⊰7⊱ I'm Always Here

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Last chapter
I don't think I am going to be able to sleep tonight.

Warnings: none
(No proof read)

Y/n pov

When I woke up and got ready, I already felt that today isn't really going to be a good day.

Sometimes I like to believe I have some sort of supper power because I am always right when think this. I just now wonder what's going to go wrong today.

I headed on my way to meet up with Pat and Pau. I woke up pretty early just to have time to tell them everything that happened last night. I still had butterflies.

"Y/n! How was it?! I told Pau everything we talked about yesterday and now I just have to know what happened!" Pat said with excitement.

"A lot happened it was amazing!" I started as their excitement gave myself excitement.

"So we go to sit down in some lounge area, I never knew we had it" I began to say. "Was it a really big room? Those are suppose to host get togethers with other leaders and their wing people like we are" Pau then explained which made a lot more sense of why there were so many things in that room.

"Do we do those still?" I then asked curiously as I remember it looking very old and unused in years.

"Unfortunately no, Tord says he feels like he can't really trust people doing those things. Too many people in one area can cause arguments and things can escalate fast" Pat answered and shrugged. "At least it was used again" he chuckled.

"That explains why it looked a little worn down, but back to my story," I said with a grin, "we sat and had drinks and talked for a while. He talked about his life and I talked about mine, but before we talked about that I brought up how I felt" I said and heard Pat gasp.

"I told him how I think I feel like I have genuine feelings and he told me he felt the same!" I said with excitement. Pat quickly cheered, "are you two together now? A little thing? A big thing? Complicated?" Pat spoke quickly.

"No, no, we are together. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I obviously said yes! But he told me he needed to check if it was alright if him and I were able to. But if it wasn't we plan to keep it on a very down low. I don't know if he planned on telling you two but I need your guys help if it came to that" I said to them.

"Of course we'd help!" The both of them said together before letting out a laugh.

"Do you guys know any info about this meeting Tord is having? He didn't tell me much about it yesterday" I asked them as I began to make myself a coffee.

"Yeah, he's having issues with a ally. You know the one he's had for the longest time? They are having some disagreements with a new ally this guy got and it could break off the trust our army's have" Pau explained to me. "It's pretty bad, hopefully things get resolved today or else Tord may go down another bad rout" Pau finishes what he said. I wonder what he meant by "another bad rout"?

"What do you mean 'another bad rout' ?" I then asked. "He just... has a very hard time trusting people, even us. It's another one of those things of him putting his guard up, but something like this can be... scarier to see" Pat explained to me. I didn't want to ask any further questions as I can tell the two didn't want to talk about it.

I began to drink my coffee once it was done. "We should head to the meeting spot soon, Tord wanted us to escort them to the meeting room" Pau soon said to us. "I just made a coffee" I chuckled as I search for a marker to write my name on the lid of my cup before placing it into the mini fridge in the room.

We all headed out to where Tord wanted us. I think it was mainly Pat and pau's job to escort them but I wanted to be there too.

Once we got there I felt a strong off feeling. Something was definitely wrong and it wasn't good.

I looked around for Tord and eventually saw him walking with other soldiers behind him along side his ally next to him. I've meet this ally before, the handsome guy I saw at that meeting weeks ago.

I looked at Tord giving him a little grin but got a cold stare back. I was a little taken back by it but from what I discussed earlier with Pau and Pat, Tord must have not been happy at all.

I saw the leader next to him give me a wink before following Tord inside the room. I looked to the floor not really wanting to react back to him. Something about that guy gave me a bad vibe.

Pau soon shut the door once the two were in and looked at Pat and I. "Did you see the look on the bosses face?" He whispered

"Yeah, he looked like he wanted to flip out already" Pat says and looked at me. "I saw the leader wink at you, you two have something?" He asked.

"No, I meet him at a meeting about a month ago. He showed some sort of interest in me I guess but I'm not sure" I shrugged as I stood by the door kinda trying to ease drop.

"Trying to listen won't do anything y/n. Everything in that room is extremely sound proof. Even the doors and door frames" Pat said to me. "But we have definitely tried to listen too. You can only really hear people in there when.. there's yelling" Pat says slowly rubbing the back of his neck. "But let's hope this meeting doesn't get to that point" Pat finished as he lets out a sigh.

