hello Kitty

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I was walking through the hallway to my bedroom, the dark grey walls doing nothing to improve my mood.

Yet i couldn't help but smirk as i watched the slaves scurry around, their heads lowered, i knew they were afraid of me. I liked their fear it made me feel better and a small smirk made it's way to my lips.

Humans, i hated them. Ever since they killed my mother i despised them with my entire being. All they were good for was their services and blood.

Unlike some vampires i have never touched one for my other need, no way would i allow them to taint me that way.

I entered my room to find a female kneeling on the floor, her back turned to me. She was cleaning the mess my last slave had made when i had drank from him. Usless prick, he couldn't do anything right he didn't clean my room properly, got my blood mixed up. I had, had enough of him so terminated the problem. Even then his blood was disgusting, oh well.

"Have you finished?" I asked the woman coldly, she spun round to look at me, her grey eyes wide in fear as she nodded her head. I walked over to examine her work.

"You got it all out, not a trace left" I had to admit i was impressed. The woman stood up head lowered.

"The um g-gaurds came by with a m-message for you m-master" She whispered, yet i still heard it. I stared at her for a moment, she had pixie like dark hair and her features were soft. To humans she would be considered beautiful. "And?" I spoke "T-they said that a human has escaped the d-dungeon and are asking for you to look out and be careful" We both frowned at the last part. No one has ever escaped the dungeon before and why would i need to be careful of a human. I assumed the slave was wondering the same thing. I waved my hand dismissing her and went into my bathroom.

Now my bedroom is painted a very dark red with the bed in the middle against a wall, there is very little in there. My desk againt a wall opposite the door and two doors opposite my bed. One is my wardrobe which is huge and one to my bathroom. As you enter my bathroom it is all black, the tiles are black, the tub is black and everything else is black marble. The tub is on the left and the sink the right. I was stood at the sink looking into the mirror.

I had been blessed with both my parents looks. From my father was my facial looks, my strong jaw line, perfect nose and my lips were thin yet in a masculine way. My hair was the same dirty blonde as my mothers and it always had that 'just had sex' look, my eyes were a smokey grey, with a steel look to them. My body was trim instead of masculine, more of a swimmers figure.

I sighed as i let thoughts of my mother enter my mind, her laughter, her kindness, her love. Father and i wasn't always like this, but her death changed us.

I returned to my bedroom and decided to lay down, kicking my shoes of i climbed onto the bed and closed my eyes.

I was woken up by my bed shaking and i sat up, i heard the gaurds running past and their voices. "Find it, it has to be around here somewhere" One hissed making me realise the door had been opened. I sniffed the air and caught an unfamiliar scent. So the human hid in here. I waited until the gaurds had passed, curious as to what human had given them so much trouble.

As soon as they were gone i felt the bed move again and realised, the human had come out the other side. I sat up quickly to catch them and gasped.

It was no human but a large black cat, just a normal household cat. Yet it was easily four foot tall, it sat there looking at me as i examined it from where i was. It sat there on it's haunchs, it's tail curled round, flicking at the end. It's fur was the purest black i had ever seen. But it's eyes, they seemed so human. The most vibrant green i had ever seen. I couldn't move as it stood up and slowly moved towards me, stopping only as it got the bed. I shifted so i was now knelt infront of it, our faces level.

The cat tilted it's head and a soft feminine voice entered my mind. 'Will you be my master' It whispered. My mouth dropped as i stared at the cat, it stared back unblinkingly. My hand reached out to stroke the fur on it's neck, so soft. The cat purred as i carried out my ministrations before turning it's eyes back onto me. 'Will you claim me as my master' The voice was beautiful, enchanting. I could feel my fangs extend. I don't know why, but i wanted to claim the creature as mine, i wanted to keep it. Yet i had no idea how to, my body howerver did. I moaned as i sank my fangs into it's flesh, where i assumed i would bit a human. The cat let out a small yelp before purring again.

