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It's been nearly three years since i found kitty and alot has changed around here.

Firstly i became king, my father decided to retire. But to become king i had to marry, my wife Elizabeth is a sexy looking woman. But unfortunatly for me there is no love. I sighed thinking about it. Elizabeth has long wavy red hair that settles down her back and dark brown eyes. She is the epitome of 'SLUT'.

I remember the day i was introduced to her at our engagment party, i had never seen her before.

I was stood in the large ball room watching everyone dancing as kitty played around my legs. People had heard of her by now and were facinated by such a human. Kitty of course loved the attention and like a cat demanded fuss all the time. I looked down at her and smiled.

"Would you care to dance my lady?" I asked, i was  so bored waiting for my future bride, who by the way was late. Kitty mewled and i picked her up, pretending to dance on the spot. I couldn't help but laugh as she licked at my face.

"You are not enjoying yourself Stefan?" My fathers voice called my attention, i turned my head to the maculine man his strong set features like mine his dark brown hair and his eyes were dark blue. Like me he had on the usual tux and bow. "Sorry father, i was just thinking. So many beautiful women out there i would love to give my attention to. But i feel it wise to wait until my fiancee was here before engaging in a dance" I lied, i was bored and dreaded to see who i was marring. My father laughed, "Don't worry yourself, Elizabeth is a beauty. Her father, Vanhalt has assured me of this" My eyes widened. "Vanhalt? I have heard his daughter has become a beauty and that she had had more than one ask for her hand" Father just nodded. "So it seems, though she has not quite got the brains to go with it i am sure with a bit of training she will become a good queen" I frowned "If that is the case then why have you not found another to become my wife?" Father just sighed "There is no other. All the others are either wed or of unmaritable age. I am tired and miss your mother greatly, you have been kind enough to let me go before your twenty first. If we wait for another then it will not be for another few years"

I went to say something but an announcement cut me of. "Lord Vanhalt and his daughter Elizabeth" I turned to look at the arrivals and my eyes boggled. "Dear god father" I chocked "Is that my wife or a whore he has brought with him?" I asked as i took in the red haired woman. Her dress was so short i would swear i could see what she had on underneath and the neck line plunged so low i was surprised her breast hadn't fallen out. The dress was a bright red and so skin tight i was surprised she could put it on. "Hush now don't be rude" My father scolded me as they made our way towards us, yet i could hear the smile in his voice."And put down kitty. You can not greet your fiancee properly with her attached" I went to do as he asked, but kitty dug her nails into me. "Sorry father i can't not without ruining my suit" Father just laughed and nodded, what kitty wanted kitty got. We both looked down at her sleeping form.

"Good evening your highness, prince Stefan" Lord Vanhalt greeted as he came to us. "Michael it is good to see you again" My father returned the greeting "Elizabeth dear you look lovely" I smiled at that. "Your highness" She turned to me "Prince Stefan a delight to meet the man that i am to marry" Her voice was high pitched and snobby, i offered my hand which she took and lifting my hands i indicated for her to turn round for me which she did giggling. The noise grating my nerves. The dress was just as low at the back and the only thing covered there was her backside. "Lady Elizabeth what can i say. A lady of the night pales compared to you" I smiled and nearly full out laughed as she giggled believing the insult was a compliment. Although it was the truth, not even a whore would be so risque with their clothing.

"May i be honored of dancing with you?" She was practically purring. I once again tried to put kitty down but she remained fast. "Of course, though forgive kitty she has fallen asleep and seems quite comfortable" Something flashed in her eyes but disappeared before i could figure it out. "But surely as a human she should know her place?" She asked angrily as we entered the dance floor. "Usually a human would, but kitty is an exception. She is in her eyes very much a cat, the rules do not apply to her"

"Strange i heard you and your father were known for being the ones that controlled humans well" I frowned remembering the days before kitty.

We were so cruel to them, when kitty came she refused to let us touch any human. Getting between us and them. I remembered a dream i had once. There was me, Kitty and Elise. While Elise just stood there looking down Kitty and i could move. What has this human ever done to deserve such treatment?" She asked, her voice soft and alluring. "They killed my mother" I whispered "They deserved to be punished" Kitty nodded her head "Yes punish those who destroyed your life. But what has this human done?" She stressed the word this. I shook my head not understanding what she was getting at. "Should i hate you?" She asked and i frowned "I have not done anything for you to hate me" At least i don't think i have. "No but the ones who brought me here were going to kill me. Should i hate you for what they could have done?" Understanding finally hit me. "That's why you protect them. Because it was not them who hurt me" Kitty just smiled "Torture the ones who wronged you i understand. But to hurt someone for what they neither know or understand" She shook her head."You are so deeply hurt you have forgotten about your mother" This caused me to anger. "I have never forgotten her" I yelled. Everything began to darken until i could see no more. "Tell me master, how did she treat the humans?" Was all i heard before i woke up.

