⊰6⊱ Rules Suck

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Last chapter:
There is so doubt he would probably ask me things back.

Warnings: drinking, some lime :)

Min rose = my rose

Y/n pov

I eventually meet back up with Tord and he lead me to a private lounge area he had. It was very nice and fancy looking. But it looks like it hasn't been touched in years.

We both got some drinks we wanted before sitting down on of the many couches in the room.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking" I said as we sat down to start a conversation. "About what we talked about this morning. It's been a while since I've actually... shown interest in someone else and I think I'm realizing the feelings I may have" I shared with him and took a sip of my drink.

I saw him smile, and his smile was very soft and genuine. "I'm glad you said that... I'm feeling the same way honestly. This may be a little embarrassing for myself to share but, I wanted to wait until you said something first about the feeling situation" he shared to me. I can understand his view point, after learning he can block things out easily.

"Don't be, I can understand why you'd wait" I said softly. "But also need to ask, Is there anyone else you... I guess do this with? Like-.. with other women?" I tried to word out.

Tord looked at me for a moment before taking a sip of his drink. "Y/n, if I did this with other women I can assure you that what happened with you and i probably would have never happened. What makes you think that?" He asked me softly, almost in a concerned way.

"I'm not sure.. I just thought of stuff, how the other women in this army like to see you as much as possible and you are definitely very attractive so it wouldn't be hard to get anyone wrapped around your finger.." i trailed off. Before I spoke again I felt his hand caress my cheek. I quickly met his gaze and blushed watching him.

"Y/n, I wouldn't do that to you. I wouldn't do that to anyone. I haven't done anything with another woman in years, what I did with you wasn't some one time thing" Tord explained to me. I softly cupped his hand and continued to listen. "I have general attraction to you, y/n. Again I didn't just hire you because of any of this, I got these feeling after I hired you" Tord said.

I blushed a lot more, never in my life has a guy been so sweet like this.

"So, do we want to..?" I paused slightly to have him fill in the blanks of what I'm trying to suggest as honest I was too shy to.

"As much as I would love to right now, I would need to check back over some things to make sure there isn't any rules about us dating. I personally don't see a problem with it but, it's better to be safe then sorry" Tord said to me, giving me a handsome smile.

I smiled back as I couldn't help but lean in and kiss him.

He kept his hand on my cheek but used his other hand to pull me closer to him. I held the kiss there, a simple and passionate kiss.

I felt the sparks fly through me like the ones I felt the one night.

We slowly pull away and I smile more before realizing something, "what if the rules say we can't?" She asked him.

"One way or another, y/n, we'll just have to keep it hidden" Tord said to me and softly took my hands. "But for the time being until then, would you be my girlfriend?" He asked me.

"Of course!" I reply quickly hand held both his hands. I saw his smile widen as we kiss once again.

It had more love and passion, I felt a deep connection feeling between us.

I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold the kiss there a little longer and deepen it.

Pulling away again I smiled looking down a little. "All of this is a bit hard to believe that it's happening" I started and chuckled a little.

"Nothing against you but, I never expected to ever get to where I am at now. I was so focused on my little bubble, I didn't really see what goes on around me" I finished. "You know, I was the same exact way. But... that was with more serious stuff that needed my attention. It took a few months to resolve it, or get it resolved to a point it isn't really important anymore" Tord shrugged. "Point is, I get how you felt" he chuckled.

I grinned looking back up at him. It still baffled me that I was at this point.

I even told myself that I probably wouldn't be interested in a guy like him. Maybe only because every other girl wanted him, Maybe I just didn't want to be known as some of the women who do stuff on purpose for his specific attention.

I wonder how they must feel that I work more personally with him. A woman who had no desire to chase a man and ended up being right next to the man everyone wanted. Honestly made me feel I had some sort of power. But I am not the type to ever brag about it, the less people that know the better it is for me.

"Have I ever told you have gorgeous your eyes are, min rose" Tord suddenly said snapping me out of my thoughts. A quick blush showed on my face. I may not speak Norwegian but his accent sure sounded heavily. "You haven't... but that's very sweet of you" I smiled looking into his silver eyes. "But I must say, your eyes are far more gorgeous than mine" I said as I began to laugh a little.

Tord laughed with me and I revived a kiss on my cheek. "So kind of you to say" he said to me causing us both to laugh a little more.

The rest of that night was filled with laughter and calm chatter. It honestly felt like we have known each other for years for how comfortable we were with each other. It's crazy how fast we clicked. I'm not complaining though.