The blood. oh gods the blood. I had never tasted anything like it, so sweet, delicious. It was like going from cheap wine to the finest champane and i let out a noise between a moan and a growl. I pulled the cat closer, drinking greedily. As if i was starved, as if not only my life but my very soul needed this sweet blood.

I knew i should stop soon, but i couldn't, i didn't want to. Never had i lost control like this, but my blood hazed mind refused to think straight. I began to feel heavy and my eyes drooped a bit, my fangs retracted and i licked the wounds. I felt content, full, as if everything was alright.

'Master' The voice sighed in my head as i was taken into darkness.

I was woken up by the sound of footsteps entering my room. "What are you doing in here?" I demanded of the gaurds, i couldn't help take in their appearances. Their clothes were messed up and some had scracthes on their arms and faces.

"Forgive me your majesty" The captain spoke up "But we have been looking for that human, she's been nothing but trouble since she got here. We were taking her to be disposed" I frowned and looked beside me. Sure enough a human was lay curled up on my bed. I heard a soft yawn and she stretched out before rolling over and knelling down, her hands palm down infront of her. Her eyes. They were the same vibrant green as the cats. She had long black hair and full pink lips and a small yet perfect nose. A human like meow came from her lips and i couldn't help but smile. She came over on her hands and knees towards me but stopped and looked round hissing when the gaurds moved closer. I held my hand up telling them to stop. "This is what has given you trouble?" I asked. "Yes your highness, she's attacked everyone that gets near her and run amoke through the castle" I turned to look at the human, she smelt human. "And the scratches?" I asked "Her" The captain spat at the cat. My eyes raised "A human put those marks on you?" I asked incrediously. No human can harm a vampire. "Her claws are sharp" I turned my attention back to the human who was now sat on her bottom, bent over and licking at her leg. So she's an insane human. She lookwed back up at me and repositioned herself before crawling over. I didn't move wondering what she would do. Her head bumped my hand and i lifted it up, she began rubbing it over her hair until i was stroking her. A low rumbling noice came from her throat and i realise it was a sound of contentment, she rolled over and i begain to stroke her body. I couldn't help but notice how firm her breasts were, or how soft her naked skin was under my hand. I turned to the gaurds. "It's just a crazy human" The gaurds nodded. "She has no use, that is why she was to be disposed" I shook my head "I have a better idea, she may not be able to do anything useful but i could do with something to entertain me"

"My lord?" The captain spoke sounding confused. "I'll keep her as a pet. I have heard of humans who are insane i think it might be fun to have one around" The gaurd nodded, i could see he didn't understand, but said nothing. It was not his place to argue. "Very well my lord" He bowed. "Can you get one of the slaves in here?" I asked dismising them. They bowed and left. There must have been one outside because as soon as they left a knock was heard on my door. "Enter" I invited.

The girl who came in was a pretty thing with red hair and blue eyes. She was new and although she was afraid of us, she sometimes slipped and spoke her mind.

"Yes master?" She spoke with venom in her voice. "I have a pet here and i want to know how to look after it" I told her, she turned rto face the human on the bed and something flitted through her eyes before dissapearing again. "What's her name?" She asked "Kitty" Was the first thing i could come up with. Kitty mewled and rubbed her head on my chin, i guess she liked the name. "She's crazy" thegirl said in understanding. I only nodded. "Are you going to cure her?" I was getting angry, who was she to question me. "Why would i do that?" I asked. "That's sick, you can't just leave her like that" She shrieked. Before she could blink i had her pinned against the wall, my hand round her throat. "Don't ever speak to me like that again" I growled at her. Before she could answer i dropped her yelping. I looked down to see the bottom of my trousers torn and i could feel blood dripping from my ankle. I turned to the slave to find kitty crouched over the girl, hissing at me. The girl sat up rubbing her throat. "It's ok kitty" She croaked "He didn't hurt me" Kitty moved and looked at her. "I'm ok" She told her before getting up and looking at my leg. "How bad is it?" She asked me. I just bent down and tore the leg of. The slave sighed and held out her wrist. "It will heal in an hour, but your father wants you imeadiatly" She told me. I grabbed her wrist and Kitty hissed at me again. "He won't hurt me i promise" She turned to me "I will help you with her but please just this once do as she wants" I frowned not understanding and bit into her wrist.