I had spoken to my father about the dream and we decided to try and honour mother by her actions and not by our hatred or anger. The results were amazing, the slaves after a while became friendly and we began to notice that without fear they were more able to do their jobs correctly.

"Once yes we were. but have since learnt that by being kinder they are more efficient in their work. We will still punish them if necessary" I said returning to the present. Elizabeth scowled "But surly with so much freedom they will take liabilities?" "You would have thought so, but because it took months for them to trust us it became so that they wanted to stay. Yes some wished to leave and we let them go. They are not responsible for the actions of others."

Elizabeth shook her head. "I don't understand" She whined "They are nothing but slaves, food to us. They should fear us, obey us without question" "They do exactly as they are told" I informed her "Without hesitation and happily" "Except that one" Elizabeth pouted glaring at Kitty. "Kitty is different a commodity to me if you like. When i first saw her, the idea of having something unique intrigued me. So i kept her" Different emotions ran across her face before settling back into her cool mask. Shaking her head she smiled. "I'm sure your pet" She spat the last word "Would understand that we would like to dance" Before i could warn her, she grabbed Kitty out of my arms. Everything went quiet then. Kitty woke up with a start and began hissing and attacking Elizabeth. Elizabeth screeched and fell to the ground. I couldn't move as the two began clawing and hissing at each other. Kittys mewling and spiting matching Elizabeths. Finally i found my feet and rushed to grab Kitty. "Kitty no" I pulled her of. kitty just hissed at Elizabeth and crawled behind my legs. I struggled to keep my face straight as i looked at Elizabeth. Her dress was now torn and her face and arms were covered in scratches. "Are you alright?" I asked offering my hand to help her. "Alright?" She screeched "That thing attacked me for no reason. I demand she be dealt with" I had stood her up by now. Kitty let out a long mewl in response. "I would have warned you" I told her "Kitty was asleep. You startled her by grabbing her. She wouldn't have attacked you otherwise" Elizabeth huffed "It's no excuse she attacked me. It deserves to be punished"

"So should you be punished also?" A deep velvety voice asked from behind me. i turned to see Leo, the king of were lions stood there. "I beg your pardon?" Leo smiled. "I asked if you too should also be punished" Elizabeth was turning red. "That thing attacked me" She screeched at him. I barely registered the flinch he made at the sound of her voice. "True, but did you not touch her whilst she was sleeping?"  "That has nothing to do with it" Leos smile widened. "But it does. She was only asleep, a cat is always on alert. By touching her in such a way you set her defences off. A cats defence whilst sleeping will cause them to attack. so to her you were the one attacking, she was merely defending herself"

Leo turned his attention to Kitty. "And as for you young lady, what do you have to say?" He asked. Kitty looked between me and Elizabeth then back to Leo before giving a small meow. Leo just nodded, she then turned her attention to me and began mewling and purring. Leo laughed before turning to us. "She says she didn't know it was your mate and that if she had, she would not have reacted so badly and hopes you can forgive her for her behaviour" Elizabeth just huffed and i looked at Kitty, something told me she wasn't apologising to her. She let out another small mewl and i heard Leo gasp. I just smiled "Elizabeth is fine, why don't you go play for a while and i will see you in a bit" Kitty just stared at me for a minute before crawling off. I turned my attention back to Elizabeth "I am sorry about your dress" I lied "But we do have some more if you would like to use one for tonight?" Elizabeth nodded and stepped up to me, her body flush against my side. "Would you show me the room?" She purred, her hand rubbing my chest. It took all i had not to rip her hand off. Instead i pulled her away gently. "Elise" I called out and instantly the said woman was next to me. "Would you be so kind to escort Lady Elizabeth to a guest room and find her a dress. In fact take her to the blue room, there is a wonderful silver dress that i thing would look simply breathtaking on her" the look in Elises eyes told me that she knew i was lying. And i was, the dress was elegant, yet would cover her body. I was hoping that my words would make her wear it.