I eventually glanced at the time and gasped, "oh my god it's one thirty in the morning!" I said surprised about the amount of time that has passed. "Shoot, I'm so sorry I wasn't watching the time. As much as I would love to stay I need my rest before a meeting tomorrow" Tord said and I watch him stand up fast.

"No worries, I completely understand. It's not like this will be the last time we ever talk" I chuckled softly as he looked down at me. "I had a great night with you, y/n" Tord said softly to me. I felt his hand gently cup my cheek again.

"I did too" I reply and lean a little into his touch. He smiled at me softly before he leaned in to give me a kiss.

I press into his lean to kiss back before pulling away slowly. "One more" he said before quickly bringing me back and got me to chuckled a little.

I moved my arms to wrap around his neck making the kiss more passionate. He pressed deeper into the kiss leaning me back a little. I knew he didn't want to go, I could tell what he was trying to do. But I allowed it.

Tord pulled away a little before he began to give me more kisses around my cheek and down to my jaw. I gasped a little feeling him move down to my neck pressing kisses all around. I moved my hands to his shoulders to gently grip letting out a pleased hum.

"Careful min rose" he whispered lowly against my neck before pulling away. That caused my blush to return again and made my stomach full of butterflies. "As much as I want to keep kissing your beauty, if I keep going it's going to be a lot harder to stop myself" Tord said letting out a hum.

"I understand, as much as I would love for you to keep going I don't want you to fall asleep during this meeting." I said softly and chuckled. I then returned a few pecks on his cheek to his jaw. "am I coming to this one?" I asked him to make sure if he needed me there.

"This one is a bit more of a serious one. We both agreed to have no one in the room but you are more than welcome to stay by the door... incase any "trust is broken"." Tord said as I can see through his sugar coating of 'broken trust'. Which meant if the other party got violent. since no other soldier is there to immediately protect our leader if shots were to be fired.

"Alright, I'll maybe grab Pat and Pau to stand with me" I said softly as I gave him a smile. His eyes softened when looking at me, something I've never really seen.

"Everything ok?" I asked softly cupping his cheek. He closed his eyes leaning into my hand and let's out a sigh. "I'm just glad you are here with me" he said then looking back at me with the same look. "It's more of a... I guess release feeling... I'm unsure how to explain it" Tord tried to word to me.

I smiled warmly understanding what he meant. "You can relax yourself around me Tord, you don't always have to keep your guard up" I said to him softly rubbing his cheek with my thumb. "It will take me a bit to get used to relaxing" Tord said chuckling quietly and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged back laying my head on his chest. I felt his head rest on mine.

It was a very sweet moment, I could feel he felt better in the moment. I'm glad I am able to give him some sort of relief.

"I don't want to keep you up Tord, we should get to bed" I then said after whoever knows how long we were like this. "Your right, again this was very nice y/n" Tord said to me as we began to slowly pull away.

Eventually we headed back to our rooms. As much as I wanted to stay with him I don't think we are ready to sleep by each other yet.

Tord pov

I couldn't sleep. I gutted me to be separated from her.

I've grown so attached to her so fast, I don't understand why I'm letting myself do this. Almost like I have no control of how I can make myself feel about her.

What happened earlier really set things off, I just can't keep her out of my head.

I sit down at my desk in my room, just lost in thought.

"I need to clear my head.." I muttered to myself because I can't get any sleep if my mind is constantly running the way it is.

My mind was almost telling me what I need to do, telling me I need to go back to her. Holding her earlier made everything in my head go silent.

Maybe it's the fact I've even alone for so many years, a woman finally in my life... is this the true feeling of being in love with someone or am I just being a creep?

I run my fingers through my hair and stared down at my desk. My mind going back and fourth of what I want to do.

I want to hold her again, I want to protect her, I want to know if she's ok, I want to love her.

I don't want to move too fast at all, I don't even know what would be considered fast.

Something then suddenly came into my mind. Are we even allowed to be together?

I opened the drawer to my desk to bring out my laptop. Quickly opening it, I began to search for the files I needed.

I found my answer quiet fast and I read through.

"Leaders/commands who are from the level of and above are forbidden from dating anyone who is below and/or the same level, even if they're in another department."

I don't think I am going to be able to sleep tonight.

Whoah two chapters back to back? Yes! Because of my long absence I wanted to do something nice!

Maybe I'll do a little more lime next chapter... >:)

2,126 words

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