"So... you guys got any plans today?" Pau then asked to start a conversation. I'm assuming you can't hear what's going on from the outside when you are inside so I wasn't too worried about speaking normally.

"I might see if he's ok after the meeting. The look he gave me and the vibes I got from that dude, I know he isn't going to be in a good mood for the rest of the day" I said as I slightly lean against the wall.

"Oohhh... so your gonna help him relief his anger?" Pat said in a baby tone with a smug smirk. I rolled my eyes and lightly punched his arm, "I don't think I'm going that far with him any time soon" I laughed softly

"So you do plan on going there? How scandalous of you" Pat continued to tease me which I tried to keep in my laughter. "Pat we just got together" I said quietly laughing. "That didn't stop you from making out with him did it?" Pat then said covering his mouth and I gasped. My fave got red as I covered my mouth trying to keep in my laugh.

"That's different, we were drunk" I whispered. "And you were still conscious?" Pat says back as I couldn't keep going back and fourth with this as it was a losing battle. "You know I'm right" Pat snickers as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You win this time" I huffed out. We talked some more, honestly losing track of time and eventually seeing the other leader being escorted out.

I didn't see Tord behind him and waited a moment before opening the door and checking inside. Tord was sitting with his elbows on the table and his fingers intertwined against his bottom lip. He looked pissed and in deep thought. Deep enough he probably didn't hear me open the door.

"Sir?" I said quietly soon entering the room. I saw how a lot of papers were scattered on the table. "Everything ok?" I asked him.

"Do I look ok?" He snapped back at me. I was a bit taken back and looked to the side. "Do you want me to get you anything?" I asked, hoping I can get something to calm him down.

"Just get out. I want to be alone." Tord said to he coldly. He didn't look at me. Just stared down at all the papers. I let out a soft sigh.

I head over and go behind his chair and softly began to rub his shoulders. I felt him tense up and let out a frustrated sigh. "Y/n not right now. Go. Please." Tord said sternly. I pause my movements before sighing once more and lean down to softly kiss his cheek. "I don't like seeing you mad" I whisper softly to him softly hugging him from behind.

"And I don't want to yell at you, get out now." Tord said pushing me away from him before getting up. I watched him walk to the door without another word and left.

I stood there, honestly a bit upset from what just happened and headed to the door where pats and Pau look in. "I'm sorry y/n... just give him 30 minutes to calm down.." Pat says to me.

"No, I'm not going to be talked to in that way. And if there is a problem it's better to talk about than hide it and get more upset by it." I said as I sigh. "He literally pushed me off him when I gave him a hug, I don't appreciate that" I said.

"Although he had no right to do that to you I really suggest just give him some time to breath before you talk to him about what he did" Pat suggested to me. I thought for a moment before looking at him, "have you tried to talk to him when he's like this?" I asked him.

Pau let out a sigh, "we did try, he ended up not talking to us for almost a whole week because he was fuming so bad." Pau says and Pat nodded. "We found it was better to give him some time to collect himself before anyone steps in to talk to him"

I sigh feeling like I needed to talk to him. I felt like there was more going on than what happened in the meeting. We saw him pissed off before going in and fuming when he came out of it.

I sighed running my hand through my hair. "I'm sorry about this y/n" I hear Pau say. "Don't be sorry, this isn't your fault, or anyones fault. I'll figure out what's wrong soon" I said before I began to walk away from them. "I'll meet you guys a bit later, yeah?" I said looking back at them but continuing forward.

When getting to the break room to make my coffee I began to think about things that could have made him upset. There is no way I could have done anything, and there's no way Pau or Pat did anything. Did he just wake up grumpy?

Things just raced through my mind thinking about all the possibilities. I finished the coffee I made before heading to where I believed Tord would be.

I headed to his office and knocked before entering. I saw him at his desk typing in his computer. He wore his cute reading classes. He still looked upset and didn't acknowledge me when I came in.

"Tord, what's wrong?" I asked him once I got to his desk. "I asked to be left alone." He said to me as he continued to type. He looked a bit more irritated now that I was there.

"I'm not going to keep being pushed away, Tord. I'm just trying to help you. I don't like seeing you upset, no one does" I said to him "and I really didn't like how you pushed me off you earlier Tord" I said to him crossing my arms.

