven't been able to spend the time working on this story. I will try and post another chapter soon but I hoped you guys liked this one even know it's the second chapter and we aren't getting very far lol.

3,533 words

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