Mark of the Origin

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So we finally found Elizabeth a dog. A nice looking welsh terrier, with wirey black and brown hair. Thankfully Elizabeth loved it.

We were now sat in one of the gardens. This one was a large area of grass with a few trees planted by a pond. We sat on a blanket by the pond watching Kitty and Mr Muddles (She chose the name not me) playing.

"Isn't that guy coming today?" Elizabeth asked, i had to hide my annoyance. "King Leo is due about now" I confirmed. "Please Elizabeth this is an important meeting, i need you to behave at dinner"

Elizabeth looked offended "When do i not behave?" She asked indignantly. "Remember when we had the wolves here?" I asked glaring at her.

She had made the mistake of flirting with a mated male and dinner was nearly turned to a death scene. "I was just being friendly" She scoffed. "But weres are very possessive of their mates. She had every right in her actions towards you after you became a threat to her relationship"

Elizabeth just huffed. "I said i'll behave and i will" With that she got up and stormed off. I just sat there, she was going to be the death of me i swear.

"I see your queen is still as charming as i remember" I laughed and turned to the owner of the voice. "Leo" I greeted. Leo sat in Elizabeths place and we turned our attention to the newest member of Kittys play group. "I hope you don't mind but Blaze wanted to see Kitty again" I shook my head and laughed as the cub jumped onto Kitty, tearing her top. "To be honest i'm glad you brought him. He can keep her out of trouble" This made Leo laugh. "You mean like last time when they raided the kitchen" I couldn't help but smirk at the thought. "Tell me, how has the meetings with the other races gone?"

I sighed "I won't lie to you Leo. Everything goes well until lunch, Elizabeth doesn't think. She embarrasses me to no end. Yet we can't not offer lunch to our guests" Leo patted my shoulder sympathetically. "In all honesty, of it wasn't for our families friendship, we also would walk away from these talks" I sighed, i had already figured that was what kept the  lions on our side.

Before i could say anything Blaze came running up in his naked, human self.

"Blaze what are you doing?" Leo asked, humour lacing his voice.

Blaze didn't answer, not that we expected him too, he didn't really talk. Instead i watched on in humour as he started lifting his dads shirt of. "See i told you it was the same" He said turning to Kitty. Curious i looked at what Blaze was pointing at. On his chest over his heart was a tattoo of a golden sun with a blood red crown inside. I had seen this tattoo hundreds of times on Kitty. Leo growled at Kitty who hissed back, causing Leo to stiffen.

"What is it?" I asked, annoyed at being out of the loop. Leo frowned and a rumble came from his chest. Kitty tilted her head towards me and Leo followed her gaze. "Remove your shirt" He growled at me. I looked at him shocked, what the hell? "Damn it Stefan, take your shirt off" Desperation laced his voice. Shaking my head and sighing i undone the buttons , and pulled it over my head. "Your next" Leo whispered, staring at my chest.

"Huh?" I looked down to see a yellowish bruise over where my heart should be. Leo looked at me. "That's how it happens. First the mark begins to form, then she comes, then the mark forms completely. The mark was first formed on my grandfather, and it forms on each new king" "But what does it mean?" I asked desperate to know. Leo looked at kitty, who just purred, then looked around. "What i am going to tell you must never be repeated to anyone. Not even your father, do you understand" I frowned but nodded anyway, desperate to know what this all means. "This mark" He pointed to his own mark "is the mark of the Origins" The gasp left me before i could stop it. "But they haven't been heard of in centuries" I whisper yelled at him.

Leo nodded and continued "For the last one hundred years the king of a species would get a bruise over his heart. Not long after the 'Queen' would approach him, get him to trust and know her. Ask for something from him before revealing herself" I couldn't believe what i was hearing. "What did she ask from your grandfather?" I wondered. Leo smiled "She ask for his first born daughter" "What?" Leo shrugged "And he just handed her over?"

"Yes, he believed that she meant no malice by her request, and he was right. One of our prides had lost their leader and his mate was trying to keep things running. It turns out that the daughter was their sons mate. She took her to the pride a week after she was born, the boy was five and recognised her immediately. It gave the pride hope for the future, it was later learnt that the pride was going feral. Under normal circumstances my aunt would have never met her mate and the pride would have been terminated" "So she knew?" I asked incredulously. Leo shrugged "Guess so" I looked towards Kitty "I wonder why Kitty has the mark"

Leo smiled again "When all the races come together, we will reunite and the Origins will rule once more. I'm guessing that she is choosing the ambassadors" l frowned "But if the 'Queen' is choosing the rulers, then why Kitty? " "Think about it Stefan, the humans have many rulers. Which do you choose? I'm guessing instead of a ruler, an ambassador was chosen. Someone who would fit in to our world without repurcusions. Our existence is based on hiding from humans. But what could a human like Kitty do? She in her insanity was already a part of our world. By being brought here only strengthened her bond to this world, making her perfect as a human ambassador"

It kind of made sense, a normal human would either freak, die or expose us. Kitty couldn't do that. "I wonder what she asked from you" I murmured to Kitty as i tickled her behind her ears.

Kitty meowed and Leo frowned. "I have to save the king" He translated. I frowned as Kitty turned and meowed at Leo. "The queen has choose her king, the events will begin. I am trusting you to tell no one. Soon she will go to him and ask to be his"

With that Kitty stretched and curled up before going to sleep. Leo and i looked at each other. "I had no idea about a king, this is more than i have ever known" Leo said shocked, i only nodded "I think the library might be able to help. Will you look through your archives?" "Yes i think that it might be a good idea. I will take my leave now and hurry back. How about i come back in a week and we put our heads together?" I eagerly agreed and told him i would tell he others that we had accidentally conducted our business out here and that something urgent required him to return home. It wasn't technically a lie. With that we stood up and getting Blaze dressed they took their leave.

Making my way to the library i bumped into Elizabeth and i stifled the groan that wanted to come out. "Did Leo leave already?" She asked. "Yes he had some important business to get back to" Elizabeth just nodded "By the way you haven't drank all day and i was just on my way with some blood" My jaw nearly dropped, Elizabeth never did anything. "I was thinking that as your wife i should do little things like this. After all if it was he other way round you would make sure personally that i drank" I would as well.

I thanked her and downed the drink. I grimaced and shuddered. "Have they changed the blood?" I asked. Elizabeth shook her head "I guess it's just me then. It just tasted funny" Elizabeth smiled. "Maybe you shouldn't leave it so long before drinking" I just nodded "I need to go to the office, i'll be late to bed" Elizabeth nodded and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I do want to make this work Stefan and i hope that you can forgive my past indescresions. I also will try harder with Kitty" I was gobsmacked by her, was this the Elizabeth i married" "I am glad to hear it and yes i forgive you. Maybe later this week we can go out on a date and start again" Elizabeth squealed and squeezed my waist tighter. "Thank you Stefan , i would love to go out on a date" She said pulling away. "Now go do your work and i'll see you later" She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and left. I sighed and continued towards the library. By the time i got there i had a slight headache. Grabbing the first book i could find on the Origins i sat on the dark brown lounger and got ready for a long night.

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