"Listen y/n, I'm not in the mood to argue with you. All I ask if for time by myself, I don't want to talk about it. I just want to be alone." He says to me but this time finally looking at me and paused his typing. He little angry still and I sighed.

"At least tell me something that's bothering you that's making you upset?" i asked him. "You not leaving me alone." He asked back looking back at his screen. "You know that's not what I meant." I sighed slightly pinching my temple. "I don't understand how hard it can be to just talk to me about what's going on. I'm your assistant, Tord. I'm trying to be there for you, help you through things. This is one of those things Tord " I said to him.

"I didn't hire you to be emotional support I hired you because of your skill. And I keep telling you, I don't want to talk about it. So just leave me alone." He said to me in a stern tone again.

"Just 10 minutes. 10 minutes to talk about what's going on and I'll leave you alone for however long you need" I said to him as he sighs.

"Y/n the meeting didn't go well. Is that all?" Tord asked me more with more frustration. "Tord I want to know what else made you upset, you were upset before getting into the meeting." I said to him as I took a seat in front of his desk. "It doesn't matter ok? Now please, all I'm asking is to be left alone right now. I really don't want to talk to anyone and right now your really annoying me." Tord said to me taking off his glasses.

"I'm not leaving Tord, either you start talking or I'm just going to sit and wait" I said to him simply which made him mutter something. "Y/n it says we can't be together." He then said not looking at me.

I raised a brow, "what do you mean? The rules said we can't?" I asked him sitting up a little.

"Yes, y/n. Because of my position I'm prohibited to have any relation with anyone my same level." He said to be and I noticed he was as fidgeting his hands a lot.

"Is this what has made you upset?" I asked and he quickly answered "yes y/n! I should have just known, I shouldn't have done those things!" He says to me almost in a snap. "All that time you and I spent together, and now it all has gone down the drain. I should have never put the effort" Tord said to me as he runs his hand through his hair and rests his head into his palm.

"Take a breath for me Tord, remember what we talked about?" I asked him as I soon got up. "We can just do this secretly, no one would have to know. Except Pau and Pat, but I know those two won't say anything about this" I spoke softly as I headed around his desk to go to him softly rubbing his back.

"Y/n this just doesn't feel right to do. If you were in my position you would understand how I feel. If people found out what would happen to you and i" Tord says turning to look up at me. "What if another woman comes in? What if she tries stuff and I can't tell her no because I'm with you? I don't want you to sit there and watch it happen" he says.

He had a good point, but I didn't want to over think it now. "We can get through it. If that's the only way to protect our relationship then so be it. My only worry is you falling in love with the relationship you can have publicly" I said to him.

Tord just sighs looking back to the side. "Id doubt that happen... you've been the only person who's been able to do things that most others have done for me" he says.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I gently lean myself against his desk.

"Get things out of me like this. See the more... vulnerable side of me" Tord spoke more quietly and then rubbed the back of his head looking back up at me. "Not even the closest people to me could do this" he says

"I was hired for a reason" I winked before chuckling and leaned down to softly kiss his cheek but Tord turned his head to catch the kiss.

We pull away and I smiled at him as I leaned down to hug him. "I'm always going to be here for you Tord," I whispered softly and hugged tighter.

Tord hugged me back tightly and brought me to sit sideways on his lap just to hug me better. I wrapped my arms around this neck and nuzzled my face into him letting out a soft sigh.

"What would I do without you?" Tord whispered holding me tightly. He seemed to calm down a lot.

"Well you'll probably still be angry" I said chuckling before letting out a sigh happily.

We stayed hugging like this for a bit longer. It was nice and peaceful. When we eventually pulled away I got up. "Y/n?" I heated hun ask.

I hummed in response looking down at him, "want to watch a movie with me later?" He asked me as he softly takes my hand holding it. I grinned and lean to kiss his cheek, "I'd love to, where?" I asked. "Just meet me at my room at whatever time. If you are there before me make yourself at home" he says to me.

I nodded as I began to head to the door, "if you feel upset again, call me." I said to him. "I'll be fine" he responded and laughed putting back on us reading glasses. "I'm being serious Tord" I chuckled before leaving the room.

I had a few things I needed to get done, and the first thing was to tell Pat and pau what happened.

Man it's been a while, I've just been busy. I hope everyone's doing well. I don't really have much to say, I'm posting this really late and I'm very tired lol

3,097 words.

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