Elizabeth looked furious at the thought of being with a human and i knew i had to do something. So putting my best smile on i turned to her. "Forgive me for not coming with you but one of us must be here for the guests. I will anxiously await your return and cannot wait to see you appear before us once again" This seemed to do it as she smiled. "The silver dress?" She purred and i nodded. "I believe you would make such a garment even more beautiful and because of it i may have to fight of the other wandering eyes" Her eyes lit up. Ding, ding, ding yep defiantly a slut.

She quickly left with Elise running after her and i sighed and everyone returned to what they were doing. A large warm hand landed on my shoulder and i spun round to see a tight lipped Leo. "You handled that well" He noted, i let out a breath i had been holding "She is not your mate" It was a statement. I shook my head, Leo was a family friend and i would not lie to him "How did you guess?" Leo laughed "Guess? Silly boy Kitty told me" I frowned "What would she know? She's only human" Leo looked down at me. "True but her instincts are animal, just like ours. Remember our human side is not the one that has a mate it is my lion, your beast that makes the connection. Kitty is the same only her cat has no physical form" I frowned "So just because she believes she is a cat that means her instincts are the same" Leo nodded "She has never known any different so of course everything about her is a cat except her skin" I nodded in understanding. "Maybe you should stay a few days and help me understand her a bit more. Elise helps but.." I left it there. "Elise can understand the crazy human where as i can understand the feline psychosis?" I nodded knowing i was embarrassed.

"As long as you do not mind us being here i would be glad to help" I smiled up at him. "Thank you Leo"

The rest of the night went well after that. Elizabeth came down and i had to admit. When she actually wore clothes she really was beautiful. But her constanty flirting and touching, hell even her voice was driving me mad. At least she was easy.

We got through the proposal, which of course she agreed and she refused to leave me for the remainder of the night. Refusing to dance with anyone or letting anyone dance with me.

I truely was relieved when that night ended.

I was now sat out in the garden watching a flustered chef chase Kitty across the lawn, it seemed she managed to get to the meat for dinner and i couldn't help but laugh as she launched herself at me. The chef a male in his thirties with blonde hair and grey eyes stopped infront of us panting. "I will never get how you are faster than us on your hands and knees than we are on two legs" He puffed at her. I just continued to laugh. "Laugh all you want sir, she has learnt how to open the fridge" My laughter died but i continued to smile. I shall get the lock smith onto it so that you won't have to worry about it happening again Anton" Anton bowed gratefully. He opened his mouth to say something when his eyes wandered behind me and widened. "Thank you master" He mumbled before stumbling off. I sighed knowing what that ment. "Hello darling" Elizabeths voice came from behind me. "Elizabeth" I greeted, not taking my eyes of Kitty who was now knelt between my legs her head on my thigh as i stroked her hair. Elizabeth sat next to me and threw Kitty a look of contempt.

"i have been thinking" She started "I would also like a pet. I was thinking about a dog" I let out an agrivated sigh. "No" "But you have a pet, why can't i?" She demanded. I turned to face her. "I am not denying you a pet. Just a dog" "But why not a dog?" I think she was trying to give me the puppy dog eyes, instead she looked rediculous. "I have already told you why" I said rememberingthe day i took Kitty into town with me. A stray decided to attack her and she fought back. They were evenly matched until she managed to bite him. Poor thing i'll be surprised if he ever has pups.

"But it will be different, she won't be able to fight the dog without being punished" She whinned I turned my look to her "And would you also punish the dog?" i demanded. She looked at me, shook written over her face. "If your pet was to attack mine would it be punished or would you just blame Kitty. I know you despise her and i can do nothing about it. But if you honestly think that i would allow you to have a dog soley for you to have an excuse to hurt Kitty then you are sorely mistaken" Elizabeth shook her head. "I would never, i didn't want it for that" She cried, but i could hear the lie in her voice.

I sighed knowing Elizabeth only to well. If i didn't agree she would get her daddy to get one. "Fine i will get you a dog, but i will choose it. They will both be trained to get along, do i make myself clear" Elizabeth pouted but nodded, dissapointment written over her face.

To placate her i kissed her cheek. "Why don't you go and choose dinner for us and i will see to your dog" She gave a small smile. "Choose something special, father is away again and it is only us, kitty can eat in the kitchen tonight" Elizabeth squealed and ran off. I turned to face Kitty. "Sorry girl, but this is the only way to keep the peace" Kitty meowed before licking my leg. I luaghed "Come on girl, i promised her a dog. But you're going to choose it" I told her picking her up and heading towards the garage

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