I love tearing into human flesh, making them scream and beg, but this time i refained from doing so. I could see kitty watching me and i didn't want to upset her. I licked the wound sealing it. and the girl looked down to Kitty. "See i told you" She said before turning to me. "If you want to keep her we better get her fed, i can find some clothes for her. Bathing might be a problem though cats hate water" I scowled, yes i wanted to keep kitty as a pet, but to have to spend time with a human. I looked down as something touched my leg and found kitty rubbing against me. That's when i noticed her neck, two puncture holes stood out and i remembered my dream. It was a dream? Now i was curious about her.

I nodded my agreement "Give her one of my shirts for now" I told her. The girl did as i asked as i pulled on another pair of trousers.

"My name is Elise" She told me and i scowled at her. "If you want me it would be easier than slave, by using my name i will come to you a lot quicker" She had a point, slave could be anyone. "Fine" I grumbled. "Could you help me?" She asked as io noticed Kitty refused to put the t-shirt on.

I grabbed her and pinned her against me, it took a few minutes to get her clothed. "Thank godness we had the ball last night Elise panted. "Why's that?" Elise smiled "We still have the rabbit skins, i think she might prefer furs" I shrugged, who cares if she went round naked or not.

We left to go to the kitchen, kitty on her hands and knees and Elise behind me with her head down. I couldn't help but admire how graceful kitty was, i had seen children do what she was doing, but there movements were clumsy, unnatural. Kitty moved as if her body was made to move like this, she could run like a cat. It was funny to watch. Her legs would bend so she was on her kneecaps and toes and of she went. "Master" Elise spoke up and i turned to her. "Any other human couldn't move like that it would hurt them after a few seconds. She does it as if it's the most natural thing in the world. I was wondering what species she was" "She's human of course" I replied gruffly, wondering why i was letting her talk to me. Elise shook her head. "Humans no matter how crazy do not walk on their kneecaps and toes like that, we are not designed for it" I sighed, wondering why i was explaining myself. "She smells human, she looks human"  "Poor thing" I heard Elise mutter. "What do you mean poor thing?" Elise gave a sad smile. "If what you say is true then kitty has come from a bad home. I have heard stories in our world, the child is kept with animals, they grow up thinking they are that animal. I have heard of children who when found thought they were dogs. But those children are young. Kitty must be around eighteen. Eighteen years of growing up as a cat" She shook her head. "What kind of parents do that?"

I too thought the same. Who the hell brings up their kid as an animal. This is why i hate humans so much. Not one ounce of kindness.

We finally arrived in the kitchen. "Laura, do we still have that tuna in the cupboard?" Elise asked. A woman in her forties turned round to answer with a smile on her face. But lost it as soon as she saw me. "Yes, i was going to use it tomorrow" She said sullenly. "Thanks" Elise went over and grabbed the tuna, grabbing a bowl on the way back. "Now if you want her to follow you then i'm afraid you're the one that's going to feed her" I frowned "That's not my job" Elise shook her head. "Cats are very independent creatures. They will gladly leave if they find someone better. If we feed her you will find her attached to us. If you feed her, care for her. Then her loyalty is yours" I huffed at this and watched as Elise poured the tuna into the bowl before passing it to me. I went over to were Kitty was sitting watching us. As soon as i was close enough she dug he nails into my trousers and began trying to get up. I watched fascinated as she slowly got closer to the bowl, making little meowing noises. I held the bowl up higher as she continued to stand up. I couldn't help but chuckle as she finally stood tall, her head up, sniffing at the bowl in my hand. She let go and fell back to the floor mewling angrily. I placed the bowl down for her and she attacked the food before it had hit the floor. I turned to see the others watching me and i placed a scowl on my face.

"This human is a pet, let the others know if she is harmed in anyway i will punish them" I turned to leave the kitchen, but not before i noticed the smile on Elises lips.

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